1 research outputs found

    Valuation of deferred taxes and its impact on companies' performance

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    Odlaganje poreskih plaćanja jedna je od najatraktivnijih kompanijskih strategija na polju upravljanja poreskim opterećenjem, ali iznosi odloženih poreza (kao i odloženih poreskih ušteda) dugo nisu mogli da se sagledaju iz finansijskih izveštaja. Dilema oko toga da li uopšte treba izveštavati o odloženim porezima i u kojoj meri njihovo iskazivanje omogućava realniju procenu performansi poslovanja još uvek je aktuelna. Cilj ove disertacije je da jednim celovitim istraživanjem fenomena odloženih poreza doprinese razrešenju postavljenih dilema...Tax deferral is one of the most attractive tax management strategie, but amounts of deferred taxes (as well as deferred tax savings) could not be perceived from the financial statements for a long period of time. Weather or not deferred taxes should be reported and to what extant they provide better evaluation of firm’s performance is still a question. The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to answer of this question by providing a comprehensive research of the deffered taxes phenomenon. Deferred taxes result from temporary differences between financial accounting and tax rules of the calculation of periodic results. In order to assess justification for these differences and perspectives of deferred tax, a comparison between objectives and basic concepts of financial versus tax reporting was made, as well as the comparative analysis of the status and tendencies across certain countries with the emphasis on demonstrated advantages and disadvantages of different relationships between one and the other reporting system. It was shown that the compliance of income calculation for accounting and tax purposes would be at the expense of the achievement of objectives for both financial reporting and income taxation, so that the divergence is conceptually founded and desirable. However, this does not mean that ,in the same time, there does exist a possibility of using identical approaches on many issues. The divergence raises reporting costs and it is justified only if it contributes to the increase of expressive power of presented reports. Advantages of divergence over uniform model back up expectations that the differences between accounting and tax rules will keep on occurring, as well as deferred tax. The deffered taxes amount increases with the increase of the temporary differences and tax rates which applied to the temporary differences and give the amounts of of future increase and decrease of tax payments