118 research outputs found

    Quantum Critical Transport Near the Mott Transition

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    We perform a systematic study of incoherent transport in the high temperature crossover region of the half-filled one-band Hubbard model. We demonstrate that the family of resistivity curves displays characteristic quantum critical scaling of the form ρ(δU,T)=ρc(T)f(T/To(δU))\rho(\delta U,T)=\rho_{c}(T)f(T/T_{o}(\delta U)), with To(δU)δUzνT_{o}(\delta U)\sim\delta U^{z\nu}, and ρc(T)T\rho_{c}(T)\sim T. The corresponding β\beta-function displays a "strong coupling" form βln(ρc/ρ)\beta\sim\ln(\rho_{c}/\rho), reflecting the peculiar mirror symmetry of the scaling curves. This behavior, which is surprisingly similar to some experimental findings, indicates that Mott quantum criticality may be acting as the fundamental mechanism behind the unusual transport phenomena in many systems near the metal-insulator transition.Comment: Published version; 4+epsilon pages, 4 figure

    Detection and analysis of new psittacine beak and feather disease virus (PBFDv) nucleotide sequences

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    ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗPsittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) affects a large number of Psittaciformes species. In this study, five White Cockatoo parrots (Cacatua alba) with clinical signs of PBFD were examined. After euthanasia, a full necropsy of parrots was performed and organs with macroscopic changes were sampled for routine histopathological evaluation. To confirm the presence of psittacine beak and feather disease virus (PBFDv), feather samples were analyzed with the PCR method. Sequence analysis of the obtained PCR products indicated their close relationship (99%) to other PBFDv isolates. Six variable nucleotide sites were discovered, two missense and four silent mutations. This paper presents the evidence of new PBFDv sequence in Cockatoo species

    PROmiRNA: a new miRNA promoter recognition method uncovers the complex regulation of intronic miRNAs

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    The regulation of intragenic miRNAs by their own intronic promoters is one of the open problems of miRNA biogenesis. Here, we describe PROmiRNA, a new approach for miRNA promoter annotation based on a semi-supervised statistical model trained on deepCAGE data and sequence features. We validate our results with existing annotation, PolII occupancy data and read coverage from RNA-seq data. Compared to previous methods PROmiRNA increases the detection rate of intronic promoters by 30%, allowing us to perform a large-scale analysis of their genomic features, as well as elucidate their contribution to tissue-specific regulation. PROmiRNA can be downloaded from http://promirna.molgen.mpg.de

    FACT sets a barrier for cell fate reprogramming in Caenorhabditis elegans and human cells

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    The chromatin regulator FACT (facilitates chromatin transcription) is essential for ensuring stable gene expression by promoting transcription. In a genetic screen using Caenorhabditis elegans, we identified that FACT maintains cell identities and acts as a barrier for transcription factor-mediated cell fate reprogramming. Strikingly, FACT's role as a barrier to cell fate conversion is conserved in humans as we show that FACT depletion enhances reprogramming of fibroblasts. Such activity is unexpected because FACT is known as a positive regulator of gene expression, and previously described reprogramming barriers typically repress gene expression. While FACT depletion in human fibroblasts results in decreased expression of many genes, a number of FACT-occupied genes, including reprogramming-promoting factors, show increased expression upon FACT depletion, suggesting a repressive function of FACT. Our findings identify FACT as a cellular reprogramming barrier in C. elegans and humans, revealing an evolutionarily conserved mechanism for cell fate protection

    Extramedullary myeloma in an HIV-seropositive subject. Literature review and report of an unusual case

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    Myeloma is characterized by monoclonal bone marrow plasmacytosis, the presence of M-protein in serum and/or in urine and osteolytic bone lesions. HIV-seropositive subjects with myeloma are younger at the time of diagnosis of the tumour and usually the myeloma has a more aggressive clinical course than it does in HIV-seronegative subjects