11 research outputs found

    Trajectories of Adolescents Treated with Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogues for Gender Dysphoria

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    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) are recommended as initial treatment for adolescents diagnosed with gender dysphoria, providing time to follow gender identity development and consider further treatment wishes without distress caused by unwant

    Pediatric oncology as a Learning Health System: Ethical implications for best available treatment protocols

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    Introduction Pediatric oncology is often considered as a field in which research and care are highly integrated. We believe that this integration can be seen as a so‐called Learning Health System, a system in which research is considered an important means to continuously improve the practice of care. In order to substantiate our assumption of pediatric oncology as an LHS, we will analyze so‐called “best available treatment protocols.” These protocols always contain research elements, even if themain goal of these protocols is to treat children diagnosed with cancer. Methods We will analyze the implications for ethical review and informed consent if these protocols had to function as exponents of pediatric oncology an LHS. Results An analysis of best available treatment protocols teaches us how these protocols integrate care and research and how these protocols can be seen as exponents of a system where care and research need no longer be sharply distinct practices. Discussion Further intervention in the field of pediatric oncology is essential to also meet the requirements for an ethically responsible LHS. Conclusion Best available treatment protocols, which combine research and care, can be seen as examples of pediatric oncology as an LHS. However, in order to prevent that research elements in these protocols will be overlooked, we will have to find new ways to accommodate for the oversight of these protocols, such as multifaceted review and risk‐adapted approaches. Moreover, informed consent process must be changed in order for patients to understand how care and research are integrated in these protocols

    Ethical advice for an intensive care triage protocol in the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from the Netherlands

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    At the height of the COVID-19 crisis in the Netherlands a shortness of intensive care beds was looming. Dutch professional medical organizations asked a group of ethicists for assistance in drafting guidelines and criteria for selection of patients for intensive care (IC) treatment in case of absolute scarcity, when medical selection criteria would no longer suffice. This article describes the Dutch context, the process of drafting the advice and reflects on the role of ethicists and lessons learned. We argue that timely interaction between clinical and ethical expertise is necessary since the distinction between medical and non-medical considerations is not as clearcut as sometimes assumed. Furthermore, pragmatic considerations related to the specifics of an epidemic are of importance, for example, in relation to prioritizing health care workers. As a consequence

    Deep phenotyping classical galactosemia: clinical outcomes and biochemical markers

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    Early diagnosis and dietary treatment do not prevent long-term complications, which mostly affect the central nervous system in classical galactosemia patients. The clinical outcome of patients is highly variable, and there is an urgent need for prognostic biomarkers. The aim of this study was first to increase knowledge on the natural history of classical galactosemia by studying a cohort of patients with varying geno- and phenotypes and second to study the association between clinical outcomes and two possible prognostic biomarkers. In addition, the association between abnormalities on brain MRI and clinical outcomes was investigated. Classical galactosemia patients visiting the galactosemia expertise outpatient clinic of the Amsterdam University Medical Centre were evaluated according to the International Classical Galactosemia guideline with the addition of an examination by a neurologist, serum immunoglobulin G N-glycan profiling and a brain MRI. The biomarkers of interest were galactose-1-phosphate levels and N-glycan profiles, and the clinical outcomes studied were intellectual outcome and the presence or absence of movement disorders and/or primary ovarian insufficiency. Data of 56 classical galactosemia patients are reported. The intellectual outcome ranged from 45 to 103 (mean 77 6 14) and was <85 in 62%. Movement disorders were found in 17 (47%) of the 36 tested patients. In females aged 12 years and older, primary ovarian insufficiency was diagnosed in 12 (71%) of the 17 patients. Significant differences in N-glycan peaks were found between controls and patients. However, no significant differences in either N-glycans or galactose-1-phosphate levels were found between patients with a poor (intellectual outcome < 85) and normal intellectual outcome (intellectual outcome 85), and with or without movement disorders or primary ovarian insufficiency. The variant patients detected by newborn screening, with previously unknown geno- and phenotypes and currently no long-term complications, demonstrated significantly lower galactose-1-phospate levels than classical patients (P < 0.0005). Qualitative analysis of the MRI’s demonstrated brain abnormalities in 18 of the 21 patients, more severely in patients with a lower intellectual outcome and/or with movement disorders. This study demonstrates a large variability in clinical outcome, which varies from a below average intelligence, movement disorders and in females primary ovarian insufficiency to a normal clinical outcome. In our cohort of classical galactosemia patients, galactose-1-phosphate levels and N-glycan variations were not associated with clinical outcomes, but galactose-1-phosphate levels did differentiate between classical and variant patients detected by newborn screening. The correlation between brain abn

    Cohort profile:the 'Biomarkers of heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes' study-a national prospective cohort study of clinical and metabolic phenotyping of individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes in the Netherlands

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    PURPOSE: The 'Biomarkers of heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes' study cohort was set up to identify genetic, physiological and psychosocial factors explaining the observed heterogeneity in disease progression and the development of complications in people with long-standing type 1 diabetes (T1D). PARTICIPANTS: Data and samples were collected in two subsets. A prospective cohort of 611 participants aged ≥16 years with ≥5 years T1D duration from four Dutch Diabetes clinics between 2016 and 2021 (median age 32 years; median diabetes duration 12 years; 59% female; mean glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) 61 mmol/mol (7.7%); 61% on insulin pump; 23% on continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)). Physical assessments were performed, blood and urine samples were collected, and participants completed questionnaires. A subgroup of participants underwent mixed-meal tolerance tests (MMTTs) at baseline (n=169) and at 1-year follow-up (n=104). Genetic data and linkage to medical and administrative records were also available. A second cross-sectional cohort included participants with ≥35 years of T1D duration (currently n=160; median age 64 years; median diabetes duration 45 years; 45% female; mean HbA1c 58 mmol/mol (7.4%); 51% on insulin pump; 83% on CGM), recruited from five centres and measurements, samples and 5-year retrospective data were collected. FINDINGS TO DATE: Stimulated residual C-peptide was detectable in an additional 10% of individuals compared with fasting residual C-peptide secretion. MMTT measurements at 90 min and 120 min showed good concordance with the MMTT total area under the curve. An overall decrease of C-peptide at 1-year follow-up was observed. Fasting residual C-peptide secretion is associated with a decreased risk of impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia. FUTURE PLANS:Research groups are invited to consider the use of these data and the sample collection. Future work will include additional hormones, beta-cell-directed autoimmunity, specific immune markers, microRNAs, metabolomics and gene expression data, combined with glucometrics, anthropometric and clinical data, and additional markers of residual beta-cell function. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04977635.</p

    Fasting and meal-stimulated serum C-peptide in long-standing type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Aims: This study aims to evaluate the stability of C-peptide over time and to compare fasting C-peptide and C-peptide response after mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT) at T90 or T120 with C-peptide area under the curve (AUC) in long-standing type 1 diabetes. Methods: We included 607 type 1 diabetes individuals with diabetes duration >5 years. C-peptide concentrations (ultrasensitive assay) were collected in the fasting state, and in a subpopulation after MMTT (T0, just prior to, T30-T60-T90-T120, 30–120 min after ingestion of mixed-meal) (n = 168). Fasting C-peptide concentrations (in n = 535) at Year 0 and Year 1 were compared. The clinical determinants associated with residual C-peptide secretion and the correspondence of C-peptide at MMTT T90 / T120 and total AUC were assessed. Results: A total of 153 participants (25%) had detectable fasting serum C-peptide (i.e ≥ 3.8 pmol/L). Fasting C-peptide was significantly lower at Year 1 (p 5 years of diabetes duration. T90 and T120 MMTT measurements showed good concordance with the MMTT total AUC. Overall, there was a decrease of C-peptide at 1-year follow-up

    The 1-C-13 galactose breath test in GALT deficient patients distinguishes NBS detected variant patients but does not predict outcome in classical phenotypes

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    Classical galactosemia (CG) patients frequently develop long-term complications despite early dietary treatment. The highly variable clinical outcome is poorly understood and a lack of prognostic biomarkers hampers individual prognostication and treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between residual galactose oxidation capacity and clinical and biochemical outcomes in CG patients with varying geno- and phenotypes. The noninvasive 1-13C galactose breath test was used to assess whole body galactose oxidation capacity. Participants received a 7 mg/kg oral dose of 1-13C labelled galactose. The galactose oxidation capacity was determined by calculating the cumulative percentage dose of the administered galactose (CUMPCD) recovered as 13CO2 in exhaled air. Forty-one CG patients (5–47 years) and four adult controls were included. The median galactose oxidation capacity after 120 minutes (CUMPCDT120) of 34 classical patients (0.29; 0.08–7.51) was significantly lower when compared to two homozygous p.Ser135Leu patients (9.44; 8.66–10.22), one heterozygous p. Ser135Leu patient 18.59, four NBS detected variant patients (13.79; 12.73–14.87) and four controls (9.29; 8.94–10.02). There was a clear correlation between Gal-1-P levels and CUMPCDT120 (P < .0005). In the classical patients, the differences in CUMPCDT120 were small and did not distinguish between patients with poor and normal clinical outcomes. The galactose breath test distinguished classical patients from homo- and heterozygous p.Ser135Leu and NBS detected variant patients, but was not able to predict clinical outcomes in classical patients. Future studies are warranted to enable individualised prognostication and treatment, especially in NBS variants with galactose oxidation capacities in the control range

    Local endothelial DNA repair defect causes aging-resembling endothelial-specific dysfunction

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    We previously identified genomic instability as a causative factor for vascular aging. In the present study determined which vascular aging outcomes are due to local endothelial DNA damage, which was accomplished by genetic removal of ERCC1 DNA repair in mice (EC-KO mice). EC-KO showed a progressive decrease in microvascular dilation of the skin, increased microvascular leakage in the kidney, decreased lung perfusion, and increased aortic stiffness compared to WT. EC-KO showed expression of DNA damage and potential senescence marker p21 exclusively in the endothelium, as demonstrated in aorta. Also the kidney showed p21-positive cells. Vasodilator responses measured in organ baths were decreased in aorta, iliac and coronary artery EC-KO compared to WT, of which coronary artery was the earliest to be affected. Nitric oxide-mediated endothelium-dependent vasodilation was abolished in aorta and coronary artery, whereas endothelium-derived hyperpolarization and responses to exogenous nitric oxide were intact. EC-KO showed increased superoxide production compared to WT, as measured in lung tissue, rich in endothelial cells. Arterial systolic blood pressure was increased at 3 months, but normal at 5 months, at which age cardiac output was decreased. Since no further signs of cardiac dysfunction were detected this decrease might be an adaptation to prevent an increase of blood pressure. In summary, a selective DNA repair defect in the endothelium produces features of age-related endothelial dysfunction, largely attributed to loss of endothelium-derived nitric oxide. Increased superoxide generation might contribute to the observed changes affecting end organ perfusion, as demonstrated in kidney and lung

    Thoracic outlet syndrome (TROTS) registry: A study protocol for the primary upper extremity deep venous thrombosis section

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    Introduction There is a lack of comprehensive and uniform data on primary upper extremity deep venous thrombosis (pUEDVT). pUEDVT includes venous thoracic outlet syndrome related upper extremity deep venous thrombosis (UEDVT) and idiopathic UEDVT. Research on these conditions has been hampered by their rarity, lack of uniform diagnostic criteria, and heterogeneity in therapeutic strategies. To improve current research data collection using input of all various pUEDVT treating medical specialists, we initiated the ThoRacic OuTlet Syndrome (TROTS) registry. The aim of the TROTS registry is to a) collect extensive data on all pUEDVT patients through a predefined protocol, b) give insight in the long term outcome using patient reported outcome measures, c) create guidance in the diagnostic and clinical management of these conditions, and thereby d) help provide content for future research. Methods and analysis The TROTS registry was designed as an international prospective longitudinal observational registry for data collection on pUEDVT patients. All pUEDVT patients, regardless of treatment received, can be included in the registry after informed consent is obtained. All relevant data regarding the initial presentation, diagnostics, treatment, and follow-up will be collected prospectively in an electronic case report form. In addition, a survey containing general questions, a Health-related Quality of Life questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L), and Functional Disability questionnaire (Quick-DASH) will be sent periodically (at the time of inclusion, one and two years after inclusion, and every five years after inclusion) to the participant. The registry protocol was approved by the Medical Ethical Review Board and registered in the Netherlands Trial Register under Trial-ID NL9680. The data generated by the registry will be used for future research on pUEDVT and published in peer reviewed journals. Conclusion TROTS registry data will be used to further establish the optimal management of pUEDVT and lay the foundation for future research and guidelines