3,227 research outputs found

    Bank excess reserves in emerging economies: a critical review and research agenda

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    This paper reviews academic studies of excess reserves in the banking system of emerging economies from 2000 to 2014. While excess reserves in emerging countries have attracted increasing attention from scholars, virtually no work has reviewed and synthesised the extant knowledge. This paper takes the necessary step of consolidating and integrating the past literature on emerging country excess reserves. Focusing on articles published in major scholarly journals, we classify the existing literature on excess reserves into three broad taxonomies, namely excess liquidity sources, excess liquidity's effects, and the response policies of central banks of emerging countries. Achievements within each of the three research areas are reviewed, critical gaps identified, and recommendations for future research provided

    An analysis of involuntary excess reserves, monetary policy and risk-taking behaviour of Chinese banks

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    In this paper, we examine the effects of monetary policy on the risk-taking behaviour of Chinese banks in the presence of involuntary excess reserves based on a sample of 95 banks. We find that involuntary excess reserves lead to more aggressive risk-taking suggesting that large involuntary excess reserves stimulate the rapid expansion of credit and the price bubble in the Chinese financial market. However, banks with larger involuntary excess reserves tend to reduce risk-taking more rapidly under the tightening monetary policy regime. The paper sheds light on the effectiveness of government monetary policy in reducing the risk-taking behaviour of banks in an emerging market where involuntary excess reserves are present

    Prognostic and predictive factors in Vietnamese breast cancer : a comparison with Swedish patients and effect on survival

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    Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer death among women in Western and Asian countries. Previous studies showed that Asian and African-American patients more often had poor tumor prognostic factors than Caucasian patients. There are however only few reports on tumor prognostic factors and survival in Vietnamese breast cancer patients. The aim of this study was to investigate prognostic/predictive factors in Vietnamese operable breast cancer which were compared with those in Swedish breast cancer patients and to estimate survival. Primary breast cancer tissues were collected randomly for analysis of hormone receptors, HER2 status and cell proliferation. Clinical information, pathology report and treatment protocols were obtained from the files in the National Cancer Hospital, Vietnam. The hormone receptor content in tumors from Vietnam was analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using an automated slide stainer (Bench MarkXT, Ventana). Tumors with ≥10% stained nuclei were considered as receptor positive. Tumors from Sweden were analysed with an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with a cut-off point of ≥0.10 fmol/μg DNA as positive. We found that differences of ER/PgR positivity between Vietnamese and Swedish breast cancer patients. The ER(+) rate was higher in premenopausal but lower in postmenopausal Vietnamese patients as compared to Swedish patients (71.1% vs. 58.4%, 44.7% vs. 71.6%, respectively). The PgR(+) tumors were found in 57.8% of pre- and 24.7% of postmenopausal Vietnamese patients. The corresponding figure for Swedish patients was 72.9% and 65.6%, respectively. We used IHC and silver in situ hybridization (SISH) technique to assess the HER2 status for Vietnamese and compared to Swedish series with tumors analyzed by IHC and FISH. It was found that tumors from Vietnamese patients with strong, intermediate and low levels of HER2 protein expression were 39%, 11% and 50%, respectively. The concordance between IHC and SISH was 87%. Postmenopausal women were amplified in 55% as compared to 36% in premenopausal women. HER2 gene amplification occurred more often in ER(-), PgR(-) tumors and in ductal carcinomas. HER2 gene amplified rate was present in 41% of Vietnamese breast cancers and 13% in a series of Swedish breast cancers. We chose the samples from age-matched patients treated in Stockholm, Sweden. Cell proliferation in the two series was stained by anti-Ki67 antigen with an automated procedure. Ki67 index was calculated by counting stained cell nuclei in a total of 400 cells in intermediate area. No difference in distribution and mean of Ki67 indices was seen between the two series, 27.7% (± 17.1%) vs. 26.9% (±23.1%) or with respect to age, tumor size and lymph node status. Swedish patients with poor prognosticators had significantly higher Ki67 indices than Vietnamese patients, 52.8% vs. 31.9% in ER(-), 39.6% vs. 30.7% in PgR(-) and 40.1% vs. 28.3% in HER2-amplified tumors. We estimated survival by using the life-table method. The Cox model was used to determine the relationship between survival and prognostic factors and treatment. The disease-free survival rate, overall survival rate and cancer-specific survival rate in Vietnamese patients was 75.8%, 80.6%, and 86.4%, respectively at 5 years; 62.3%, 68.1%, 78.9%, respectively at 9 years. Women with poor prognostic factors had worse survival. Postmenopausal women had significantly lower survival as compared to premenopausal women as analyzed by univariate analysis (HR=0.6, 95% CI: 0.38-0.95, p=0.029), however, not by multivariate analysis (HR=0.67, 95% CI: 0.41-1.08, p=0.1). Premenopausal women had more benefit than postmenopausal patients from either endocrine treatment or chemotherapy. This thesis suggests that Vietnamese breast cancers have different tumor cell characteristics to those reported for Caucasian patients in general

    Conservación del patrimonio cultural a través de los agentes culturales.

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    So far, Vietnam has 20 cultural heritage by UNESCO honored, while 8 natural heritages, 8 intangible cultural heritages and 4 documentary heritages ... standing in the top ASEAN. That is result of the attempt, effort Vietnam government and many Vietnam Cultural agencies, including Vietnam Museum of Ethnology. In this article, I would like to present the concept about cultural heritage in Vietnam and how to implement the conservation it based on the community. Especially the practical experience preserve and promote intangible cultural heritage from Vietnam Museum of Ethnology. Article includes the following items: 1. The concept of cultural heritage in Vietnam 2. Who is the owner of the intangible cultural heritage? 3. Why do we need the participation of the community? 4. The role of museum and community 5. Conservation of cultural heritage from the experience of the museum Cultural heritage includes material and intangible culture, these are two important elements have a mutual relationship and attachment of organic culture in each nation. However, the classification of cultural heritage and intangible cultural objects nonetheless relatively purposes only as a tool for scientific research and management of the state. Essentially every object to be identified as cultural heritage objects or intangible needs a general criterion that must contain the typical value and present: history, culture and science. So ultimately, in any object is always physical manifestation of the presence of cultural values. If it has not contain the value of the intangible cultural aspects, that object exists only as an ordinary items. In addition, the intangible cultural heritages also have a very specific pattern of expression that is determining of the cultural space, attached to a specific community residents and community representatives, they are talented individuals, holding the knowledges, skills, experiences. But only through learning the value of intangible cultures could be reserved, taught and presented in perfective and lively. So intangible cultural heritage elements can be very sensitive, vulnerable to fluctuations as a result of the process of historical development, urbanization and cultural exchanges. And also so that the protection and promotion of cultural heritage intangible is becomingan urgent need of all humanity.Hasta ahora, Vietnam tiene 20 bienes declarados Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO; 8 patrimonios naturales, 8 patrimonios culturales inmateriales y 4 patrimonios documentales... que están en la parte superior de la ASEAN. Ello es elresultado de la tentativa, el esfuerzo del gobierno de Vietnam y muchos organismos culturales de Vietnam, incluyendo el Museo de Etnología de Vietnam. En esteartículo, me gustaría presentar el concepto del patrimonio cultural en Vietnam y cómo implementar la conservación basada en la comunidad. Especialmente la experiencia práctica de preservar y promover el patrimonio cultural del Museo de Etnología de Vietnam. El artículo incluye los siguientes elementos: 1. El concepto de patrimonio cultural en Vietnam 2. ¿Quién es el propietario del patrimonio cultural inmaterial? 3. ¿Por qué necesitamos la participación de la comunidad? 4. El papel del Museo y comunidad 5. Conservación del patrimonio cultural de la experiencia del Museo. El patrimonio cultural Incluye el patrimonio cultural material y el cultura inmaterial, que son dos elementos importantes y tienen una relación mutua así como una vinculación con la cultura orgánica en cada país. Sin embargo, la clasificación del patrimonio cultural y bienes culturales intangibles, tiene como objeto solamente ser una herramienta para la investigación científica y la gestión de la cuestión. Esencialmente, todos los objetos al ser identificados como objetos de patrimonio cultural inmaterial necesitan un criterio general que debe contener el valor típico y el presente: historia, cultura y ciencia. Así que en última instancia, cualquier objeto siempre es la manifestación física de la presencia de valores culturales. Si contiene el valor de los aspectos culturales intangibles, ese objeto existe sólo como una bien cualquiera. Además, los patrimonios culturales intangibles también tienen un patrón muy específico de expresión que es la determinación del espacio cultural, unido a los residentes de la comunidad y representantes de la comunidad, que son personas talentosas, con conocimientos, habilidades, experiencias. Pero sólo a través del aprendizaje del valor de las culturas intangibles podrá ser preservado, enseñado y presentado de forma efectiva. Por ello, los elementos del patrimonio cultural inmaterial pueden ser muy sensibles, vulnerables a las fluctuaciones como resultado del proceso de desarrollo histórico, urbanización e intercambios culturales. Y también, la protección y promoción de patrimonio cultural inmaterial se está convirtiendo en una necesidad urgente de toda la humanidad.Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu


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    Purpose: This research indicates the need to identify the right teaching and learning methods, ways to design teaching and learning methods for lecturers, and students in Vietnam's higher education system. From there, point out the limitations of current teaching methods and the advantages when teachers and learners design their new teaching and learning methods. Methodology: This research uses qualitative and quantitative research methods through interviews about teaching methods of lecturers and student learning methods; evaluation of lecturers and students about the advantages and disadvantages of the current teaching and learning method. Respondents included 1.000 students and 130 lecturers at several universities in the Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam. Main Finding: Based on these data and analysis, this study shown a new paradigm in developing active teaching and learning methods for lecturers and students, optimal methods for achieving the expectations that teaching strategies and active learning by the instructors and students. Implications/Applications: This study contributes to the development of positive teaching and learning strategies, creating interest, and promoting students' self-study ability. The results will help lecturers, and students build proper teaching and learning strategies, creating funny, development capacity, and creativity of students. Novelty/Originality: The research, analyze and design the essential contents of the strategy development process for both teachers (lecturers) and learners (students). The main contributions of the research are the initial conditions necessary for teachers and students to develop effective teaching and learning strategies for themselves


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    Purpose: This research focuses on analyzing how did Buddhism creates heritages, how did that the Buddhism heritage becomes the cultural heritage of the Vietnamese people, how have Buddhist heritage is involved in cultural life, and the contribution of Buddhist cultural heritage to Vietnamese culture. The value of Buddhism’s cultural heritage in the current life of the Vietnamese people. Methodology: It was a qualitative study and data were collected by observation, in-depth interviews; each interview took between 15 – 25 minutes. I have also studied many ancient documents that have valuable, records on the history of Buddhism in Vietnam; the epitaphs are kept in pagodas, temples, communal houses; the books of the history of Vietnam; documents of famous authors studying culture and religion. Main Finding: The results of this study showed, in history and the present, Buddhism holds an important position in the cultural life of Vietnamese people. Today, along with the development of the country, these legacies continue to contribute to the cultural activities of the people through many pagoda festivals and many religious activities, becoming an inseparable part of the cultural life of most Vietnamese people. Implications/Applications: This research can be used as teaching material in universities; in research institutes on religion and culture. It can also serve as a reference for tour guides in the process of introducing visitors to the cultural heritage of Buddhism in Vietnam. Novelty/Originality: This research explores ways to create the cultural heritages of Buddhism, how Buddhism’s cultural heritages become Vietnamese cultural heritages

    Legal practice, gender gap and perfecting gender equality policy in Vietnam

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    Women are an important social force that comprehensively influences the country's development. Therefore, it is very important to clarify, supplement and perfect policies and laws, and promote the implementation of gender equality for women participating in social activities. In addition to the successes in gender equality, over the past time, gender stereotypes still exist, causing gender inequality, making women still a disadvantaged group in society. Therefore, in order to clarify, supplement, and perfect policies and laws on gender equality, at the same time, it is very important to promote the implementation of gender equality for women in social activities, which needs to prioritize and put first. On the basis of studying the State's legal documents, gender equality policy, and gender equality situation, this study proposes solutions to improve gender equality policy in Vietnam
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