3 research outputs found

    The Assessment of Light Environment with the First Generation Leds

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    The article describes experimental studies on the effectiveness of lighting installations (LI) with light-emitting diodes (LEDs). It is established that LED-based lighting does not cause a negative impact on the organ of vision and the human body as a whole. The changes in the functional parameters of the organ of sight, which occur during the visual performance has the corresponding limits of physiological fluctuations and are reversible. The integral indicators of the efficiency of LED-based lighting were estimated. The practical significance of the results was shown

    Lactoferrin Induces Erythropoietin Synthesis and Rescues Cognitive Functions in the Offspring of Rats Subjected to Prenatal Hypoxia

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    The protective effects of recombinant human lactoferrin rhLF (branded “CAPRABEL™”) on the cognitive functions of rat offspring subjected to prenatal hypoxia (7% O2, 3 h, 14th day of gestation) have been analyzed. About 90% of rhLF in CAPRABEL was iron-free (apo-LF). Rat dams received several injections of 10 mg of CAPRABEL during either gestation (before and after the hypoxic attack) or lactation. Western blotting revealed the appearance of erythropoietin (EPO) alongside the hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) in organ homogenates of apo-rhLF-treated pregnant females, their embryos (but not placentas), and in suckling pups from the dams treated with apo-rhLF during lactation. Apo-rhLF injected to rat dams either during pregnancy or nurturing the pups was able to rescue cognitive deficits caused by prenatal hypoxia and improve various types of memory both in young and adult offspring when tested in the radial maze and by the Novel Object Recognition (NOR) test. The data obtained suggested that the apo-form of human LF injected to female rats during gestation or lactation protects the cognitive functions of their offspring impaired by prenatal hypoxia

    Современные подходы к ведению детей с гипофосфатазией

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    Hypophosphatasia is rare genetic disease caused by tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase deficiency due to the mutation in the ALPL gene. Disease can manifest in utero, in childhood or in adults depending on its form and severity. This article presents modern data on the epidemiology, etiology, and clinical signs of hypophosphatasia in children, covers in details differential diagnostic search, and gives guidelines for its evidence-based treatment. Without timely treatment the prognosis of the disease is unfavorable in most cases. Such patients require follow-up by multidisciplinary team of physicians. The only effective method of treatment is enzyme replacement therapy with asfotase alfa. Symptomatic therapy is also crucial as well as physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic exercise programs (at rehabilitation stage).Гипофосфатазия — редкое генетическое заболевание, обусловленное дефицитом тканенеспецифической щелочной фосфатазы в результате мутации в гене ALPL. В зависимости от формы и тяжести болезнь может дебютировать внутриутробно, в детском возрасте или у взрослых. В статье представлены современные сведения об эпидемиологии, этиологии и клинических проявлениях гипофосфатазии у детей, подробно освещаются этапы дифференциально-диагностического поиска, приведены рекомендации по лечению, основанные на принципах доказательной медицины. При отсутствии своевременного лечения прогноз болезни в большинстве случаев неблагоприятный для жизни. Пациенты нуждаются в наблюдении мультидисциплинарной командой врачей. Единственным эффективным методом лечения является ферментозаместительная терапия асфотазой альфа; необходимо также проводить симптоматическую терапию, а при реабилитации пациентов использовать физиотерапевтические процедуры и лечебные физкультурные комплексы упражнений