41 research outputs found

    Observed binary populations reflect the Galactic history. Explaining the orbital period-mass ratio relation in wide hot subdwarf binaries

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    Wide hot subdwarf B (sdB) binaries with main-sequence companions are outcomes of stable mass transfer from evolved red giants. The orbits of these binaries show a strong correlation between their orbital periods and mass ratios. The origins of this correlation have, so far, been lacking a conclusive explanation. We aim to find a binary evolution model which can explain the observed correlation. Radii of evolved red giants, and hence the resulting orbital periods, strongly depend on their metallicity. We have performed a small but statistically significant binary population synthesis study with the binary stellar evolution code MESA. We have used a standard model for binary mass loss and a standard Galactic metallicity history. The resulting sdBs were selected based on the same criteria as used in observations and then compared with the observed population. We have achieved an excellent match to the observed period - mass ratio correlation without explicitly fine-tuning any parameters. Furthermore, our models produce a good match to the observed period - metallicity correlation. We predict several new correlations which link the observed sdB binaries to their progenitors, and a correlation between the period, metallicity and core mass for subdwarfs and young low-mass He white dwarfs. We also predict that sdB binaries have distinct orbital properties depending on whether they formed in the bulge, thin or thick disc, or the halo. We demonstrate, for the first time, how the metallicity history of the Milky Way is imprinted in the properties of the observed post-mass transfer binaries. We show that Galactic chemical evolution is an important factor in binary population studies of interacting systems containing at least one evolved low-mass (Mi < 1.6 Msol) component. Finally, we provide an observationally supported model of mass transfer from low-mass red giants onto main-sequence stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, updated references and language editin

    Leadership in internationalization strategies

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    This paper examines leadership in internationalization strategies for an asymmetric cost duopoly where firms choose between exports and foreign direct investment (FDI) in a sequential setting. The incentive to lead and to engage in FDI is stronger for the more efficient firm. With sequential choices and the efficient firm playing in advance, it is less likely that firms pick identical internationalization strategies in equilibrium, as compared with simultaneous choices; this is more so for greater cost asymmetry. It also happens for large enough oligopoly profitability when the inefficient firm plays in advance. Follow-the-leader behaviour in FDI arises for low values of the setup cost. Although entry in FDI by both firms is best for consumers, total welfare can be higher with opposite internationalization strategies. Were firms given the opportunity to lead or wait and enter later, the efficient firm would emerge as the leader in exports/FDI depending on the well-known proximity-concentration trade-off. Interestingly, the less efficient firm might prefer to wait for strategic reasons

    Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS : IV. Discovery of two new GW Vir stars : TIC 0403800675 and TIC 1989122424

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    We present two new GW Vir-type pulsating white dwarf stars, TIC 0403800675 (WD J115727.68-280349.64) and TIC 1989122424 (WD J211738.38-552801.18) discovered in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) photometric data. For both stars, the TESS light curves reveal the presence of oscillations with periods in a narrow range between 400 and 410 s, which are associated with typical gravity (g)-modes. Follow-up ground-based spectroscopy shows that both stars have similar effective temperature (Teff = 110 000 ± 10 000 K) and surface gravity (log g = 7.5 ± 0.5), but different He/C composition (mass fractions): He = 0.75 and C = 0.25 for TIC 0403800675, and He = 0.50 and C = 0.50 for TIC 1989122424. By performing a fit to their spectral energy distributions, we found for both stars radii and luminosities of R = 0.019 ± 0.002 R and log(L/L ) = 1.68+0.15 −0.24, respectively. By employing evolutionary tracks of PG 1159 stars, we find the masses of both stars to be 0.56 ± 0.18 M from the log g-Teff diagram and 0.60+0.11 −0.09 M from the Hertzsprung Russell diagram

    Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS -- IV. Discovery of two new GW Vir stars: TIC0403800675 and TIC1989122424

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    We present two new GW Vir-type pulsating white dwarf stars, TIC\,0403800675 (WD\,J115727.68-280349.64) and TIC\,1989122424 (WD J211738.38-552801.18) discovered in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) photometric data. For both stars, the TESS light curves reveal the presence of oscillations with periods in a narrow range between 400 and 410\,s, which are associated with typical gravity (gg)-modes. Follow-up ground-based spectroscopy shows that both stars have similar effective temperature (Teff=110,000±10,000T_\mathrm{eff} = 110,000 \pm 10,000\,K) and surface gravity (logg=7.5±0.5\log g = 7.5 \pm 0.5), but different He/C composition (mass fractions): He\,=\,0.75 and C\,=\,0.25 for TIC\,0403800675, and He\,=\,0.50 and C\,=\,0.50 for TIC\,1989122424. By performing a fit to their spectral energy distributions, we found for both stars radii and luminosities of R=0.019±0.002RR=0.019\pm0.002\,R_\odot and log(L/L)=1.680.24+0.15\log(L/L_\odot)=1.68^{+0.15}_{-0.24}, respectively. By employing evolutionary tracks of PG~1159 stars, we find the masses of both stars to be 0.56±0.18M0.56\pm0.18 M_{\odot} from the logg\log g-TeffT_\mathrm{eff} diagram and 0.600.09+0.11M0.60^{+0.11}_{-0.09} M_{\odot} from the Hertzsprung Russell diagram.Comment: 8 Pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2108.1109

    Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS : I. Asteroseismology of the GW Virstars RX J2117+3412, HS 2324+3944, NGC 6905, NGC 1501, NGC 2371, and K 1−16

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    Context. The recent arrival of continuous photometric observations of unprecedented quality from space missions has strongly promoted the study of pulsating stars and caused great interest in the stellar astrophysics community. In the particular case of pulsating white dwarfs, the TESS mission is taking asteroseismology of these compact stars to a higher level, emulating or even surpassing the performance of its predecessor, the Kepler mission. Aims. We present a detailed asteroseismological analysis of six GW Vir stars that includes the observations collected by the TESS mission. Methods. We processed and analyzed TESS observations of RX J2117+3412 (TIC 117070953), HS 2324+3944 (TIC 352444061), NGC 6905 (TIC 402913811), NGC 1501 (TIC 084306468), NGC 2371 (TIC 446005482), and K 1−16 (TIC 233689607). We carried out a detailed asteroseismological analysis of these stars on the basis of PG 1159 evolutionary models that take into account the complete evolution of the progenitor stars. We constrained the stellar mass of these stars by comparing the observed period spacing with the average of the computed period spacings, and we employed the individual observed periods to search for a representative seismological model when possible. Results. In total, we extracted 58 periodicities from the TESS light curves of these GW Vir stars using a standard prewhitening procedure to derive the potential pulsation frequencies. All the oscillation frequencies that we found are associated with g-mode pulsations, with periods spanning from ∼817 s to ∼2682 s. We find constant period spacings for all but one star (K 1−16), which allowed us to infer their stellar masses and constrain the harmonic degree ` of the modes. Based on rotational frequency splittings, we derive the rotation period of RX J2117+3412, obtaining a value in agreement with previous determinations. We performed period-to-period fit analyses on five of the six analyzed stars. For four stars (RX J2117+3412, HS 2324+3944, NGC 1501, and NGC 2371), we were able to find an asteroseismological model with masses that agree with the stellar mass values inferred from the period spacings and are generally compatible with the spectroscopic masses. Obtaining seismological models allowed us to estimate the seismological distance and compare it with the precise astrometric distance measured with Gaia. Finally, we find that the period spectrum of K 1−16 exhibits dramatic changes in frequency and amplitude that together with the scarcity of modes prevented us from meaningful seismological modeling of this star. Conclusions. The high-quality data collected by the TESS space mission, considered simultaneously with ground-based observations, provide very valuable input to the asteroseismology of GW Vir stars, similar to the case of other classes of pulsating white dwarf stars. The TESS mission, in conjunction with future space missions and upcoming surveys, will make impressive progress in white dwarf asteroseismology

    Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS : II. Discovery of two new GW Vir stars: TIC 333432673 and TIC 095332541

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    Context. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission is revolutionizing the blossoming area of asteroseismology, particularly of pulsating white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs, thus continuing the impulse of its predecessor, the Kepler mission. Aims. In this paper, we present the observations from the extended TESS mission in both 120 s short-cadence and 20 s ultra-short cadence mode of two pre-white dwarf stars showing hydrogen deficiency. We identify them as two new GW Vir stars, TIC 333432673 and TIC 095332541. We apply the tools of asteroseismology with the aim of deriving their structural parameters and seismological distances. Methods. We carried out a spectroscopic analysis and a spectral fitting of TIC 333432673 and TIC 095332541. We also processed and analyzed the high-precision TESS photometric light curves of the two target stars, and derived their oscillation frequencies. We performed an asteroseismological analysis of these stars on the basis of PG 1159 evolutionary models that take into account the complete evolution of the progenitor stars. We searched for patterns of uniform period spacings in order to constrain the stellar mass of the stars. We employed the individual observed periods to search for a representative seismological model. Results. The analysis of the TESS light curves of TIC 333432673 and TIC 095332541 reveals the presence of several oscillations with periods ranging from 350 to 500 s associated to typical gravity (g)-modes. From follow-up ground-based spectroscopy, we find that both stars have a similar effective temperature (Teff = 120 000 ± 10 000 K) and surface gravity (log g = 7.5 ± 0.5), but a different He/C composition of their atmosphere. On the basis of PG 1159 evolutionary tracks, we derived a spectroscopic mass of M? = 0.58+0.16 −0.08 M for both stars. Our asteroseismological analysis of TIC 333432673 allowed us to find a constant period spacing compatible with a stellar mass M? ∼ 0.60 − 0.61 M , and an asteroseismological model for this star with a stellar mass M? = 0.589 ± 0.020 M , as well as a seismological distance of d = 459+188 −156 pc. For this star, we find an excellent agreement between the different methods to infer the stellar mass, and also between the seismological distance and that measured with Gaia (dGaia = 389+5.6 −5.2 pc). For TIC 095332541, we have found a possible period spacing that suggests a stellar mass of M? ∼ 0.55−0.57 M . Unfortunately, we have not been able to find an asteroseismological model for this star. Conclusions. Using the high-quality data collected by the TESS space mission and follow-up spectroscopy, we have been able to discover and characterize two new GW Vir stars. The TESS mission is having, and will continue to have, an unprecedented impact on the area of white-dwarf asteroseismology

    Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS : II. Discovery of two new GW Vir stars: TIC 333432673 and TIC 095332541

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    Context. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission is revolutionizing the blossoming area of asteroseismology, particularly of pulsating white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs, thus continuing the impulse of its predecessor, the Kepler mission. Aims. In this paper, we present the observations from the extended TESS mission in both 120 s short-cadence and 20 s ultra-short cadence mode of two pre-white dwarf stars showing hydrogen deficiency. We identify them as two new GW Vir stars, TIC 333432673 and TIC 095332541. We apply the tools of asteroseismology with the aim of deriving their structural parameters and seismological distances. Methods. We carried out a spectroscopic analysis and a spectral fitting of TIC 333432673 and TIC 095332541. We also processed and analyzed the high-precision TESS photometric light curves of the two target stars, and derived their oscillation frequencies. We performed an asteroseismological analysis of these stars on the basis of PG 1159 evolutionary models that take into account the complete evolution of the progenitor stars. We searched for patterns of uniform period spacings in order to constrain the stellar mass of the stars. We employed the individual observed periods to search for a representative seismological model. Results. The analysis of the TESS light curves of TIC 333432673 and TIC 095332541 reveals the presence of several oscillations with periods ranging from 350 to 500 s associated to typical gravity (g)-modes. From follow-up ground-based spectroscopy, we find that both stars have a similar effective temperature (Teff = 120 000 ± 10 000 K) and surface gravity (log g = 7.5 ± 0.5), but a different He/C composition of their atmosphere. On the basis of PG 1159 evolutionary tracks, we derived a spectroscopic mass of M? = 0.58+0.16 −0.08 M for both stars. Our asteroseismological analysis of TIC 333432673 allowed us to find a constant period spacing compatible with a stellar mass M? ∼ 0.60 − 0.61 M , and an asteroseismological model for this star with a stellar mass M? = 0.589 ± 0.020 M , as well as a seismological distance of d = 459+188 −156 pc. For this star, we find an excellent agreement between the different methods to infer the stellar mass, and also between the seismological distance and that measured with Gaia (dGaia = 389+5.6 −5.2 pc). For TIC 095332541, we have found a possible period spacing that suggests a stellar mass of M? ∼ 0.55−0.57 M . Unfortunately, we have not been able to find an asteroseismological model for this star. Conclusions. Using the high-quality data collected by the TESS space mission and follow-up spectroscopy, we have been able to discover and characterize two new GW Vir stars. The TESS mission is having, and will continue to have, an unprecedented impact on the area of white-dwarf asteroseismology

    Effects of allergic diseases and age on the composition of serum IgG glycome in children

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    Acknowledgements Glycan analysis was partly supported by European Commission GlycoBioM (contract #259869), IBD-BIOM (contract #305479), HighGlycan (contract #278535), MIMOmics (contract #305280), HTP-GlycoMet (contract #324400) and IntegraLife (contract #315997) grants. The SEATON cohort was partly funded by the UK Medical Research Council (contract #80219) and Asthma UK (contract #00/011 and 02/017) grants.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Discovery of 74 new bright ZZ Ceti stars in the first three years of TESS

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    We report the discovery of 74 new pulsating DA white dwarf stars, or ZZ Cetis, from the data obtained by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission, from Sectors 1 to 39, corresponding to the first 3 cycles. This includes objects from the Southern hemisphere (Sectors 1–13 and 27–39) and the Northern hemisphere (Sectors 14–26), observed with 120 s- and 20 s-cadence. Our sample likely includes 13 low-mass and one extremely low-mass white dwarf candidate, considering the mass determinations from fitting Gaia magnitudes and parallax. In addition, we present follow-up time series photometry from ground-based telescopes for 11 objects, which allowed us to detect a larger number of periods. For each object, we analysed the period spectra and performed an asteroseismological analysis, and we estimate the structure parameters of the sample, i.e. stellar mass, effective temperature, and hydrogen envelope mass. We estimate a mean asteroseismological mass of 〈Msis〉 = 0.635 ± 0.015 M⊙, excluding the candidate low or extremely low-mass objects. This value is in agreement with the mean mass using estimates from Gaia data, which is 〈Mphot〉 = 0.631 ± 0.040 M⊙, and with the mean mass of previously known ZZ Cetis of 〈M*〉 = 0.644 ± 0.034 M⊙. Our sample of 74 new bright ZZ Cetis increases the number of known ZZ Cetis by ∼20 per cent

    Defining the genetic control of human blood plasma N-glycome using genome-wide association study

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    Glycosylation is a common post-translational modification of proteins. Glycosylation is associated with a number of human diseases. Defining genetic factors altering glycosylation may provide a basis for novel approaches to diagnostic and pharmaceutical applications. Here we report a genome-wide association study of the human blood plasma N-glycome composition in up to 3811 people measured by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) technology. Starting with the 36 original traits measured by UPLC, we computed an additional 77 derived traits leading to a total of 113 glycan traits. We studied associations between these traits and genetic polymorphisms located on human autosomes. We discovered and replicated 12 loci. This allowed us to demonstrate an overlap in genetic control between total plasma protein and IgG glycosylation. The majority of revealed loci contained genes that encode enzymes directly involved in glycosylation (FUT3/FUT6, FUT8, B3GAT1, ST6GAL1, B4GALT1, ST3GAL4, MGAT3 and MGAT5) and a known regulator of plasma protein fucosylation (HNF1A). However, we also found loci that could possibly reflect other more complex aspects of glycosylation process. Functional genomic annotation suggested the role of several genes including DERL3, CHCHD10, TMEM121, IGH and IKZF1. The hypotheses we generated may serve as a starting point for further functional studies in this research area