12 research outputs found


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    Salt is crucial for human health, but it`s excess is associated with the development of many diseases including arterial hypertension which is a major feature of hypertensive pregnancy disorders (HPDs). Maternal nutrition during pregnancy can affect cardiometabolic disease development during pregnancy and later in life, but it can also affect fetal growth and disease development in adulthood. Recent studies suggest that excessive salt intake often combined with low potassium intake throughout pregnancy, can suppress renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) with adverse effects on fetoplacental development and can increase the risk of HPDs. Although salt restriction has been considered potentially harmful in the non-pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension in pregnancy and current guidelines do not recommend it during pregnancy to prevent HPDs, especially gestational hypertension and the development of preeclampsia, its role should be reconsidered in light of the recent evidence. However, one key question remains: How much salt, upper and lower limit of daily intake, in a balanced diet is not harmful in uncomplicated pregnancies as well as HPDs in general


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    Salt is crucial for human health, but it`s excess is associated with the development of many diseases including arterial hypertension which is a major feature of hypertensive pregnancy disorders (HPDs). Maternal nutrition during pregnancy can affect cardiometabolic disease development during pregnancy and later in life, but it can also affect fetal growth and disease development in adulthood. Recent studies suggest that excessive salt intake often combined with low potassium intake throughout pregnancy, can suppress renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) with adverse effects on fetoplacental development and can increase the risk of HPDs. Although salt restriction has been considered potentially harmful in the non-pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension in pregnancy and current guidelines do not recommend it during pregnancy to prevent HPDs, especially gestational hypertension and the development of preeclampsia, its role should be reconsidered in light of the recent evidence. However, one key question remains: How much salt, upper and lower limit of daily intake, in a balanced diet is not harmful in uncomplicated pregnancies as well as HPDs in general

    Robots guiding small groups: the effect of appearance change on the user experience

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    In this paper we present an exploratory user study in which a robot guided small groups of two to three people. We manipulated the appearance of the robot in terms of the position of a tablet providing information (facing the group that was guided or the walking direction) and the type of information displayed (eyes or route information). Our results indicate that users preferred eyes on a display that faced the walking direction and route information on a display that faced them. The study gave us strong indication to believe that people are not in favor of eyes looking at them during the guiding

    The Požega hospital during the war in Croatia

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    PožeÅ”ka Bolnica djelovala je u ratnim uvjetima od sredine kolovoza 1991. godine, a do sada je jedna od vrlo rijetkih u Slavoniji koja nije pretrpjela izravna ratna razaranja. Veliki podrumski prostori omoguĀ­Ä‡ili su relativno siguran rad i smjeÅ”taj oko 150 ležajeva. Tijekom rata zbrinuto je 589 ranjenika s požeÅ”ke i drugih bojiÅ”nica. Većina ranjenika ozlijeđena je eksplozivnim oružjima (50%) Å”to je ijedno od značajki ovoga rata. Na hrvatskim bojiÅ”nicama 49 Požežana izgubilo je život, od čega je 10 umrlo nakon prijema u bolnicu, Å”est u prvom satu po prijemu a četiri u prva tri dana. U većine se ranjenika radilo o politraumi, a najčeŔće su bili ozlijeđeni udovi (73,9%) potom prsni koÅ”, glavai trbuh. Postupnim gaÅ”enjem većine hrvatskih bojniÅ”nica, požeÅ”ka Bolnica postala je oslonac susjednim općinama, prije svega Slavonskom Brodu i Novoj GradiÅ”ci, u zbrinjavanju ranjenika s preostalih posavskih bojiÅ”ta, kao i oboljelih koji joÅ” uvijek ne mogu zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu ostvariti u svojim bolnicama.The Požega Hospital worked in war conditions from the midlle of the August 1991. Up to now, it is one of the very rare hospitals that were not damaged. Spacious cellars enabled relatively secure work and the accomodation of cca 150 beds. During the war 589 wounded from Požega and other battlefields were accepted and treated. Half of the wounded (50%) were injured by explosive weapons and this is one of the characteristics of this war. 49 inhabitants of Požega lost their lives on Croatian battlefields. 10 of them died after they were accepted to the hospital; six of them during the first hour after the receipt and four in first three days. The majority of the wounded were polytraumatic cases. The most often limbs were injured (73,9%), upon that thoracic cage, head and belly. As the war had been diminishing, the hospital in Požega became the foot-hold for the neighbourning communities of Slavonski Brod and Nova GradiÅ”ka and others in taking care of the wounded from the rest of battlefields in the Sava valley. The hospital took care on other sick people who were not cured in the hospitals in their towns

    The process of code-switching in bilinugal speakers

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    Dvojezičnost je sposobnost uporabe dva jezika u komunikacijske svrhe. Iako se nekad smatralo da je dvojezičnost nedostatak, danas se zna da dvojezičnost ima niz prednosti (kognitivne, kulturoloÅ”ke, komunikacijske...). Dvojezični govornici u odnosu na jednojezične imaju složeniji mentalni leksikon u kojem su spremljena dva jezika. Prema brojnim autorima dvije su osnovne skupine modela dvojezičnog mentalnog leksikona: hijerahijski i konekcionistički. U razgovoru s jednojezičnim govornikom dvojezični govornik treba naučiti suzbiti drugi jezik upotrebljavajući složenije kognitivne sposobnosti jezične kontrole. No, u komunikaciji često dođe do interferencije drugog jezika i pojave koja se naziva prebacivanje kodova. Prebacivanje kodova jednostavno se definira kao izmjenjivanje dva jezika tijekom interakcije. U ranoj fazi dvojezičnog razvoja, ta pojava nije usustavljena, pa kažemo da kod djece dolazi do mijeÅ”anja jezika, jer kod njih gramatička struktura iskaza nije pravilna. Odrasli govornici često prebacuju kodove iz raznih razloga (siromaÅ”an rječnik na jednom jeziku, grupna solidarnost, rjeÅ”avanje nesuglasica...). Kod prebacivanja kodova postoji jezik-baza koji upravlja proizvodnjom i jezik-gost iz kojeg se kodovi prebacuju. Ovisno o situaciji, prebacivanje kodova je manje ili viÅ”e prisutno. Razni autori navode da postoje jasna pravila oko procesa prebacivanja kodova, no u spontanom govoru dvojezičnih govornika taj proces često krÅ”i sva pravila i predviđanja.Bilingualism is the ability to use two languages for communication purposes. Although it was once considered a disadvantage of bilingualism, today it is known that bilingualism has a number of advantages (cognitive, cultural, communicative...). Compared to monolingual speakers, bilingual speakers have a more complex mental lexicon in which two languages are stored. According to numerous authors, there are two basic groups of bilingual mental lexicon models: hierarchical and connectionist. In a conversation with one language speaker, the bilingual speaker needs to learn to suppress the other language by using more complex cognitive abilities of language control. However, in communication, there is often interference from another language and a phenomenon called code-switching. Code-switching is simply defined as switching between two languages during an interaction. In the early phase of bilingual development, this phenomenon is not established, so we say that language mixing occurs in children, because the grammatical structure of their utterances is not correct. Adult speakers often switch codes for various reasons (poor vocabulary in one language, group solidarity, resolving disagreements...). In code switching, there is a language base that controls the production and a guest language from which the codes are switched. Depending on the situation, code switching is more or less present. Various authors state that there are clear rules about the code-switching process, but in the spontaneous speech of bilingual speakers, this process often violates all rules and predictions

    The process of code-switching in bilinugal speakers

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    Dvojezičnost je sposobnost uporabe dva jezika u komunikacijske svrhe. Iako se nekad smatralo da je dvojezičnost nedostatak, danas se zna da dvojezičnost ima niz prednosti (kognitivne, kulturoloÅ”ke, komunikacijske...). Dvojezični govornici u odnosu na jednojezične imaju složeniji mentalni leksikon u kojem su spremljena dva jezika. Prema brojnim autorima dvije su osnovne skupine modela dvojezičnog mentalnog leksikona: hijerahijski i konekcionistički. U razgovoru s jednojezičnim govornikom dvojezični govornik treba naučiti suzbiti drugi jezik upotrebljavajući složenije kognitivne sposobnosti jezične kontrole. No, u komunikaciji često dođe do interferencije drugog jezika i pojave koja se naziva prebacivanje kodova. Prebacivanje kodova jednostavno se definira kao izmjenjivanje dva jezika tijekom interakcije. U ranoj fazi dvojezičnog razvoja, ta pojava nije usustavljena, pa kažemo da kod djece dolazi do mijeÅ”anja jezika, jer kod njih gramatička struktura iskaza nije pravilna. Odrasli govornici često prebacuju kodove iz raznih razloga (siromaÅ”an rječnik na jednom jeziku, grupna solidarnost, rjeÅ”avanje nesuglasica...). Kod prebacivanja kodova postoji jezik-baza koji upravlja proizvodnjom i jezik-gost iz kojeg se kodovi prebacuju. Ovisno o situaciji, prebacivanje kodova je manje ili viÅ”e prisutno. Razni autori navode da postoje jasna pravila oko procesa prebacivanja kodova, no u spontanom govoru dvojezičnih govornika taj proces često krÅ”i sva pravila i predviđanja.Bilingualism is the ability to use two languages for communication purposes. Although it was once considered a disadvantage of bilingualism, today it is known that bilingualism has a number of advantages (cognitive, cultural, communicative...). Compared to monolingual speakers, bilingual speakers have a more complex mental lexicon in which two languages are stored. According to numerous authors, there are two basic groups of bilingual mental lexicon models: hierarchical and connectionist. In a conversation with one language speaker, the bilingual speaker needs to learn to suppress the other language by using more complex cognitive abilities of language control. However, in communication, there is often interference from another language and a phenomenon called code-switching. Code-switching is simply defined as switching between two languages during an interaction. In the early phase of bilingual development, this phenomenon is not established, so we say that language mixing occurs in children, because the grammatical structure of their utterances is not correct. Adult speakers often switch codes for various reasons (poor vocabulary in one language, group solidarity, resolving disagreements...). In code switching, there is a language base that controls the production and a guest language from which the codes are switched. Depending on the situation, code switching is more or less present. Various authors state that there are clear rules about the code-switching process, but in the spontaneous speech of bilingual speakers, this process often violates all rules and predictions

    Formulation and Stability of Cellulose-Based Delivery Systems of Raspberry Phenolics

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    Encapsulation of bioactives is a tool to prepare their suitable delivery systems and ensure their stability. For this purpose, cellulose was selected as carrier of raspberry juice phenolics and freeze-dried cellulose/raspberry encapsulates (C/R_Es) were formulated. Influence of cellulose amount (2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) and time (15 or 60 min) on the complexation of cellulose and raspberry juice was investigated. Obtained C/R_Es were evaluated for total phenolics, anthocyanins, antioxidant activity, inhibition of α-amylase and color. Additionally, encapsulation was confirmed by FTIR. Stability of C/R_Es was examined after 12 months of storage at room temperature. Increasing the amount of cellulose during formulation of C/R_E from 2.5% to 10%, resulted in the decrease of content of total phenolics and anthocyanins. Additionally, encapsulates formulated by 15 min of complexation had a higher amount of investigated compounds. This tendency was retained after storage. The highest antioxidant activities were determined for C/R_E with 2.5% of cellulose and the lowest for those with 10% of cellulose, regardless of the methods used for its evaluation. After storage of 12 months, antioxidant activity slightly increased. Encapsulates with 2.5% of cellulose had the highest and those with 10% of cellulose the lowest capability for inhibition of α-amylase. The amount of cellulose also had an impact on color of C/R_Es. Results of this study suggest that cellulose could be a good encapsulation polymer for delivering raspberry bioactives, especially when cellulose was used in lower percentages for formulation of encapsulates

    Disaccharide Type Affected Phenolic and Volatile Compounds of Citrus Fiber-Blackberry Cream Fillings

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    The food industry is continuously developing ingredients, processing methods and packaging materials to improve the quality of fruit products. The aim of this work was to study the possibility of using citrus fiber in the preparation of blackberry cream fillings in combination with disaccharides (sucrose, maltose and trehalose). Evaluations of the phenolics, proanthocyanidins, antioxidant activity, color and volatiles of blackberry cream fillings were conducted after preparation and after three months of storage. Blackberry cream fillings were prepared from citrus fiber (5%), blackberry juice and disaccharides (50%). Disaccharide type had an effect on all investigated parameters. The highest phenol content was in fillings with trehalose (4.977 g/100 g) and the lowest was in fillings prepared with sucrose (4.249 g/100 g). The same tendency was observed after storage. Fillings with maltose had the highest proanthocyanidins content (473.05 mg/100 g) while fillings with sucrose had the lowest amount (299.03 mg/100 g) of these compounds. Regarding volatile compounds, terpenes and aldehydes and ketones were evaluated in the highest concentration. Terpenes were determined in the highest concentration in fillings with trehalose (358.05 µg/kg), while aldehydes and ketones were highest in fillings with sucrose (250.87 µg/kg). After storage, concentration of volatiles decreased. These results indicate that the selection of adequate disaccharides is very important since it can influence the final quality of the product

    Formulation and Stability of Cellulose Particles Enriched with Phenolic Acids

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    Dietary fibers and phenolic acids are recognized for their various health benefits; thus, cellulose was selected as a carrier polymer of phenolic acids, including gallic acid and caffeic acid. Dried cellulose particles were prepared through the complexation of different amounts of cellulose (2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10%, w/v) with a constant amount of phenolic acids. Additionally, the complexation time was 15 or 60 min with the goal to determine an impact of the duration of complexation on the adsorption of phenolic acids onto cellulose. The prepared particles were stored at ambient temperature for 12 months to assess their storage stability. Cellulose particles were assessed for the amount of adsorbed phenolic acids and antioxidant activities. For both phenolic acids, the same correlation was established, i.e., reduction of adsorption of phenolic acids occurred with the increase of cellulose amount during complexation. The duration of complexation was not a significant factor in the adsorption of phenolic acids. Antioxidant activity generally followed the trend that was obtained for the amount of adsorbed phenolic acids. Comparing both phenolic acids, cellulose had a higher affinity for caffeic acid (4.665 g/kg) than for gallic acid (3.399 g/kg). However, greater stability of gallic acid/cellulose particles was observed throughout the storage. After storage, the content of gallic acid in cellulose particles slightly decreased (up to 3%), while that of caffeic acid decreased from 10 to 20%. The complexation of phenolic acids with cellulose was proven by recording infrared spectra. Formulated cellulose particles can be a valuable tool for the preparation of plant-based functional additives which can be used for the enrichment of products with phenolic acids in order to improve their antioxidant potential and stability

    Volatiles and Antioxidant Activity of Citrus Fiber/Blackberry Gels: Influence of Sucrose and Trehalose

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    Citrus fiber/blackberry gels (CBg) can be used for the preparation of various bakery products as well as confectioneries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the type of disaccharides (sucrose or trehalose) and their percentages (10% or 20%) on volatile compounds as well as phenolics, antioxidant activity and color of formulated CBg. Additionally, CBg were stored at room temperature for 3 months to evaluate their stability. Both disaccharides type and their percentage affected the investigated parameters. Sucrose had a higher positive impact on volatiles after formulation and storage of CBg, while trehalose had a higher positive impact on total phenolics. Amounts of phenolics increased with the increase of disaccharides amount, while the behavior of volatiles also depended on volatilesā€™ properties. Results of this study emphasized the importance of the adequate choice of ingredients for the formulation of high-quality fruit products