50 research outputs found

    Gesti贸n municipal para la superaci贸n de la pobreza: estrategias e instrumentos de intervenci贸n en el 谩mbito del empleo, a partir de la experiencia chilena

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    Incluye Bibliograf铆aA trav茅s de este trabajo de investigaci贸n se indaga acerca de las perspectivas actuales y potenciales de intervenci贸n municipal en el 谩mbito de la pobreza y del empleo, a nivel local. En la primera secci贸n del documento se plantea una orientaci贸n te贸rica que apunta hacia la generaci贸n de una propuesta de an谩lisis e intervenci贸n respecto de ese tema, sobre la base de una revisi贸n de distintos enfoques y orientaciones existentes en la literatura y el debate contempor谩neos, tales como las teor铆as de la vulnerabilidad, las visiones sobre el desarrollo local y los rasgos actuales de la pobreza urbana en Am茅rica Latina. Al respecto, se propone como perspectiva de intervenci贸n sostenible la posibilidad de actuar sobre las condiciones asociadas al proceso de inserci贸n en el mercado laboral de personas y hogares en situaci贸n de pobreza, a trav茅s de dos dimensiones de dicho mercado: la demanda y la oferta de empleo. En la segunda parte -de car谩cter aplicado- se desarrollan los resultados de una investigaci贸n de campo, realizada en las cinco comunas m谩s pobres de la provincia de Santiago, cuyo objetivo fue dar cuenta de las posibilidades y limitaciones espec铆ficas que configuran la acci贸n municipal y evaluar las condiciones para la formulaci贸n de propuestas. Mediante la sistematizaci贸n de pr谩cticas, se espera posibilitar el desarrollo de estrategias inteligentes en torno al empleo y favorecer la ruptura de los circuitos de precarizaci贸n laboral, mejorar la estructura productiva y disminuir la pobreza

    Causas de la crisis de la profesi贸n m茅dica en Chile

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    Campus-based professionals in the area of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs (FSAP) have a known and documented high rate of attrition; more than half departing within the first five years of employment. Two recognized role stressors that are associated with high rates of turnover are role conflict and role ambiguity. Studies by Gold & Roth, 2013; Khan, Yusoff, Khan, Yasir, & Khan, 2014; Rizzo, House & Lirtzman, 1970; and Wolverton, Wolverton & Gmelch, 1999 have demonstrated that role conflict and role ambiguity are contributing factors in employee attrition across an array of industries and position types, including nurses, teachers, academic deans, and others in the United States and internationally. A quantitative study with one qualitative question was conducted to better understand and interpret the perceptions held among FSAs with respect to role conflict and role ambiguity. The study was primarily performed utilizing the Role Conflict and Ambiguity Questionnaire (RCAQ) first developed by Rizzo, House, and Lirtzman (1970). Answers to supplemental questions regarding levels of satisfaction, and organizational commitment were also collected. The findings from this study suggest that role stressors such as role conflict and role ambiguity play a factor in overall satisfaction and organizational commitment. Study results indicate a statistically significant correlation between role conflict, ambiguity, and satisfaction. Grounded in research and best practices, this dissertation presents a tripartite approach to reducing role conflict and role ambiguity. As described in Manuscript III of this dissertation, is designed to decrease role stressors, amplify organizational commitment, and increase the self-efficacy of FSAs thereby reducing attrition rates

    Dilemas 脡ticos Frente al Maltrato Infantil: Reflexiones acerca de un Estudio Cualitativo

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    El tema del maltrato infantil, por su naturaleza, enfrenta a los profesionales a m煤ltiples dilemas 茅ticos. En el presente art铆culo se analiza la opci贸n que toma el psic贸logo frente a casos de maltrato infantil, y del dilema 茅tico confidencialidad versus denuncia, en casos con implicancias legales. Se analiza la opini贸n de treinta psic贸logos entrevistados en la ciudad de Temuco respecto de los aspectos que influencian su decisi贸n. Se discuten los resultados obtenidos, contrast谩ndolos con antecedentes te贸ricos y emp铆ricos en este campo. Finalmente se presentan algunos criterios que deber铆an estar presentes en una decisi贸n fundamentada

    Embarazos exitosos en hemodi谩lisis cr贸nica: experiencia de un 煤nico centro

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    Disecci贸n espont谩nea de la arteria renal e infarto renal: Dos casos cl铆nicos

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    We report two previously healthy males aged 33 and 37 years, presenting with severe pain in the right and left part of the abdomen, respectively. An abdominal CT sean showed in both a kidney infarction. An angio-CAT sean showed changes compatible with a fibromuscular dysplasia in the renal arterial wall. An angiography showed an intimal tear or complex dissection flap in both cases. Both had a satisfactory evolution with conservative treatment. The relationship between fibromuscular dysplasia and spontaneous dissection of the renal artery is discussed

    Assesment of arterial damage by noninvasive peripheral arterial tonometry in non-diabetic hemodialysis patients Da帽o arterial asociado a la enfermedad renal cr贸nica: Evaluaci贸n mediante t茅cnicas de laboratorio no invasivo en pacientes hemodializados

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    Background: Hemodialysis patients (HD) display high rates of cardiac disease and mortality. The cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of HD patients is attributable in a signifi cant proportion to endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffness, and vascular calcifi cations. Aim: To measure vascular reactivity in HD subjects and compare them with healthy volunteers. Material and Methods: Forty eight non diabetic patients aged 58 卤 4.6 years (29 males) on hemodialysis for a mean lapse of 4.8 years were studied. Arterial stiffness was measured in the radial artery. Pulse wave velocity was measured by noninvasive peripheral arterial tonometry in carotid and femoral arteries. Endothelial function was assessed, measuring reactive hyperemia response after a 5 min period of ischemia. As a control, all values were also measured in age and gender-matched healthy volunteers. Results: Arterial stiffness was signifi cantly higher in HD patients than controls (23.9 卤 3.3 and 18.4 卤 3.4% respectively