1,200 research outputs found

    The Crime Reducing Effect of Education

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    In this paper, we present evidence on empirical connections between crime and education, using various data sources from Britain. A robust finding is that criminal activity is negatively associated with higher levels of education. However, it is essential to ensure that the direction of causation flows from education to crime. Therefore, we identify the effect of education on participation in criminal activity using changes in compulsory school leaving age laws over time to account for the endogeneity of education. In this causal approach, for property crimes, the negative crime-education relationship remains strong and significant. The implications of these findings are unambiguous and clear. They show that improving education can yield significant social benefits and can be a key policy tool in the drive to reduce crime.education, crime, offenders

    Geopolitika numeričkog prostora i vladavina algoritama

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    The numerical media can simulate all the details of other media by accumulating all the previous classical media functions (television, typewriter, etc.) and acting in this direction they captured so far unprecedented spaces of representation and expression. Due to such capacity for digital programming through modular structures of all the previous functions of the classical mass media, the numerical media succeed through the network reconfiguration and cultural transcoding in presenting a retrospective picture of the world and culture in the history of mankind. Inter-connectivity between the numerical media and internet networks implies a planetary virtual network that some compare with ā€œthe worldā€™s collective cortexā€. However, given the increasing density and complexity, the numerical media have become more hermetical and more complex in their deep functioning. The gradual autonomy and emancipation of its creators and operators opens the process of creating a mysterious artificial intelligence as an introduction to the new reign of algorithms. It is an introduction to the new virtual geopolitics of cyberspace where the strategies of conquest and the monopoly over information become the rival space of power between official government actors and other asymmetric actors.Numerički mediji mogu simulirati sve detalje drugih medija, kumulirajući sve prethodne klasične medijske funkcije ( televizija, pisaći stroj, itd..), i tom smjeru osvajaju do sada nedostižive prostore reprezentacije i izražaja. Takav kapacitet numeričkih medija za digitalno programiranje kroz modularnih struktura, svih prethodnih funkcija klasičinih mas-medija uspijevaju putem mrežne rekonfiguracije i kulturalnog transkodiranja, predočiti retrospektivnu sliku svijeta i kulture u povijesti čovječanstva. Inter-konektivnost između numeričkih medija i internetskih mreža predstavlja planetarnu virtualnu mrežu koji neki uspoređuju sa ā€œsvjetskim kolektivnim korteksomā€. Međutim, s obzirom na rastuću gustoću i kompleksnost, numerički mediji postaju sve hermetičniji i složeniji u njihovom dubokom funkcioniranju. Postupna autonomizacija i emancipacija od svojih kreatora i operatora, otvara proces u kojem se nastaje zagonetna umjetna inteligencija kao uvod u novu vladavinu algoritama. Riječ je o uvodu u novu virtualnu geopolitiku cyber-prostora u kojem su strategije osvajanja i monopola nad informacijama postali suparnički prostor igre moći između službenih državnih aktera i drugih asimetričnih aktera

    Collection Management in 21st Century: Questioning in the Croatian Context

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    This paper promotes a concept of a museum collection management and the related policy by which it is expressed. Collecting and deaccessioning (as essential activities of collections development), loans and accessibility - in international and Croatian museum practice - are also analyzed. In the end, the paper advocates the establishment of a national association of museums that could serve, together with other support points, a purpose of a professional gathering around topics on collection management

    Development of Museological Thought in Croatia and Vladimir Tkalčićā€™s Place in It

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    The paper first provides an overview of the historical level of museology and the history of museology as its special aspect because researching the work of a personality from the history of museums in Croatia belongs exactly to this level and aspect of museology. Next, successive stages of the development of museological thought are given, and persons who made contributions in Croatia are identified. In conclusion, it is determined that although Tkalčić cannot be called the initiator of the Croatian museology, as provided in the entry in the Croatian Encyclopaedia, he was an expert on basic theoretical museological concepts, even more so in the field of practical museology, who not only kept track of foreign thought but also laid in practice many foundations related to the furnishing of museum buildings, the principles of good exhibition, and the use of various means of communication, all with an aim to allow also the least educated audience to find museums to be places of education and learning


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    Cheilosia Meigen, 1822 represents a large genus of blackish hoverflies, with nearly 300 species in the Palaearctic. In Europe, about 175 species occur (78 of them is registered in the Balkans), making it Europeā€™s largest genus (Peck, 1988; Vujić, 1996; van Veen, 2004; Speight, 2018). During a survey of hoverflies on Mt. Jadovnik, one female individual was collected by a standard sweeping net method. Identification was based on the key in StĆ„hls & Barkalov (2017). The prepared individua lof Cheilosia herculana Brădescu, 1982 is deposited in the authorā€™s private collection

    Značenje bio-politike u doba numeričke revolucije: Å”to ostaje od Foucaultovog i McLuhanovog nasljeđa? Konture novog druÅ”tva izloženosti

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    Marshall McLuhan, in the 1960s, coined the well-known phrase ā€œthe world is a global villageā€ at a time when the Internet did not exist, and new communication and media technologies were about to transform the world into a planetary village via interconnection. However, McLuhan may not have anticipated that accelerated technological advances would be made possible by communication without a ā€œphysical mediator-factorā€ and that the utilitarian and instrumental dimension of communication would give way to cultural and social domination and manipulation. In the numerical age, Foucaultā€™s notion of ā€œbio-politicsā€ as a system of complete control and regulation of the body and life by means of science and technology is, at first glance, an outdated term, belonging to the past of modern, biopolitical and repressive societies. The numerical control is today based on a deep urge for individual and narcissistic exhibitionism in the new expository society.U doba kada internet joÅ” nije postojao, 60 - tih godina proÅ”loga stoljeća, Marshall McLuhan iznosi poznatu sintagmu ā€žsvijet je globalno seloā€œ, a nove su komunikacijske i medijske tehnologije trebale putem međuovisnosti transformirati svijet u međuplanetarno selo. Međutim, McLuhan možda nije niti slutio da će ubrzani tehnoloÅ”ki napredak omogućiti komunikaciju bez ā€žfizičkog posrednika - čimbenikaā€œ, te da će utilitarna i instrumentalna dimenzija komunikacije prepustiti mjesto kulturno - druÅ”tvenoj dominaciji i manipulaciji. U numeričko doba, i Foucaultov pojam ā€žbio - politikeā€œ kao sustava potpunog nadzora i reguliranja tijela i života pomoću znanosti, tehnologije, na prvi pogled glasi kao povijesno konzumirani pojam koji pripada proÅ”losti moderne, bio - političkim i represivnim druÅ”tvima. Numerička kontrola danas se temelji na dubokom porivu individualnog i narcističkog egzibicionizma unutar novog druÅ”tva izloženosti

    International Scientific Conference Printing & Design

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    International Scientific Conference PRINTING & DESIGN was held in Zagreb on 27 and 28 March 2015 and was organized by the Centre for Graphic Engineering - Croatian Academy of Engineering, University of Zagreb - Faculty of Graphic Arts - Croatia, University North - Croatia, Polytechnic of Zagreb - Croatia, Polytechnic of Hrvatsko zagorje in Krapina - Croatia, Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec - Croatia, Athens Technological Educational Institute (ATEI), Department of Graphic Arts Technology - Greece, Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences, Bhiwani Birla Colony - India, Print Media Academy -India, University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Technical Sciences - Serbia, University of Travnik - Faculty of Technical Studies ā€“ Bosnia and Herzegovina and Graphic school in Zagreb - Croatia. Conference Printing & Design is the continuation of the scientific conference Printing, held from 1998 in Stubičke Toplice, Tuheljske Toplice and Zagreb. Since 2003, the conference is presented on the website

    International Scientific Conference Printing & Design

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    International Scientific Conference PRINTING & DESIGN was held in Zagreb on 27 and 28 March 2015 and was organized by the Centre for Graphic Engineering - Croatian Academy of Engineering, University of Zagreb - Faculty of Graphic Arts - Croatia, University North - Croatia, Polytechnic of Zagreb - Croatia, Polytechnic of Hrvatsko zagorje in Krapina - Croatia, Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec - Croatia, Athens Technological Educational Institute (ATEI), Department of Graphic Arts Technology - Greece, Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences, Bhiwani Birla Colony - India, Print Media Academy -India, University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Technical Sciences - Serbia, University of Travnik - Faculty of Technical Studies ā€“ Bosnia and Herzegovina and Graphic school in Zagreb - Croatia. Conference Printing & Design is the continuation of the scientific conference Printing, held from 1998 in Stubičke Toplice, Tuheljske Toplice and Zagreb. Since 2003, the conference is presented on the website

    Fuzzy model of the computer integrated decision support and management system in mineral processing

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    During the research on the subject of computer integrated systems for decision making and management support in mineral processing based on fuzzy logic, realized at the Department of Applied Computing and System Engineering of the Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, for the needs of doctoral thesis of the first author, and wider demands of the mineral industry, the incompleteness of the developed and contemporary computer integrated systems fuzzy models was noticed. The paper presents an original model with the seven staged hierarchical monitoring-management structure, in which the shortcomings of the models utilized today were eliminated

    The Effect of Childhood Conduct Disorder on Human Capital

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    This paper estimates the longer-term effects of childhood conduct disorder on human capital accumulation and violent and criminal behaviour later in life using data of Australian twins. We measure conduct disorder with a rich set of indicators based on diagnostic criteria from psychiatry. Using ordinary least squares (OLS) and twin fixed effects (FE) estimation approaches, we find that early (pre-18) conduct disorder problems significantly affect both human capital accumulation and violent and criminal behaviour over the life course. In addition, we find that conduct disorder is more deleterious if these behaviours occur earlier in life.conduct disorder, human capital, twins
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