57 research outputs found

    Poklicno izobraževanje in mobilnost, povezana z zaposlovanjem ter migracijami

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    This article is the result of the analysis of literature on Vocational Education and Training (hereinafter VET) and employment-related mobility and migration in Slovenia. Books and research papers published in Slovenia from 2004 to 2010, and with a special focus on those written by Slovenian researchers, were the primary area of interest. The topic of VET and employment-related mobility and migration is under-researched In Slovenia. The results of the literature review indicate that, due to the ageing population, Slovenia needs migrants. However, they are usually employed in low-esteem and low-paid jobs. The results also showed that mobility in Slovenia is still very low. However, in order to achieve development, geographical and occupational mobility should be encouraged in contemporary societies, including Slovenia. It will be argued in the article that because Slovenia is a multicultural society, VET should be developed as multicultural education.Članek je rezultat analize literature o poklicnem izobraževanju in mobilnosti, povezani z zaposlovanjem in migracijami v Sloveniji. Analizirana je bila literatura, ki je izšla med letoma 2004 in 2010, s posebnim poudarkom na slovenskih avtorjih. V Sloveniji tema poklicnega izobraževanja in mobilnosti, povezane z zaposlovanjem in migracijami, ni raziskana. Rezultati raziskav pa kažejo na to, da Slovenija zaradi staranja prebivalstva potrebuje migrante. Slednji se v Sloveniji v glavnem zaposlujejo na manj cenjenih in slabo plačanih delovnih mestih. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na to, da je za Slovenijo značilna nizka mobilnost. Da bi dosegli razvoj, moramo v sodobnih družbah, tako tudi v Sloveniji, spodbujati geografsko in poklicno mobilnost. V članku izhajamo iz trditve, da se mora, ker je Slovenija multikulturna družba, poklicno izobraževanje razvijati kot večkulturno izobraževanje

    Empatija v izobraževanju odraslih

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    Empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence and the latter is crucial for human relations, whether they be interpersonal relations, relations among people at work, or in a wider community. Therefore, empathy is important for adult education, for guidance counsellors, and for other adult educators. Adult educators must be empathic in order to understand the perspectives and needs of the participants in the educational process and empathy is a precondition for understanding. The development of empathy as a competence is a lifelong learning process. Namely, despite some biological predispositions for empathy, the latter can be learnt. It is the contention of the article that empathy is one of the most important intercultural competencies, because if a person is not empathic, other intercultural competencies vary rarely cannot develop to their full extent. Thus empathy is a precondition for successful intercultural dialogue.Empatija je pomemben del čustvene inteligence, slednja pa je ključnega pomena za človeške odnose, za medosebne odnose, odnose med ljudmi na delovnem mestu ali v širši skupnosti. Empatija je tako pomembna tudi za izobraževanje odraslih, za svetovalce in svetovalke, ki delujejo na tem področju, in druge izobraževalce in izobraževalke odraslih. Izobraževalci in izobraževalke odraslih morajo biti empatični, da lahko ugotovijo in razumejo perspektive in potrebe udeležencev in udeleženk v izobraževalnem procesu, empatija pa je prvi pogoj za razumevanje. Razvoj empatije kot kompetence je del vseživljenjskega učenja. Ne glede na to, da  imamo ljudje nekatere biološke predispozicije za empatijo, se slednje lahko tudi naučimo. Članek temelji na podmeni, da je empatija ena izmed najpomembnejših medkulturnih kompetenc, brez katere človek pogosto ne more razviti drugih medkulturnih kompetenc. Empatija je tako prvi pogoj za medkulturni dialog.

    Process analytical technology tools for process control of roller compaction in solid pharmaceuticals manufacturing

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    This article presents an overview of using process analytical technology in monitoring the roller compaction process. In the past two decades, near-infrared spectroscopy, near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemical imaging, microwave resonance technology, thermal effusivity and various particle imaging techniques have been used for developing at-, off-, on- and in-line models for predicting critical quality attributes of ribbons and subsequent granules and tablets. The common goal of all these methods is improved process understanding and process control, and thus improved production of high-quality products. This article reviews the work of several researchers in this field, comparing and critically evaluating their achievements

    "Druženje, vedoželjnost, širina …", učinki neformalnega izobraževanja odraslih v projektu Bell

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    The article presents the results of the international Bell research project in which ten European countries participated. The focus of the research was the wider benefits of liberal adult education. The main research question was: What are the benefits of liberal adult education in the everyday life of the participants? The result of the research was that the benefits of the aforementioned education are numerous. While both quantitative and qualitative methods were applied, the article focuses on the latter. Eight interviews were conducted with adult participants in liberal adult education programmes from different regions of Slovenia. All interviewees reported numerous benefits resulting from their participation in liberal adult education.V članku so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki je bila opravljena v Sloveniji v okviru projekta Bell. V tem projektu smo raziskovali učinke neformalnega izobraževanja, pri čemer smo izhajali iz predpostavke, da ima neformalno izobraževanje številne pozitivne učinke. Predpostavka se je v raziskavi potrdila. Vsi intervjuvanci so omenjali številne pozitivne učinke kot posledico njihove udeležbe v neformalnem izobraževanju. Rezultati intervjujev potrjujejo rezultate statistične analize, saj so bili tako pri kvalitativni kot pri kvantitativni analizi najpogostejši učinki razširjena socialna mreža, osebna učinkovitost (zlasti okrepitev samozavesti), duševno zdravje, kompetence (zlasti kompetence IKT in splošno znanje) in sprememba izobraževalne izkušnje (zlasti večja motivacija za učenje). Prav tako rezultati intervjujev potrjujejo rezultate analize literature, intervjuvanci so omenjali skoraj vse pozitivne učinke neformalnega izobraževanja, ki so bili ugotovljeni v navedeni literaturi

    Lipid-based systems as promising approach for enhancing the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs

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    Low oral bioavailability as a consequence of low water solubility of drugs is a growing challenge to the development of new pharmaceutical products. One of the most popular approaches of oral bioavailability and solubility enhancement is the utilization of lipid-based drug delivery systems. Their use in product development is growing due to the versatility of pharmaceutical lipid excipients and drug formulations, and their compatibility with liquid, semi-solid, and solid dosage forms. Lipid formulations, such as self-emulsifying (SEDDS), self-microemulsifying SMEDDS) and self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS) were explored in many studies as an efficient approach for improving the bioavailability and dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble drugs. One of the greatest advantages of incorporating poorly soluble drugs into such formulations is their spontaneous emulsification and formation of an emulsion, microemulsion or nanoemusion in aqueous media. This review article focuses on the following topics. First, it presents a classification overview of lipid-based drug delivery systems and mechanisms involved in improving the solubility and bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs. Second, the article reviews components of lipid-based drug delivery systems for oral use with their characteristics. Third, it brings a detailed description of SEDDS, SMEDDS and SNEDDS, which are very often misused in literature, with special emphasis on the comparison between microemulsions and nanoemulsions

    Comparison of CE and HPLC Methods for Determining Lovastatin and Its Oxidation Products after Exposure to an Oxidative Atmosphere

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    Lovastatin is a cholesterol-lowering agent, which competitively inhibits the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. Several HPLC methods for its analysis have been developed but there is no report of its determination using capillary electrophoresis (CE). In this paper, we report the development of a simple CE method for lovastatin determination, which is selective with respect to its degradation products and useful for routine analyses. Since the molecule of lovastatin in its lactone form is uncharged and is only slightly soluble in water, base hydrolysis was used to open the lactone ring and transform the compound into a water-soluble acid form, which is negatively charged. Different solvents, different amounts of NaOH added, different hydrolysis times and different temperatures for sample preparation were tested. The CE and HPLC methods are compared in terms of susceptibility, precision, linearity and accuracy. HPLC method was found to be more susceptible and more precise

    Investigation of design space for freeze-drying injectable ibuprofen using response surface methodology

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    This study explores the use of a statistical model to build a design space for freeze-drying two formulations with ibuprofen. A 2 × 3 factorial experimental design was used to evaluate independent variables (filling volume and annealing time) and responses as residual moisture content, specific surface area and reconstitution time. A statistical model and response surface plots were generated to define the interactions among the selected variables. The models constructed for both formulations suggest that 1 ml of filled volume and no annealing should be used to achieve optimal residual moisture content, specific surface area and reconstitution time. The proposed models were validated with additional experiments, in which the responses observed were mainly in close agreement with the predicted ones. Additionally, the established models demonstrate the reliability of the evaluation procedure in predicting the selected responses

    Medkulturnost v izobraževanju odraslih

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    V času, ko smo pripravljali to številko Andragoških spoznanj, se je okrepil vojni konflikt v Siriji, nekatere druge države sveta, kot so Afganistan, Irak, Sudan, Sierra Leone…, pa prav tako pretresajo vojni konflikti in kršitve človekovih pravic, zaradi katerih so bili ljudje prisiljeni prebegniti v druge države in si na ta način rešiti življenje. (Beri naprej...

    Solubilization of ibuprofen for freeze dried parenteral dosage forms

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    Ibuprofen, a weakly acidic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug having poor aqueous solubility, is a challenging drug for the development of pharmaceutical formulations, resulting in numerous research attempts focusing on improvement of its solubility and consequently bioavailability. Most studies have been done for solid dosage forms, with very little attention paid to parenterals. Hence, the main purpose of the present study was to enhance ibuprofen solubility as a result of formulation composition and the freeze drying process. Moreover, the purpose was to prepare a freeze dried dosage form with improved ibuprofen solubility that could, after simple reconstitution with water for injection, result in an isotonic parenteral solution. Solubility of ibuprofen was modified by various excipients suitable for parenteral application. Drug interactions with selected excipients in the final product/lyophilisate were studied by a combined use of XRPD, DSC, Raman and ssNMR. Analyses of lyophilized samples showed solubility enhancement of ibuprofen and in situ formation of an ibuprofen salt with the alkaline excipients used

    Uporaba metodologije odgovornih površin za študij in situ granulacije s talinami v zvrtinčenih plasteh

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    The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of selected individual variables (binder content, inlet air temperature, and product endpoint temperature) of in situ fluid bed melt granulation on the granule particle size distribution and percentage of dissolved carvedilol using a three-factor, five-level circumscribed central composite design. Increased binder content had the effect of increasing the granule particle size and drug dissolution rate. The effect of inlet air temperature and product endpoint temperature was found to be more pronounced in case of granule particle size parameters. Within the studied intervals, the optimal quantity of binder as well as optimal process parameters were identified and validated using response surface methodology. Utilizing these optimal process and formulation parameters, successful scaling up of the fluid bed melt granulation process was carried out. Granule characteristics obtained at pilot scale are comparable to those obtained at laboratory scale.V raziskovalnem delu smo z uporabo tri-faktorskega pet-nivojskega središčnega mešanega eksperimentalnega načrta proučevali vpliv izbranih procesnih spremenljivk (delež veziva, temperatura vhodnega zraka in končna temperatura produkta) in situ granulacije s talinami na porazdelitev velikosti izdelanih granul in na delež raztopljenega karvedilola. Ugotovili smo, da povečana količina veziva v formulaciji kaže učinek povečanja velikosti izdelanih granul kakor tudi hitrosti raztapljanja karvedilola. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da temperatura vhodnega zraka in končna temperatura produkta izkazujeta izrazit vpliv na parametre velikosti granul. Z metodo odgovornih površin smo znotraj proučevanih intervalov določili in validirali optimalno količino veziva in optimalne procesne parametre. Z uporabo optimalnih formulacijskih in procesnih parametrov smo tehnologijo in situ granulacije s talinami uspešno prenesli iz laboratorijskega v večje (pilotno) merilo, pri čemer smo zagotovili primerljivost proučevanih lastnosti granulata