11 research outputs found

    Morphologic and meristic specification of some genus of Carangidae family in the Persian Gulf, Iran

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    Morphologic and meristic analyses were performed aided by regression charts on 96 specimens of the genus Parastromateus, 67 specimens of Caranx, 70 specimens of Alepes, 69 specimens of Scomberoides, 62 specimens of Atropus, 104 specimens of Carangoides, and 67 specimens of Trachionotus from March 2004 to February 2005. The samples were collected by using bottom trawling in the Persian Gulf. The analyses showed the complete separability of the genus while keeping their close connection with the Family. We found that Parastrometeus was specially unique in terms of keeping its relationship with the family Carangidae

    Reproduction and maturity of false trevally (Lactarius lactarius) in coastal waters of the Oman Sea

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    In order to determine the reproduction period, the peak time of spawning, length of maturity and mesh standard size for False Trevally (Lactarius lactarius), we conducted a study from November 2007 to October 2008 in coastal waters of the Oman Sea. A total of 702 False Trevally specimens were collected randomly from the catch composition of gillnets and Ferdows-3 stem trawler. Mean total length and total weight were estimated at 22.7 plus or minus 2.13cm and 142.2 plus or minus 41.64g for females and 20.4c 1.89cm and 103.14c 29.07g for males respectively. Male to female sex ratio was 0.37:1 and females were more abundant than males in all months except June and August. Males had smaller sizes than females and the females outnumbered the mails up to the total length 25.5cm. The maximum of GS delta was estimated at 3.69 for females in June and 0.89 for males in July. The trend of GS delta and the frequency of maturity stages showed that reproduction period was from February to September with a spawning peak in August. Absolute fecundity was calculated at 102032 ova and relative fecundity was estimated at 4491.9 ova and 780.7 ova to total length and total weight respectively. Lm sub(50%) (length of maturity) and standard mesh size was calculated at 24.4cm and 3.9cm, respectively

    Gene 18s rRNA variation of cuttlefish population (Sepia pharaonis) in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea using PCR-RFLP method

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    We used PCR-RFLP method to identify cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) populations in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. Bottom trawling method was used to collect a range of 20 to 40 specimens from each 15 stations in the study area. Genomic DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform method and one pair primer was designed for the analysis based on 1 Ss rRNA gene nucleotide sequences. A PCR product with 502 pair bases in length was obtained for all specimens and subjected to digestion by eight restriction enzymes Alui, Tacit, MO, Rsal, Hinalli, Dral, Prull and Mien DNA banding, patterns in all specimens were similar and no polymorphism was detected among them. We conclude that cuttlefish populations cannot be isolated using 18s rRNA gene extracts in the area of study

    Introducing genetic markers for identification and separation of 4 species of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea fishes using PCR- RFLP method

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    In order to introduce genetic markers of four species of fishes, 80 samples of each species, i.e. Parastromateus niger, Scomberomorus comersoniannus, Trachionotus mookalee and Caranx para were collected. DNA was extracted using phenol- chloroform method. The target gene (cytochrome b) was amplified by Thermal cycle (PCR) and the PCR product size estimated 1105 bp. In this research out of 27 DNAase enzymes which were used for PCR product enzyme digesting 8 enzymes (Bam HI, Alw 261, Rsa I, Mbo I, Alu I, Hinf I, Dpn I, Dde I) have cut side on target DNA and three enzymes of them Alu I, Hinf I and Mbo I showed polymorphism genetic differences while other enzymes displayed similar patterns. Variation of haplotypes from four species are as follows: BAA for P. niger, AAB for T. mookalee, ABA for C. para, and ACA for S. comersonianus. So it is possible to claim that each of the above Haplotypes may be used as genetic markers for each of the species

    Effect of malathion insecticide on liver tissue and enzymes of Rutilus rutilus caspicus of the Caspian Sea

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    Malathion is an organophosphate insecticide which uses to destroy insects and pests of fruit trees, ornamental plants and agricultural corps. In the present study, effect of Malathion on liver and selected enzymes (SGOT, SGPT and ALP) was studied in Caspian Roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus). Four treatments with three replications were designed to carry out the survey. Four groups of experimental fish (containing 30 fish in each group) were exposed to different concentrations of Malathion. e. 0, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 ppm respectively for 23 days. Blood collection was done in 3rd, 13th and 23th after exposure to Malathion and also 30 days after recovery in clean water and enzymes were measured using standard kits. Also liver tissues were isolated to histological examination. Results showed that tissues of control group (0ppm) were normal and there were no damages, yet there were hepatocytes degeneration, picnotic in nuclear, hepatocytes vacuolization, vascular congestion and sinusoid congestion in liver of other groups. Tissue damages were increased in higher malathion concentration and over time. Results related to enzymes showed that there were no significant differences in SGOT of fish treated with low concentrations of malathion (0.01 and 0.05 ppm) and control group but it was increased in highest concentration (p<0.05). Yet, SGPT increased significantly after passing 23 days in all fish exposed to malathion But ALP changes trend was decreasing

    The relationship between oil pollution and density of pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) in the Persian Gulf

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    The pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) is considered as a valuable resources in the Persian Gulf. The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of petroleum hydrocarbons on density as well as destruction of this oyster. For this purpos, the Lavan region (Dardur, Hedabad, Chalil), Nakhilou and Hendurabi were chosen as the present habitat of the pearl oyster and Bostaneh, Moghooyeh, Molou and Geshe as the former habitat. The statistical analysis showed that the amount of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments and soft tissues of oysters of Lavan stations is significantly different and Lavan region due to being close to oil terminals is more polluted. Meanwhile in winter petroleum hydrocarbons was found more than summer. Regarding to the density of oyters, it can be concluded that in present habitats with the increase of petroleum hydrocarbons in the body of oysters and sediments, the density of oyster was decreased

    Comparison of morphometric and meristic attributes of bream (Abramis brama orientalis), in Caspian Sea and Aras Dam Reservoir

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    Morphometric and meristic specifications of Abramis brama orientalis of the Caspian Sea and Aras Dam Reservoir was studied in the year 2002. For this purpose, 40 morphometric attributes, 16 meristic attributes and 37 specifications in relation to the proportions of speciality of morphometric attributes of the Abramis brama orientalis were evaluated from the two habitats. Anova, factor and discriminant function analyses were conducted on the data. According to results the average coefficient of variation in morphometric, meristic and proportion of speciality of morphometric attributes for Abramis brama orientalis of Caspian Sea was 22.85, 3.24 and 7.68 and for Abramis brama orientalis of Aras Dam Reservoir was 17.45, 3.53 and 15.27. The Abramis brama orientalis of the two areas showed meaningful differences in 35 morphometric factors, 6 meristic factors and 25 factor of proportion of the speciality of the age had significand differences (P<O.05). Factor analysis showed that the Abramis brama orientalis of the two habitats had 80.62% of changes in 7 factors of first morphometric attributes, 73.65% of changes in the 9 factors of the first proportion of morphometric specialities and 46.52% of changes in the 4 factors of the first meristic attribute. We showed that, fork length, standard length, proportion of head length to the standard length, number of scales of the lateral line, number of scales under the lateral line, number of scales above the lateral line, radius of dorsal fin and number of dorsal fins can be used to separate population of the fish from the two habitats. The first two factors of proportion of speciality of morphometric and meristic attributes causes total separation of the two populations. We found different in morphometric specialities between the two specialities of morphometric and meristic attributes. It is suggested that different environmental conditions have led to the differences in the populations of the fish in the Caspian Sea and Aras Dam Reservoir

    Design, optimization and construction of a sputter ion pump

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    Design and construction process of special kind of sputter ion pump is described briefly in this paper. In order to investigate the optimization of effective parameters in choosing and designing ILSF ion pumps, this pump has been designed and manufactured. By optimizing some parameters such as dimension and shape of penning cells, anode voltage, magnetic field and internal structure of pump, it is possible to significantly decrease the cost of construction and operation of synchrotron vacuum system. By using the results of simulations and calculations of electromagnetic field, plasma simulation or glow discharge, titanium sputtering, etc., critical parameters in design of internal structure of ion pump have been optimized. In the following configuration, the pumping has been started at 10-4 torr. The pressure goes down to 10-8, without saturation effect in low pressures &nbsp