50 research outputs found

    The economic sustainability of second crops implementation in organic maize production

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    Although organic crop production has numerous advantages, concerns about economic sustainability, both environmental and financial, make farmers reluctant to convert their conventional production into the organic production. Certain agricultural methods, such as second crop use, can alleviate some problems regarding soil tilth, erosion prevention, nutrients availability and weed control, thus contributing toward more sustainable crop production. Also, the added value crop growth, such as maize (Zea mais L.) hybrid's parental line production, with lower yields but higher prices, can contribute to sustainability of organic production. In order to test the hypothesis that the use of second crops can contribute toward the sustainability of organically grown maize after soybean (Glycine max L.) as a previous crop in the crop rotation, the experimental site was established in Valpovo, Croatia, in the eutric brown soil type, during the years 2005 and 2006. The experimental design was set up as a CRBD in four repetitions, with six second crop treatments: CT – Control, without second crop; WW – winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) second crop; RY – rye (Secale cereale L.) second crop; FP – fodder pea (Pisum arvense L.) second crop; WP – mixture of WW and FP; and RP – mixture of RY and FP. In order to assess the soil surface protection and evaluate the weed suppression, the second crop coverage had been recorded. Regarding the economic sustainability, the second crop use depending costs were analysed in relation to the extra produced maize yield. The RY treatment had the highest profitability, followed by WW, RP and O. The WP and FP revealed lower relative profitability than O, thus presenting the evidence of sustainability risk of these treatments

    Effects of the second crop on maize yield and yield components in organic agriculture

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    The second crop use in organic agriculture is a known method of maintaining the soil tilth, soil protection against environmental deterioration, soil nutrients conservation and even the weed control. The nitrogen conservation from previous leguminose crop is even more important, especially in the organic agriculture where use of N-fertilizers is the strictly forbiden, and second crops can be used as a catch crops for nutrients in rotation prior to the crops with the high N requirement. The choice of the proper second crop has, however, been insufficiently investigated, especially for agri-environmental conditions of the Panonian agricultural area in Croatia. The second crop experiment was established in Valpovo, Croatia, in the eutric brown soil type, during the years 2005 and 2006. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effects of different second crops and their combinations on maize (Zea mais L.) yield and yield components in organic agriculture after soybean (Glycine max L.) in crop rotation. The experimental design was set up as a CRBD in four repetitions, with soybean as a previous crop in crop rotation. The six second crop treatments were: O – Control, without second crop; WW – winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) second crop; RY – rye (Secale cereale L.) second crop; FP – fodder pea (Pisum arvense L.) second crop; WP – mixture of the WW and FP; and RP – mixture of RY and FP. The WW treatment had the highest second crop dry mass, whereas FP had the lowest dry mass. The highest plant density was recorded for FP, and it was higher than the RP plant density, which also had the lowest plant height. The achieved maize yields were the highest for RY, but they were not significanlty different from the O, RP, and WW treatments. However, the yield achieved by RY treatment was significantly higher than the yields recorded for WP and FP treatments. The absolute mass and hectolitre mass did not show any statistical differences among treatments

    Prikaz bolesnika s ektopičnom sekrecijom ACTH i znacima Cushingova sindroma

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    Ectopic ACTH secretion was the first paraneoplastic endocrine syndrome described in the literature. The most common tumors associated with ectopic ACTH production are small-cell lung cancer and atypical carcinoids. High cortisol levels have also been described in patients with adenocarcinoma and large-cell carcinoma of the lung, other carcinoid tumors, thymoma, neural crest tumors, medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, and bronchial adenomas. Patients rarely live long enough for frank Cushing’s syndrome to develop. A 30-year-old male is described, who was admitted to endocrinology ward for clinical features of Cushing’s syndrome. Outpatient examination showed high levels of plasma cortisol on several occasions, without suppression of night dexamethasone test. Laboratory tests performed during his hospital stay showed an increased level of serum cortisol without suppression of night dexamethasone test, increased level of ACTH, and decreased testosterone level, increased 17 OHCS in urine. CT scan of adrenal and pituitary glands, and chest x-ray were normal. The patient was discharged with an appointment made for surgical exploration of the pituitary gland. Transnasal selective partial hypophysectomy was performed, however, excisional biopsy showed no microadenoma while the symptoms persisted postoperatively. The patient received TCT hypophysis in a maximal dose, and elevated ACTH level was found to persist after 37 days of treatment. One year later, the patient was readmitted for persistent cushinoid appearance. After complete investigations for ectopic ACTH secreting tumor, chest x-ray showed an infraclavicular, circular, sharply demarcated inhomogeneous lesion of the left lung, 2x3 cm in size. Three months later, lobectomy was performed and pathohistologic examination pointed to a carcinoid (argentaffinoma). During hospitalization, the symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome regressed. In conclusion, CRH test which usually distinguishes between hyperadrenocorticism associated with ectopic ACTH secretion and hypersecreting adrenal tumors is sometimes misleading because of the large overlap in normal and abnormal responses. In this case, chest or abdominal CT scan or MRI should be performed, because these are the most common sites of ectopic ACTH secreting tumors.Prvi paraneoplastični endokrini sindrom opisan u literaturi bila je ektopična sekrecija ACTH. Najčešći tumori udruženi s ektopičnom sekrecijom ACTH su mikrocelularni karcinom pluća i atipični karcinoidi. Visoke razine kortizola opisane su i u bolesnika s adenokarcinomom i karcinomom velikih stanica pluća, karcinoidima, timomom, tumorima neuralnog grebena, medularnim karcinomom štitnjače i bronhalnim adenomom. Bolesnici rijetko žive dovoljno dugo da razviju manifestan Cushingov sindrom. Opisan je slučaj 30-godišnjeg muškarca koji je primljen na odjel s kliničkim znacima Cushingova sindroma. Ambulantno ispitivanje pokazalo je u više navrata visoke razine kortizola koji se nije snižavao u kratkom deksametazonskom testu. Tijekom boravka u bolnici je uz već navedeno uočena visoka razina ACTH, sniženi testosteron i povišen 17 OHCS u mokraći. CT nadbubrežnih žlijezda i Rtg snimka prsnog koša bili su uredni. Bolesnik je otpušten uz dogovor za kiruršku eksploraciju hipofize, te je učinjena transnazalna djelomična hipofizektomija. Ekscizijska biopsija nije pokazala znakove tumora, a klinički znaci Cushingova sindroma ustrajali su nakon operacije. Bolesnik je podvrgnut radioterapiji hipofize u maksimalnoj dozi, međutim, vrijednosti ACTH su još uvijek bile povišene. Nakon godinu dana bolesnik je ponovno primljen na odjel zbog ustrajnih znakova Cushingova sindroma. Nakon potpune obrade u smislu traženja ektopične sekrecije ACTH, snimka prsnoga koša pokazala je infraklavikularno oštro ograničenu, nehomogenu sjenu u plućima, veličine 2x3 cm. Tri mjeseca kasnije učinjena je lobektomija, a patohistološki nalaz je ukazao na karcinoid (argentafinom). Tijekom hospitalizacije simptomi Cushingova sindroma su se povukli. U zaključku, CRH test koji obično razlikuje hiperadrenokorticizam udružen s ektopičnom sekrecijom ACTH i hipersekreciju iz adrenalnih tumora, ponekad je neprikladan zbog značajnog preklapanja u normalnom i abnormalnom odgovoru. U tom slučaju, nužan je detaljan pregled prsnoga koša i trbuha, budući da su to najčešća sijela tumora koji ektopično izlučuju ACTH


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    In spite of the state policy, plant producers in Croatia are still reluctant to convert their land into organic agriculture farming. The "Biopa" association activity in farms converting to organic farming is describedUsprkos državne politike, proizvođači hrane u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nerado prihvaćaju ekološku poljoprivredu. Opisana je aktivnost udruge “Biopa” u prevođenju gospodarstava na ekološku poljoprivredu

    Aptamer-based multiplexed proteomic technology for biomarker discovery

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    Interrogation of the human proteome in a highly multiplexed and efficient manner remains a coveted and challenging goal in biology. We present a new aptamer-based proteomic technology for biomarker discovery capable of simultaneously measuring thousands of proteins from small sample volumes (15 [mu]L of serum or plasma). Our current assay allows us to measure ~800 proteins with very low limits of detection (1 pM average), 7 logs of overall dynamic range, and 5% average coefficient of variation. This technology is enabled by a new generation of aptamers that contain chemically modified nucleotides, which greatly expand the physicochemical diversity of the large randomized nucleic acid libraries from which the aptamers are selected. Proteins in complex matrices such as plasma are measured with a process that transforms a signature of protein concentrations into a corresponding DNA aptamer concentration signature, which is then quantified with a DNA microarray. In essence, our assay takes advantage of the dual nature of aptamers as both folded binding entities with defined shapes and unique sequences recognizable by specific hybridization probes. To demonstrate the utility of our proteomics biomarker discovery technology, we applied it to a clinical study of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We identified two well known CKD biomarkers as well as an additional 58 potential CKD biomarkers. These results demonstrate the potential utility of our technology to discover unique protein signatures characteristic of various disease states. More generally, we describe a versatile and powerful tool that allows large-scale comparison of proteome profiles among discrete populations. This unbiased and highly multiplexed search engine will enable the discovery of novel biomarkers in a manner that is unencumbered by our incomplete knowledge of biology, thereby helping to advance the next generation of evidence-based medicine


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    Organic animal husbandry in Croatia has been regulated by National organic agricultural legislative since 2001, but due to lack of knowledge and irrational fear farmers are usually undecided to convert to organic animal keeping. The way how BIOPA association for organic agriculture can improve organic production through education and advisory service is described.Od 2001. ekološko stočarstvo u Hrvatskoj regulirano je zakonskom legislativom. No zbog nedostatka znanja i iracionalnog straha stočari teško prihvaćaju ekološko stočarstvo. Izneseno je nastojanje udruge za ekološku poljoprivredu BIOPA da kroz edukaciju i sistem savjetodavne službe olakša tu preobrazbu


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    In spite of the state policy, plant producers in Croatia are still reluctant to convert their land into organic agriculture farming. The "Biopa" association activity in farms converting to organic farming is describedUsprkos državne politike, proizvođači hrane u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nerado prihvaćaju ekološku poljoprivredu. Opisana je aktivnost udruge “Biopa” u prevođenju gospodarstava na ekološku poljoprivredu


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    Organic animal husbandry in Croatia has been regulated by National organic agricultural legislative since 2001, but due to lack of knowledge and irrational fear farmers are usually undecided to convert to organic animal keeping. The way how BIOPA association for organic agriculture can improve organic production through education and advisory service is described.Od 2001. ekološko stočarstvo u Hrvatskoj regulirano je zakonskom legislativom. No zbog nedostatka znanja i iracionalnog straha stočari teško prihvaćaju ekološko stočarstvo. Izneseno je nastojanje udruge za ekološku poljoprivredu BIOPA da kroz edukaciju i sistem savjetodavne službe olakša tu preobrazbu