70 research outputs found
As a Wall Came Down…. New Boundaries, New Narratives (Yugoslavism and Yugoslav Artistic Space, Discontinuity and Fragmentation in the Core Narrative of the Cultural Institutions in Transition-Period Serbia)
As a Wall Came Down… New Boundaries, New Narratives (Yugoslavism and Yugoslav Artistic Space, Discontinuity and Fragmentation in the Core Narrative of the Cultural Institutions in Transition-Period Serbia)
The main aim of this overview is to trace the presence and importance of the Yugoslav narrative (dedicated to a common cultural and artistic space before, during and after Yugoslavia) as important for (re)creating and maintaining continuity and coherence in the core narrative as an internal structure of cultural institutions in Serbia, especially in the transition period (2000 – 2018). The emergence of the South Slavic unity idea at the territory of the Balkans, as we argue in the article, can be traced to a time long before the state of Yugoslavia was created as a concept. The fact that a common field (common ground) in the sense of cultural space existed long before the creation of Yugoslavia contains the assumption that common cultural ground and art space exist in the post-Yugoslav period as well. The concept of the common cultural space is also known as Yugoslav Artistic Space. The main goal of the article is to shape the conclusion that Yugoslav Artistic Space, considering its tradition, still exists despite the political changes after 1989, particularly during the ‘90s and the transition process, if not in another sense, than as a core narrative of the institutions (such as the Museum Of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, for example). It also delineates the thesis that marginalization of the Yugoslav legacy leads to discontinuity, fragmentation, and a status quo position in the transition process of Serbian cultural institutions.
Kiedy mur upadł… Nowe granice, nowe narracje (Jugoslawizm i jugosłowiańska przestrzeń artystyczna, dyskontynuacja i fragmentaryzacja w głównym nurcie narracji instytucji kultury w Serbii w czasie przemiany)
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja obecności i znaczenia jugoslawizmu i jugosłowiańskiej narracji, jak też fenomenu jugosłowiańskiej przestrzeni artystycznej (także po upadku Jugosławii), jako czynnika podtrzymującego kontynuację i jedność głównego nurtu narracji dotyczącego struktury instytucji kultury w Serbii w okresie przemiany (2000 – 2018). Kreacja jedności jugosłowiańskiej (południowosłowiańskiej) na terenie Bałkanów, jak będzie o tym [mowa] w tekście, ma swoje początki wiele lat przed powstaniem państwa jugosłowiańskiego. Fakt istnienia wspólnego pola w sensie kulturowym i kulturologicznym przed powstaniem Jugosławii daje nadzieję możliwości istnienia jednej kulturowej i artystycznej przestrzeni także w okresie post jugosłowiańskim, za sprawą znanego i niedawno zdefiniowanego terminu „jugosłowiańska przestrzeń artystyczna” Ješy Denegri (2011). W artykule jest położony akcent na jugosłowiańską przestrzeń artystyczną wraz z jej tradycją, która, pomimo zmian politycznych 1989 roku, a szczególnie lat 90-tych, trwa nadal w bardzo konkretny sposób, w głównym nurcie narracji instytucji kultury (czego przykładem jest Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Belgradzie). [Autorka] eksponuje także twierdzenie [obecne w głównym nurcie narracji], że marginalizacja idei i tradycji juslawizmu prowadzi do zerwania kontynuacji i fragmentaryzacji, do przyjmowania pozycji status quo w procesie przemiany instytucji kultury w Serbii.
Чим је Зид пао… Нове границе, нови наративи. (Југословенство и југословенски уметнички простор, дисконтинуитет и фрагментираност средишњег наратива институција културе у Србији, у периоду транзиције)
Чланак представља осврт на присуство и важност југословенства и југословенског наратива, као и феномена југословенског уметничког простора (и после Југославије), у поновном успостављању и одржавању континуитета и јединства средишњег наратива као носећег, када је реч о унутрашњој структури институција културе у Србији, у периоду транзиције (2000 – 2018). Стварање јужнословенског јединства на територији Балкана, како ћемо навести у тексту, има своје почетке много пре прве концептуализације југословенске државе. Чињеница да је заједнички простор, у смислу културолошког и културног заједничког поља, постојао и пре стварања Југославије, наговештава могућност постојања јединственог културног и уметничког простора и у пост- југословенском периоду, познатим и дефинисаним управо термином југословенски уметнички простор, Јеше Денегрија (2011). У тексту се истиче да југословенски уметнички простор, узимајући у обзир његову традицију, опстаје упркос политичким променама 1989, нарочито ‘90тих година, све до данас – на конкретнији начин, или у средишњем наративу институција културе (Музеја савремене уметности у Београду, на пример). Такође, истакнута је тврдња да имаргинализација идеје југословенства и традиције југословенства, води у дисконтинуитет, фрагментацију, и status quo позицију у транзитивном процесу институција културе у Србији
Repellent efficacy of azadirachtin on Ixodes ricinus ticks (Acari, Ixodidae)
The repellent efficacy testing, as well as the search for the most efficient and economically most justified preventive measures, emerge from the fact that in the last few years a zoogeographic expansion of certain tick species has been observed, in addition to an increased frequency of previously registered and emergent tick-borne diseases. The aim of this study was to compare the repellent efficacy of different azadirachtin essential oil concentrations as a function of time on Ixodes ricinus ticks. Azadirachtin essential oil had more than 50% repellent efficacy on I. ricinus three minutes after the application, and it decreased with time when all tested concentrations were concerned. Eight hours after repellent administration, concentrations of 50% and 75% have had repellent effects of 50%, while pure essential oil (100%) showed a repellency of 63.33%. In order for people to spend more relaxed and free time in nature, it is necessary to apply protective measures against ticks and one of the recommended ways is to use the substances that could be applied to the skin or clothes, and which have a repellent effect, such as azadirachtin essential oil
Determination of atropine and scopolamine in popcorn by the LC-MS/MS
Tropane alkaloids are secondary metabolites produced mainly by the genera of the Solanaceae family - Hyoscyamus, Datura and Atropa. For determination and quantification of the atropine and scopolamine in 12 samples of popcorn the validated rapid and sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used. Out of the studied popcorn samples 41.67% were contaminated with atropine and scopolamine, while in 58.33% of the tested samples tropane alkaloids were not detected, or the present concentrations were below the limit of detection (˂1 µg/kg). Atropine was present in the range from 5.3 to 28 µg/kg, while scopolamine ranged from 2.1 to 6.3 µg/kg
Solid-phase extraction of neonicotinoids residue from water: comparison between extraction cartridges
The Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/840 established the watch list of substances for Union-wide monitoring in the field of water policy pursuant to Directive 2008/105/EC and Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/495. This Decision establishes additional substances and their maximum acceptable method detection limits including neonicotinoids (9-500 ng/L). During the pesticides extraction from water, the solid-phase extraction (SPE) column was used. Bakerbond spe™ SDB-1 SPE and Bond Elut Plexa were evaluated for the SPE of neonicotinoids (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, thiacloprid and clothianidin) from water. The comparation of the results of these two types of columns, was performed by spiking water samples at two levels (0.05 and 0.1 μg/L) in three replicates. The Bakerbond™ column quantitatively adsorbed these pesticides, with the obtained recoveries: 36.9 % for imidacloprid, 43.2 % for thiacloprid, 119.3 % for clothianidin, 64.6 % for acetamiprid and 53.6 % for thiamethoxam. Using Bond Elut Plexa the obtained recoveries were 66.9 % for imidacloprid, 72.9% for thiacloprid, 103.4 % for clothianidin, 67.4 % for acetamiprid and 45.2% for thiamethoxam. Both colums have low recovery values for thiametoxam, while the highest values were obtained by Bond Elut Plexa for thiacloprid, imidacloprid and acetamiprid. Great recoveries were achieved for clothianidin using both SPE columns
Praćenje ostataka pesticida u voću
The programmes for pesticide residues monitoring in food which are continually carried out in the world ensure that the consumers are not exposed to pesticide residues as well as that only the registered compounds are used in the production. All the member countries of the EU are obliged to observe the official control of pesticide residues in food, in accordance with the Regulations EC 396/2005. At present, in the Republic of Serbia, the programme for monitoring the pesticide residues in food is being prepared as the results of numerous analyses of random samples of fruit, in the market over the past years justify the introduction of such a programme.Programi praćenja ostataka pesticida u hrani koji se kontinuirano sprovode u svetu osiguravaju potrošače da ne budu izloženi nepoželjnom nivou ostataka pesticida, kao i da se u proizvodnji koriste samo registrovana jedinjenja. Sve zemlje članice EU su dužne da sprovode zvaničnu kontrolu prisustva ostataka pesticida u hrani, u saglasnosti sa Regulativom EC 396/2005. U Republici Srbiji je u pripremi monitoring program za ostatke pesticida u hrani, a rezultati analiza većeg broja slučajno izabranih uzoraka voća, na našem tržištu, tokom proteklih godina ukazuju na opravdanost uvođenja ovakvog programa
Supplementary data for the article: Milićević, T.; Urošević, M. A.; Relić, D.; Vuković, G.; Škrivanj, S.; Popović, A. Bioavailability of Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil–Grapevine (Leaf, Skin, Pulp and Seed) System and Environmental and Health Risk Assessment. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 626, 528–545. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.094
Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.094]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2114
Characterization and photocatalytic activity of newly synthesized Er and Yb doped SrGd2O4 nanophosphorus
The aim of this research was to investigate for the first-time photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue over SrGd2O4 powders co-doped with constant Er3+ (0.5 at.%) and different Yb3+ (1, 2.5 and 5 at.%) concentrations. Samples were successfully prepared via sol-gel assisted combustion method. They exhibit photoluminescence properties which are manifested as red emission at 661 nm (4F9/2 → 4I15/2) and two green emissions at 551 and 523 nm (4S3/2 → 4I15/2 and 2H11/2 → 4I15/2). X-ray Powder Diffraction pattern proved that all samples crystallize as a pure orthorhombic phase. Scanning electron microscopy was used for morphology characterization and it revealed the existence of porous agglomerated round-shaped particles. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed the presence of dopant ions and even distribution of all constituting elements. To calculate the energy band gap, UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectroscopy was performed and a value of 4.3 eV was obtained, as well as the four additional values from the bands at lower energies. Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue was monitored using UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy. Obtained results were promising since after 4 h of exposure to the simulating Sun irradiation, more than 50% of the starting dye concentration was mineralized
Characterization and photocatalytic activity of newly synthesized Er and Yb doped SrGd2O4 nanophosphorus
The aim of this research was to investigate for the first-time photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue over SrGd2O4 powders co-doped with constant Er3+ (0.5 at.%) and different Yb3+ (1, 2.5 and 5 at.%) concentrations. Samples were successfully prepared via sol-gel assisted combustion method. They exhibit photoluminescence properties which are manifested as red emission at 661 nm (4F9/2 → 4I15/2) and two green emissions at 551 and 523 nm (4S3/2 → 4I15/2 and 2H11/2 → 4I15/2). X-ray Powder Diffraction pattern proved that all samples crystallize as a pure orthorhombic phase. Scanning electron microscopy was used for morphology characterization and it revealed the existence of porous agglomerated round-shaped particles. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed the presence of dopant ions and even distribution of all constituting elements. To calculate the energy band gap, UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectroscopy was performed and a value of 4.3 eV was obtained, as well as the four additional values from the bands at lower energies. Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue was monitored using UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy. Obtained results were promising since after 4 h of exposure to the simulating Sun irradiation, more than 50% of the starting dye concentration was mineralized
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