42 research outputs found

    Determination of CPV Higgs mixing angle in ZZ-fusion at 1.4 TeV CLIC

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    CLIC is a mature project for a future staged e-e+ linear collider at CERN. It is designed to run at three different energy stages currently assumed to be 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV. Staged energy approach enables exploring precision Higgs and top physics as well as the possibility for direct and indirect BSM searches. In this paper we present an overview of the Higgs physics together with preliminary results of the CPV study in ZZ-fusion at the intermediate energy stage.On behalf of the CLICdp Collaboration41st International Conference on High Energy physics - ICHEP2022; 6-13 July, 2022; Bologna, Ital


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    Deposition of (fly and bottom) ash generated after coal combustion in the coal fired power plants (CFPP) in Serbia is carried out in active and passive lagoons. Ash waste mixed with water is directly transported to the lagoon currently active and the other one is passive in the stage of temporary inactivity for technical consolidation of ash and drainage and subjected to revegetation process using grass–legume mixtures with the purpose of creating plant cover. In order to obtain similarity, samples studied in this work were all taken from the area covered with grass which included: (1) soil close to CFPP (2 km) and (3) ash from the flat area of associated passive lagoon. Investigated sites were four power plants: TE “Kolubara” (TEK), TE “Morava” (TEM), TE “Nikola Tesla” A (Tent A) and B (Tent B). In order to analyse environmental implications of ash deposition in the surrounding area, basic characteristics such as texture, particle size distribution, pH value, organic matter and carbonate content were determined in the soil and ash samples. Simultaneously, 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb and 232Th activity concentrations were measured as it is known that after elimination of the organic component of the coal in the process of combustion naturally occurring radionuclides activity concentrations in the coal ash could be enhanced up to 10 times. Analyses of differences between soil and ash samples collected in this study showed that for one group of soils some changes of physical and chemical characteristics occurred compared to the rest of the soils. These changes were found to be related to the soil texture, percentages of clay size particles and 232Th/226Ra activity concentration ratios

    Determination of the CPV Higgs mixing angle in ZZ-fusion at 1.4 TeV CLIC

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    In this talk we discuss the CP violation in the Higgs sector under assumption that Higgs is a mixture of CP even and odd states. Study is done in ZZ-fusion, at the intermediate energy stage of CLIC, in full simulation of a detector and machine and physics related backgrounds. By measuring kinematic properties of electron and positron in the final state, in the Higgs exlusive decay to bb¯ to reduce backgrounds, we discuss the statistical precision of CP-violating mixing angle measurement with 2.5 ab−1 of data.BPU11 : 11th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union : Proceedings book; Aug 11 - Sep 1, 2022S05-HEP High Energy Physics (Particles and Fields

    Probing CPV mixing in the Higgs sector in VBF at 1 TeV ILC

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    Although the studies of tensor structure of the Higgs boson interactions with vector bosons and fermions at CMS and ATLAS experiments have established that the JPCquantum numbers of the Higgs boson should be 0++, small CP violation in the Higgs sector (i.e. = 10% contribution of the CP-odd state) cannot be excluded with the current experimental precision. We review a possibility to measure the CP violating mixing angle between scalar and pseudoscalar states of the extended Higgs sector, at 1 TeV ILC with the ILD detector.The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023) 21-25 August 2023 Hamburg, German

    Measurement of the σ x BR(H→ZZ*) at 350 GeV and 3 TeV center-of-mass energies CLIC

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    In this paper we present results of the determination of the statistical precision of the branching fraction measurement, for Higgs decaying to ∗ pairs at 3 TeV and 350 GeV CLIC. Measurements are simulated with the CLIC_ILD detector model, taking into consideration all relevant physics and beam-induced background processes. It is shown that the product of the branching fraction ( → ∗ ) and the Higgs production cross-section can be measured with a relative statistical uncertainty of 3% (20%) at 3 TeV (350 GeV) center-of-mass energy, using semileptonic final states and assuming an integrated luminosity of 5 (1) ab−1 .BPU11 : 11th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union : Proceedings book; Aug 11 - Sep 1, 2022S05-HEP High Energy Physics (Particles and Fields

    Four algorithms to solve symmetric multi-type non-negative matrix tri-factorization problem

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    In this paper, we consider the symmetric multi-type non-negative matrix tri-factorization problem (SNMTF), which attempts to factorize several symmetric non-negative matrices simultaneously. This can be considered as a generalization of the classical non-negative matrix tri-factorization problem and includes a non-convex objective function which is a multivariate sixth degree polynomial and a has convex feasibility set. It has a special importance in data science, since it serves as a mathematical model for the fusion of different data sources in data clustering. We develop four methods to solve the SNMTF. They are based on four theoretical approaches known from the literature: the fixed point method (FPM), the block-coordinate descent with projected gradient (BCD), the gradient method with exact line search (GM-ELS) and the adaptive moment estimation method (ADAM). For each of these methods we offer a software implementation: for the former two methods we use Matlab and for the latter Python with the TensorFlow library. We test these methods on three data-sets: the synthetic data-set we generated, while the others represent real-life similarities between different objects. Extensive numerical results show that with sufficient computing time all four methods perform satisfactorily and ADAM most often yields the best mean square error (MSE\mathrm{MSE}). However, if the computation time is limited, FPM gives the best MSE\mathrm{MSE} because it shows the fastest convergence at the beginning. All data-sets and codes are publicly available on our GitLab profile

    Production and milk quality of Pag sheep

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    Proizvodnja i prerada ovčjeg mlijeka u Hrvatskoj u posljednjih desetak godina bilježi značajan porast. Radi povećanja proizvodnje mlijeka i postizanja što bolje kvalitete, provode se redovite kontrole mliječnosti i analize kemijskog sastava te higijenske kvalitete ovčjeg mlijeka. Tijekom 2003. i 2004. godine provedeno je istraživanje koje je imalo za cilj istražiti kvalitetu mlijeka paških ovaca i utvrditi utjecaj paragenetskih čimbenika (stada i godine) na proizvodnju, kemijski sastav (količinu mliječne masti i proteina) i higijensku kvalitetu mlijeka (broj somatskih stanica), na dva obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva (OPG A i OPG B). Kontrola mliječnosti provedena je prema AT metodi. Analize kemijskog sastava i higijenske kvalitete mlijeka provedene su infracrvenom spektrometrijom i fluoro-optoelektronskom metodom. Klimatska obilježja u 2003. i 2004. godini bila su različita, glede količina oborina i vegetacije. Tijekom muznog razdoblja u 2004. godini, na otoku Pagu je bilo znatno više oborina pa je uslijed toga i vegetacija na pašnjacima bila bujnija, što je vjerojatno utjecalo na veću ukupnu proizvodnju mlijeka u laktaciji (P<0,01) u odnosu na 2003. godinu. Prosječni udio mliječne masti (%) u mlijeku bio je 2003. g. na OPG A viši u odnosu na OPG B (P<0,01). Tijekom 2004. godine, razlike u udjelu mliječne masti između praćenih stada nisu bile značajne. Prosječna dnevna količina mlijeka varirala je od 689 mL (2003.) do 940 mL (2004.) na OPG A, odnosno od 840 mL (2003.) do 850 mL (2004.) na OPG B. Između pojedinih proizvodnih osobina i praćenih pokazatelja kvalitete mlijeka utvrđeni sum značajni koeficijenti korelacija. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj stada i godine na pojedine proizvodne osobine paških ovaca i kemijski sastav mlijeka.Sheep milk production and processing in last ten years show significant increase in Croatia. Market has recognized the product quality of sheep milk, so today even more number of cheese producers is interested for obtaining the protected geographical indication of products. Because of specific climate conditions on island Pag, as well as specific herbal cover, numerous aromatic plant varieties, milk, i.e. cheese, has specific taste and smell which consumers recognize, search and appreciate. Because of milk production increase and achieving better quality, production regularly controls and chemical composition analyzes and hygiene quality of sheep milk are conducted. In that propose during 2003 and 2004 years, research was carried out, which had for aim to explore milk quality of Pag sheep and to determine influence of paragenetic factors (year - climate) on production, chemical composition (milk fat and proteins content) and hygiene milk quality (number of somatic cells count), in two herds (A and B). Climate characteristics in 2003 and 2004 were different, regarding precipitations quantity and vegetation. Milking capacity control was carried out according to AT method. Chemical composition analyzes and hygiene quality of milk was carried out with infrared spectrometry and fluoro-opto-electronic method. During milking period in 2004, on island Pag, there were considerably more precipitations and due to the fact, vegetation was exuberant, which influenced on bigger total milk production in lactation (P<0.01) regarding to 2003. Average milk fat content (%) in milk was in 2003 on family farm A, higher regarding on family farm B (P<0.01). However, because of higher quantities of produced milk on family farm B, total yield of milk fat (9.43 kg) was higher (P<0.01) regarding to family farm A (7,93 kg). During 2004, differences in milk fat yield were very small and were not significant. Average daily milk quantity was from 689 mL (year 2003) to 940 mL (year 2004) on family farm A, apropos from 840 mL (year 2003) to 850 mL (year 2004) on family farm B. Between individual production features and individual milk quality parameters, significant correlations coefficients were determined. Based on results, it can be concluded that influence of paragenetic factors on individual production features and milk quality was significant

    Radioactivity measurements in soils surrounding four coal-fired power plants in Serbia by gamma-ray spectrometry and estimated dose

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    The study of spatial distribution of activity concentration of U-238, Ra-226, (210)pb, Th-232, K-40 and Cs-237 radionuclides in the surface soil samples (n = 42) collected in the vicinity of four coal-fired power plants in Serbia is presented. Radioactivity measurements in soils performed by gamma-ray spectrometry showed values [Bqkg(-1)] in the range: 15-117 for U-238, 21-115 for Ra-226, 33-65 for (210)pb, 20-69 for Th-232, 324-736 for K-40, and 2-59 for Cs-137. Surface soil radioactivity that could have resulted from deposition of radionuclides from airborne discharges or resuspension of ash from disposal sites showed no enhanced levels. It was found that variation of soil textural properties, pH values, and carbonate content influenced activity levels of natural radionuclides while radiocesium activities were associated with soil organic matter content. Modification of some soil properties was observed in the immediate vicinity ( lt 1 km) of power plants where the soil was more alkaline with coarser particles (0.2-0.05 mm) and carbonates accumulated. Calculated average values of the absorbed gamma dose rate and annual external effective dose originating from the terrestrial radionudides were 69.4 nGy/h and 0.085 mSv, respectively

    Integrated luminosity measurement at CEPC

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    The very forward region is one of the most challenging regions to instrument at a future e+ee^+e^- collider. At CEPC, machine-detector interface includes, among others, a calorimeter dedicated for precision measurement of the integrated luminosity at a permille level or better. Here we review a feasibility of such precision, from the point of view of luminometer mechanical precision and positioning, beam-related requirements and physics background.A method of the effective center-of-mass determination from e+eμ+μe^+e^- \to \mu^+\mu^-, initially proposed for FCC, is also discussed for the CEPC beams.Comment: Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2021), 15-18 March 2021. C21-03-15.1. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2010.15061, arXiv:2002.0366

    Measurement of the Higgs Branching Ration BR(HγγH\rightarrow\gamma\gamma) at 3 TeV CLIC

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    In this paper we address the potential of a 3 TeV center-of-mass energy Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) to measure the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson decay to two photons. Since photons are massless, they are not coupled to the Higgs boson at the tree level, but they are created in a loop exchange of heavy particles either from the Standard Model or beyond. Any deviation of the effective HγγH\rightarrow\gamma\gamma branching ratio and consequently of the Higgs to photon coupling may indicate New Physics. The Higgs decay to two photons is thus an interesting probe of the Higgs sector, both at the running and future experiments. A similar study has been performed by C. Grefe at 1.4 TeV CLIC, where the statistical uncertainty is determined to be 15\% for an integrated luminosity of 1.5 ab1ab^{-1} with unpolarized beams. \noindent This study is performed using a full simulation of the detector for CLIC and by considering all relevant physics and beam-induced processes in a full reconstruction chain. The measurement is simulated on 5000 samples of pseudo-experiments and the relative statistical uncertainty is extracted from the pull distribution. It is shown that the Higgs production cross-section in W+WW^+W^- fusion times the branching ratio BR(HγγH\rightarrow\gamma\gamma) can be measured with a relative statistical accuracy of 8.2\%, assuming an integrated luminosity of 5 ab1ab^{-1} with unpolarized beams