3,201 research outputs found

    Non-abelian Littlewood-Offord inequalities

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    In 1943, Littlewood and Offord proved the first anti-concentration result for sums of independent random variables. Their result has since then been strengthened and generalized by generations of researchers, with applications in several areas of mathematics. In this paper, we present the first non-abelian analogue of Littlewood-Offord result, a sharp anti-concentration inequality for products of independent random variables.Comment: 14 pages Second version. Dependence of the upper bound on the matrix size in the main results has been remove

    Les conflits d'usage des espaces périurbains et le contentieux administratif. Le cas de la région Ile-de-France..

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    L’article porte sur une analyse des conflits d’usages d’espace, traduits par les requêtes devant la justice administrative française de 1981 à 2005. Le terrain d’étude est le périurbain francilien, territoire qui connaît une forte urbanisation et où la diversité des modes d’occupation du sol nécessite une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la conflictualité. L’étude empirique montre une corrélation entre l’augmentation des conflits d’usage en Île-de-France et la dynamique de périurbanisation. Elle met en évidence un couplage entre certains types de conflits et certaines caractéristiques du territoire : les problèmes d’urbanisme font souvent l’objet conflictuel dominant dans les communes plutôt aisées, tandis que l’opposition aux infrastructures publiques se situe fréquemment dans les communes à forte urbanisation. Les nuisances des installations classées sont souvent localisées dans des communes plutôt peu aisées.The article provides an analysis of land-use conflicts extract from the rulings of French Administrative Courts from 1981 to 2005. It focuses on Paris’s suburb, where the urbanisation process and the diversity of land-use require a deeper comprehension of the problem. Our results show that the land-use conflict’s evolution is correlated with the urbanisation process. They also detect a coupling phenomenon between conflict’s type and territory’s parameters : urbanism disputes often arise in wealthy municipalities, whereas oppositions to public infrastructure have particularly risen in strongly urbanising towns. Classified industrial facility’s nuisances have been found in unfortunate municipalities.Île-de-France; contentieux; périurbanisation; conflit d’usage; Paris region; periurbanisation; land-use conflict; litigation;

    A Hybrid Instantaneous Recovery Route Design Scheme Using Different Coding-Aware Scenarios

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    ネットワーク上のサービスの進化と通信量の増加に従い、経済的で高信頼な経路の設計が求められている。本研究では、ネットワーク上の単一のリンク故障に対して、瞬時に復旧可能で、かつ,リソースを効率的に利用する経路設計法を扱う。1+1プロテクションは単一のリンク故障に対する瞬間復旧の代表的な手法である。このプロテクションでは同じデータが同時に独立の二つの経路へ送信されている。一つの経路上にシングルリンク故障が発生した時に着ノードで、もう一方の経路にスイッチすることによりデータが瞬時に復旧することが可能となる。この技術では必要な資源が少なくとも二倍以上必要となる。一方、ネットワーク符号化は中継ノードに到着データを符号化する技術がある。以前の研究で、この符号化の技術を用いて1+1プロテクションの瞬間復旧機能を保ちながら必要な資源を削減する方式として,TS (traffic splitting)と2SD (2 sources common destination)というシナリオが報告されている。本研究ではネットワーク上のすべて発着ノードのペアに対する1+1プロテクションを提供するハイブリッド経路設計法を提案する。この設計法は2段階のフェーズから構成される。第1フェーズでは、TSと2SDの選択肢の中から、それぞれの発着ノードペアに対して適切なプロテクションシナリオを選択する。第2フェーズでは、第1フェーズで得られた結果からシナリオの組み合わせが符号化可能な共通経路を抽出し、ネットワークコストが低減されるように最適な組み合わせを探索する。提案したハイブリッド経路設計法と、従来方法のTSと2SDとの性能を比較した結果、提案方法は,従来方法と比較して5%の資源を削減ができることを示す。電気通信大学201

    Cyber Security training tools for the nuclear energy sector

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    Nowadays, cyber security should be a priority for everyone when they connect their laptop to the internet; however, not many internet users have sufficient knowledge about cyber security. A cyberattack on an individual’s computer could result in the loss of personal information, financial information, or other resources. The damage from a cyberattack on a nuclear facility or other critical infrastructure could have much greater consequences. The attackers could impact the confidentiality of data, the availability of key systems, or the integrity of those safety or operating systems. Therefore, the National Nuclear Security Administration has tasked Pacific Northwest National Laboratory with developing eLearning modules for teaching cyber security to nuclear plant personnel. The eLearning modules are designed to increase cyber security knowledge and awareness for nuclear facility decision makers, regulators, workers, and stakeholders. The modules are designed along the lines of a university curriculum with foundation courses (100 level), and more in-depth courses (200 to 400 level). In general, eLearning modules need to have many interactive activities in order to grab and maintain the learners’ attention. Storyline 2TM is used as our eLearning management system for developing and presenting eLearning content. It provides many features that allow developers to create interactive learning activities. These include drag-and-drop, timeline, and knowledge testing products; moreover, Storyline 2TM allows pictures and videos to be displayed. Content developers are able to publish their Storyline 2TM products into many different formats, including CD, Web, and Word documents. This work focuses on the development of three 200 level courses covering cyber security threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences using Storyline. Gearhead is an activity to provide information on how the adversaries steal information of the employee. Gearhead provides a full freedom to users to discover different ways of attack from adversaries, and Gearhead contains many pictures to make an activity more interesting. Introduction timeline is a product that included a narration voice and drag-and-drop activity, so users have to drag the circle along the timeline to see the picture, listen to the audio, and read the information. By the end of each topic, users will receive some type of assessment to check their knowledge, and Storyline allows to create a test bank questions that we can use for multiple question quiz and drag-and-drop activity. Using Storyline 2TM is a good tool for developing effective cyber security eLearning modules. Beyond this specific training objective this project provided an opportunity for the author to learn education software and techniques useful in modern classrooms and curriculum

    The Role of Entertainment Education in Health Literacy and Implications for the Future

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    Entertainment television remains a source upon which Americans have increasingly relied. Entertainment-education (EE) is a growingly popular strategy that incorporates educational messages into media sources to positively influence awareness and knowledge and subsequent attitude and behavior.6 Although EE is not limited to entertainment television, familiar examples include: the use of emergency contraception in the prime-time drama ER, the demonstration of condom efficacy in the sitcom Friends, and a storyline involving HIV in the daytime drama The Bold & The Beautiful.6 Though it remains a promising health communication strategy, not enough information is known regarding audience involvement with EE messages. This review examines whether EE can be successfully applied as a tool to improve patient health literacy and health behavior, its limitations, future implications and importance for the role of a health care provider

    Inverse scattering problems and their application to nonlinear integrable equations

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    The monograph entitled “Inverse Scattering Problems and Their Application to Nonlinear Integrable Equations” has been published by CRC–Press Taylor Francis Group in November 2019 at the website: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780429328459. This monograph is devoted to inverse scattering problems for differential equations and their application to nonlinear evolution equations. It contains most of published papers of Prof. Pham Loi Vu, which are mentioned in the Introduction and at the beginning of every chapter of the book. Prof. Dr. Sci. Pham Loi Vu, born in 1934, is a professor of Institute of Mechanics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology


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    Poverty Targeting and Impact of a Governmental Micro-credit Program in Vietnam

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    It is argued that without collateral the poor often face binding borrowing constraints in the formal credit market. This justifies a micro-credit program, which is operated by the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies to provide the poor with preferential credit. This paper examines poverty targeting and impact of the micro-credit program. It is found that the program is not very pro-poor in terms of targeting. Among the participants, the non-poor account for a larger proportion of loans. The non-poor also tend to receive larger amounts of credit compared to the poor. However, the program has positive impact on poverty reduction of the participants. This positive impact is found for all the three Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measures.Micro-credit, poverty, poverty targeting, impact evaluation, instrumental variables, fixed-effect model