56 research outputs found

    Atypical real estate objects: legal regime and control system

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    The legal concept of immovable things raises controversy in legal practice. Determining and understanding the definition of real estate, the complexity and diversity of these objects, a growing appearance of so-called atypical properties (such as sport stadiums, roads, boreholes), analyzing legislation and judicial practice of this field – all these issues call for a deep study of this topic. There is a conflicting arbitration practice, the subject of which is the learning of the legal nature of atypical real estate (for instance, asphalt playgrounds, car parks, fences, wells). The object of the research is the learning of the legal status of atypical real estate

    Plant selective breeding achievements: legal protection and intellectual property rights

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    Selective breeding achievement is a result of intellectual activity and at the same time a powerful means of production. Plant breeding and high culture of farming became the economic ground for emergence, development and existence of ancient and today’s civilizations for many centuries. Contribution of plant breeders to tackle the problems of food production and other challenges is always both of economic and political relevance, hence, selective breeding achievements are considered strategic objects. As the population of the planet increases and the need for the environment preservation grows, the role of the breeding activity will play a central role. There is much concern for every country about the balance between the necessity to provide the population with food and sustain biological variety in today’s global world. One of the ways to address the food issues and others is a genetic modification of living organisms including plant variety. Goals of the modern market of crop cultivation are to create adaptive breeds, which are resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses, can secure high and consistent harvest and are suitable for cultivation using resource saving technology, as well as food-supplying, technical and feeding orientation of the developed cultivars. At present, plant variety rights in most developed countries are completely excluded from the scope of patent law and are attributed to sui generis right. The authors’ research on plant variety rights from civil perspective allows for in-depth study of the character of the object

    Strategic priorities for development of housing construction and renovation sector

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    The article highlights the problem of sustainable development of the living environment and living standards of the population, which is rather relevant for the governments of most developed countries including Russia. In recent years, the anthropogenic impact of aggressive external medium on the quality of human life increases, which reduces the working capacity of citizens and consequently lowers their labor productivity. The implementation of «Concept for the Transition of the Russian Federation to Sustainable Development», which was elaborated and adopted in 1996, implies a gradual transition to the balanced solution of pressing social and economic issues and problems that concern preserving natural resources in order to meet the needs of present and future generations. The authors emphasized the need for a scientific-theoretical and methodological substantiation of preparing the strategic priorities of the housing development planning with a focus on creating competitive residential housing and renovation projects. The authors note that the greening of housing construction and renovation industry helps to ensure high living standards and contributes not only to improving human well-being and increasing person’s lifetime but also enhances his or her working capacity and labor productivity. The elaboration of strategic priorities of the housing industry development involves the consideration of current challenges of the national economy

    Environmental safety of green construction and requirements of urban planning legislation

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    The vector that defines the strategy of innovative development of the construction industry in Russia consists in providing conditions for increasing labor productivity, reducing energy intensity and prime cost of construction process by means of introducing new institutional mechanisms that allow directing the development of the construction complex to the implementation of green construction (ecological construction) investment projects. Today, the conditions for performing green construction as an innovative and energy-efficient solution of environmental management problems are being provided in Russia taking into account modern environmental requirements. The article discusses some problems and issues of green construction, considering architecture and construction areas that are aimed at erection and operation of buildings with soft impact on the nature. In order to ensure environmental safety, the effectiveness of elaboration and implementation of investment projects for green construction should be substantiated taking into account the ecological-and-economic model of the life cycle based on the subject-oriented approach. The present scientific article defines the state and trend of green construction development in the investment-and-construction sector, analyzes environmental safety and methods of creating the innovative green building development platform. The authors recommend developing a methodological outfit to optimize the interaction of economic entities of green construction. The optimization will help to assess the effectiveness of improving the innovative green building platform and the level of environmental safety

    Methodology for environmental safety efficiency within environmental conservation activities in construction industry

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    The article represents the analysis of environmental conservation activity in construction, aimed at ensuring the environmental effect, which is to prevent pollution of natural resources and, therefore, to improve the quality of building materials and products. There comes a need to correctly evaluate the damage that reduces the efficiency of construction production as a result of environmental pollution. Thus, it seems advisable to consider the methodology for evaluating such damage and to analyze the sufficiency of statistical information. The authors have developed a methodology for ecological and economic assessment of the efficiency of environmental conservation activities in construction. The economic efficiency of environmental conservation costs characterizes only a part of the overall social effectiveness of environmental activities. This, however, does not underestimate the role of such indicators, the analysis of which is necessary to choose the most rational activity, which is impossible without quantitative methods and estimates. Therefore, research should be carried out in this field in order to develop practical recommendations for such evaluations

    Scientific and methodological support of psychological care of sports activities

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    The article examines the scientific and methodical basis of psychological preparation of athletes: models, model characteristics, monitoring of preparedness of athletes, innovative psychodiagnostic, psychocorrective and psychotherapeutic measures of psychological care of sports activities. The article justified new approaches to psychological preparation of young athletes 7-10 years old through the use of desktop games. In this article you can find author's table game "psysports," disclosed psychological purpose that solved by using this games when working with young athletes. The game «PSY-SPORT» is aimed at achieving the following objectives: a) improving the socio-psychological climate of young athletes and developing their ability to communicate effectively with their teammates; b) the formation of a positive attitude to the favorite sport, training and competitive activities, teammates; c) the formation of motivation to chosen sports; d) increasing the level of psychological culture of young athletes; e) acting out of emotions and feelings; f) the development of skills of self-control, controlling your thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions; g) analysis of the hidden psychological problems manifesting themselves in gaming activities; h) increasing confidence and self-esteem; i) acquisition of knowledge about the sport; j) development of moral qualities. The main features of table games are vivid emotional coloring, the ability to display each child's personal qualities and creative qualities of a psychologist and a coach during their preparation, organization and carrying out.El artículo examina las bases científicas y metódicas de la preparación psicológica de los atletas: modelos, características del modelo, monitoreo de la preparación de los atletas, innovadoras medidas psicodiagnósticas, psicocorrectivas y psicoterapéuticas de la atención psicológica de las actividades deportivas. El artículo justifica nuevos enfoques para la preparación psicológica de atletas jóvenes de 7 a 10 años mediante el uso de juegos de escritorio. En este artículo puede encontrar el juego de mesa del autor "psy-sports", reveló el propósito psicológico que resolvió al usar este juego cuando trabajaba con atletas jóvenes. El juego «PSY-SPORT» tiene como objetivo alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: a) mejorar el clima sociopsicológico de los atletas jóvenes y desarrollar su capacidad de comunicarse de manera efectiva con sus compañeros de equipo; b) la formación de una actitud positiva hacia el deporte favorito, entrenamiento y actividades competitivas, compañeros de equipo; c) la formación de motivación para los deportes elegidos; d) aumentar el nivel de cultura psicológica de los atletas jóvenes; e) actuar por emociones y sentimientos; f) el desarrollo de habilidades de autocontrol, controlando sus pensamientos, emociones, sentimientos, acciones; g) análisis de los problemas psicológicos ocultos que se manifiestan en las actividades de juego; h) aumentar la confianza y la autoestima; i) adquisición de conocimientos sobre el deporte; j) desarrollo de cualidades morales. Las características principales de los juegos de mesa son colores vivos y emocionales, la capacidad de mostrar las cualidades personales de cada niño y las cualidades creativas de un psicólogo y un entrenador durante su preparación, organización y realización.В статье рассматриваются научно-методические основы психологической подготовки спортсменов: модели, модельные характеристики, мониторинг готовности спортсменов, инновационные психодиагностические, психокоррекционные и психотерапевтические меры психологической помощи в спорте. В статье обоснованы новые подходы к психологической подготовке молодых спортсменов 7-10 лет с использованием настольных игр. В статье представлена авторская настольная игра «пси-спорт», которая позволяет решать вопросы психологического обеспечения юных спортсменов. Игра «PSY-SPORT» направлена на достижение следующих целей: a) улучшение социально-психологического климата в коллективе юных спортсменов и развитие навыков эффективного взаимодействия в команде; б) формирование позитивного отношения к занятиям спортом, к обучению и соревнованиям, а также товарищам по команде; в) формирование осознанной мотивации к избранным видам спорта; г) повышение уровня психологической культуры молодых спортсменов; д) активизация эмоций и чувств; е) развитие навыков самоконтроля, контроля над своими мыслями, эмоциями, чувствами, действиями; ж) анализ скрытых психологических проблем, проявляющихся в игровых действиях; з) повышение уверенности и самооценки; и) получение знаний о спорте; к) развитие нравственных качеств. Основными особенностями настольных игр являются яркая эмоциональная окраска, способность отображать личные качества каждого ребенка и творческие качества психолога и тренера во время их подготовки, организации и проведения

    Legal regulation of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety when using underground resources at regional and local levels

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    The article deals with environmental and legal problems of using underground resources, particularly associated petroleum gas. Today regional legislation develops unsystematically and inconsistently, because the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are regulated insufficiently in the sphere of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, when using underground resources. Some cases contain direct contradictions to federal legislation. Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation have a tendency for normative legal regulation of this area of public relations within the framework of "advanced standard-setting". These tendencies show the need to specify the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in federal legislation. Disposal of associated petroleum gas is becoming a serious problem today. A great part of this gas is wildly flared getting into the atmosphere, whereas there is a more decent and even profitable way of its disposal. The article analyzes the corporate structure of associated petroleum gas production in Russia and determines the directions for improving the legal framework. Based on their research, the authors propose to develop a Program of implementing a set of measures aimed at increasing the extraction and subsequent processing (disposal) of associated petroleum gas by independent oil companies, which could serve as measures for state stimulation of oil production development

    Ecological and economic mechanism for the formation of environmental measures in the gas extraction constructions

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    The disturbed balance of the “society-nature” system has led to the fact that the production of output usually involves environmental pollution. The reason is that most technological processes are far from perfect and involve formation of intermediate substances or end products that do not participate in further production process and consequently become waste. Therefore, the authors analyze the methodological approaches of integrated environmental and economic assessment of environment protection measures during the construction of gas industry facilities, which is a relevant issue in terms of ecology. The authors claim that the extraction of fuel and energy resources disrupt the biogeocoenosises’ components during the survey, development and exploitation of deposits, leading to the manifestation of dangerous natural management processes and destruction of flora and fauna. Therefore, the environmental-economic mechanism for the formation of environmental measures during the construction of gas facilities should be improved within the framework of the strategy of sustainable economic development of society and ensuring its environmental safety. Analysis of methods for assessing the environmental and economic impact of gas industry enterprises on the environment has shown that enterprises need further instrumental and methodological improvement

    Ecological and legal regulation of geological survey, exploration and extraction of minerals during construction

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    Within the study, the authors of the present article analyzed the acts of both Russian and foreign legislation in the field of legal regulation of geological survey, exploration and mining in terms of construction. Specific legal regulation regarding mineral resources is standing apart due to growing demand of the world economy in such strategic types of mineral raw materials as rare and rare-earth metals or hydrocarbon reserves that are difficult to recover. The article describes the characteristics of certain provisions of the legislation of foreign countries that regulate relations in geological study, exploration and mining, including those within the construction process. The authors classified the forms of conferring rights for geological survey, exploration and mining of minerals, as well as the types of project documentation in the field of mining for the extraction of minerals during construction. Two models of legal regulation of geological survey and exploration (that are defined as eastern and western models) are studied. The authors revealed that minerals appear as the main object of legal relations or as belonging to a certain land plot (subsoil plot) in mining and urban planning legislation of different countries