23 research outputs found

    Universal complexes in toric topology

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    We study combinatorial and topological properties of the universal complexes X(Fpn)X(\mathbb{F}_p^n) and K(Fpn)K(\mathbb{F}_p^n) whose simplices are certain unimodular subsets of Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n. We calculate their f\mathbf f-vectors and their Tor-algebras, show that they are shellable but not shifted, and find their applications in toric topology and number theory. We showed that the Lusternick-Schnirelmann category of the moment angle complex of X(Fpn)X(\mathbb{F}_p^n) is nn, provided pp is an odd prime, and the Lusternick-Schnirelmann category of the moment angle complex of K(Fpn)K(\mathbb{F}_p^n) is [n2][\frac n 2]. Based on the universal complexes, we introduce the Buchstaber invariant sps_p for a prime number pp

    Stalni nadzor srčanog izbačaja metodama Picco i Lidco prema Pak-u u septičnih bolesnika: kalibrirati ili ne ?

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    The accuracy of cardiac output measurement by two most widely used methods of less invasive hemodynamic monitoring and by the standard technique of thermodilution with pulmonary catheter was assessed. The measurements were carried out in septic surgical patients immediately after and between system calibrations. Study results showed satisfactory compatibility of measurements performed by the two methods and by pulmonary catheter in both phases, thus system calibration being recommendable in hemodynamically unstable septic patients.U ovom radu uspoređivala se točnost mjerenja srčanog izbačaja pomoću dviju najčešće upotrebljavanih metoda manje invazivnog hemodinamskog nadzora i standardnom tehnikom termodilucije plućnim kateterom. Mjerenje je provedeno kod septičnih kirurških bolesnika u razdoblju neposredno nakon i između kalibracija sustava. Rezultati su pokazali zadovoljavajuću podudarnost mjerenja u obje faze primjenom obiju metoda i pomoću plućnog katetera, pa se kalibriranje sustava preporuča u hemodinamski nestabilnih septičnih bolesnika

    Fatty acid profiles and mineral content of Serbian traditional white brined cheeses

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    This study deals with fatty acid profiles and mineral contents of traditional Serbian white cheeses in brine. Study covered four Serbian traditional white brined cheeses: Zlatar cheese, Sjenica cheese, Svrljig cheese and Homolje cheese prepared from raw cow and ovine milk. Fatty acid profiles of traditional cheeses were qualitatively and quantitatively different. The content of saturated fatty acids was in the range of 65.97 %-76.61 % (cow cheeses) and 69.68 %-74.52 % (ovine cheeses). Unsaturated fatty acids range of cow and ovine cheeses was 23.39 %-34.03 % and 25.48 %-30.08 %, respectively. Depending on the type of cheese, the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids was 1.66 %-11.03 %. The lowest content of saturated fatty acids was observed in Sjenica cow cheeses. Thus, this type of traditional cheeses had the most favorable health indices including atherogenicity index (1.89), thrombogenicity index (1.37) and desirable fatty acid ratio (46.34 %). Mineral content of traditional cheeses was also different. The ratio Ca:P was in the range of 0.70-1.33. The highest level of Ca, P, K, Mg, Zn, Cu and Cr was detected in Sjenica cheeses prepared from cow milk. The absence of Cd was observed in all cheeses

    Thrombus Size is Associated with Etiology of Deep Venous Thrombosis – A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of risk factors for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on thrombus sizes in lower extremities. The size and extent of thrombus was scored according to International Consensus Committee for venous disease classification. After the diagnosis of DVT was established and its size scored, predominant risk factors for DVT in each patient were identified (malignant disease, thrombophilia, postoperative state, hormonal therapy, heredity, limb trauma, immobilization, others and unknown risk factors). The average thrombus score was 6 (95% CI 5.47– 6.53). The analysis of thrombus size indicated that the largest thrombi were found in patients with malignancy. Their average score was 8.5 (95% CI 7–10) and was significantly higher than in patients with other risk factors for deep vein thrombosis. There was no significant correlation between numbers of days from the onset of symptoms to the moment of DVT diagnosis and thrombus score (r=–0.08, p=0.38). Age was very slightly correlated to thrombus size (r=0.19; p=0.046), while the gender did not have significant impact on thrombus score (p=0.074). The conclusion of our study was that etiology of thrombosis and particularly malignant diseases has the largest impact on venous thrombus size

    Maternal smoking during pregnancy and socioeconomic factors as predictors of low birth weight in term pregnancies in Niš

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    Background/Aim. Low birth weight (LBW) is a result of preterm birth or intrauterine growth retardation, and in both cases is the strongest single factor associated with perinatal and neonatal mortality. It is considered that socioeconomic factors, as well as mothers bad habits, play the most significant role in the development of LBW, which explains notable number of researches focused on this particular problem. The aim of this study was to characterize socioeconomic factors, as well as smoking habits of the mothers, and their connection with LBW. Methods. The questionnaire was carried out among mothers of 2 years old children (n = 956), born after 37 gestational weeks. The characteristics of mothers who had children with LBW, defined as < 2 500 g, (n = 50), were matched with the characteristics of mothers who had children ≥ 2 500 g, (n = 906). For defining risk factors, and protective factors as well, we used univariant and multivariant logistic modeles. Results. As significant risk factors for LBW in an univariant model we had education level of the mothers, smoking during pregnancy, smoking before pregnancy, the number of daily cigarettes, the number of cigarettes used during pregnancy, paternal earnings and socioeconomic factors. In a multivariant model the most significant factors were socioeconomic factors, education level of the mothers, paternal earnings and mothers smoking during pregnancy. Conclusion. Smoking during pregnancy and socioeconomic factors have great influence on LBW. Future studies should be carried out in different social groups, with the intention to define their influence on LBW and reproduction, as well. This should be the proper way of adequate health breeding planning for giving up smoking, the prevention of bad habits and melioration of mothers and children health, as the most vulnerable population

    The Influence of Milk Type on the Proteolysis and Antioxidant Capacity of White-Brined Cheese Manufactured from High-Heat-Treated Milk Pretreated with Chymosin

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    We investigated the effect of milk type on the proteolysis and total antioxidant capacity (TEAC) of white-brined cheeses prepared from high-heat-treated (90 degrees C, 10 min) cow's and goat's milk, pretreated with chymosin at a low temperature (4 degrees C). The cheeses produced showed improved antioxidant characteristics and a high content of denatured whey proteins. However, these characteristics depend on the type of milk and the ripening time. Ripened cow's milk cheese had higher values of WSN/TN (water-soluble nitrogen per total nitrogen content) and TCA-SN/TN (nitrogen soluble in 12% trichloroacetic acid per total nitrogen), but similar PTA-SN/TN (nitrogen soluble in 5% phosphotungstic acid per total nitrogen) values were observed in ripened cheeses. The antioxidant potential of a WSF (water-soluble fraction) was higher in goat's milk cheese, but higher TEAC (total antioxidant capacity) values of WINF (water-insoluble fraction) were observed in matured cow's milk cheese. In vitro digestion slightly improved the radical scavenging capacity of WSF, whereas digested WINF had more than twice the capacity of their undigested counterparts. The cheeses prepared in this study could be a good source of antioxidant peptides. Further investigations of their in vitro and in vivo functionality need to be conducted

    Povećana stopa doniranja organa u kliničkoj bolnici sestara milosrdnica

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    The rate of organ donation reflects the level of the respective society and country development. In Croatia, attempts have been made to increase this rate. As a consequence, the number of potential donors with confirmed brain death was observed to have steadily increased during the 2004-2008 period. Data on all potential donors where the confirmation procedure for brain death was completed were retrieved and analyzed. The percentage of donors out of all persons diagnosed with brain death and all deaths recorded at the Central Intensive Care Unit and at all Hospital departments was calculated. The mean number or organs per donor was also calculated. During the 2004-2008 period, the number of donors per brain death persons was 5/unknown, 6/10, 8/13, 11/13 and 18120; mean age 51, 50, 39, 48 and 44; donor rate per Central Intensive Care Unit deaths 5.9010, 5.6%,5.8%, 10.4% and 12.1%; donor rate per all hospital deaths 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 1.5% and 1.9%; and number of organs per donor 1.6, 2.4, 2.6, 3.0 and2.7, respectively. Study results showed a steady increase in the number of donors and organs per donor at Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital during the 2004-2008 period. More intensive education should be organized at medical schools and for medical professionals to identify brain death persons and potential donors. In addition, mass media campaigns should improve public awareness and perception of the issue.Stopa donacije organa je mjerilo razvijenosti zemlje. Kako bi se ta razina povećala, u Hrvatskoj su poduzete određene mjere. Posljedično je zamijećen stalan porast potencijalnih donora u kojih je potvrđena moždana smrt. Prikazujemo stalan porast razine donora od 2004. do 2008. godine. Analizirani su podaci svih potencijalnih donora u kojih je proveden postupak potvrđivanja moždane smrti. Izračunat je postotak broja donora u odnosu na osobe u kojih je dijagnosticirana moždana smrt te u odnosu na sve umrle u Središnjoj jedinici intenzivnog liječenja i u cijeloj bolnici. Također je izračunat srednji broj doniranih organa po donoru. Od 2004. do 2008. godine broj donora na broj moždano mrtvih osoba je bio 5/ nepoznato, 6/10, 8/13, 11/13 i 18/20, dok je srednja dob bila 51, 50, 39, 48 i 44 godine. Od 2004. do 2008. godine broj donora na broj umrlih u Središnjoj jedinici za intenzivno liječenje je bio 5,9%, 5,6%, 5,8%, 10,4% i 12,1%, a na sve umrle u bolnici 0,4%,0,5%,0,5%,1,5% i 1,9%. Srednji broj organa po donoru od 2004. do 2008. je bio 1,6; 2,4; 2,6; 3,0; 2,7. Od 2004. do 2008. godine vidljiv je stalan porast broja donora i broja doniranih organa u Kliničkoj bolnici "Sestre milosrdnice" Potrebno je provesti izobrazbu na Medicinskom fakultetu i medu profesionalnim osobljem kako bi se prepoznale osobe s moždanom smrti i potencijalni donori. Također treba provesti kampanje u medijima kako bi se poboljšao stav javnosti u tom području

    Ultra-violet responsive photocatalytic application of CuO/Bi oxide nitrate hydroxide hydrate powder

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    976-983A new photocatalyst CuO/Bi oxide nitrate hydroxide hydrate (C-BONH) has been synthesized by hydrothermal method. The obtained product has been characterized using x-rays diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The surface area has been measured by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, and it has been found 4.42 m2 g–1. The photocatalytic activity has been evaluated by removal of reactive blue 19 (RB 19) dye, where total decolorization has been achieved in less than 15 minutes. The photocatalytic process is described with four kinetic models (Langmuir‒Hinshelwood model, pseudo-first order kinetic model, pseudo-second order kinetic model and Chrastil diffusion model). Langmuir‒Hinshelwood kinetic model and pseudo-first order kinetic model the best describe the photocatalytic process. Chrastil diffusion model has been shown that diffusion has not any influence on the process. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) has been decreased from 28.1 to 6.82 mg dm–3within 180 minusing UV light (254 nm wavelength). It has been observed that photocatalyst retained its stability and activity even after five cycles, which could significantly reduce the operation cost in practical applications

    Ultra-violet responsive photocatalytic application of CuO/Bi oxide nitrate hydroxide hydrate powder

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    A new photocatalyst CuO/Bi oxide nitrate hydroxide hydrate (C-BONH) has been synthesized by hydrothermal method. The obtained product has been characterized using x-rays diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The surface area has been measured by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, and it has been found 4.42 m2 g–1. The photocatalytic activity has been evaluated by removal of reactive blue 19 (RB 19) dye, where total decolorization has been achieved in less than 15 minutes. The photocatalytic process is described with four kinetic models (Langmuir‒Hinshelwood model, pseudo-first order kinetic model, pseudo-second order kinetic model and Chrastil diffusion model). Langmuir‒Hinshelwood kinetic model and pseudo-first order kinetic model the best describe the photocatalytic process. Chrastil diffusion model has been shown that diffusion has not any influence on the process. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) has been decreased from 28.1 to 6.82 mg dm–3within 180 minusing UV light (254 nm wavelength). It has been observed that photocatalyst retained its stability and activity even after five cycles, which could significantly reduce the operation cost in practical applications.

    [The effect of in vitro digestion on antioxidant properties of water-soluble and insoluble protein fractions of traditional serbian white-brined cheeses] [Utjecaj in vitro digestije na antioksidativna svojstva u vodi topljivih i netopljivih proteinskih frakcija tradicionalnih srpskih bijelih sireva u salamuri]

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    The influence of simulated in vitro digestion on antioxidant potential of protein fractions of traditional Serbian white-brined cheeses was investigated. Water-soluble (WSF) and water-insoluble fractions (WINF) of three cow’s and three ovine white-brined cheeses were fractionated. Total antioxidant capac-ity, reducing power and iron (II) chelating properties of these fractions before and after in vitro digestion were assayed. The investigated protein fractions had different antioxidant properties. WSFs had a better total antioxidant capacity and reducing power and less pronounced iron (II) chelating properties than WINFs. A strong negative correlation (-0.818, P<0.05) between the total antioxidant capacities of undigested WSF and WINF of traditional cheeses were observed. In vitro digestion greatly improved the total antioxidant capacities of WINFs (by 16.61-34.18 times), their reducing power (up to 95.77 %) and except in the case of Svrljig ovine cheese, the iron (II) chelating ability as well. A less pronounced increase (up to 71.29 %) of the total antioxidant capacity of WSFs was induced by in vitro digestion. In vitro digestion reduced reducing power of WSF of investigated ovine cheeses as well as reducing power of WSF of Homolje cow’s cheese. Since there was no significant correlation between the investigated antioxidant properties of digested WSFs and their free amino acids and mineral contents the observed differences should be attributed to different composition and properties of low molecular weight pep-tides. Thus, further investigations related to their isolation and characterization needs to be conducted. However, these results indicate that Serbian white-brined cheeses have great potential as source of antioxidant peptides