2 research outputs found

    Averroes’ understanding of the role of philosophy and philosophers in the state

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    Ibn Rušd (1126—1198), a.k.a. Averoes, ekspert islamskog prava (fiqh), kadija i faylasuf, napisao je 1194. godine u Kordobi Komentar Platonove Države. U tom, hermeneutički enigmatskom delu, Averoes je uz originalni komentar Platonovog političkog učenja, izneo i svoje shvatanje uloge filozofije i filozofa u idealnoj državi, kao i u akutelnom islamskom poretku svog podneblja i epohe. Za Averoesa, „kralj“, „zakonodavac“, imam i „filozof“ sinonimne su odlike čelnika idealne države. Averoes istovremeno smatra da je filozof u al-Andalusu u XII veku, „u poziciji čoveka koji se našao pred opasnim zverima“. Istraživanje sebi stavlja u zadatak da pokaže da je Averoesovo shvatanje uloge filozofije i filozofa u državi, primer misaone otvorenosti srednjovekovnog mislioca za Platonova politička gledišta uz otvoreno osporavanje islamske dogme na način na koji su je promovisali vladajući verski autoriteti. Cilj istraživanja jeste i da pokaže da se na osnovu Averoesovih osvrta na društveno-političko propadanje islamskih gradova država u al-Andalusu, zasnovanih na modelu urušavanja poredaka koje je Platon izložio u Državi, može videti do koje mere su gledišta osnivača Akademije transepohalna. Istraživanje će precizirati Averoesovu pojmovnu mrežu, uz izlaganje njegove argumentacije u prilog mogućnosti da se pomire gledišta koja su o državi i državnika razvijena u filozofiji klasične grčke antike, pre svega u Platonovoj misli, sa gledištima koja bi u tom pogledu moglo da implicira islamsko-pravničko učenje o odlikama vladara. U osnovi istraživanja stoji uverenje da Averoesov filozofski osvrt na aktuelni islamski poredak svog podneblja i epohe Platonovom matricom, predstavlja jedinstveni primer misaonog umrežavanja sa Drugom i Drugačijom filozofskom tradicijom.Ibn Rushd (1126—1198), a.k.a. Averroes, an expert in Islamic law (fiqh), qadi and faylasuf, wrote in 1194 in Cordoba a Commentary on Plato's State. In this hermeneutically enigmatic work, Averroes, in addition to an original commentary on Plato's political teachings, presented his understanding of the role of philosophy and philosophers in the ideal state, as well as in the current Islamic order of his lands and epoch. For Averroes, "king", "legislator", imam and "philosopher" are synonymous features of the leader of an ideal state. At the same time, Averroes considers the philosopher in al Andalus in the 12th century, "in the position of a man who found himself in front of dangerous beasts." The research aims to show that Averroes' understanding of the role of philosophy and philosophers in the state is an example of the medieval thinker's openness to Plato's political views, while openly challenging Islamic dogma in the way promoted by ruling religious authorities. The aim of the research is to show that based on Averroes' reviews of the socio-political decline of Islamic city-states in al Andalus, based on the model of order collapse presented by Plato in the State, one can see to what extent the views of the Academy's founders are trans epochal. The research will specify Averroes' conceptual network, presenting his arguments in favour of the possibility of reconciling the views on the state and statesman developed in the philosophy of classical Greek antiquity, primarily in Plato's thought, with the views that could imply Islamic-legal learning about the qualities of a ruler. The research is based on the belief that Averroes' philosophical review of the current Islamic order of his region and epoch by Plato's matrix is a unique example of mental networking with the Second and Different philosophical traditions

    Averroes’ understanding of the role of philosophy and philosophers in the state

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    Ibn Rušd (1126—1198), a.k.a. Averoes, ekspert islamskog prava (fiqh), kadija i faylasuf, napisao je 1194. godine u Kordobi Komentar Platonove Države. U tom, hermeneutički enigmatskom delu, Averoes je uz originalni komentar Platonovog političkog učenja, izneo i svoje shvatanje uloge filozofije i filozofa u idealnoj državi, kao i u akutelnom islamskom poretku svog podneblja i epohe. Za Averoesa, „kralj“, „zakonodavac“, imam i „filozof“ sinonimne su odlike čelnika idealne države. Averoes istovremeno smatra da je filozof u al-Andalusu u XII veku, „u poziciji čoveka koji se našao pred opasnim zverima“. Istraživanje sebi stavlja u zadatak da pokaže da je Averoesovo shvatanje uloge filozofije i filozofa u državi, primer misaone otvorenosti srednjovekovnog mislioca za Platonova politička gledišta uz otvoreno osporavanje islamske dogme na način na koji su je promovisali vladajući verski autoriteti. Cilj istraživanja jeste i da pokaže da se na osnovu Averoesovih osvrta na društveno-političko propadanje islamskih gradova država u al-Andalusu, zasnovanih na modelu urušavanja poredaka koje je Platon izložio u Državi, može videti do koje mere su gledišta osnivača Akademije transepohalna. Istraživanje će precizirati Averoesovu pojmovnu mrežu, uz izlaganje njegove argumentacije u prilog mogućnosti da se pomire gledišta koja su o državi i državnika razvijena u filozofiji klasične grčke antike, pre svega u Platonovoj misli, sa gledištima koja bi u tom pogledu moglo da implicira islamsko-pravničko učenje o odlikama vladara. U osnovi istraživanja stoji uverenje da Averoesov filozofski osvrt na aktuelni islamski poredak svog podneblja i epohe Platonovom matricom, predstavlja jedinstveni primer misaonog umrežavanja sa Drugom i Drugačijom filozofskom tradicijom.Ibn Rushd (1126—1198), a.k.a. Averroes, an expert in Islamic law (fiqh), qadi and faylasuf, wrote in 1194 in Cordoba a Commentary on Plato's State. In this hermeneutically enigmatic work, Averroes, in addition to an original commentary on Plato's political teachings, presented his understanding of the role of philosophy and philosophers in the ideal state, as well as in the current Islamic order of his lands and epoch. For Averroes, "king", "legislator", imam and "philosopher" are synonymous features of the leader of an ideal state. At the same time, Averroes considers the philosopher in al Andalus in the 12th century, "in the position of a man who found himself in front of dangerous beasts." The research aims to show that Averroes' understanding of the role of philosophy and philosophers in the state is an example of the medieval thinker's openness to Plato's political views, while openly challenging Islamic dogma in the way promoted by ruling religious authorities. The aim of the research is to show that based on Averroes' reviews of the socio-political decline of Islamic city-states in al Andalus, based on the model of order collapse presented by Plato in the State, one can see to what extent the views of the Academy's founders are trans epochal. The research will specify Averroes' conceptual network, presenting his arguments in favour of the possibility of reconciling the views on the state and statesman developed in the philosophy of classical Greek antiquity, primarily in Plato's thought, with the views that could imply Islamic-legal learning about the qualities of a ruler. The research is based on the belief that Averroes' philosophical review of the current Islamic order of his region and epoch by Plato's matrix is a unique example of mental networking with the Second and Different philosophical traditions