11 research outputs found

    Detection of Tectonic and Crustal Deformation using GNSS Data Processing: The Case of PPGnet

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    Aitolo-Akarnania prefecture, western Greece, is an area with strong earthquakes and large active fault systems. The most prominent are the Katouna sinistral strike slip fault and the Trichonis Lake normal fault system. Their proximity to large cities, and the lack of detailed information on their seismogenic potential, calls for multiparametric research. Since 2013, the area’s crustal deformation has been monitored by a dense GNSS Network (PPGNet), consisting of five stations, equipped with Leica and Septentrio receivers. The objective of this network is to define the rate of deformation across these two main fault systems. Data is recorded using two sampling frequencies, 1 Hz and 10Hz, producing hourly and daily files. Daily data is processed using Bernese GNSS Processing Software using final orbits of International GNSS Service. Double-difference solution is computed using phase measurements from the PPGNet network complemented by four stations from Athens’ National Observatory GNSS network and six stations from METRICA network. First results show a NNE movement at PVOG station of 12 mm/y and a similar movement at RETS station of about 9 mm/y. This means that the Trichonis Lake normal fault system, located between these two stations, depicts a slip rate of 3 mm/y. KTCH and RGNI stations move eastwards at a velocity of about 5 mm/y due to the Katouna-Stamna fault system. Data from PPGNet has provided important results on crustal deformation in the area, i.e. slip rates have been attributed to specific fault systems. The comparison and links of these data with broader geodynamic models is now possible and we expect, in a later phase that will provide a more detailed image of the associated seismic hazard for Aitolo-Akarnania. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091633 Full Text: PD

    Analytické centrum DORIS na Geodetické observatoři Pecný =Analysis Centre DORIS at Geodetic Observatory Pecný

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    DORIS is one of the four official IERS space geodesy techniques. The Bernese GPS software has been modified to process and analyze the DORIS data at the Geodetic observatory Pecný in the framework of the international cooperation and a new analysis centre has been established. Achieved precision, comparable to current analysis of international DORIS service IDS, was proved by package of complex tests, mainly by the analysis of final network and pole position coordinates, derived from free-network solution. The precision of orbits, estimated by the solution with fixed network, was tested as well. The high level of automatization facilitates the long-term campaigns processing and participation inactivities of international IDS service. The IDSgave an indication of the cooperation on the official IDS combination for global reference frame ITRF 200819119

    Czech DORIS Analysis Center Contribution to ITRF2020 Genesis

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    Geodetic Observatory Pecný (GOP) analysis center is one of the International DORIS Service (IDS) analysis centers. GOP fully contributed to the IDS combination of ITRF2020, including various changes in comparison to the ITRF2014 reprocessing. The DORIS Data from 1993.0 to 2021.0 has been processed. The time-variable gravity field model and pole sub-daily model has been updated to the recent standards. RINEX data were included as well as a measured attitude for Jason-2 and Jason-3 satellites, while Jason-1 data were completely excluded due to the South Atlantic Anomaly sensitivity. In comparison to the ITRF2014 reprocessing, the processing strategy has been upgraded and the accuracy of the solution significantly improved