13 research outputs found

    Analyses of regulations regarding accommodation facilities categorisation in rural tourism in Serbia

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    The paper analyze the regulation on categorization of accommodation that relate to accommodation in rural tourism. The main aim of the paper is to estimate the point to which legal and administrative procedures reached in recognizing new forms of accommodation in rural tourism in Serbia as well as the level of compliance of legislation with some of the countries in the region. The results of the research render highly significant data on identification of roles, goals, procedures and purpose of the categorization aimed at pursuing market trends which is of crucial importance for tourism stakeholders. Moreover, the adjustments to international standards have become the imperative for Serbia to successfully continue the EU accession in this tourism branch as well

    Uticaj međurednog razmaka na broj plodnih nodija kod soje u uslovima navodnjavanja

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    Three row spacings and three soybean cultivars were examined under irrigation conditions during a two-year study. The objective was to determine the influence of row spacing changes on fertile node number of soybean. The analysis of variance was performed on data following a two-factorial split-plot design , with cultivar and row spacing as main plot and subplot factors, respectively (Hadzivukovic 1991). The number of nodes with pods present was significantly dependent on maturity group. The late cultivar was determined to have a significantly greater number of nodes with pods (1.95 to 2.78), as compared to the early and medium maturity cultivars. An increase in row spacing resulted in an increasing number of fertility nodes (12.05, 12.37, and 13.51). A positive correlation was established between yield per plant and fertile node number.U dvogodiÅ”njem istraživanju ispitivana su tri međuredna razmaka i tri sorte soje različite grupe zrenja u uslovima navodnjavanja. Cilj je bio da se ustanovi u kojoj meri promena međurednog razmaka utiče na broj plodnih nodija kod soje. Podaci su obrađeni analizom varijanse po metodi dvofaktorijalnog split - plot ogleda, gde su faktori ispitivanja: sorta (velika parcela) i međuredni razmak (podparcela) (Hadživuković 1991). Broj nodija s mahunama bio je značajno zavisan od grupe zrenja. Kasana sorta, imala je značajno veći broj nodija s mahunama (1.95 do 2.78) u odnosu na ranu i srednjestasnu sortu. Povećanjem međurednog razmaka setve dolazilo je do povećanja nodija sa mahunama (12.05, 12.37, 13.51). Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između prinosa po biljci i broja plodnih nodija

    Consumer behaviour: influence of place of residence on the decision-making process when choosing a tourist destination

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    Regarding the previous literature on the decision-making process when choosing a destination, this article tries to contribute to current literature by surveying inhabitants from the Bačka region (Vojvodina/Serbia) with respect to the aspect of place of residence on the purchase decision-making process which involves five different phases: need awareness, search for information, estimation of alternatives, decision about purchasing a tourist product or service, feedback after purchasing and discrimination coefficient. The results show that place of residence strongly affects all phases of the decision-making process. The researchers also managed to address the most sensible and vulnerable indicator of the decision-making process when choosing a destination

    The importance of prices in tourism industry: The impact of growth of prices of hospitality services on the domestic tourism demand

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    Practice has shown that prices, an important economic factor, have a significant effect on the choice of tourist destination, i.e. they have a direct impact on the tourism demand and add to its elasticity. More often than not, the connection between the 'prices in the hospitality industry and tourism demand dynamics' is not a simple one. Many various factors besides prices in the hospitality industry influence the decision on a tourism trip, rendering this connection very complex. The effect of prices on domestic tourism demand is particularly evident in developing countries with low avarage salaries. To be better able to objectively perceive the effect of price growth in the hospitality industry, in addition to the basic parameters (prices in hospitality services, domestic arrivals and overnight stays of domestic tourists), we also analysed the cost of life, average salaries and changes in the euro exhange rate. All the parameters are for Serbia and they cover a period of fifteen years, 2002-2016. The principal method used in the research is the statistical method of linear correlation analysis, where the linear correlation coefficient was taken as an indicator


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    <span>Web is the powerful tool for tourism industry in economically developed countries. That mostly implies high website quality, use of Internet promotion techniques and good management of website distribution elements. However, what kinds of tourism websites characteristics are present in a country with small development and small use of Internet, such as Serbia? Serbia connected to Internet in 1996, and two years later first websites related to tourism subjects appeared, but still has small Internet penetration rate. Many companies in travel industry from developing countries use websites, but not in the right way. The purpose of this paper is to examine and show present tourism websites characteristics in term of its credibility, presentation and type of website content, visibility and search engine rank. The main method used in this research is structural observation of domestic 260 travel websites in Serbia. The results have pointed to the negative websites characteristics and inadequate use of its possibilities in tourism sector in Serbia.</span

    Motels in Serbia: What do potential guests expect?

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    The main aim of the paper is to investigate potential guests' expectations in Serbian motels. Through the literature review process, it was determined that there is a cack of research about motel guests' expectations. Based on the survey research on 237 potential motels' guests 14 dimensions of guests' expectations were determined. Statistical significant differences in guests' expectations dimensions among sociodemographic profile were also investigated (Gender, Age, Monthly Income, Occupational Status, Marital Status, Growing up Place, Reason for Traveling, Country of Origin). In Conclusions are present proposal for future motel products development based on presented results as also future research proposals

    Adjustment of a Hotel Product to Contemporary Trends in Tourism

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    Vojvođanska hotelska preduzeća u dovoljnoj meri ne koriste značajne turističke potencijale, kao bitnu konkurentsku prednost, da bi Vojvodina postala značajnija turistička destinacija u ovom delu Evrope. Hotelska preduzeća treba da prepoznaju savremene trendove, predvide njihov razvoj, omoguće raspoloživost svim informacijama, razviju komunikaciju među zainteresovanim subjektima i unaprede sve elemente menadžmenta i marketinga. Napravljen je dobar početak u vidu poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta turističke ponude, međutim treba raditi joÅ” puno da bi Vojvodina bila značajnija turistička destinacija. Kvalifikaciona struktura menadžmenta i ostalih zaposlenih ne samo u analiziranim hotelima nego u hotelijerstvu u celini, je veoma nepovoljna. To nameće potrebu edukacije postojećih kadrova i dovođenja mladih, sposobnih i kreativnih kadrova, koji će koristeći svoja znanja i stečena iskustva daleko bolje prepoznati sve konkurentske prednosti Vojvodine i obogatiti sadržaje hotelskog proizvoda. Problem hotelijerstva u Vojvodini je i taj da su hoteli, odnosno hotelski objekti često u sastavu pojedinih preduzeća čija je osnovna delatnost neÅ”to drugo (poljoprivreda, građevina, trgovina i dr), te je hotelijerstvo uglavnom komplementarna delatnost u okviru poslovanja celokupnog preduzeća. S toga mu se ne posvećuje dovoljna pažnja i ne uviđa značaj i potreba za daljim unapređivanjem poslovanja.Vojvodina hotel companies sufficiently not to use exceptional tourist potential, as an important competitive advantage that Vojvodina became a significant tourist destination in this part of Europe. Hotel companies need to recognize the modern trends, predict their development, ensure availability of all information, develop communication among stakeholders and improve all elements of management and marketing. It was a good start in the form of improving the quality of tourism, but should do much to Vojvodina significantly improved its tourist traffic and tourist spending. Qualification structure of management and other employees not only in the reviewed hotel but the hotel industry as a whole, is very unfavorable. This imposes the need for training of existing staff and bringing in young, skilled and creative staff who will use their knowledge and experience gained far better identify all the competitive advantages of Vojvodina and enrich the contents of the hotel product. The problem in Vojvojdina hotel industry is that they are hotels, and hotel facilities are often part of certain companies whose core business is something else (agriculture, construction, trade, etc.), and is mainly hotelijestvo complementary activities in the business of the entire enterprise. Therefore he is not paying enough attention and realizes the importance and need for further improving the business

    The Improvement of the Accommodation Offer in Vojvodina (Serbia) as a Factor of its Competitiveness on the Market

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    The accommodation offer, particularly hotel industry in Vojvodina is experiencing significant changes today both in quality and in quantity compared to the period 10 years ago. These positive changes and the improvement of the receptive base are a direct consequence of the transition process, ownership transformation and investment in accommodation facilities, which is reflected through the constant increase of foreign tourists, foreign exchange input, as well as market share and competitiveness of certain types of accommodation. Investments in the accommodation offer in Vojvodina are one of the priorities in the Strategy of Tourism Development of Serbia, where a significant increase in the number of accommodation units in the Province is expected

    State, planning and design of Jodna spa in Novi Sad

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    The paper treats the area of Jodna spa in Novi Sad, which largely coincides with FutoŔki park, making with it the indissoluble unity. The main problem in the functioning of the Jodna psa is the fact that in legal sense Jodna spa does not exists, and in spatial sense there are still all of its content. The case of the paper is Jodna spa area, which includes the Special Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Hotel 'Park', Sports Center 'SajmiŔte' and FutoŔki park, which integrate them. The question of the Jodna spa planning, as well as the modern city recreation, spa and tourist center, is the goal of this paper. For this purpose it was necessary to show the historical background of the development of Jodna spa, to make the assessment of the state, critically analyze spatial plans which treat it and provide concrete suggestions for its design and equipping

    Spatial Planning for Transit Tourism on The Highway: A Case Study of Highway Š•-75 Through Vojvodina (HorgoÅ” ā€“ Belgrade Section)

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    The quality and extent of traffc infrastructure has an immense infuence on the development of tourist destinations and on tourism in gener-al. Transit tourism is a unique form of movement and represents a link between generating zones and destinations. The subject of this study is the planning and spatial organization along the route of Highway Š•-75 thorough northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The goal of the study is to scientifcally assert that the route of highway is inadequately equipped as it lacks adequate hospitality services considering its signifcance and the needs of passengers in transit. The pa-per intends to analyze the growing touristsā€™ de-mands perceived in passenger numbers and the passenger vehicles turnover with existing tourist products.The spatial extent of the research comprises the section of Highway Š•-75 through Vojvodina (HorgoÅ” ā€“ Subotica ā€“ Bačka Topola ā€“ Vrbas ā€“ Novi Sad ā€“ BeÅ”ka ā€“ Indjija ā€“ Stara Pazova). The study utilizes mixed quantitative and qual-itative methods, and employs preliminary desk research, feld work, comparative analysis, and a description to establish a critical synthetic narrative. The statistical method of Pearson cor-relation was used for quantitative data analysis and to assess the relationship between overnight stays in places along the highway and the num-ber of passengers travelling the highway. The results of the research pointed out that the initial hypothesis which refers to the lack of specialized accommodation capacity in the highway zone is valid