767 research outputs found

    Profiling, Auditing and Public Policy: Applications in Labor and Health Economics

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    Reply to comment by B. Andreotti et al. on "Solving the mystery of booming sand dunes"

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    This reply addresses three main issues raised in the comment of Andreotti et al. [2008]. First, the turning of ray paths in a granular material does not preclude the propagation of body waves and the resonance condition described by Vriend et al. [2007]. The waveguide model still holds in the dune for the observed velocities, even with a velocity increase with depth as implied by Andreotti et al. [2008]. Secondly, the method of initiation of spontaneous avalanching does not influence the booming frequency. The frequency is independent of the source once sustained booming starts; it depends on the subsurface structure of the dune. Thirdly, if all data points from Vriend et al. [2007] are included in the analysis (and not an average or selection), no correlation is observed between the sustained booming frequency and average particle diameter

    Solving the mystery of booming sand dunes

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    Desert booming can be heard after a natural slumping event or during a sand avalanche generated by humans sliding down the slip face of a large dune. The sound is remarkable because it is composed of one dominant audible frequency (70 to 105 Hz) plus several higher harmonics. This study challenges earlier reports that the dunesā€™ frequency is a function of average grain size by demonstrating through extensive field measurements that the booming frequency results from a natural waveguide associated with the dune. The booming frequency is fixed by the depth of the surficial layer of dry loose sand that is sandwiched between two regions of higher compressional body wave velocity. This letter presents measurements of the booming frequencies, compressional wave velocities, depth of surficial layer, along with an analytical prediction of the frequency based on constructive interference of propagating waves generated by avalanching along the dune surface

    ABLooM: Location behaviour, spatial patterns, and agent-based modelling

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    This paper presents an Agent-based LOcation Model (ABLOoM). ABLOoM simulates the location decisions of two main types of agents, namely households and firms. The model contains multiple interactions that are crucial in understanding land use changes, such as interactions of agents with other agents, of agents with their environment and of agents with emerged patterns. In order to understand the mechanisms that are at the basis of land use changes and the formation of land use patterns, ABLOoM allows us to study human behaviour at the microlevel in a spatial context. The models, which include economic theory, aspects of complexity theory and decision rules, show that it is possible to generate macrolevel land use patterns from microlevel spatial decision rules

    Wake Induced Long Range Repulsion of Aqueous Dunes.

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    Sand dunes rarely occur in isolation, but usually form vast dune fields. The large scale dynamics of these fields is hitherto poorly understood, not least due to the lack of longtime observations. Theoretical models usually abstract dunes in a field as self-propelled autonomous agents, exchanging mass, either remotely or as a consequence of collisions. In contrast to the spirit of these models, here we present experimental evidence that aqueous dunes interact over large distances without the necessity of exchanging mass. Interactions are mediated by turbulent structures forming in the wake of a dune, and lead to dune-dune repulsion, which can prevent collisions. We conjecture that a similar mechanism may be present in wind driven dunes, potentially explaining the observed robust stability of dune fields in different environments

    WIWS: a protein structure bioinformatics Web service collection

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    The WHAT IF molecular-modelling and drug design program is widely distributed in the world of protein structure bioinformatics. Although originally designed as an interactive application, its highly modular design and inbuilt control language have recently enabled its deployment as a collection of programmatically accessible web services. We report here a collection of WHAT IF-based protein structure bioinformatics web services: these relate to structure quality, the use of symmetry in crystal structures, structure correction and optimization, adding hydrogens and optimizing hydrogen bonds and a series of geometric calculations. The freely accessible web services are based on the industry standard WS-I profile and the EMBRACE technical guidelines, and are available via both REST and SOAP paradigms. The web services run on a dedicated computational cluster; their function and availability is monitored daily

    An active registry for bioinformatics web services

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    Summary: The EMBRACE Registry is a web portal that collects and monitors web services according to test scripts provided by the their administrators. Users are able to search for, rank and annotate services, enabling them to select the most appropriate working service for inclusion in their bioinformatics analysis tasks
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