123 research outputs found

    Case report: Invasive fungal rhinosinusitis in the immunocompetent host

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    Invasive fungal rhinosinusitis is a rare and, because of the possible CNS invasion, potentially life-threatening disease. It usually occurs in immunocompromised patients undergoing chemotherapy, transplantation, patients with hematologic malignancy, diabetes or AIDS. However, there have been noted few cases of invasion occurring in previously healthy individuals

    ā€žDavid Bowieā€: A Mode of Celebrity Mourningā€”Vita, Melancholy and Political Economy

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    The paper takes the recent death of David Bowie as its focus in order to approach the broader question of the character of the celebrity death. There are three points anchoring the paper. The first is the concept of the negative event, which refers to the perpetuation of the eventfulness that leads to the end of the constitution of the event as such. It points to the emergence of the non-event as in the case of David Bowie\u27s death. As interpellation of the subject in the framework of ideological phantasm, it takes the discursive form of the saint\u27s vita as a specific spiritual imitation which, although negative in its character, forms the subjects. The second, the concept of the negative subjectivity, takes the form of the melancholy and has the important role in postmodern ideology. The role of the Internet is elaborated on as a space of the unconscious and the core of the jouissance. The Internet proves that collective pathology has the structure of melancholy. The third anchor is the concept of the negative Real, political economy as a framework of the event and a mechanism for the translation of the Real into the Imaginary

    Symbolic Exchange and Labour

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    U članku se ispituju teme i metode kritičke teorije u polju analize rada i s radom povezanih pitanja, a u kontekstu ekonomije postindustrijskog druÅ”tva. Pri tome se revitalizira francuskog filozofa Jeana Baudrillarda te njegovu teoriju rada koja naglaÅ”ava simboličku dimenziju rada. Članak ističe važnost Baudrillardovih interpretacija rada putem teorijskih koncepata Imaginarnog, Simboličkog i Realnog, a koje je 1960ih utemeljio francuski filozof i psihoanalitičar Jacques Lacan. Rad kontekstualizira njegove osnovne teze o karakteru rada u postindustrijskom druÅ”tvu, koje on postavlja krajem sedamdesetih godina, suočavajući ih sa suvremenim kritikama koje, pogotovu nakon ekonomske krize 2008. godine inzistiraju na vraćanju klasičnim pitanjima kritike političke teorije. Mapirajući razlike između definicija simboličkog karaktera rada i materijalističkih interpretacija koje nastaju u nasljeđu Marxove kritike političke ekonomije, članak upozorava na nužnost uključivanja obaju teorijskih paradigmi, spajanja političko-simboličkog i ekonomsko-materijalističkog pristupa. Inzistirajući na važnosti obaju pristupa, pokuÅ”avaju se protumačiti prisutne anomalije u doba navodne dematerijalizacije rada, kao Å”to je to paradoksalno povećanje radnih sati nauÅ”trb nasljeđa osmosatnoga radnog vremena.The paper questions themes and methods of critical theory in the realm of analysis of labour and related questions in the context of economy of the post-industrial society. The paper revitalizes often neglected the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard and his theory of labour which insists on symbolical dimension of labour. The paper accents importance of Baudrillardā€™s interpretations through theoretical concepts of Imaginary, Symbolic, and Real founded during the sixties by the French philosopher and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. The paper contextualizes his major thesis on character of labour in the post-industrial society, which he elaborates at the end of the seventies, and confronts them with contemporary critiques which, especially after the economic crisis in 2008, insist on returning to classical questions of the critique of political economy. By mapping differences between definitions of symbolic character of labour and materialistic interpretations which are founded in the heritage of Marxā€™s critique of political economy, paper warns on a necessity of including both theoretical paradigms, relating political-symbolical and economical-materialist approach. While insisting on a relevance of both approaches, the paper tries to elaborate present anomalies in the era of so called dematerialization of labour, as it is the case of, for example, paradoxical increasing of working hours at the cost of eight hours labour time

    Razumjeti razgovor strojeva: Heideggerova ontologija prisuća nasuprot Lacanovu antihumanizmu

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    Rad kreće od pitanja strojne inteligencije, kibernetičkog problema, koji je usko vezan uz pitanja subjektivnosti, ljudske inteligencije i konstitucije ljudske komunikacije. Na primjeru programa umjetnih konverzatora, kao i (filmskih) reprezentacija tih programa preispituju se sličnosti i razlike, te njihova veza sa subjektivitetom u najÅ”irem smislu. Obrćući tezu o instrumentalizaciji subjekta posredstvom kibernetičkog okvira koji se, kako je to tvrdio Martin Heidegger, postavlja kao paradigmatski okvir modernih znanosti, rad upućuje na najužu vezu subjekta i mehaničkog ili digitalnog kvazi-inteligentnog stroja. Teorijski okvir rada čini primijenjena psihoanaliza Jacquesa Lacana, koja je u mogućnosti ukazati na manjkavosti razumijevanja komunikacije kao prenoÅ”enja informacija. Takva će se kritika ukazati plodnom ne samo za razumijevanje komunikacije i razlike između strojnog i ljudskog, već i za ukazivanje na probleme politike identiteta. Lacanov antihumanizam i etike separacije ukazuju se tako kao alati suvremene kritike političke ekonomije

    Å to je novo u ovim medijima? Distributivne prakse u Hrvatskoj

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    Rad promatra transformaciju centralističkih prema distributivnim medijima. U sklopu medijske teorije postavlja se pitanje mogućnosti artikuliranja politike medija s obzirom na utopijske ideje s početka devedesetih i pesimističke slutnje koje dominiraju od kraja devedesetih do danas. Specifičan medijski fenomen ā€“ p2p razmjena Severinine amaterske pornografske snimke krajem 2004. godine predstavlja simbolični početak hrvatske diskurzivne re-definicije medija. Um-jesto sadržajem, rad se bavi strukturom medijskih događaja na Mreži koji upo-zoravaju kako je doÅ”lo do promjene paradigme, pogotovu u sferi distribucije sadržaja. Rad predlaže kulturalno-materijalnu analizu kao metodoloÅ”ki okvir za razumijevanje druÅ”tvenih promjena povezanih s promjenama medijskih struktura. Time se rad suprotstavlja tehnodeterminističkim interpretacijama (novih) medija kao transformatora druÅ”tva

    Simbolička razmjena i rad

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    U članku se ispituju teme i metode kritičke teorije u polju analize rada i s radom povezanih pitanja, a u kontekstu ekonomije postindustrijskog druÅ”tva. Pri tome se revitalizira francuskog filozofa Jeana Baudrillarda te njegovu teoriju rada koja naglaÅ”ava simboličku dimenziju rada. Članak ističe važnost Baudrillardovih interpretacija rada putem teorijskih koncepata Imaginarnog, Simboličkog i Realnog, a koje je 1960ih utemeljio francuski filozof i psihoanalitičar Jacques Lacan. Rad kontekstualizira njegove osnovne teze o karakteru rada u postindustrijskom druÅ”tvu, koje on postavlja krajem sedamdesetih godina, suočavajući ih sa suvremenim kritikama koje, pogotovu nakon ekonomske krize 2008. godine inzistiraju na vraćanju klasičnim pitanjima kritike političke teorije. Mapirajući razlike između definicija simboličkog karaktera rada i materijalističkih interpretacija koje nastaju u nasljeđu Marxove kritike političke ekonomije, članak upozorava na nužnost uključivanja obaju teorijskih paradigmi, spajanja političko-simboličkog i ekonomsko-materijalističkog pristupa. Inzistirajući na važnosti obaju pristupa, pokuÅ”avaju se protumačiti prisutne anomalije u doba navodne dematerijalizacije rada, kao Å”to je to paradoksalno povećanje radnih sati nauÅ”trb nasljeđa osmosatnoga radnog vremena

    Symbolic Exchange and Labour

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    U članku se ispituju teme i metode kritičke teorije u polju analize rada i s radom povezanih pitanja, a u kontekstu ekonomije postindustrijskog druÅ”tva. Pri tome se revitalizira francuskog filozofa Jeana Baudrillarda te njegovu teoriju rada koja naglaÅ”ava simboličku dimenziju rada. Članak ističe važnost Baudrillardovih interpretacija rada putem teorijskih koncepata Imaginarnog, Simboličkog i Realnog, a koje je 1960ih utemeljio francuski filozof i psihoanalitičar Jacques Lacan. Rad kontekstualizira njegove osnovne teze o karakteru rada u postindustrijskom druÅ”tvu, koje on postavlja krajem sedamdesetih godina, suočavajući ih sa suvremenim kritikama koje, pogotovu nakon ekonomske krize 2008. godine inzistiraju na vraćanju klasičnim pitanjima kritike političke teorije. Mapirajući razlike između definicija simboličkog karaktera rada i materijalističkih interpretacija koje nastaju u nasljeđu Marxove kritike političke ekonomije, članak upozorava na nužnost uključivanja obaju teorijskih paradigmi, spajanja političko-simboličkog i ekonomsko-materijalističkog pristupa. Inzistirajući na važnosti obaju pristupa, pokuÅ”avaju se protumačiti prisutne anomalije u doba navodne dematerijalizacije rada, kao Å”to je to paradoksalno povećanje radnih sati nauÅ”trb nasljeđa osmosatnoga radnog vremena.The paper questions themes and methods of critical theory in the realm of analysis of labour and related questions in the context of economy of the post-industrial society. The paper revitalizes often neglected the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard and his theory of labour which insists on symbolical dimension of labour. The paper accents importance of Baudrillardā€™s interpretations through theoretical concepts of Imaginary, Symbolic, and Real founded during the sixties by the French philosopher and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. The paper contextualizes his major thesis on character of labour in the post-industrial society, which he elaborates at the end of the seventies, and confronts them with contemporary critiques which, especially after the economic crisis in 2008, insist on returning to classical questions of the critique of political economy. By mapping differences between definitions of symbolic character of labour and materialistic interpretations which are founded in the heritage of Marxā€™s critique of political economy, paper warns on a necessity of including both theoretical paradigms, relating political-symbolical and economical-materialist approach. While insisting on a relevance of both approaches, the paper tries to elaborate present anomalies in the era of so called dematerialization of labour, as it is the case of, for example, paradoxical increasing of working hours at the cost of eight hours labour time

    Pripravci ljekovitih biljaka kao antireumatici

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    For centuries rheumatic diseases are global economic and social burden. Only in the last century modern conventional medicine has find a way to tackle these chronic inflammatory diseases, but even today many complementary and alternative therapeutic modalities are widely used. Th is article represents an overview of the most common used medicinal plants preparations in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. These plants (Salix alba, Coriandrum sativum, Mentha x piperita, Arnica montana, Zingiber officinale, Capsicum frutescens, Larix decidua, Pinus mugo, Urtica dioica, Juniperus communis, Hypericum perforatum, Arctium lappa, Chamomilla recutita, Harpagophytum procumbens and Symphytum offi cinale) contain various chemical compounds (flavonoids, phenolic acids, essential oils, tannins, iridoids, alkaloids, phenolic heterosides, vitamins, polysaccharides, coumarins etc.) that contribute to their antirheumatical activity

    Factors associated with postoperative pain following functional sinus surgery

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    Introduction: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is a minimally invasive technique used to restore sinus ventilation and normal function. Nowadays, it is a common procedure with minimal complication rate. As with any other surgical procedure, post-operative pain is something to expect. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of postoperative pain using a VAS score scale. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann Whitney U test and Pearson test for correlation between postoperative pain and the extension of intraoperative nasal packing and administered anestetics, perioperative antibiotis administration, age and duration of operation. Results: 124 patients were enrolled in this study, the median age was 48 (21-75) years, the average duration of surgery was 103 (Ā±46.43) minutes, in 73.4% of patients surgery was bilateral, in 33% the procedure was revisional. 43.5% of patients received antibiotic therapy perioperatively. The mean VAS score was higher in the second postoperative day in patients with more extended nasal packing (p=0.02). We did not find any significant association between the age, duration of surgery, antibiotic therapy, remifentanil intraoperatively and VAS scale. In the first postoperative day, in patients older than 50, the mean VAS score was 1.52 vs 0.97 in those younger than 50 (p=0.19). Conclusion: Post-operative pain affects recovery, risk of post-operative complications and equally important ā€“ the quality of life. Preoperative evaluation with careful perioperative planning and individualized treatment can reduce post-operative pain and improve the quality of life of our patients. Our findings show us the need for better monitoring of post-operative pain
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