520 research outputs found

    Dipole induced transparency in drop-filter cavity-waveguide systems

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    We show that a waveguide that is normally opaque due to interaction with a drop-filter cavity can be made transparent when the drop filter is also coupled to a dipole. A transparency condition is derived between the cavity lifetime and vacuum Rabi frequency of the dipole. This condition is much weaker than strong coupling, and amounts to simply achieving large Purcell factors. Thus, we can observe transparency in the weak coupling regime. We describe how this effect can be useful for designing quantum repeaters for long distance quantum communication

    Dispersive properties and giant Kerr non-linearities in Dipole Induced Transparency

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    We calculate the dispersive properties of the reflected field from a cavity coupled to a single dipole. We show that when a field is resonant with the dipole it experiences a 90 degree phase shift relative to reflection from a bare cavity if the Purcell factor exceeds the bare cavity reflectivity. We then show that optically Stark shifting the dipole with a second field can be used to achieve giant Kerr non-linearites. It is shown that currently achievable cavity lifetimes and cavity quality factors can allow a single emitter in the cavity to impose a nonlinear π\pi phase shift at the single photon level

    Deterministic coupling of a single nitrogen vacancy center to a photonic crystal cavity

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    We describe and experimentally demonstrate a technique for deterministic coupling between a photonic crystal (PC) nanocavity and single emitters. The technique is based on in-situ scanning of a PC cavity over a sample and allows the positioning of the cavity over a desired emitter with nanoscale resolution. The power of the technique, which we term a Scanning Cavity Microscope (SCM), is demonstrated by coupling the PC nanocavity to a single nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond, an emitter system that provides optically accessible electron and nuclear spin qubits

    Photonic Crystal Cavities and Waveguides

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    Recently, it has also become possible to microfabricate high reflectivity mirrors by creating two- and three-dimensional periodic structures. These periodic "photonic crystals" can be designed to open up frequency bands within which the propagation of electromagnetic waves is forbidden irrespective of the propagation direction in space and define photonic bandgaps. When combined with high index contrast slabs in which light can be efficiently guided, microfabricated two-dimensional photonic bandgap mirrors provide us with the geometries needed to confine and concentrate light into extremely small volumes and to obtain very high field intensities. Here we show the use of these "artificially" microfabricated crystals in functional nonlinear optical devices, such as lasers, modulators, and waveguides

    Optimal two-photon excitation of bound states in non-Markovian waveguide QED

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    Automated calibration of consensus weighted distance-based clustering approaches using sharp

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    Motivation: In consensus clustering, a clustering algorithm is used in combination with a subsampling procedure to detect stable clusters. Previous studies on both simulated and real data suggest that consensus clustering outperforms native algorithms. Results: We extend here consensus clustering to allow for attribute weighting in the calculation of pairwise distances using existing regularised approaches. We propose a procedure for the calibration of the number of clusters (and regularisation parameter) by maximising the sharp score, a novel stability score calculated directly from consensus clustering outputs, making it extremely computationally competitive. Our simulation study shows better clustering performances of (i) approaches calibrated by maximising the sharp score compared to existing calibration scores, and (ii) weighted compared to unweighted approaches in the presence of features that do not contribute to cluster definition. Application on real gene expression data measured in lung tissue reveals clear clusters corresponding to different lung cancer subtypes. Availability and implementation: The R package sharp (version ≥ 1.4.3) is available on CRAN at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=sharp

    Biological age estimation using circulating blood biomarkers

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    Biological age captures physiological deterioration better than chronological age and is amenable to interventions. Blood-based biomarkers have been identified as suitable candidates for biological age estimation. This study aims to improve biological age estimation using machine learning models and a feature-set of 60 circulating biomarkers available from the UK Biobank (n = 306,116). We implement an Elastic-Net derived Cox model with 25 selected biomarkers to predict mortality risk (C-Index = 0.778; 95% CI [0.767–0.788]), which outperforms the well-known blood-biomarker based PhenoAge model (C-Index = 0.750; 95% CI [0.739–0.761]), providing a C-Index lift of 0.028 representing an 11% relative increase in predictive value. Importantly, we then show that using common clinical assay panels, with few biomarkers, alongside imputation and the model derived on the full set of biomarkers, does not substantially degrade predictive accuracy from the theoretical maximum achievable for the available biomarkers. Biological age is estimated as the equivalent age within the same-sex population which corresponds to an individual’s mortality risk. Values ranged between 20-years younger and 20-years older than individuals’ chronological age, exposing the magnitude of ageing signals contained in blood markers. Thus, we demonstrate a practical and cost-efficient method of estimating an improved measure of Biological Age, available to the general population

    Uticaj pentobarbitala i pentilenetetrazola na nivo azot oksida u frontalnom korteksu pacova

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    Levels of nitric oxide (NO) in the rats frontal cortex were continuously monitored before and after intraperitoneal administration of an antiepileptic drug-pentobarbital (20 and 40 mg/kg) or convulsant drug - pentylenetetrazol (50 mg/kg). Pentobarbital decreased the levels of NO in a dose dependent manner However, NO levels had a tendency to increase following the administration of pentylenetetrazol. It is suggested that central NO participates in the modulation of neuronal excitability, supporting the idea that NO is an important excitatory factor involved in the regulation of seizure susceptibility. Also, our results on anaesthetized rats suggests that endogenous NO may be involved in the mechanism of action of antiepileptic and analeptic drugs and this further suggest that NO levels in the human brain may decrease during antiepileptic therapy and increase during epileptic attacks or administration of excitatory drugs. The aim of the present study was to determine the possible role of NO levels in the brain during neuronal excitability and seizures.Nivo azot oksida (NO) u frontalnom korteksu pacova meren je kontinuirano kako pre, tako i nakon intraperitonealne primene antiepileptika pentobarbitala (u dozi od 20 i 40 mg/kg) ili konvulzivnog agensa pentilenetetrazola (u dozi od 50 mg/kg). Rezultati ovih eksperimenta su ukazali da pentobarbital smanjuje nivo NO u frontalnom korteksu pacova, dok koncentracija NO ima tendeciju rasta nakon primene pentilenetetrazola. Osim toga, dokazano je da endogeni NO ima važnu ekscitatornu ulogu u centralnim mehanizmima nastanka epilepsije. Takođe, naši rezultati su ukazali da kod anestetisanih životinja endogeni nivo NO ima uticaja na dejstvo kako antikonvulzivnih, tako i prokonvulzivnih lekova. Nivo NO u mozgu pacova je bio snižen tokom terapije antiepilepticima, a povišen tokom epileptičkih napada ili primene lekova iz grupe centralnih stimulansa
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