21 research outputs found


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    Chemical behaviour of group 5 elements in the aqueous hydrofluoric acid solutions was studied. The radiochemical method for the cation exchange separation of Nb (Pa) and Ta from Zr, Hf and lanthanides is presented. The opportunity for ion exchange separation of Zr and Hf is shown. The developed scheme allows excluding of the presence of SF heavy actinides in fractions of separated elements. On the basis of the data of the present work, it is possible to suggest the following order of the stability of the fluoride complexes of group 4 and 5 elements: Nb (Đ Đ°) > Zr > Hf > Ta. The order of the complex formation is in agreement with theoretical predictions. This analytical procedure can be used in future heavy nuclei synthesis experiments for the separation of dubnium (Db) from other reactions products and for its chemical identification

    Indication for a volatile element 114

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    Recently, the chemical investigation of element 112 revealed a highly volatile, noble metallic behaviour, as expected for the last group 12 member of the periodic table. The observed volatility and chemical inertness were ascribed to the growing influence of relativistic effects on the chemical properties of the heaviest elements with increasing nuclear charge. Here, we report for the first time on gas phase chemical experiments aiming at a determination of element 114 properties. This element was investigated using its isotopes 287-114 and 288-114 produced in the nuclear fusion reactions of 48Ca with 242Pu and 244Pu, respectively. Identification of three atoms of element 114 in thermochromatography experiments and their deposition pattern on a gold surface indicates that this element is at least as volatile as simultaneously investigated elements Hg, At, and element 112. This behaviour is rather unexpected for a typical metal of group 14