33 research outputs found

    Low-frequency excitation of double quantum dots

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    We address theoretically adiabatic regime of charge transport for a model of two tunnel-coupled quantum dots connected in series. The energy levels of the two dots are harmonically modulated by an external potential with a constant phase shift between the two. Motivated by recent experiments with surface-acoustic-wave excitation, we consider two situations: (a) pure pumping in the absence of external voltage (also at finite temperature), and (b) adiabatic modulation of the current driven by large external bias. In both cases we derive results consistent with published experimental data. For the case (b) we explicitly derive the adiabatic limit of Tien-Gordon formula for photon-assisted tunneling and compare it to the outcome of simple conductance modulation. A tutorial for adiabatic pumping current calculations with the Green function formalism is included.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figs, invited paper for AOMD-6, to appear in SPIE Proceeding

    Classical-to-quantum crossover in electron on-demand emission

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    Emergence of a classical particle trajectory concept from the full quantum description is a key feature of quantum mechanics. Recent progress of solid state on-demand sources has brought single-electron manipulation into the quantum regime, however, the quantum-to-classical crossover remains unprobed. Here we describe theoretically a mechanism for generating single-electron wave packets by tunneling from a driven localized state, and show how to tune the degree of quantumness. Applying our theory to existing on-demand sources, we demonstrate the feasibility of an experimental investigation of quantum-to-classical crossover for single electrons, and open up yet unexplored potential for few-electron quantum technology devices.Comment: final PRB versio

    Modeling of a tunable-barrier non-adiabatic electron pump beyond the decay cascade model

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    We generalize the decay cascade model of charge capture statistics for a tunable-barrier non-adiabatic electron pump dominated by the backtunneling error at the quantum dot decoupling stage. The energy scales controlling the competition between the thermal and the dynamical mechanisms for accurate trapped charge quantization are discussed. Empirical fitting formula incorporating quantum dot re-population errors due to particle-hole fluctuations in the source lead is suggested and tested against an exactly solvable rate equation model.Comment: 2-page summary paper for CPEM Digest'201

    Universal decay cascade model for dynamic quantum dot initialization

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    Dynamic quantum dots can be formed by time-dependent electrostatic potentials in nanoelectronic devices, such as gate- or surface-acoustic-wave-driven electron pumps. Ability to control the number of captured electrons with high precision is required for applications in fundamental metrology and quantum information processing. In this work we propose and quantify a scheme to initialize quantum dots with a controllable number of electrons. It is based on the stochastic decrease in the electron number of a shrinking dynamic quantum dot and is described by a nuclear decay cascade model with "isotopes" being different charge states of the dot. Unlike the natural nuclei, the artificial confinement is time-dependent and tunable, so the probability distribution for the final "stable isotopes" depends on the external gate voltage. We derive an explicit fitting formula to extract the sequence of decay rate ratios from the measurements of averaged current in a periodically driven device. This provides a device-specific fingerprint which allows to compare different devices and architectures, and predict the upper limits of initialization accuracy from low precision measurements.Comment: 4 pages; more general derivation, new figure on

    Time-energy filtering of single electrons in ballistic waveguides

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    Characterizing distinct electron wave packets is a basic task for solid-state electron quantum optics with applications in quantum metrology and sensing. A important circuit element for this task is a non-stationary potential barrier that enables backscattering of chiral particles depending on their energy and time of arrival. Here we solve the quantum mechanical problem of single-particle scattering by a ballistic constriction in an fully depleted quantum Hall system under spatially uniform but time-dependent electrostatic potential modulation. The result describes electrons distributed in time-energy space according to a modified Wigner quasiprobability distribution and scattered with an energy-dependent transmission probability that characterizes constriction in the absence of modulation. Modification of the incoming Wigner distribution due to external time-dependent potential simplifies in case of linear time-dependence and admits semiclassical interpretation. Our results support a recently proposed and implemented method for measuring time and energy distribution of solitary electrons as a quantum tomography technique, and offer new paths for experimental exploration of on-demand sources of coherent electrons

    Quantum fluctuations and coherence in high-precision single-electron capture

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    The phase of a single quantum state is undefined unless the history of its creation provides a reference point. Thus quantum interference may seem hardly relevant for the design of deterministic single-electron sources which strive to isolate individual charge carriers quickly and completely. We provide a counterexample by analyzing the non-adiabatic separation of a localized quantum state from a Fermi sea due to a closing tunnel barrier. We identify the relevant energy scales and suggest ways to separate the contributions of quantum non-adiabatic excitation and backtunneling to the rare non-capture events. In the optimal regime of balanced decay and non-adiabaticity, our simple electron trap turns into a single-lead Landau-Zener-backtunneling interferometer, revealing the dynamical phase accumulated between the particle capture and leakage. The predicted "quantum beats in backtunneling" may turn the error of a single-electron source into a valuable signal revealing essentially non-adiabatic energy scales of a dynamic quantum dot.Comment: 7 pages, supplementary info in 3 appendices, final PRL versio


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    The development of student's interests and skills is strategically important to foster their career choice in the field of science, technology and engineering, which is one of the goals of Latvia's National Development Plan for 2021-2027. Physics Olympiads can be used as one of the enrichment measures to supplement formal school teaching in raising student motivation and developing their skills and talents. We explore directions in which the existing system of Physics Olympiads can be improved, with the goals of reaching a wider audience of teachers and students and achieving further integration with the learning processes in schools. We have conducted a survey of physics teachers (NT=188), and participants (NP=486) of the second (county) stage of Latvian Physics Olympiad in January 2020. The aim of the survey was to find out: 1) What motivates students to participate and teachers to encourage participation in Physics Olympiads?  2) What resources are used for training? 3) What further support would students and teachers need for training for the Olympics? Based on the results of the survey, we propose specific measures to support teachers and students in their engagement with Physics Olympiads, report on the implementation progress, and give an outlook for the future.