4 research outputs found

    Identifikacija donora poželjnih alela za prinos ploda hibrida k 35 x k 12 plavog paradajza

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    The aim of this study was to identify an eggplant donor line which possess the largest frequency of favorable alleles that control fruit yield. Such donor line should be used to improve the elite eggplant hybride K35 x K12. The fruit yield of the elite hybrid, its parents and their hybrids with three potential donor lines (K36/1, K11 and K22/2) was examined in a diallel set by means of field trials. The trials were set in a randomized block design in three replications. After the fruit yield had been measured, the modified method of evaluation of relative loci value according to Dudley (1987) was applied. Ali inbred lines expressed positive values of the μG' parameter. The K11 inbred had the largest μG' value (2.38) and, also, the lowest frequency of unfavourable alleles on the loci class D (1.33). It was established that the K11 inbred line was more related to the K35 parental inbred line (7.81). Consequently, on the basis of the μD' values, improvement should be obtained by backcrossing the elite hybrid K35 x K11 to the donor inbred K11.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se izdvoje one inbred linije plavog paradajza koje poseduju najveću frekvenciju poželjnih alela za prinos ploda. Ovakve linije bi mogle da se iskoriste za unapređenje elitnog hibrida plavog paradajza K35 x K12. Prinos ploda ovog elitnog hibrida, njegovih roditeljskih linija i tri potencijalna donora poželjnih alela je bio utvrđen dialelnim ukrštanjem. Poljski ogledi su bili postavljeni po slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja. Radi identifikacije donora poželjnih alela, primenjen je modifikovan matematički model po Dudley-u (1987). Sve inbred linije su ispoljile pozitivne vrednosti parametra μG'. Linija K11 je imala najveću vrednost (μG' (2.38) i, takođe, najnižu frekvenciju nepoželjnih alela na klasi lokusa D (μD'= 1.33) a bila je i najbolji opšti kombinator (4.01"). Ova linija je bila srodnija roditeljskoj komponenti elitnog hibrida K35 (7.81). Na osnovu vrednosti parametra μD' poboljšanje prinosa ploda hibrida K35 x K12 bi trebalo postići unapređenjem roditeljske komponente K35. Pri tome, početnu populaciju za selekciju poboljšane linije K35, po našim rezultatima, treba zasnovati povratnim ukrštanjem elitnog hibrida K35 x K11 sa linijom K11 kao rekurentnim roditeljem i donorom poželjnih alela

    Selekcija na uniformnost i stabilnost prinosa kukuruza

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    Historically speaking, both the introduction of double-cross hybrids and use of single crosses have caused the increase in grain yield and significantly improved agricultural practice. Nowadays, the uniformity of crops is regarded as an advantage of modern agriculture, since the uniformity of products is crucial in global market. Thus, uniformity of crop maturation provides both planning and efficient mechanized harvest. F1 single-cross hybrids of maize, which is an allogamous species, not only exploit heterosis, but also impose homogeneity. Basically, the uniformity of hybrids has been regarded as their crucial advantage. There are two aspects of hybrid maize uniformity: (i) genetic homogeneity and (ii) genetic stability. Genetic homogeneity refers to presence of identical genotypes, whereas genetic stability refers to phenotypic uniformity (homeostasis) in different environments. At present, yield performance of inbreds has not advanced as rapidly as performance of hybrids, especially in stressful environments. Focusing on inbred productivity combined with stability may be more appropriate strategy in the future. Poor farmers are not able to employ superior genotypes because they require considerable financial investment and farmers survive not due to high yield in good seasons, but due to enduring extreme ones. Breeding process may create genotypes in favorable seasons when genetic variance is maximal and environmental influence is minimal, which should be followed by breeding for different environments. The aim of such breeding are, most probably, genotypes intended for a specific set of conditions which, in fact, represents a convergence of two strategies of plant breeding. One should probably bear in mind the strategy of both yield improvement and survival of farmers in extreme conditions without decreasing yield of best genotypes, especially those adapted only to favorable conditions. Solution to this problem should be: financial (best possible loans), social (education), and technological (breeding improved genotypes and advanced agricultural production).Uniformnost useva se smatra poželjnom osobinom u modernoj poljoprivredi, jer je proizvod uniformnosti esencijalan na tržištu. Uniformnost u sazrevanju omogućuje planiranje biljne proizvodnje i efikasnu mehaničku žetvu i berbu. Osim toga, uniformnost useva je bitna za maksimalni prinos. Obzirom da je uniformnost malo praćena i analizirana postavili smo to za cilj u ovom radu. Uniformnost useva posebno postaje značajna osobina sa porastom i povećanjem značaja svetskog tržišta roba. Ona je redovno udružena sa smanjenjem diverziteta. Međutim, genetički diverzitet se može povećati gajenjem brojnih različitih homogenih sorata ili autohtonih populacija. Diverzitet useva se smatra poželjnim i bitnim u nekim klimatskim uslovima. Divergentne populacije koje su ranije zauzimale proizvodne kapacitete ublažavale su pad proizvodnje pod uticajem različitih stresnih uslova i na taj način smanjivale rizik. Gajenje uniformnih hibrida može rezultirati problemima u polinaciji kod kukuruza usled temperaturnog stresa koji je karakterističan u našem području. Diverzitet može biti povećan korišćenjem prirodnih populacija i gajenjem F1 hibrida sa različitom dužinom vegetacije kod kukuruza. Iz svega napred navedenog može se zaključiti da hibridi nisu najbolji za opstanak siromašnih farmera zbog značaja finansijskih ulaganja u seme i tehnologiju i opravdane zabrinutosti za nastali rizik usled gajenja neadaptiranih hibrida i smanjenja varijabilnosti kukuruza usled oplemenjivanja. Siromašni farmeri u ekstremnim uslovima održavaju genetički diverzitet kod različitih kultura i heterogenost sorata maksimalno adaptiranih datim uslovima u prostoru i vremenu. Preživljavanje u nepovoljnim godinama, ne prinos u povoljnim godinama je ključ opstanka siromašnih farmera. Ovo je verovatno važno za razvoj strategije u selekciji u cilju inkorporiranje gena za individualno ublažavanje posledica stresa inbred linija i hibrida. Za selekciju je bitno održavanje kontinuiranosti u potomstvu nosioca stabilnosti. Potomstvo može nastati selekcijom u povoljnim uslovima gde je genetička diferenciranost maksimalna, a uticaj spoljne sredine minimalan i oplemenjivanjem za različite uslove gajenja. Najverovatnije da je cilj selekcije stvaranje genotipova za date uslove spoljne sredine, što je u stvari približavanje napred navedena dva pristupa u selekciji. Ispitivanje i testiranje dobijenih genotipova mora imati ciljne uslove gajenja, lokacije. Možda pri razvoju strategije treba imati na umu strategiju povećanja prinosa i opstanka farmera u ekstremnim uslovima, pri čemu ne dolazi do smanjenja prinosa kod najboljih genotipova, naročito adaptiranih samo na povoljne uslove koji bi se sastojali u poboljšanju uslova i kulture proizvodnje istovremeno. Potencijalna solusija za ove probleme mora biti ekonomska (najbolje moguće kreditiranje) i socijalna (edukacija), kao i tehničko-tehnološka (poboljšanje genotipova i tehnologije gajenja)

    Identifikacija inbred linija donora poželjnih alela za prinos elitnog hibrida kukuruza ZPE25-10-1 x B84

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    The aim of this study was to determine which of six inbreeds that were investigated could be the donor of the favorable alleles for grain yield and its components ear diameter and number of kernels in a row. The trial including the F1 hybrid progeny and the inbreeds investigated was set in 1998 in RCB design at four locations: Zemun Polje, Srbobran, Pančevo and Inđija, in four replications. The modified method after Dudley (1987) was used to establish the donors of favorable alleles. All inbreeds expressed positive values of the UG parameter and the L545-93 inbred line was chosen to improve the grain yield of the ZPE25-10-1 x B84 elite hybrid on the basis of the largest value of its UG parameter (0.95*). Positive UG values were determined for other investigated traits, e. g. the ear diameter (0.26*) and the number of grains in a row (2.54*), also. On the basis of the relative relatedness of the L545-93 inbred and the parents of the elite hybrid it was concluded that the parallel improvement of the ear diameter and the kernel number in a row could be achieved by backcrossing the ZPE25-10-1 x L545-93 F1 hybrid progeny and the donor line. The improvement of the grain yield of the elite hybrid should be carried out by backcrossing the B84 x L545-93 F1 progeny and the B84 parental inbred.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi koja od šest inbred linija kukuruza može da bude donor poželjnih dominantnih alela za prinos i njegove komponente prečnik klipa i broj zrna u redu. Ogled sa F1 hibridima i inbred linijama postavljen je 1998. godine po potpunom slučajnom blok sistemu na četiri lokacije (Zemun Polju, Srbobranu, Pančevu i Indiji) u četiri ponavljanja. Za izbor donora korišćen je modifikovani metod po Dudley-u (1987). Sve ispitivane inbred linije imale su pozitivne urednosti parametra mG, pri čemu je, na osnovu najveće vrednosti ovog parametra linija 1.545-93 odabrana kao donor poželjnih alela za popravku prinosa elitnog hibrida ZPE25-10-1 xB84 (0,95*). Pozitivne vrednosti parametra UG za ovu liniju utvrđene su i u slučaju prečnika klipa (0,26), kao i broja zrna u redu (2,54). Na osnovu relativne srodnosti linije L545-93 i roditelja elitnog hibrida ZPE25-10-1 X B84, zaključeno je da paralelna popravka prečnika klipa i broja zrna u redu može da se postigne povratnim ukrštanjem hibridnog potomstva ZPE25-10-1 X L545-93 sa linijom donorom. Popravka prinosa elitnog hibrida postići će se povratnim ukrštanjem F1 potomstva BS4 X L545-93 sa roditeljskom komponentom hibrida koji se popravlja B84

    Selection on uniformity and yield stability in maize

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    Historically speaking, both the introduction of double-cross hybrids and use of single crosses have caused the increase in grain yield and significantly improved agricultural practice. Nowadays, the uniformity of crops is regarded as an advantage of modern agriculture, since the uniformity of products is crucial in global market. Thus, uniformity of crop maturation provides both planning and efficient mechanized harvest. F1 single-cross hybrids of maize, which is an allogamous species, not only exploit heterosis, but also impose homogeneity. Basically, the uniformity of hybrids has been regarded as their crucial advantage. There are two aspects of hybrid maize uniformity: (i) genetic homogeneity and (ii) genetic stability. Genetic homogeneity refers to presence of identical genotypes, whereas genetic stability refers to phenotypic uniformity (homeostasis) in different environments. At present, yield performance of inbreds has not advanced as rapidly as performance of hybrids, especially in stressful environments. Focusing on inbred productivity combined with stability may be more appropriate strategy in the future. Poor farmers are not able to employ superior genotypes because they require considerable financial investment and farmers survive not due to high yield in good seasons, but due to enduring extreme ones. Breeding process may create genotypes in favorable seasons when genetic variance is maximal and environmental influence is minimal, which should be followed by breeding for different environments. The aim of such breeding are, most probably, genotypes intended for a specific set of conditions which, in fact, represents a convergence of two strategies of plant breeding. One should probably bear in mind the strategy of both yield improvement and survival of farmers in extreme conditions without decreasing yield of best genotypes, especially those adapted only to favorable conditions. Solution to this problem should be: financial (best possible loans), social (education), and technological (breeding improved genotypes and advanced agricultural production)