7 research outputs found

    Rodnost i kvalitet sorte kaberne fran

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    A study was conducted during three years (2009 - 2011) to evaluate the cropping potential and quality of the grape variety Cabernet franc cultivated in the Trstenik vine growing region. The data obtained showed that Cabernet franc can be successfully grown under the environmental conditions of the Trstenik vine growing region as it produced good yields of high quality grape. Over the three-year period, the average yield per hectare was about 10 t, with the sugar and total acids contents being 200 g l-1 and 6.9 g l-1 respectively, suggesting optimum growing conditions for this variety in the study region.U uslovima trsteničkog vinogorja u periodu 2009 do 2011. godine ispitivan je rodni potencijal i kvalitet grožđa sorte Kaberne fran. Rezultati pokazuju da se sorta Kaberne fran može uspešno gajiti u agroekološkim uslovima trsteničkog vinogorja. Sorta je iskazala dobru rodnost i dobar kvalitet grožđa. Prosečan prinos po hektaru u trogodišnjem periodu kretao se oko 10 t, sadržaj šećera bio je 200 g l-1 dok je ukupnih kiselina bilo 6,9 g l-1, što znači da je ispitivana sorta imala optimalne uslove za gajenje u ovom vinogorju

    Organsko vinogradarstvo u svetu, Srbiji i regionu

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    organic production is a process that develops a viable and legitimate agricultural ecosystems. The link between man, agriculture and local environmental conditions, provides quality food for people, plants and animals in a healthy environment. There are a few basic principles and ideas that explain the production of organic food in the ecosystem. The organic viticulture production in which there is a balance between environmental conditions, varieties and methods of cultivation. The two main factors that determine the choice of location concepts and establishing assortments. Organic viticulture is widespread mainly in the Mediterranean countries of Europe such as Italy, France and Spain. The Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and constant air currents limiting the development of pests and diseases on grapevines. The same concept can be seen in California, USA and South Africa. In the wine-growing countries with humid climates apply to another concept of organic viticulture, and that is the use of varieties resistant to pests and diseases. In Romania, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland and northern France are represented interspecific hybrids and new resistant varieties. In the north-east of America, on the border with Canada, grown varieties Vitis labrusca and Vitis species in the south rotundifolia. However, in these humid regions is crucial in the selection of sites with appropriate climatic and soil conditions. The choice of suitable climatic conditions is important for conventional viticulture in order to get the best quality of grapes and wine.Organska proizvodnja je proces koji razvija održive i opravdane agroekosisteme. Povezanost čoveka, poljoprivrede i lokalnih ekoloških uslova, pruža kvalitetnu hranu za ljude, biljke i životinje u zdravoj životnoj sredini. Postoji nekoliko osnovnih principa i ideja koji objašnjavaju proizvodnju organske hrane u ekosistemu. Organsko vinogradarstvo je proizvodnja u kojoj postoji ravnoteža između ekoloških uslova, sorte i načina kultivacije. Dva osnovna faktora koji određuju koncepte su odabir lokacije i utvrđivanje sortimenata. Organsko vinogradarstvo je široko rasprostranjeno uglavnom u mediteranskim zemljama Evrope kao što su Italija, Francuska i Španija. Mediteranska klima sa toplim i suvim letima i stalnim vazdušnim strujama ograničava razvoj bolesti i štetočina na vinovoj lozi. Isti koncept se ogleda u Kaliforniji, SAD-u i Južnoj Africi. U vinogradarskim zemljama sa humidnom klimom primenjuje se drugi koncept organskog vinogradarstva, a to je primena otpornih sorata na bolesti i štetočine. U Rumuniji, Nemačkoj, Mađarskoj, Švajcarskoj i Severnoj Francuskoj zastupljeni su interspecies hibridi i nove otporne sorte. Na severo-istoku Amerike, na granici sa Kanadom, gaje se sorte vrste Vitis labrusca, a na jugu vrste Vitis Rotundifolia. Međutim, u ovim humidnim oblastima presudan je izbor lokacije sa odgovarajućim klimatskim i zemljišnim uslovima. Izbor pogodnih klimatskih uslova je važan i za konvencionalno vinogradarstvo kako bi se dobili najbolji kvalitet grožđa i vina

    Uticaj alkoholne fermentacije na kvalitet rakije lozovače

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    Grape brandy is a product obtained by fermentation and distillation of crushed grapes of cultivated grapevine Vitis vinifera. Grape brandy quality depends on many factors such as: grapevine varieties, climate, soil, time and method of distillation, storage methods and other distillates. The grapevine variety 'Neoplanta' grown in the experimental field of the PD 'Center for Viticulture and Enology' in Niš was used in the experiment. Tests were performed in the laboratory of the Centre. Healthy grapes of harvest maturity were squashed by a stalk-removing electric crusher. Fermentation was performed in plastic containers in the presence of the indigenous microflora of wine yeasts. This paper presents the influence of pH and inorganic nitrogen added to the fermentation medium on the content of volatile components and concentrations of higher alcohols.Lozovača ili lozova rakija predstavlja proizvod koji se dobija fermentacijom i destilacijom celog kljuka grožđa plemenite vinove loze Vitis vinifera. Kvalitet rakije lozovače zavisi od velikog broja faktora: sorte vinove loze, klime, zemljišta, vremena i načina destilacije, načina čuvanja destilata i dr. Za realizaciju ovog eksperimenta korišćeno je grožđe sorte vinove loze 'Neoplanta' koja se gaji na oglednom imanju PD 'Centar za vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo' u Nišu. Ispitivanja su izvedena u laboratorijskim uslovima Centra. Zdravo i tehnološki zrelo grožđe je izmuljano električnom muljačom koja odvaja peteljke. Fermentacija celokupnog kljuka grožđa je izvršena u plastičnim vrionim posudama u prisustvu autohtone mikroflore vinskih kvasaca. U radu je prikazan uticaj pH vrednosti i neorganskog azota dodatog u fermentacionu smešu na sadržaj isparljivih komponenti i koncentraciju viših alkohola


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    The paper presents the results of the study of some agrobiological properties of the Semijon variety in the conditions of the Oplenac vineyards. The vineyard was built in 2014 and is in the phase of growing yield. The planting distance is 2.5 x1.0 m. During the examination period, favorable meteorological conditions prevailed for the growth and development of the Semion variety.The test results indicate that in the Oplenac vineyards there are favorable agroecological conditions for growing the Semijon variety and achieving the characteristic quality of grapes and wine.Publishe


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    The variety of Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most famous varieties for the production of high quality black wines. It is originally from France from the Bordeaux Vineyard. In the agro ecologically conditions of the Oplenac vineyards, varietyCabernet Sauvignonwas raised in 2014 and is located in the stage of growing birth. The collection space is 2.5x1.0m. During period of testing, meteorological conditions for the growth and development for variety have been favorable and also showed high and stablefertilityand excellent quality of grape and wine.Publishe

    Fermentation Activity of Yeast in Pinot Noir Must

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    This study presents the effect of some B vitamins and mineral nitrogen on yeast growth rate and the rate of the alcoholic fermentation of wine must, as well as on the amount of some wine components produced as by-products of the alcoholic fermentation of sugar. Thiamine, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine were added to the pasteurised sulphured must both as a sterile solution, each at a concentration of 1mg/l, and as a mixture. Secondary ammonium phosphate was added at a concentration of 0.8gl(-1) of must. The experiment showed that the addition of thiamine, the vitamin mixture and ammonium phosphate stimulated yeast growth and the course of the alcoholic fermentation of must, leading to an increased production of glycerine and volatile acids in the wine produced, whereas the supplementation with pantothenic acid and pyridoxine did not substantially enhance wine yeast growth, the fermentation process and the amount of must by-products

    46th Croatian & 6th International Symposium on Agriculture

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    Influence of cultivar characteristics of muscat Abstract The goal of this paper has been to examine influence of a cultivar on the quality of a grape brandy produced from the muscat table cultivars: Demir kapija, Early muscat, Radmilovački muskat, Banatski muskat, Muscat Hamburg, Smederevski muskat, Italy and Afuz-ali. In terms of the content of methyl alcohol as well as of the total evaporable ingredients, grape brandies made of the fermented grape mash of investigated cultivars meet the prescribed standards stipulated by the Rulebook on the Quality of Alcoholic Beverages. Key words: cultivar, sugar content, total acidity, grapevine brendy, methanol, higher alcohols, Esters, Aldehydes. Introduction Grape brandy, "lozovača" or "lozova rakija", was produced by means of fermentation and distillation of the whole, non-squeezed mash of noble grapevine cultivars Vitis vinifera L