5 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a HPLC method for the bioactive composition characterization of plant materials

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    Tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) danas predstavlja nezaobilazan korak u analizi bioaktivnog sastava biljnih supstrata. Međutim, postoji potreba za razvojem jedinstvene i univerzalne metode koja bi omogućila, brzu, rutinsku i pouzdanu analizu velikog broja strukturno različitih bioaktivnih spojeva, iz botanički raznovrsnih uzoraka, kao što su ekstrakti ljekovitih biljnih vrsta. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio razviti jedinstvenu HPLC-DAD metodu za određivanje polifenolnih spojeva u određenim ljekovitim biljnim vrstama. Osim razvoja i validacije HPLC-DAD metode provedena je spektrofotometrijska analiza polifenolnog sastava vodenih ekstrakata šesnaest biljnih vrsta. Najveći udjel ukupnih polifenola, hidroksicimetnih kiselina, flavona i flavonoida te najveći antioksidacijski kapacitet određeni su u ekstraktima biljnih vrsta iz porodice Lamiaceae (paprena metvica, matičnjak). Vrijednosti granice detekcije i kvantifikacije te visoka vrijednost točnosti i preciznosti pokazuju prikladnost razvijene HPLC metode za kvantifikaciju polifenolnih spojeva u ispitivanim biljnim vrstama. Novorazvijenom HPLC metodom u ispitivanim biljnim vrstama određeno je ukupno 24 spoja koji pripadaju hidroksibenzojevim i hidroksicimetnim kiselinama te flavonoidima. Primjenom razvijene metode, određen je karakterističan visok udjel ružmarinske kiseline te luteolina u biljkama iz porodice Lamiaceae, te pojedinačni polifenolni spojevi identificirani u samo jednoj biljnoj vrsti što se može smatrati njihovim svojevrsnim taksonomskim biomarkerima.Nowadays, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) represents an unavoidable step in the analysis of bioactive composition of plant substrates. However, there is a need for the development of a unique and universal method which would enable rapid, reliable and routine analysis of a large number of structurally diverse bioactive compounds from botanically different samples, such as medicinal plant extracts. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a unique HPLC-DAD method for determination of polyphenolic compounds in certain medicinal plants. In addition to the development and validation of HPLC-DAD method, spectrophotometric analysis of polyphenolic compound from aqueous extracts of sixteen medicinal plant species was carried out. The highest content of total polyphenols, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavones and flavonoids and the most potent antioxidant capacity were determined in extracts of the Lamiaceae plants (peppermint, lemon balm). The values of the limit of detection and quantification and high values determined for the accuracy and precision show the suitability of the developed HPLC method for the quantification of polyphenolic compounds in the evaluated plant species. The newly developed HPLC method in the studied plant species enabled the separation and determination of 24 polyphenolic compounds belonging to the hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids. By employing the developed method, high contents of rosmarinic acid and luteolin, characteristic for the plants of Lamiaceae family were determined, as well as individual polyphenolic compounds identified in only one plant species, which can be considered as a kind of their taxonomic biomarkers

    Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the quality of chicken meat

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti utjecaj visokog hidrostatskog tlaka na kvalitetu mesa pilećih prsiju. Svježi iskošteni fileti pilećih prsiju bili su tretirani visokim hidrostatskim tlakom pri 4°C (100-300 MPa u trajanju od 5 i 10 minuta) nakon čega su određivane sposobnost vezanja vode, prinos pri kuhanju i senzorske karakteristike mesa pilećih prsiju kao što su boja i tekstura. Dobiveni rezultati za boju ukazuju da L* vrijednost raste porastom tlaka, a* vrijednosti nisu pokazale statistički značajnu razliku tijekom tretmana dok b* vrijednost raste porastom tlaka. Povećanjem tlaka smanjuju se sposobnost vezanja vode i prinos pri kuhanju. Visoki hidrostatski tlak nema značajan utjecaj na elastičnost tretiranog pilećeg mesa. Rad potreban za zagriz i tvrdoća se smanjuju pri tlaku od 100 MPa, zadržavaju svoju vrijednost pri 200 MPa dok se njihove vrijednosti pri 300 MPa povećavaju.The objective of this work was to determine the effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the quality of chicken breast meat. Fresh fillets were treated with high hydrostatic pressure at 4°C (100-300 MPa for 5 and 10 minutes), followed by determination of moisture uptake, cooking yield and sensory characteristics of chicken breast such as color and texture. The results showed that the color L* value increases with increased pressure, a* values showed no statistically significant difference in the treatment and b* value increases with increased pressure. Increasing pressure reduces moisture uptake and cooking yield. High hydrostatic pressure hasn’t significant effect on the elasticity of treated chicken meat. Chewiness and hardness decrease at a pressure of 100 MPa, retain their value at 200 MPa, while their values at 300 MPa increase

    Development and validation of a HPLC method for the bioactive composition characterization of plant materials

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    Tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) danas predstavlja nezaobilazan korak u analizi bioaktivnog sastava biljnih supstrata. Međutim, postoji potreba za razvojem jedinstvene i univerzalne metode koja bi omogućila, brzu, rutinsku i pouzdanu analizu velikog broja strukturno različitih bioaktivnih spojeva, iz botanički raznovrsnih uzoraka, kao što su ekstrakti ljekovitih biljnih vrsta. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio razviti jedinstvenu HPLC-DAD metodu za određivanje polifenolnih spojeva u određenim ljekovitim biljnim vrstama. Osim razvoja i validacije HPLC-DAD metode provedena je spektrofotometrijska analiza polifenolnog sastava vodenih ekstrakata šesnaest biljnih vrsta. Najveći udjel ukupnih polifenola, hidroksicimetnih kiselina, flavona i flavonoida te najveći antioksidacijski kapacitet određeni su u ekstraktima biljnih vrsta iz porodice Lamiaceae (paprena metvica, matičnjak). Vrijednosti granice detekcije i kvantifikacije te visoka vrijednost točnosti i preciznosti pokazuju prikladnost razvijene HPLC metode za kvantifikaciju polifenolnih spojeva u ispitivanim biljnim vrstama. Novorazvijenom HPLC metodom u ispitivanim biljnim vrstama određeno je ukupno 24 spoja koji pripadaju hidroksibenzojevim i hidroksicimetnim kiselinama te flavonoidima. Primjenom razvijene metode, određen je karakterističan visok udjel ružmarinske kiseline te luteolina u biljkama iz porodice Lamiaceae, te pojedinačni polifenolni spojevi identificirani u samo jednoj biljnoj vrsti što se može smatrati njihovim svojevrsnim taksonomskim biomarkerima.Nowadays, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) represents an unavoidable step in the analysis of bioactive composition of plant substrates. However, there is a need for the development of a unique and universal method which would enable rapid, reliable and routine analysis of a large number of structurally diverse bioactive compounds from botanically different samples, such as medicinal plant extracts. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a unique HPLC-DAD method for determination of polyphenolic compounds in certain medicinal plants. In addition to the development and validation of HPLC-DAD method, spectrophotometric analysis of polyphenolic compound from aqueous extracts of sixteen medicinal plant species was carried out. The highest content of total polyphenols, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavones and flavonoids and the most potent antioxidant capacity were determined in extracts of the Lamiaceae plants (peppermint, lemon balm). The values of the limit of detection and quantification and high values determined for the accuracy and precision show the suitability of the developed HPLC method for the quantification of polyphenolic compounds in the evaluated plant species. The newly developed HPLC method in the studied plant species enabled the separation and determination of 24 polyphenolic compounds belonging to the hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids. By employing the developed method, high contents of rosmarinic acid and luteolin, characteristic for the plants of Lamiaceae family were determined, as well as individual polyphenolic compounds identified in only one plant species, which can be considered as a kind of their taxonomic biomarkers

    Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the quality of chicken meat

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti utjecaj visokog hidrostatskog tlaka na kvalitetu mesa pilećih prsiju. Svježi iskošteni fileti pilećih prsiju bili su tretirani visokim hidrostatskim tlakom pri 4°C (100-300 MPa u trajanju od 5 i 10 minuta) nakon čega su određivane sposobnost vezanja vode, prinos pri kuhanju i senzorske karakteristike mesa pilećih prsiju kao što su boja i tekstura. Dobiveni rezultati za boju ukazuju da L* vrijednost raste porastom tlaka, a* vrijednosti nisu pokazale statistički značajnu razliku tijekom tretmana dok b* vrijednost raste porastom tlaka. Povećanjem tlaka smanjuju se sposobnost vezanja vode i prinos pri kuhanju. Visoki hidrostatski tlak nema značajan utjecaj na elastičnost tretiranog pilećeg mesa. Rad potreban za zagriz i tvrdoća se smanjuju pri tlaku od 100 MPa, zadržavaju svoju vrijednost pri 200 MPa dok se njihove vrijednosti pri 300 MPa povećavaju.The objective of this work was to determine the effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the quality of chicken breast meat. Fresh fillets were treated with high hydrostatic pressure at 4°C (100-300 MPa for 5 and 10 minutes), followed by determination of moisture uptake, cooking yield and sensory characteristics of chicken breast such as color and texture. The results showed that the color L* value increases with increased pressure, a* values showed no statistically significant difference in the treatment and b* value increases with increased pressure. Increasing pressure reduces moisture uptake and cooking yield. High hydrostatic pressure hasn’t significant effect on the elasticity of treated chicken meat. Chewiness and hardness decrease at a pressure of 100 MPa, retain their value at 200 MPa, while their values at 300 MPa increase

    Application of whey protein isolates and zein for the formulation of alginate-based delivery systems encapsulating Ganoderma lucidum polyphenols

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    Due to the rich phytochemical composition of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum, especially its ß-glucan-based polysaccharides and triterpenes, but polyphenols, amino acids, and proteins as well, Ganoderma is often used in various nutraceutical and functional food products. Lately these products have been formulated with microencapsulated forms of active compounds in order to prevent their degradation after oral consumption and under processing conditions. The aim of this study was to characterize and encapsulate polyphenols from the aqueous extract of Ganoderma, using ionic gelation of alginate (A) and its combination with whey protein isolates (WPI) and zein (Z). The obtained hydrogel beads were scanned for physico-chemical and morphological properties, encapsulation efficiency of polyphenols, and their release kinetics in simulated gastrointestinal fluids. The addition of WPI to the alginate resulted in the reduction of the particle size and the spherical shape of the beads, while beads formulated with zein were characterized as larger, with irregular morphology. Encapsulation efficiency of total polyphenols has been determined as follows: 76.91% (A-WPI) < 83.91% (A) < 85.42% (A-Z). The most extended release of polyphenols in simulated gastrointestinal fluids has been achieved by employing WPI in the alginate delivery system. The implementation of additional coatings resulted in the enhanced properties of plain alginate carrier, where alginate-based hydrogels immobilizing Ganoderma polyphenols proved to be potential functional ingredients