122 research outputs found

    Uticaj gustine zasnivanja na prinos krme žutog zvezdana gajenog za kombinovano koriŔćenje

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    Birdsfoot trefoil grown for seed (cv. Bokor) was examined in agroecological conditions of Western Serbia during period 2007-2009. The goal was to determine herbage yield which could be achieved growing seed crop, using different interrow spacing (12.5, 25 and 50 cm) and various seeding rates (2, 4 and 8 kg ha-1). The highest hay yield was obtained in the third production year at the narrowest spacing and using the highest seeding rate (5.26 t ha-1). Total hay production during 3 years using birdsfoot trefoil seed crop for herbage yield ranged from 9.11 to 14.83 t ha-1 depending on row spacing and from 10.74 to 13.2 t ha-1 depending on seeding rate. The highest stand density (8 kg ha-1 seeding rate and 12.5 cm interrow spacing) produced the highest herbage yield of birdsfoot trefoil in the combined usage (for forage and seed production).Žuti zvezdan za proizvodnju semena, sorte Bokor, ispitivan je u agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima zapadne Srbije, u periodu 2007-2009. godine. Ispitivana je količina biomase koja se može dobiti gajenjem žutog zvezdana za seme, pri zasnivanju na različitom međurednom rastojanju (12,5, 25 i 50 cm) i sa različitom normom semena (2, 4 i 8 kg ha-1). Najveći prinosi sena ostvareni su u trećoj godini gajenja useva na najužem međurednom rastojanju od 12,5 cm (6,56 t ha-1) i pri najvećoj količini semena od 8 kg ha-1 (5,73 t ha-1). Ukupna produkcija sena u trogodiÅ”njem periodu koriŔćenja semenskog useva žutog zvezdana bila je od 9,11 do 14,83 ha-1 u zavisnosti od međurednog rastojanja i od 10,74 do 13,20 ha-1 u zavisnosti od setvene norme. Žuti zvezdan u kombinovanom koriŔćenju (za seme i krmu) je imao najveći potencijal za prinos krme pri većoj gustini zasnivanja (8 kg ha-1 i 12,5 cm međuredno rastojanje)

    Proizvodnja krmnog bilja na području Gornjeg Podunavlja i Karpatske oblasti - stanje i mogućnosti

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    In this paper work is presented current state of forage crop production on administrative territory of Upper Danube region, which for the purpose of research includes the areas of following territories: Sombor, Apatin, Bač and Bačka Palanka; aslo in the administrative region of Carpathian area, which for the purpose of research includes next territoryā€™s: Golubac, Kučevo, Majdanpek, Kladovo i Negotin. For research are used data of Repblical Statistical Office, the five-year period 2007-2011. As a reference value study examined the following parameters: total agricultural area; agricultural area of meadows and pastures; forage crops production in observed fields (clover, alfalfa, meadows and pastures). The aim of this analysis is to present the current state of production of fodder, the importance of production for agroecosystems, as well as opportunities for future growth of production and of great importance, and also economic and sustainable development of local communities these areas.U radu je predstavljeno trenutno stanje proizvodnje krmnog bilja na administrativnom području Gornjeg Podunavlja, koji za potrebe istraživanja obuhvata teritorije sledećih opÅ”tina: Sombor, Apatin, Bač i Bačka Palanka; kao i na administrativnom području Karpatske oblasti, koja za potrebe istraživanja obuhvata teritorije sledećih opÅ”tina: Golubac, Kučevo, Majdanpek, Kladovo i Negotin. Za istraživanje su koriŔćeni podaci Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, za petogodiÅ”nji period 2007-2011 godina. Kao referentne vrednosti istraživanja ispitivani su sledeći parametri: ukupna poljoprivredna povrÅ”ina; poljoprivredna povrÅ”ina pod livadama i paÅ”njacima; proizvodnja krmnog bilja u posmatranim oblastima (detelina, lucerka, livade i paÅ”njaci). Cilj ovakve analize je predstavljanje trenutnog stanja proizvodnje krmnog bilja, značaj proizvodnje za agroekosistem, kao i mogućnosti za buduće povećanje obima proizvodnje i sam privredni zanačaj i održivi razvoj lokalnih zajednica pomenutih oblasti

    Uticaj veličine vegetacionog prostora na prinos semena trava

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    This paper surveys sowing norms (row spacing and seed rate) in both our country and the world, as well as the optimal seed rates in grass seed production. It gives a short overview of row spacings and seed rates applied in our and some other countries. Earlier, grass cultivated for the purpose of seed production was grown on small vegetation area. According to some researches, high seed yields can be achieved by cultivating grass on large vegetation area. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the highest cocksfoot, timothy, meadow fescue, tall fescue seed yield was achieved with plants grown in 50 cm spaced rows employing lower seed rates (8 and 4 kg/ha of seeds). The highest Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass seed yield was achieved with plants grown in 20 cm spaced rows employing 20 kg/ha of seeds.U radu je dat pregled setvenih normativa, načina setve i količine semena, u naÅ”oj zemlji i u svetu, najoptimalnije količine semena pri setvi u proizvodnji semena trava. Takođe je dat kratak osvrt na način i gustinu setve koji se primenjuje u naÅ”oj zemlji i nekim zemljama sveta. U ranijem periodu su se biljke za proizvodnju semena gajile na manjem vegetacionom prostoru. Međutim, istraživanja ukazuju da se visoki prinosi semena trava mogu postići pri gajenju biljaka na većem vegetacionom prostoru. Na osnovu provedenih istraživanja o uticaju načina i gustine setve na prinos semena trava moguće je zaključiti da se visok prinos semena ježevice, mačijeg repa livadskog vijuka, visokog vijuka postiže setvom semenskog useva na 50 cm i primenom nižih doza semena (od 8 do 4 kg/ha). Visok prinos semena italijanskog i engleskog ljulja se postiže setvom na međuredno rastojanje od 20 cm između redova i primenom 20 kg/ha semena

    Biodiversity preservation in natural grasslands. Serbiaā€™s achievements toward sustainable development

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    Republic Serbia represents one of the most important centers of geological and biological diversity of the Europe. Owing to big affluence of types of habitats on territory of the Serbia lives numerous plants and animals with different biology, origin, domestication period, spreading and lifestyles. Natural and seminatural grasslands (meadows and pastures) represent the centers of floristic diversity. Natural grasslands represent important resource for intensification os sustainable and rural development and there is a need to work on their quality management, maintenance and utilization. The continuous use of lawns, as well as abandonment of traditional production systems leads to a reduction and even disappearance of certain species from the spontaneous phytocenosis, which conditioned the survival of species. This caused depletion of the overall biodiversity, with special reference on agrocenosis. Sustainable use of the spacious meadow-pasture fields creates the basis for development of low-intensive animal husbandry pasture, with impact on the development of entrepreneurship, tourism and preservation of rural population

    Voluminozna (kabasta) stočna hrana kao faktor ekonomskog unapređenja ovčarske proizvodnje u Srbiji

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    Forage crops linking the plant and livestock production; under conditions where intensive livestock farming, production is based on the use of land, water and solar energy, and with respect for the principles of safe food and protecting the environment. The objective of this paper is to show the possibility of utilization of meadows and pastures, as well as the cheapest basic nutrients in animal feed production. To ensure a stable and economical production of milk, meat, wool, and of progeny in sheep production, great attention should be paid to the production of high-quality forage and concentrates. In Serbia of the total agricultural area of 5.051 thousand ga, meadows occupying 12,4% and pastures occupies 16,6%. Their total percentage paicupation is 19%, from which is obtained 2,1 t ha-1green mass or 0,8% of hay. Forage crops cultivated to 9,1% of total agricultural land used, while compared to the total sown area is 15%, for a total of meadows and pasture was 38,1% of that is used in livestock feed for cattle. This paper presents a comparative analysis of meadows and pastures in Serbia with the surface of the former Yugoslav republics, as well as the percentage of meadows and pastures in the total agricultural land in 2011 in Serbia and the former Yugoslav republics. Sheep production is primarily regionally distributed in the mountainous areas and regions where there is significant participation in grassland structure utilization of agricultural land.Proizvodnja krmnog bilja povezuje biljnu i stočarsku proizvodnju; gde se u uslovima intenzivnog stočarstva proizvodnja bazira na koriŔćenju zemljiÅ”ta, vode i sunčeve energije, uz poÅ”tovanje principa proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane i očuvanja životne sredine. Cilj ovog rada je ukazivanje mogućnost iskoriŔćavanja livada i paÅ”njaka, kao osnovnih najjeftinijih hraniva u proizvodnji stočne hrane. Da bi se obezbedila stabilna i ekonomična proizvodnja mleka, mesa, vune, kao i priplodnog podmlatka u ovčarskoj proizvodnji, veliku pažnju treba posvetiti proizvodnji kvalitetnih kabastih hraniva i koncentrata. U Srbiji od ukupne koriŔćene poljoprivredne povrÅ”ine od 5.051 hilj. hektara, livade zauzimaju 12,4%, a paÅ”njaci 16,6%. Njihovo ukupno procentualno učeŔće iznosi 29,0%, sa kojih se dobija oko 2,1 t/ha zelene mase, odnosno 0,8 t/ha sena. Krmno bilje se uzgaja na 9,1% od ukupno koriŔćene poljoprivredne povrÅ”ine, dok u odnosu na ukupno zasejane povrÅ”ine iznosi 15,0%,Å”to ukupno sa livadama i paÅ”njacima iznosi 38,1% povrÅ”ine koja se koristi u stočarstvu za ishranu stoke. U radu je prikazana i komparativna analiza povrÅ”ine livada i paÅ”njaka u Srbiji sa povrÅ”inama bivÅ”ih Jugoslovenskih Republika, kao i procentualno učeŔće livada i paÅ”njaka u ukupnom poljoprivrednom zemljiÅ”tu u 2011. godini u Srbiji i bivÅ”im Jugoslovenskim Republikama. Ovčarstvo je pretežno regionalno raspoređeno u brdsko-planinskim područjima i regionima gde je značajnije učeŔće paÅ”njaka u strukturi iskoriŔćavanja poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta

    Analysis of soybean production and biogas yield to improve eco-marketing and circular economy

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    In the study attempts to analyze soybean production and possibility obtaining biogas from soybean biomass, in order to obtain energy inputs into the profit function and realized a circular economy. This paper presents the results of five-year studies of soybean production analysis in the world and in Serbia, and was also examined soybeans morphoproductive characteristics and on the biogas yield, of the Favorit variety, produced in Pančevo, Serbia. Serbia has excellent conditions for soybeans production. The maximum soybean biomass yield of soybean variety Favorit was 5 t ha-1. The average biogas yield, for tested five years, was 368 m3ha-1. The biogas yield was in positive statistically significant correlations on the plant height (r=0.65*) and in positive correlations with biomass yield. Soybean cultivar with their characteristics justify the sowing and can be used as a raw material in bio-fuels production

    Uticaj meteoroloŔkih uslova na proizvodnju semena NS sorti soje

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    The perspective of our society cannot be imagined without the quality production and marketing of seeds in the country and abroad. On average, seed soya bean was annually planted on area of 7,151.8 ha in the period 2002-2007. Area under NS soya bean seed showed an annual trend rate of growth (9.21% with certain oscillations). In the research period, soya bean seed yield was 2.29 t ha-1 with a highly stable growth rate of 2.66%, while NS soya bean seed production in Serbia was 15,993 t with an annual growth rate of 12.59% with certain oscillations. Permanent growing trend of soya bean production is a result of increased area and yield. The increase of production was also affected by weather conditions. Such production volume fully meets domestic needs, while significant amount of seed still remains for export. .Perspektiva naÅ”eg druÅ”tva se ne može zamisliti bez kvalitetne proizvodnje i plasmana semena u zemlji i inostranstvu. U periodu 2002-2007. pod semenskim usevom soje zasejano godiÅ”nje je u proseku 7.151,8 ha. PovrÅ”ine pod semenom NS sorti soje beleže tendenciju rasta po stopi od 9,21% godiÅ”nje, sa oscilacijama. Prinos semena soje u posmatranom periodu iznosio je 2,29 t/ha i beleži trend rasta po stopi od 2,66% i veliku stabilnost. Proizvodnja semenske NS soje u Srbiji, u posmatranom periodu, iznosi 15.993 t sa tendencijom rasta po stopi od 12,59% godiÅ”nje i oscilacijama. Permanentna tendencija rasta proizvodnje soje rezultanta je povećanja povrÅ”ina i prinosa. Na rast proizvodnje delovali su i klimatskih faktori. Ovakav obim proizvodnje u potpunosti zadovoljava domaće potrebe, a značajne količine semena ostaju i za izvoz.
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