2 research outputs found

    The Influence of seed storage on germination of tall fescue during after-ripening period

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    After the harvest of tall fescue seed dormancy is present, indicating the reduction of germination. In conventional storage conditions for seed storage, we investigated the influence of three different ways of packaging (paper bags, canvas bags and plastic bags) to change the germination of seeds immediately after harvest, after 30, 60 and 90 days. After 30 days seed dormancy is reduced by 1 to 3% and germination was increased by 2-3%, while the impact of packaging had no significant effect.The decreasing trend in seed dormancy and increased germination even after 60 days continued in the same percentages. After 90 days of storage the contents of dormant seed was reduced to 22-35% and germination was increased to 65-72%

    Ispitivanje klijavosti korijandra (Coriandrum sativum L.)

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    Coriander seed yield (Coriandrum sativum L.) depends of many factors during vegetation period, and also depend of seed quality. Coriander fruit (Coriandri fructus) which is used like spice and in medicinal purpose, and also in food and pharmacy, in the same time is and seed material. Because of that, it is very important to take care about its quality. In this paper is analyzed seed material obtained from field experiments village Mošorin, in 2011, and investigated was conducted in harvest year, and one year later. In harvest year, germination energy in average was 38,21%, and total germination 72,75%. After one year, germination energy was statistically significant smaller - 16,50%, as like total germination which was 67,42%.Prinos korijandra (Coriandrum sativum L.) zavisi od mnogo faktora tokom vegetacionog perioda, ali i od kvaliteta semenskog materijala. Plod korijandra (Coriandri fructus) koristi se kao začin u prehrambenoj industriji, u narodnoj medicini, homeopatiji, ali i kao sirovina u farmaceutskoj industriji, istovremeno je i seme. Stoga je vrlo bitno voditi računa o njegovom kvalitetu. U ovom radu je analiziran semenski materijal dobijen sa oglednog polja u Mošorinu iz 2011. godine, a ispitivanja kvaliteta semena su rađena u godini žetve i nakon godinu dana čuvanja. U godini žetve je energija klijanja korijandra u proseku iznosila 38,21%, a ukupna klijavost 72,75%, a nakon čuvanja od godinu dana energija klijanja je pala na 16,50%, a ukupna klijavost na 67,42%