212 research outputs found

    A representation theorem for set-valued submartingales

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    The integral representation theorem for martingales has been widely used in probability theory. In this work, we propose and prove a general representation theorem for a class of set-valued submartingales. We also extend the stochastic integral representation for non-trivial initial set-valued martingales. Moreover, we show that this result covers the existing ones in the literature for both degenerated and non-degenerated set-valued martingales

    Optimal selection of weighting functions by genetic algorithms to design H∞ Anti-roll bar controllers for heavy vehicles

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    International audienceMulti-criterion optimization is so far popular for many complex engineering problems. The objective of active anti-roll bar of heavy vehicles is to maximize roll stability to prevent rollover in dangerous cases. However, such a performance objective must be balanced with the energy consumption of the anti-roll bar system, which is not a trivial task. In a previous work, the authors proposed an H∞ active anti-roll bar controller for which the weighting functions were chosen by trials and errors during the design step. In this paper, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are proposed to find optimal weighting functions for the H∞ control synthesis. Such a general procedure is applied to the case of active anti-roll bar control in heavy vehicles. Thanks to GAs, the conflicting objectives between roll stability and torques generated are handled using one high level parameter only. The multi-criterion optimization solution is illustrated via the Pareto frontier. Simulations, performed in the frequency and time domains, emphasize the efficiency of the proposed method

    Effect of Halothane Genotype, Gender on Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Stress Negative Piétrain Pigs

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    peer reviewedThis study was carried out at the animal farm of Hanoi University of Agriculture from August 2012 to April 2013 to evaluate effects of halothane genotype (CC and CT) and gender (intact males and gilts) on carcass characteristics and meat quality of Piétrain stress negative pigs. Backfat thickness, depth of longissimus dorsi muscle and lean meat percentage at 7.5 months were collected from 83 pigs (31 females and 52 intact males). Data on carcass performance were collected from 43 pigs (28 females and 15 intact males). The organoleptic quality of longissimus dorsi muscle was determined from 35 samples (19 females and 16 intact males) of longissimus dorsi muscle. For meat chemical compositions, 24 samples (14 females and 10 intact males) were analyzed. Slaughter weight (88.75 kg), carcass weight (58.40 kg), eye muscle area (57.54 cm²), backfat thickness (9.26 mm) and depth of longissimus dorsi muscle (58.01 mm) of gilts were higher than those of intact males (81.29 kg, 52.77 kg, 51.04 cm², 8.01 mm and 52.76 mm). Killing out percentage, carcass percentage and carcass length were similar between gilts and intact males (P>0.05). The pH of longissimus dorsi muscle at 24 hours post mortem between gilts (5.34) and boars (5.50) were significantly different (P<0.001). Gilts had more lipids than intact males (P<0.01). Halothane genotype did not affect carcass characteristics, meat quality and meat chemical composition (P>0.05). The results indicate that Piétrain stress negative pigs had high carcass percentage and good meat quality. Individuals with halothane genotype CC and CT can be choose for the breeding without affecting the carcass performance and meat qualit

    Semen quality of stress negative Piétrain and Duroc boars in the tropics: the case of Vietnam

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    This study was carried out in Dong Hiep pig farm, North of Vietnam in order to evaluate the semen quality of stress negative Piétrain and Duroc boars. A total of 722 ejaculates from 13 homozygous (CC), 7 heterozygous (CT) stress negative Piétrain and 10 Duroc CC boars was collected between 2008 and 2012. The sperm quality was assessed on each ejaculate using ejaculate volume (VOL), spermatozoa motility (MO), sperm concentration (CO) and total number of spermatozoids (NT). Genetic type of boars, season, year and (season x year) as well as (genetic type x year) interactions were included in the model as fixed factors. The results show that the semen quality was influenced by all studied effects (p<0.05) except VOL for season (p=0.45) and season x year (p=0.55), and CO for genetic type (p=0.93). VOL and NT (291.74ml and 103.37×109spz) of Piétrain CC were higher than those (241.40ml and 84.58×109spz) of Piétrain CT and (228.05ml and 77.15×109spz) of Duroc (p<0.001) although the values of the 3 genetic groups are in the range of normal semen. MO, CO and NT tend to be higher in cold than in hot season (p<0.001). These results suggest that semen from Piétrain and Duroc boars could be used in tropical climatic conditions (particularly Piétrain CC) and that the semen quality could be improved through reduction of heat stress

    LPV force observer design and experimental validation from a dynamical semi-active ER damper model

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    International audienceThis paper presents an LPV damping force observer of ElectroRheological (ER) dampers for a real automotive suspension system, taking the dynamic characteristic of damper into account. First, an extended nonlinear quarter-car model is considered, where the time constant representing the damper dynamics is varying according to the control level. This is rewritten as an LPV model which is used to design an LPV observer. The objective of the LPV observer is to minimize the effects of bounded unknown input disturbances (unknown road profile and measurement noises) on the state estimation errors through an H ∞ criterion, while the damper nonlinearity is bounded using a Lipschitz condition. Two low-cost accelerometers (the sprung mass and the unsprung mass accelerations) are used as inputs for the proposed methodology only. To experimentally assess the proposed approach, it is implemented on the 1/5-scaled real vehicle-INOVE testbench of GIPSA-lab. This shows the ability of the observer to estimate the damper force in real-time, face to unknown inputs disturbance and sensor noises

    Primary Evaluation on Growth Performances of Stress Negative Piétrain Pigs Raised in Hai Phong Province of Vietnam

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    peer reviewedThe present study was carried out on 19 stress negative Piétrain pigs (Pietrain ReHal), consisting of 13 gilts and 6 young boars imported from Belgium, raised in the livestock farm of Dong Hiep (Hai Phong) in order to evaluate growth performances and their adaptability in the North of Vietnam. Results showed that the average body weight of the whole herd at 2, 4, 5.5, and 8.5 months old was 19.05, 51.05, 85.82, and 119.47 kg, respectively. During the growing periods, except the first stage, the male grew faster than the female and the pigs of the CT genotype grew faster than those of CC genotype although the difference was not significant (P>0.05). The average daily gain (ADG) was 528.56 grams for the whole herd. The ADG was higher for the male (546.48 grams) than for the female (520.29 grams), and its was higher for the CT than the CC, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was 2.69 kg. The estimated lean percentage at 8.5 months old was 64.08%. The results indicate that Piétrain stress negative pigs could develop well on the farm conditions in Hai Phong, Vietnam

    Composition of animal manure and co-products

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    224pThis study was conducted to determine the real outflow of liquid effluents to be considered in balance calculations at the farm and regional levels in Vietnamese conditions. The variability of the chemical composition of a local dataset was analysed considering the highly heterogeneous wastes and byproducts used on crops. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was introduced to evaluate the feasibility of a rapid technique applied to animal wastes. Characterization of effluent outflows and water use and composition variation of solid co-products (compost and fish food) was carried out. Quantity of animal solid waste per pig head in the cold seasons was higher than in the hot season. Data collected from ten farms in Thai Binh (Vietnam), showed that the content of the main constituents in the fresh weight (FW) in the warm season was 17.3% OM total. Nitrogen, P2O5 and K2O totals were 160, 3.51 and 0.59%, respectively. Raising pigs in the cold season discharged 0.352kg N, 0.229 kg P2O5 and 0.148 kg K2O per metric ton live weight and he liquid part contributed 5.5, 2.1 and 12.8%, respectively. A total of 66 samples of compost and animal waste as fish feed were taken during summer, of which 46 were ready-to-spread compost, 20 others were animal excreta as fish feed. These results confirmed the fact that it is possible to use the animal waste source coming from the pig farms of Thai Binh province as a main nutrient for crops, especially for rice. After preliminary calibrations using NIRS spectrometry with local pig waste and co-products, perspectives are promising in terms of research and local development. A description of the design of the Chinese digester, more commonly called biogas digester and of the NIRS technique is provided

    ffect of the Halothane Allele on Growth Performance of Pigs and its Genotype Frequencies in the Progeny

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    A total of 395 tail samples of stress negative Piétrain new born piglets from the pig farm of Dong Hiep Haiphong were used to determine halothane genotypes (CC, CT and TT) in order to study the effect of mating type (♂CC×♀CC, ♂CC×♀CT, ♂CT×♀CC, and ♂CT×♀CT) on halothane genotype frequencies. Effects of genotype on live weight (174 pigs of 2 month old, 96 pigs of 5.5 month old), back fat thickness, loin muscle thickness and lean percentage (117 pigs), average daily gain (89 pigs) were also studied. Results showed that the mating type affected halothane genotype frequencies in the progeny. For the mating type ♂CC×♀CT and ♂CT×♀CT, the genotype containing allele T was reduced in the next generation; in the rest two genotypes (♂CC×♀CC and ♂CT×♀CC) the halothane allele frequency in the offspring was consistent with the theoretical frequency. The halothane genotypes CC and CT did not affect live weights at 2.0 and 5.5 months of age, average daily gain, backfat thickness, loin muscle thickness and lean percentage.Peer reviewe

    Оптимизация тепловых режимов диодных лазеров

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    Разработаны химический и вакуумные методы формирования металлических покрытий с высокой адгезией к различным поверхностям на базе многофункциональных ионно-лучевых и магнетронных распылительных систем, в том числе применительно к медным и алмазным теплоотводящим основаниям для диодных лазеров. Определены оптимальные условия сборки диодных лазеров и линеек на основе разработанных способов металлизации и достигнуто существенное улучшение выходных характеристик приборов