81 research outputs found

    Occurrence of alien spirlin (Alburnoides sp.) in the Neretva river basin

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    Northern Mediterranean region is characterised by an exceptional richness of the freshwater ichthyofauna. Many fish species of this region are endemic to a single or a few river basins. This is also the case of the Neretva river basin (Adriatic Sea slope), where 17 out of 34 native species are endemic solely to this river basin. However, these unique Mediterranean freshwater ecosystems are fragile and are susceptible to human-induced changes, including introduction of alien fish species. We report here a finding of the 32nd alien fish species in the Neretva river basin, spirlin Alburnoides sp., which was found at two localities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The spirlin species was identified by molecular means as so far unnamed species with the native range in the Sava river basin (Danube river basin, Black Sea slope). Based on the comparison of cytochrome b sequences, the introduced population originated most probably from nearby rivers of the Danube basin in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Vrbas and Bosna river basins). Such a high number of alien fish species reported in a single river basin is alarming and pointing to a necessity of raising public awareness, especially among local fishermen


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    Medical studies demonstrated that controlling blood pressure could reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease. The relationship between daily diet, intake of salt and blood pressure has been well established and since bread is the main foodstuffs in population diet, especially in our country, the determination of sodium content of bread is of high priority and warrants further investigation. The sodium content was determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) following wet digestion of the samples with concentrated hidrocloric and nitric acids. By applying a scoring system trained sensory evaluators assessed the expression of taste in samples. The results of present study unfortunately showed that content of sodium in whole wheat bread in the market in two of three investigated municipalities (Bijeljina, Zvornik and East Sarajevo) is much greater compared with contents in other parts of the world. As we do not have assessment of daily sodium intake and on basic of result from this investigation we could conclude that sodium intake in Bosnia and Herzegovina is greater than that recomended by the World Health Organization (WHO). This means that population of investigated municipalities, which consumes whole wheat bread daily could be at a risk of cardiovascular diseases

    Novi podaci o rasprostranjenosti riječnog glavočića, Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) u Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na ekologiju i prateće riblje vrste

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    The invasive fish species Neogobius fluviatilis was recorded at one locality on each of the two investigated rivers, Una and Kupa. The expansion of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina is presented, as well as the habitat characteristics of the locality on the Una River. Additionally, a list of the associated fish fauna at both localities is given: 18 and 29 additional fish species were recorded for the Una and Kupa Rivers, respectively.Tijekom istraživanja ihtiofaune nizinskih rijeka Hrvatske, na jednom lokalitetu istraživanog područja rijeke Une i jednom lokalitetu područja rijeke Kupe zabilježena je invanzivna riblja vrsta, Neogobius fluviatilis. Daje se osvrt na širenje te vrste u Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj te značajke staništa na rijeci Uni na kojoj je zabilježena. Također, daje se popis utvrđenih vrsta riba na oba lokaliteta, za rijeku Unu 18, a za rijeku Kupu 29 vrsta

    Possibilities for utilization of dietary fiber rich supplement from pepper (Capsicum annum L.) processing waste in bakery products

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    By the application of processes of stabilization through drying, separation of seed and grinding of remaining placenta dietary fiber-rich powdered product was obtained from pepper (Capsicum annum L.) processing waste. Effects of dosing of pepper placenta-based supplement (1, 2 and 3%) on farinograph, extensograph and amylograph parameters, as well as test baking, were conducted in this study. Addition of pepper placenta-based supplement resulted in an increase of farinograph water absorption in obtaining of darker and more intensively colored bread crust and in smaller and more evenly distributed pores of breadcrumb. It also inhibited the firming of breadcrumb during bread shelf life. The main negative effects of the application of placenta-based supplement were the increase of dough resistance and the decrease of breadcrumb cohesiveness. Keywords: Bakery, fiber, pepper, products, wast

    Genetic hypervariability of a Northeastern Atlantic venomous rockfish

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    Background: Understanding the interplay between climate and current and historical factors shaping genetic diversity is pivotal to infer changes in marine species range and communities’ composition. A hylogeographical break between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean has been documented for several marine organisms, translating into limited dispersal between the two basins. Methods: In this study, we screened the intraspecific diversity of 150 individuals of the Madeira rockfish (Scorpaena maderensis) across its distributional range (seven sampling locations in the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins) using the mitochondrial control region and the nuclear S7 first intron. Results: The present work is the most comprehensive study done for this species, yielding no genetic structure across sampled locations and no detectable Atlantic-Mediterranean break in connectivity. Our results reveal deep and hyper-diverse bush-like genealogies with large numbers of singletons and very few shared haplotypes. The genetic hyper-diversity found for the Madeira rockfish is relatively uncommon in rocky coastal species, whose dispersal capability is limited by local oceanographic patterns. The effect of climate warming on the distribution of the species is discussed.MARE/UIDB/MAR/04292/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diversity, phylogeny and intraspecific variability of Paradiplozoon species (Monogenea: Diplozoidae) parasitizing endemic cyprinoids in the Middle East

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    Diplozoidae are common monogenean ectoparasites of cyprinoid fish, with the genus Paradiplozoon being the most diversified. Despite recent studies on Diplozoidae from Europe, Africa and Asia, the diversity, distribution and phylogeny of this parasite group appears to be still underestimated in the Middle East. The objective of this study was to investigate the diversity, endemism and host specificity of diplozoids parasitizing cyprinoid fish from the Middle East, considering this region as an important historical interchange of fish fauna, and to elucidate the phylogenetic position of Middle Eastern Paradiplozoon species within Diplozoidae. Four Paradiplozoon species were collected from 48 out of 94 investigated cyprinoid species. Three known species, Paradiplozoon homoion, Paradiplozoon bliccae and Paradiplozoon bingolensis, were recorded on new cyprinoid host species, and a new species, Paradiplozoon koubkovae n. sp., was recorded on Luciobarbus capito and Capoeta capoeta from the Caspian Sea basin in Iran and Turkey. Paradiplozoon bliccae, exhibiting a wide host range in the Middle East, expressed both morphological and genetic intraspecific variabilities. The four Paradiplozoon species collected in the Middle East were placed in divergent clades, showing the rich evolutionary history of diplozoid parasites in the Middle East. Our study also revealed that two lineages of African diplozoids have a Middle Eastern origin. We stress the importance of applying an integrative approach combining morphological, ecological and molecular methods to reveal the real diversity of diplozoids