616 research outputs found

    Sub-SQL Sensitivity via Optical Rigidity in Advanced LIGO Interferometer with Optical Losses

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    The ``optical springs'' regime of the signal-recycled configuration of laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors is analyzed taking in account optical losses in the interferometer arm cavities. This regime allows to obtain sensitivity better than the Standard Quantum Limits both for a free test mass and for a conventional harmonic oscillator. The optical losses restrict the gain in sensitivity and achievable signal-to-noise ratio. Nevertheless, for parameters values planned for the Advanced LIGO gravitational-wave detector, this restriction is insignificant.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    How to reduce the suspension thermal noise in LIGO without improving the Q's of the pendulum and violin modes

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    The suspension noise in interferometric gravitational wave detectors is caused by losses at the top and the bottom attachments of each suspension fiber. We use the Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem to argue that by careful positioning of the laser beam spot on the mirror face it is possible to reduce the contribution of the bottom attachment point to the suspension noise by several orders of magnitude. For example, for the initial and enhanced LIGO design parameters (i.e. mirror masses and sizes, and suspension fibers' lengths and diameters) we predict a reduction of ∼100\sim 100 in the "bottom" spectral density throughout the band 35−100Hz35-100\hbox{Hz} of serious thermal noise. We then propose a readout scheme which suppresses the suspension noise contribution of the top attachment point. The idea is to monitor an averaged horizontal displacement of the fiber of length l l; this allows one to record the contribution of the top attachment point to the suspension noise, and later subtract it it from the interferometer readout. For enhanced LIGO this would allow a suppression factor about 100 in spectral density of suspension thermal noise.Comment: a few misprints corrected; submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Quantum statistical properties of the radiation field in a cavity with a movable mirror

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    A quantum system composed of a cavity radiation field interacting with a movable mirror is considered and quantum statistical properties of the field are studied. Such a system can serve in principle as an idealized meter for detection of a weak classical force coupled to the mirror which is modelled by a quantum harmonic oscillator. It is shown that the standard quantum limit on the measurement of the mirror position arises naturally from the properties of the system during its dynamical evolution. However, the force detection sensitivity of the system falls short of the corresponding standard quantum limit. We also study the effect of the nonlinear interaction between the moving mirror and the radiation pressure on the quadrature fluctuations of the initially coherent cavity field.Comment: REVTeX, 9 pages, 5 figures. More info on http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/~cbrif/science.htm

    Dual-Resonator Speed Meter for a Free Test Mass

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    A description and analysis are given of a ``speed meter'' for monitoring a classical force that acts on a test mass. This speed meter is based on two microwave resonators (``dual resonators''), one of which couples evanescently to the position of the test mass. The sloshing of the resulting signal between the resonators, and a wise choice of where to place the resonators' output waveguide, produce a signal in the waveguide that (for sufficiently low frequencies) is proportional to the test-mass velocity (speed) rather than its position. This permits the speed meter to achieve force-measurement sensitivities better than the standard quantum limit (SQL), both when operating in a narrow-band mode and a wide-band mode. A scrutiny of experimental issues shows that it is feasible, with current technology, to construct a demonstration speed meter that beats the wide-band SQL by a factor 2. A concept is sketched for an adaptation of this speed meter to optical frequencies; this adaptation forms the basis for a possible LIGO-III interferometer that could beat the gravitational-wave standard quantum limit h_SQL, but perhaps only by a factor 1/xi = h_SQL/h ~ 3 (constrained by losses in the optics) and at the price of a very high circulating optical power --- larger by 1/xi^2 than that required to reach the SQL.Comment: RevTex: 13 pages with 4 embedded figures (two .eps format and two drawn in TeX); Submitted to Physical Review

    Speed Meter As a Quantum Nondemolition Measuring Device for Force

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    Quantum noise is an important issue for advanced LIGO. Although it is in principle possible to beat the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL), no practical recipe has been found yet. This paper dicusses quantum noise in the context of speedmeter-a devise monitoring the speed of the testmass. The scheme proposed to overcome SQL in this case might be more practical than the methods based on monitoring position of the testmass.Comment: 7 pages of RevTex, 1 postscript figur

    Optical noise correlations and beating the standard quantum limit in advanced gravitational-wave detectors

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    The uncertainty principle, applied naively to the test masses of a laser-interferometer gravitational-wave detector, produces a Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) on the interferometer's sensitivity. It has long been thought that beating this SQL would require a radical redesign of interferometers. However, we show that LIGO-II interferometers, currently planned for 2006, can beat the SQL by as much as a factor two over a bandwidth \Delta f \sim f, if their thermal noise can be pushed low enough. This is due to dynamical correlations between photon shot noise and radiation-pressure noise, produced by the LIGO-II signal-recycling mirror.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, some references adde

    Conversion of conventional gravitational-wave interferometers into QND interferometers by modifying their input and/or output optics

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    The LIGO-II gravitational-wave interferometers (ca. 2006--2008) are designed to have sensitivities at about the standard quantum limit (SQL) near 100 Hz. This paper describes and analyzes possible designs for subsequent, LIGO-III interferometers that can beat the SQL. These designs are identical to a conventional broad-band interferometer (without signal recycling), except for new input and/or output optics. Three designs are analyzed: (i) a "squeezed-input interferometer" (conceived by Unruh based on earlier work of Caves) in which squeezed vacuum with frequency-dependent (FD) squeeze angle is injected into the interferometer's dark port; (ii) a "variational-output" interferometer (conceived in a different form by Vyatchanin, Matsko and Zubova), in which homodyne detection with FD homodyne phase is performed on the output light; and (iii) a "squeezed-variational interferometer" with squeezed input and FD-homodyne output. It is shown that the FD squeezed-input light can be produced by sending ordinary squeezed light through two successive Fabry-Perot filter cavities before injection into the interferometer, and FD-homodyne detection can be achieved by sending the output light through two filter cavities before ordinary homodyne detection. With anticipated technology and with laser powers comparable to that planned for LIGO-II, these interferometers can beat the amplitude SQL by factors in the range from 3 to 5, corresponding to event rate increases between ~30 and ~100 over the rate for a SQL-limited interferometer.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review D; RevTeX manuscript with 16 figures; prints to 33 pages in Physical Review double column format. Minor revisions have been made in response to referee repor

    The noise in gravitational-wave detectors and other classical-force measurements is not influenced by test-mass quantization

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    It is shown that photon shot noise and radiation-pressure back-action noise are the sole forms of quantum noise in interferometric gravitational wave detectors that operate near or below the standard quantum limit, if one filters the interferometer output appropriately. No additional noise arises from the test masses' initial quantum state or from reduction of the test-mass state due to measurement of the interferometer output or from the uncertainty principle associated with the test-mass state. Two features of interferometers are central to these conclusions: (i) The interferometer output (the photon number flux N(t) entering the final photodetector) commutes with itself at different times in the Heisenberg Picture, [N(t), N(t')] = 0, and thus can be regarded as classical. (ii) This number flux is linear in the test-mass initial position and momentum operators x_o and p_o, and those operators influence the measured photon flux N(t) in manners that can easily be removed by filtering -- e.g., in most interferometers, by discarding data near the test masses' 1 Hz swinging freqency. The test-mass operators x_o and p_o contained in the unfiltered output N(t) make a nonzero contribution to the commutator [N(t), N(t')]. That contribution is cancelled by a nonzero commutation of the photon shot noise and radiation-pressure noise, which also are contained in N(t). This cancellation of commutators is responsible for the fact that it is possible to derive an interferometer's standard quantum limit from test-mass considerations, and independently from photon-noise considerations. These conclusions are true for a far wider class of measurements than just gravitational-wave interferometers. To elucidate them, this paper presents a series of idealized thought experiments that are free from the complexities of real measuring systems.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review D; Revtex, no figures, prints to 14 pages. Second Revision 1 December 2002: minor rewording for clarity, especially in Sec. II.B.3; new footnote 3 and passages before Eq. (2.35) and at end of Sec. III.B.

    Laser-interferometer gravitational-wave optical-spring detectors

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    Using a quantum mechanical approach, we show that in a gravitational-wave interferometer composed of arm cavities and a signal recycling cavity, e.g., the LIGO-II configuration, the radiation-pressure force acting on the mirrors not only disturbs the motion of the free masses randomly due to quantum fluctuations, but also and more fundamentally, makes them respond to forces as though they were connected to an (optical) spring with a specific rigidity. This oscillatory response gives rise to a much richer dynamics than previously known, which enhances the possibilities for reshaping the LIGO-II's noise curves. However, the optical-mechanical system is dynamically unstable and an appropriate control system must be introduced to quench the instability.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; to appear in the Proceedings of 4th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Perth, Australia, 8-13 July 200

    Quantum noise in second generation, signal-recycled laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors

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    It has long been thought that the sensitivity of laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors is limited by the free-mass standard quantum limit, unless radical redesigns of the interferometers or modifications of their input/output optics are introduced. Within a fully quantum-mechanical approach we show that in a second-generation interferometer composed of arm cavities and a signal recycling cavity, e.g., the LIGO-II configuration, (i) quantum shot noise and quantum radiation-pressure-fluctuation noise are dynamically correlated, (ii) the noise curve exhibits two resonant dips, (iii) the Standard Quantum Limit can be beaten by a factor of 2, over a frequency range \Delta f/f \sim 1, but at the price of increasing noise at lower frequencies.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figures; few misprints corrected and some references adde
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