62 research outputs found

    Etiese grondslae van die grondwetlike reg – ’n Reformatoriese perspektief

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    Ethical foundations of constitutional jurisprudence – a Reformational perspective South African constitutional jurisprudence is delivered on a value-driven basis. The implication of this approach is that the Constitution is interpreted by courts in terms of the fundamental values of the Constitution of 1996, that is, human dignity, equality and freedom. The value-driven basis of constitutional jurisprudence was emphasised by the Constitutional Court in State v Makwanyane. Abstract ideals, however, always suppose certain ethical presuppositions. It is therefore important that a common framework of values should be created to help courts interpret the Constitution. The aim of this article is to focus on the ethical content that the Constitutional Court currently gives to the fundamental values of the Constitution, and to provide a brief Reformational perspective on the values of dignity, equality and freedom. The central theoretical argument of this article is that courts found rights, in accordance with constitutionalism which is a product of the Enlightenment, anthropocentrically in the inherent qualities that man possesses. The Reformational tradition, in contrast, founds the rights of man theocentrically in man’s relation with God

    “Go out and gather each day ...”: implications of the ethics of Exodus 16 for modern consumerism

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    This article focuses on the implied ethical principles of the history of the manna in Exodus 16 and the relevance of these ethical principles for the contemporary culture of consumerism. The principles that can be derived from this history are the principle of labour and rest, of sharing, the ethical principles of responsible consumption, the protection of creation and of remembrance of God’s concern for humankind and creation. Modern consumerism with its underlying neo-liberal economic philosophy appears to violate these principles in many ways. The implied ethical principles of the manna history is thus highly relevant in the ethical discourse about economic planning,labour and rest, the environment and God’s involvement in the modern world

    Prosperity ethics

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    The paradigm-shift from modernism to post-modernism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution pose enormous challenges to universal moral codes and human life today. The thesis of this manuscript is that human prosperity, in the broad sense of human flourishing in this new environment, could be enhanced by re-defining and applying universal moral codes and practising related habits to guide people to prosper and flourish as dignified human beings. In a relevant and vigorous discourse, the book engages with issues regarding morality in an age of high technology. It explores ways in which moral agents can contribute to leading post-modernist people into an environment where humans can prosper and enjoy life in a changing world where many old moral directives are not feasible anymore. This scholarly book contributes to the specific scientific discourse on studies regarding the relevant discipline and offers a new pattern of reasoning in the field of social ethics about moral agency, aiming purposefully to address particular virtues and applicable habits beneficial for human prosperity and dignified life in a changing social environment. From the perspective of applied methodology, the book is the result of a comparative literary study done from the perspective of universal moral codes, which flows from in-created natural law. Recent research results of empirical studies about the effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution were consulted and applied to raise awareness of the deep-rooted changes and challenges in society today

    Prosperity ethics

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    The paradigm-shift from modernism to post-modernism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution pose enormous challenges to universal moral codes and human life today. The thesis of this manuscript is that human prosperity, in the broad sense of human flourishing in this new environment, could be enhanced by re-defining and applying universal moral codes and practising related habits to guide people to prosper and flourish as dignified human beings. In a relevant and vigorous discourse, the book engages with issues regarding morality in an age of high technology. It explores ways in which moral agents can contribute to leading post-modernist people into an environment where humans can prosper and enjoy life in a changing world where many old moral directives are not feasible anymore. This scholarly book contributes to the specific scientific discourse on studies regarding the relevant discipline and offers a new pattern of reasoning in the field of social ethics about moral agency, aiming purposefully to address particular virtues and applicable habits beneficial for human prosperity and dignified life in a changing social environment. From the perspective of applied methodology, the book is the result of a comparative literary study done from the perspective of universal moral codes, which flows from in-created natural law. Recent research results of empirical studies about the effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution were consulted and applied to raise awareness of the deep-rooted changes and challenges in society today

    The doctrine of reconciliation: Its meaning and implications for social life

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    Reconciliation as a socio-political concept, has become highly topical in the South African discourse about social transformation over the past two decades in the aftermath of Apartheid. The idea of reconciliation emanates from the Christian tradition and is deeply embedded in Christian theology. For many centuries, the concept was dealt with as a merely theological concept belonging to the field of systematic theology and the pious, mystical and spiritual experience of Christians. Can this idea be transferred to the socio-political realm? The purpose of this article is to venture an answer to this question. The central theoretical argument is that the theology of reconciliation deals intrinsically with new relationships, and that these relationships have a concrete socio-political and ethical meaning. The aim is firstly, to investigate the idea as a theological concept from a classic reformed perspective and to ascertain whether the theological meaning can be transferred to the socio-political context as is done today in secular politics. The article concludes by stating that the doctrine of reconciliation, as seen from a classic reformed perspective, can be applied to all kinds of relations and has a deep bearing on the redressing of broken relationships and social cohesion. Reconciliation also has implications for eco-ethics

    ’n Etiese perspektief op godsdiensvryheid

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    An ethical perspective on religious freedom This article investigates the concept of religious freedom from a Christian-ethical perspective. In view of the current reality of religious fundamentalism in a growing heterogeneous world community, the concept of theocracy as justification of religious intolerance is investigated. A survey of the concept of theocracy in the Old and New Testament reveals that the official identification of the state with one particular religion, and the state thus giving prominence to that particular religion, cannot be founded on Christian-ethical principles. This practice is also detrimental to the execution of the principle of religious freedom. The conclusion is that the separation of church and state is the most suitable way to uphold the principle of religious freedom

    Christelike etiek in 'n sekulariserende samelewing

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    'Christelike etiek in ΄n sekulariserende samelewing' produces authoritative, fully evidenced and well-reasoned treatment of Christian ethics, a major topic that is of central concern to South Africa’s people. It disseminates original research, fosters collaboration of experts and generates new developments within the specific field of Reformed Theology and Christian Ethics.The target audience are specialists in the field of Systematic Theology and contextual ministry. The author applies in Christian ethics the concept of the kingdom of God as the overarching paradigm in order to elucidate societal and ecclesiastical problems which are experienced in morality today. The book’s hypothesis is argued and substantiated by using a very wide variety of classic, as well as recent investigations in the field of ethics. What promotes this specific research is the fact that the author not only refers to international researchers, but also to South African theologians and the South African situation. The book further reflects on the phenomenon secularisation and the notion post-secular spirituality, argued against the background of a universal law of nature and a specific scriptural revelation and Christology. In light of the challenges of postmodernity it focuses on the concepts truth, justice and the prophetic calling of the present-day church. The author has managed to translate Christian situation ethics that enriches and stimulates research thoughts, that can assist and advocate reconciliation in South Africa

    Christian hermeneutics in South Africa

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    Hermeneutics remains a divisive and polarizing topic within scholarly and ecclesiastical communities in South Africa. These tensions are not limited to theoretical differences but often crystallize on a grassroots level when local churches and church assemblies have to make important decisions on controversial ethical topics such as ordaining women in church offices, assessing the ethics of gay marriages, and taking a stance on the land debate in South Africa. This book makes a unique contribution in two ways: firstly, it focuses on the uniquely South African hermeneutical landscape; secondly, it relates theories to practical ethical application. The unique scholarly contribution of this consists in it relating hermeneutics to ethics within the South African landscape. A diverse group of scholars have been invited to partake in the project and the views expressed are often quite diverse. This allows readers to develop an understanding and sensitivity of the various angles employed and the interests at stake in addressing difficult societal problems

    Faith seeking understanding

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    The debate between faith and science is an ongoing and dynamic conversation marked by the need to consistently factor in new data generated by the sciences, and new perspectives developed in theology. In this book, a group of theologians and ethicists provide insights into the debate from a faith perspective. The basic thesis permeating the discussions is that faith and science are capable of enriching and complementing each other, albeit in their own unique way. What unifies faith and science is the search for truth. What differentiates them is the unique lenses they employ to find the truth. In the end, both scientists and theologians must take into account all the pathways and lenses that lead us to a better understanding of reality. This study presents concrete examples of how theological knowledge and scientific data can be fruitfully used and integrated to develop new horizons of understanding. The general aim of this contribution was to narrow in on some of the burning themes that are driving the faith or science scholarly debate. Each contributor highlights a different aspect of the debate. The topics addressed include theoretical perspectives on the science-faith relation, the ancient scientific worldview of the creation narratives in Genesis, evolution and human origins, science and African Pentecostalism, faith and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, science and transhumanism, science and traditional medicine, and the role that faith and science can play in the human quest for meaning. Most of the contributors approach the topic from a post-foundationalist and postpositivist epistemological point of view. A wide range of hermeneutical methods is employed, ranging from systematic biblical-theological perspectives to literary and source criticism. Analytical, normative and existential philosophical arguments are also utilised throughout the course of the book. The most important contribution of the book lies in the transdisciplinary perspectives that emanate from the discussion. The ways in which the authors go about integrating theological and scientific perspectives to address ultimate questions about meaning and to inform moral discourse show that religion still has an important role to play in a world increasingly shaped by technological rationality. At the same time, it indicates that religion and science do not have to stand in conflict with each other. If the two lenses on reality engage in mature dialogue, they can enrich, inform and, on some occasions, even correct each other. The target audience of this book includes theological scholars, natural scientists and science philosophers. This book contains no plagiarism, and none of the work has been published elsewhere

    Christian hermeneutics in South Africa

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    Hermeneutics remains a divisive and polarizing topic within scholarly and ecclesiastical communities in South Africa. These tensions are not limited to theoretical differences but often crystallize on a grassroots level when local churches and church assemblies have to make important decisions on controversial ethical topics such as ordaining women in church offices, assessing the ethics of gay marriages, and taking a stance on the land debate in South Africa. This book makes a unique contribution in two ways: firstly, it focuses on the uniquely South African hermeneutical landscape; secondly, it relates theories to practical ethical application. The unique scholarly contribution of this consists in it relating hermeneutics to ethics within the South African landscape. A diverse group of scholars have been invited to partake in the project and the views expressed are often quite diverse. This allows readers to develop an understanding and sensitivity of the various angles employed and the interests at stake in addressing difficult societal problems
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