13 research outputs found

    Proizvodne karakteristike i ekonomski aspekti proizvodnje dunje

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    In spite of the very favorable natural conditions and modest requirements regarding the use of agricultural techniques for growing quince, it is very difficult to explain the fact that quince is very little represented in the fruit industry of Serbia as well as other countries. In the period 1999-2008, the quince was grown on average on the area of 57,557 ha in the whole world, while the realized production was 442,747 t. In the world, in Europe as well as in the Republic of Serbia, there is a tendency of increasing of both the quince growing area and its production. Although the number of fruitful trees has been decreasing in the Republic of Serbia (the change rate is -1.04%), the quince production has been increasing by an average annual change rate of 1.99%. The overall investment value of the intensive quince plantation amounts 3,630 ā‚¬/ha. The planting cost of 1,490ā‚¬/ha accounts for the greatest part (41.1%) in the overall cost of setting up a quince plantation. The realized profit, calculated as the difference between the production value and the production cost, amounts 8,580ā‚¬/ha.I pored veoma povoljnih prirodnih uslova za njeno uspevanje i skromnih zahteva u pogledu primenjene agrotehnike, teÅ”ko je objasniti malu zastupljenost dunje u voćarskoj proizvodnji, ne samo u Srbiji nego i u drugim zemljama. U proseku za period 1999-2008. godine povrÅ”ine dunje u svetu su iznosile 57.557 ha, a ostvarena proizvodnja 442.747 t. U svetu, Evropi i Republici Srbiji je ispoljena tendencija povećanja i povrÅ”ina i proizvodnje dunje. U Republici Srbiji i pored smanjenja broja rodnih stabala (stopa promene - 1.04%) ostvarena proizvodnja dunje se povećava po prosečnoj godiÅ”njoj stopi promene od 1.99%. Ukupna investiciona vrednost intenzivnog zasada dunje iznosi 3.630 ā‚¬/ha. TroÅ”kovi sadnje sa iznosom od 1.490 ā‚¬/ha zauzimaju najveće učeŔće (41,1%) u ukupnim troÅ”kovima podizanja zasada dunje. Ostvarena dobit, izračunata kao razlika između vrednosti proizvodnje i troÅ”kova proizvodnje je 8.580 ā‚¬/ha

    Poslovno odlučivanje u poljoprivredi i agrobiznisu

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    U radu je autor analizirao neke osnovne krakteristike savremenog poslovnog odlučivanja u poljoprivredi, te aspekt primene savremenih metoda i tehnika u procesu donoÅ”enja odluka. U prvom delu rada akcent je stavljen na razvoj procesa odlučivanja kao neminovnog procesa koji je uvek prisutan i to u svim segmentima života i poslovanja, te na karakteristike poslovnog odlučivanja u poljoprivredi i agrobiznisu. Drugi deo rada predstavlja analizu uloge i značaja primene informacionih sistema koji se koriste kao podrÅ”ka odlučivanju u poljoprivredi, te značaj savremenih metoda odlučivanja u poljoprivredi i agrobiznisu danas. Značaj primene takvih sistema za podrÅ”ku odlučivanju dolazi do izražaja iz razloga Å”to su problemi u poljoprivredi kao i u drugim oblastima u velikoj meri loÅ”e struktuirani i zahtevaju ekspertska znanja iz viÅ”e oblasti. Njihovom primenom donosilac odluke smanjuje svoj subjektivizam a povećava racionalnost u procesu odlučivanja

    Economic aspects of dried fruit production by combined technology

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    The aim of the paper is to evaluate the level of profitability of dried fruit production by combined technology (osmotic and convective). In the focus of the research is small capacity dryer - 500 kg of fresh fruit per day, which is used on agricultural holding. The costs of fresh fruit are the most important item in the structure of the price of all types of fruit (67.1% on average), followed by labor costs (14.0%) and packaging (6.8%), while the share of energy is very modest (2.74%). Comparative analysis shows that, individually, the most cost-effective is dried pears production. For 120 days of effective operation of the dryer, profit of 9,815 ā‚¬ is realized, with an acceptable degree of coefficient of economic efficiency (1.21). Investment in construction of drier (31,900 ā‚¬) is paid in 2.74 years. It is a profitable business, which can be a good source of income for agricultural holdings


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    Farm guidance must be based od real and up-to-date informations. Wrong business decision in agriculture can't be correctend easy and quick, coused production cycle, in most cases, one year long. This paper shows developed methodology and decision support software which help management in choosing the best business decision. Solution is based on book-kipping by Serbian and FADN rules. Reports give all necessary produce result data for all production in the farm and for farm itself


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    Farm guidance must be based od real and up-to-date informations. Wrong business decision in agriculture can't be correctend easy and quick, coused production cycle, in most cases, one year long. This paper shows developed methodology and decision support software which help management in choosing the best business decision. Solution is based on book-kipping by Serbian and FADN rules. Reports give all necessary produce result data for all production in the farm and for farm itself


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    The comparative analysis of paramount parameters of success clearly indicates that pear production is the most cost-effective followed by apple and plum production. Within pear production, the highest production value (818250 RSD per hectare) has been established, alongside the highest gross margin (607721 RSD per hectare) and the highest profit (557194 RSD per hectare). Pear production is estimated to have the highest production efficiency (3,13) and the highest profit rate (68,1%). The results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that the analysed productions comprise significant capacity in obtaining positive financial results due to their resilience to the decrease in yield and/or market price of products (from 49% in plum production to 75% in pear production)


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    The paper analyses the main indicators of financial position of agricultural enterprises in Vojvodina for the period 2001-2009. Due to the length of the observed period, considerable devaluation of RSD (60.6%) and high inflation rate (125.7%), all the values are expressed in euros. The growing level of business activities were not accompanied by corresponding financial effects. Agricultural enterprises made losses in six out of nine years of the observed period, thus reducing own assets for around 22.3%. Accumulated losses are the main cause of financial structure deterioration of the enterprises. Net working capital was even negative in the majority of years, indicating serious problems with liquidity. Debts were constantly increasing reaching the level of 58.1%, which is rather high for agricultural enterprises. Certain signs of recovery in 2006 and 2007 were reversed again, partly affected by the world economic crisis


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    This paper analyzes the most important parameters for profitability of production of pasta made from spelt flour produced in an organic farming system. Research pertains to plant of medium capacity which is also suitable for construction on family agricultural households. In order to obtain a more reliable assessment of profitability, the comparison is performed with the production of wheat flour pasta. Comparative analysis of the profitability level is based on analytical calculations of production and additional derived indicators. The main raw material, spelt flour, dominates the total costs with 59.4% (whereas for wheat flour it is 37.5%). As expected, significant share of cost is assigned to labor (12.9%), as well as fixed costs (12.4), while energy has a relatively small share (4.6%). Assuming that the high level of productivity is achieved, the average wholesale price of about ā‚¬ 2.11 per kilo provides an annual income of ā‚¬ 30,766.00 (whereas annual income for wheat is ā‚¬ 12,260.00). Taking into account a solid economy ratio (1.32) and payback period of investment (6.9 years), it is evident that this can be a very profitable business

    Ekonomske determinante kvaliteta voća

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    The quality of fruits is often defined as the sum of the differently associated fruit properties - external and internal mechanical, physical, chemical, organoleptic, from which certain state and favourableness emanate in sense of meeting the technological and nutritive requirements of the fruit as food. The properties which contribute most to the quality of fruit are: sensuous, organoleptic - especially ratio of sugar and acid, flavour and its significance and chemical-biological - content of vitamins, microelements and enzymes, as well as absence of pesticide residues. The quality of fruit depends both on favourable characteristics of fruits for satisfying physiological needs of human organism, on the one hand, and causing a significant level of pleasant feeling while being used, on the other hand. Bearing in mind the increasing demands set by the customers and international quality standards, the paper deals with economic aspects of the quality concept of agricultural-alimentary products, with special emphasize on fruit quality. .Kvalitet voća se najčeŔće definiÅ”e kao suma različito povezanih svojstava plodova - spoljaÅ”nih i unutraÅ”njih, mehaničkih, fizičkih, hemijskih i organoleptičkih, iz kojih proističe određeno stanje i povoljnost u smislu zadovoljenja tehnoloÅ”kih i nutritivnih vrednosti voća kao hrane. Svojstva koja najviÅ”e doprinose kvalitetu voća su: estetska, organoleptička - naročito odnos Å”ećera i kiselina, arome i njena izraženost i hemijsko-bioloÅ”ka - sadržaj vitamina, mikroelemenata i enzima, kao i odsustvo Å”tetnih supstanci rezidua pesticida. Znači, kvalitet voća je uslovljen prvenstveno povoljnoŔću plodova da Å”to uspeÅ”nije zadovoljavaju fizioloÅ”ke potrebe ljudskog organizma, uz istovremeno postizanje značajnog stepena prijatnosti pri njihovom neposrednom koriŔćenju. Polazeći od sve većih zahteva potroÅ”ača i međunarodnih standarda kvaliteta, u radu će biti sagledani ekonomski aspekti pojma kvaliteta poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda, s posebnim osvrtom na kvalitet voća.

    Economic effects of dried pear production using combined technology

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    This paper analyses the expenses and results of dried pear production using combined technology. The research refers to a dryer of the capacity 450 kg of raw material per day, which is suitable for production on family farms. Drying of pears lasts for 20 days, while the period for drying all fruit lasts 135 days per year in total. Cost price of dried pear, in packages of 100-500g, is 376. 8 RSD/kg (3. 59 ā‚¬/kg). In the cost price structure the expenses of dried pear (56. 7%) are the highest, while energy costs are low (2. 8%). Substitution of wheat straw by natural gas in the process of convective drying increases energy costs to the still acceptable amount of 6. 9%, so it can be an alternative in the present production conditions. The wholesale price of 590 RSD/kg (5.62 ā‚¬/kg) makes the proft of 3,376 ā‚¬/20 days in dried pear production