50 research outputs found

    Absent Toll-like receptor-9 expression predicts poor prognosis in renal cell carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) is a cellular DNA-receptor whose activation with cognate ligands triggers an immune reaction, with increased production of inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to examine the expression of TLR9 in renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which is generally renowned of its immunogenic nature. We also evaluated the prognostic value of TLR9 in RCC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>TLR9 expression in RCC was characterized with immunohistochemistry in a retrospective study population of 152 RCC patients who underwent renal surgery. The TLR9 staining intensity was compared with clinical parameters.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the studied tumours, 112 (81%) exhibited cytoplasmic TLR9 immunostaining. No association was detected between cytoplasmic TLR9 immunoexpression intensity and stage, nuclear grade, histological subtype or tumour necrosis. Cytoplasmic TLR9 immunoexpression was, however, a marker of favourable RCC specific survival both in univariate analysis and in multivariate regression model.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that TLR9 expression is an independent prognostic marker of RCC and the absence of TLR9 expression is related to poorer prognosis in RCC.</p

    STEAM k(O)ulussa

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    Abstract The aim of STEAM K(O)ulussa is to bring together and make visible the expertise of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) in Oulu. The publication was written and delivered in cooperation with STEAM schools in the Oulu region, the university’s teacher training and the OpenDigiTaito project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. School teachers, principals, pupils, teacher trainers, university students and learning scientists have participated in the writing process. This publication paints a picture of what STEAM expertise in Oulu is like at the moment, in the early 2020s, and what kind of visions for the future the STEAM experts in Oulu have. In Oulu schools, STEAM has strong traditions and roots. There is an active steam school community (steaminoulu.fi) in Oulu to improve the quality of STEAM teaching and learning through STEM in early childhood, primary and upper secondary education. There are currently more than 30 schools involved in the community, some of which have been working with STEAM for a long time, and some are just getting started. In this publication, both pioneers and beginners can be heard. The publication offers a wide range of perspectives and practical examples for implementing STEAM pedagogy at different school levels. This book is written for teachers, teacher trainers, researchers, students, library professionals and anyone interested in STEAM and STEAM pedagogy. We hope that the book will contribute to answering the current question of what STEAM is and why it is important and timely to implement it.Tiivistelmä STEAM (k)Oulussa -julkaisun tavoitteena on koota yhteen ja tehdä näkyväksi oululaista STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) -osaamista. Teos on kirjoitettu ja toimitettu Oulun alueen STEAM-koulujen, opettajankoulutuksen sekä Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön rahoittaman OpenDigiTaito-hankkeen yhteistyönä. Osallisina ovat olleet niin koulujen opettajat, rehtorit, oppilaat, opettajankouluttajat, yliopisto-opiskelijat kuin oppimisen tutkijat. Tässä julkaisussa piirtyy kuva siitä, millaista on oululainen STEAM-osaaminen tällä hetkellä, 2020-luvun alkupuolella, ja millaisia tulevaisuuden visioita oululaisilla STEAM-osaajilla on. Oulun kouluissa STEAM-toiminnalla on vahvat perinteet ja juuret. Oulussa toimii aktiivinen STEAM-koulujen yhteisö (steaminoulu.fi), jonka tarkoituksena on kehittää STEAM-opetuksen laatua ja STEAMin kautta tapahtuvaa oppimista niin varhaiskasvatuksessa, perusopetuksessa kuin lukioissakin. Tällä hetkellä yhteisössä on mukana yli 30 koulua, joista osa on toiminut STEAMin parissa jo pitkään, ja osa on vasta käynnistelemässä toimintaansa. Tässä julkaisussa ääneen pääsevät niin alan pioneerit kuin vasta-alkajatkin. Julkaisu tarjoaa monipuolisesti näkökulmia ja käytännön esimerkkejä STEAM-pedagogiikan toteuttamiseen eri kouluasteilla. Tämä kirja on kirjoitettu opettajille, opettajankouluttajille, tutkijoille, opiskelijoille, kirjastoalan ammattilaisille ja kaikille STEAMista ja STEAM-pedagogiikasta kiinnostuneille. Toivomme kirjan vastaavan omalta osaltaan ajankohtaiseen kysymykseen siitä, mitä STEAM on, ja miksi sen toteuttaminen on tärkeää ja ajankohtaista.Sisällysluettelo Abstract Tiivistelmä Sisällysluettelo I STEAMin pedagogiset perusteet Essi Vuopala, Jussi Näykki &amp; Sari Harmoinen II STEAM historian lyhyt oppimäärä STEAMin höyryävä historia: Teknologiakasvatuksen alkujuurilta nykypäivään Jari Laru Teknologiakasvatuksesta STEAMiin Jussi Näykki, Essi Vuopala, Arto Hietapelto, Jouni Karsikas &amp; Markus Packalén III STEAM opettajankoulutuksessa STEAM mahdollisuus laaja-alaiseen tiedeosaamiseen Sari Harmoinen STEAMia käsityön keinoin opettajaopiskelijoille ja kentän opettajille Minna Vastimo IV STEAM konkretisoituu koulujen arjessa Hintan koulu — Muotoilukasvatuksen edelläkävijä Henna Hassinen &amp; Maikki Paukkunen Lintulammen koulu —Teknosta STEAMiin Paula Honkala &amp; Reetta Tuoma Rajakylän koulu — Aallonharjalla alusta lähtien Emmiina Ikonen, Minna Annola &amp; Ella Määttä Oulujoen koulu — Oulujoella osataan Marjut Auno &amp; Merja Niemi STEAM-kulttuuria luomassa — Kuinka koulumme aloittaa STEAM-toiminnan Jari Leinonen Fab Lab oppimisympäristönä Henri Sironen &amp; Joona Jääskeläinen Kirjoittaja

    Knowledge co-construction activities and task-related monitoring in scripted collaborative learning

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    Abstract This study explores teacher education students’ knowledge co-construction activities, task-related monitoring and script use in collaborative learning situations. The specific aims are to investigate how students engage in knowledge co-construction activities and to compare task-related monitoring and script use in groups with active and passive knowledge co-construction. The participants of this study were five small groups of teacher education students (N = 19); collaborative learning in these groups was supported with a designed script for regulation of learning over a six-weeks environmental science course. The data was collected by videotaping the groups’ face-to-face interaction, and analysed by focusing on verbalised knowledge co-construction activities, task-related monitoring and script use. The results show that there were differences in the quantity and quality of knowledge co-construction activities, task-related monitoring and script use between the groups. Compared to groups with more passive knowledge co-construction, the group with more active knowledge co-construction also showed more task-related monitoring, particularly monitoring of content understanding, and more thorough use of the script for supporting their learning. Based on the findings, it was concluded that qualitative differences between groups in collaborative learning extend from differences in knowledge co-construction activities to differences in monitoring processes and the use of script

    Affective learning in digital education:case studies of social networking systems, games for learning, and digital fabrication

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    Abstract Technological innovations, such as social networking systems, games for learning, and digital fabrication, are extending learning and interaction opportunities of people in educational and professional contexts. These technological transformations have the ability to deepen, enrich, and adaptively guide learning and interaction, but they also hold potential risks for neglecting people’s affective learning processes—that is, learners’ emotional experiences and expressions in learning. We argue that technologies and their usage in particular should be designed with the goal of enhancing learning and interaction that acknowledges both fundamental aspects of learning: cognitive and affective. In our empirical research, we have explored the possibility of using various types of emerging digital tools as individual and group support for cognitively effortful and affectively meaningful learning. We present four case studies of experiments dealing with social networking systems, programming with computer games, and “makers culture” and digital fabrication as examples of digital education. All these experiments investigate novel ways of technological integration in learning by focusing on their affective potential. In the first study, a social networking system was used in a higher education context for providing a forum for online learning. The second study demonstrates a Minecraft experiment as game-based learning in primary school education. Finally, the third and the fourth case study showcases examples of “maker” contexts and digital fabrication in early education and in secondary school. It is concluded that digital systems and tools can provide multiple opportunities for affective learning in different contexts within different age groups. As a pedagogical implication, scaffolding in both cognitive and affective learning processes is necessary in order to make the learning experience with emerging digital tools meaningful and engaging