8 research outputs found

    Wykorzystanie turystyczne naturalnych krajobrazów Pryazowskiego Parku Narodowego

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    The Near Azov sea territories national natural park is created by Decree of the President of Ukraine at 10 of February with the aim of preservation, restoration, rational using of typical and unique steppe and water natural complexes of the north-west Azov sea shore, which have an important naturesafe, scientific, esthetic, recreational and health significance. The territory of the Near Azov sea territories park is 78126,92 hectares and situated in administrative borders of Zaporozhye region. The main natural object of the park are Utlukskiy estuary, Molochnyi estuary, Fedotova spit, Berdyanskaya spit, Stepanovskay spit, Peresyp spit, mouths of small rivers of Near Azov sea territories

    The maritime para-dynamic as a phenomenon of the formation of the landscape space

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    The coastal zones are characterized with the considerable variety and the specificity of the landscapes. Their properties and the structure are determined with the interaction of the water area and the dry land. Here the natural and the anthropogenic componentsofthelandscapescomeintothecloseinteractionwitheachotherwiththeuseful(microclimate, energy potential of breeze) and the inauspicious (storms, costal abrasion, high corrosive activity) consequent for the landscape structures and the maritime nature use. The determination of such interaction and their consequences are the aim ofthis article. The method of the analysis and the synthesis of the empirical data is determined. This is due to the considerable dispersion of the geophysical and the geochemical data by the branches and the spheres of the research. So, the collection of the diversified data, their processing and the interpretation have become the important component of the method. The method of the conjugate analysis of the components has given the possibility to catch out the dependence between the processes and the appropriateness in the “process-result” chain. It is studied out that the unity of the dry land and the marine components of the coastal zones is insufficiently studied. It is explained with the complicated character of the interaction between the coastal landscapes and the considerable versatility of the interaction between the coastal dry lands and the water area of the seas. The fragmentary character and the dispersion of theprimary information on the dynamics of the coastal landscapes complicate the process of the research of such interaction. It should be noted, thattheintegrationbetweenthetheoriesoftheresearchofthedrylandandtheseaisstillweak.Themaincomplexityisthatfornowthe structureoftheprocessmonitoringinthedrylandandintheseaisdifferentanditdoesnotpromotetheintegrationoftheseresearches. Itisinstalledthatthedifferentinthestructureandthefunctioningofthelandscapehasbeenformulatedinthecoastalzoneoftheseas.It iscausedwiththecombinationofthenaturalfactors(microclimate,coastalabrasionandaccumulation,infiltrationofthemarinewaters, saltmetabolism)withthemaritimeactivityofthehuman(fishing,recreation,seatransport,tourism).Ithasbeenprovedthatallkindsof thedynamicsbetweenthecontrastingenvironments,includingthecoastalareas,wecanattributetothepara-dynamics.Theprocessesof theinteractionofthedrylandsandthewaterareaswithinthecoastalzonesaredeterminedwiththeirgeomorphological,microclimatic and migratory components. They can be happened through the migration of the ions, the salts and their solutions, the display of the breezecirculation,humidityoftheair,themigrationofthelivingorganismsandothers.Thevarietyoftheinteractionisheightenedwith the high dynamism of the coastal processes. It is caused the high variability and the dynamic lithomas, which are connected with the surfingandtheincreaseorthedecreaseofthewateractivitiesoftheseawater.Thesurfingofthesortingofthebottomsedimentaryand theformationofthezonesofthevariegatedsedimentaryinthedifferentdistanceofthecoastalarehappened.Themoveofthecoastal-marine drifts along isobathes of the coastline slope is found, which on the dry land physically cannot be in progress. More intensive comparatively with dry land migration of the soil solution is installed, which slows the formation of the soil coverage of the coastal zone.Itisinstalled,thatinthebasicoftheparadigmliesthematerial,theenergeticandtheinformationalexchangebetweenthedryland and the sea. The number of the multidirectional material-energetic flows and the transpositions is disclosed in the coastal zone suchas longitudinal and diametrical. The availability of the hydrogenous, the wind-circulation, and hemogeneous interactions were analyzed andreinforcedwiththeexamples.Theresultofsuchinteractionisthediversifiedformationsuchasfromthefeaturesoftherelieftothe increaseoftheconcentratesandthecomplexesofthelivingorganisms.Thefeaturesoftheenergyparadigmsinthecoastalareasofthe sea are revealed. The large number of the energy flows is directed from the dry land near thesea.Keywords: interaction of the dry land and sea, contrast environment, coastal zone, substance, para-dynamics, energetic interaction,the Sea of Azo

    Determining the boundaries of the north-western Pryazovia region as a coastal zone for further studying and managing it

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    The problem of determining the integral boundaries for various types of investigations (scientific, administrative, managing) is urgent. They enable to plan a many-sided scientific investigation of the coastal areas and to determine prospects of their further development. Coordinated ness of the boundaries will enable to study the natural life and economy of the coastal areas integratedly with the purpose of further managing them. The basin approach is suggested in using for determining the boundaries in this work. The boundaries of the North-Western Pryazovia region as a coastal area of the Sea of Azov are established. The paradynamic connections between the contrasting (the land-the sea) environments are revealed. The map scheme of the land and sea boundaries of the North-Western Pryazovia region as a system is mode

    The maritime para-dynamic as a phenomenon of the formation of the landscape space

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    Abstract. The coastal zones are characterized with the considerable variety and the specificity of the landscapes. Their properties and the structure are determined with the interaction of the water area and the dry land. Here the natural and the anthropogenic components of the landscapes come into the close interaction with each other with the useful (microclimate, energy potential of breeze) and the inauspicious (storms, costal abrasion, high corrosive activity) consequent for the landscape structures and the maritime nature use. The determination of such interaction and their consequences are the aim of this article. The method of the analysis and the synthesis of the empirical data is determined. This is due to the considerable dispersion of the geophysical and the geochemical data by the branches and the spheres of the research. So, the collection of the diversified data, their processing and the interpretation have become the important component of the method. The method of the conjugate analysis of the components has given the possibility to catch out the dependence between the processes and the appropriateness in the “process- result” chain. It is studied out that the unity of the dry land and the marine components of the coastal zones is insufficiently studied. It is explained with the complicated character of the interaction between the coastal landscapes and the considerable versatility of the interaction between the coastal dry lands and the water area of the seas. The fragmentary character and the dispersion of the primary information on the dynamics of the coastal landscapes complicate the process of the research of such interaction. It should be noted, that the integration between the theories of the research of the dry land and the sea is still weak. The main complexity is that for now the structure of the process monitoring in the dry land and in the sea is different and it does not promote the integration of these researches. It is installed that the different in the structure and the functioning of the landscape has been formulated in the coastal zone of the seas. It is caused with the combination of the natural factors (microclimate, coastal abrasion and accumulation, infiltration of the marine waters, salt metabolism) with the maritime activity of the human (fishing, recreation, sea transport, tourism). It has been proved that all kinds of the dynamics between the contrasting environments, including the coastal areas, we can attribute to the para-dynamics. The processes of the interaction of the dry lands and the water areas within the coastal zones are determined with their geomorphological, microclimatic and migratory components. They can be happened through the migration of the ions, the salts and their solutions, the display of the breeze circulation, humidity of the air, the migration of the living organisms and others. The variety of the interaction is heightened with the high dynamism of the coastal processes. It is caused the high variability and the dynamic lithomas, which are connected with the surfing and the increase or the decrease of the water activities of the sea water. The surfing of the sorting of the bottom sedimentary and the formation of the zones of the variegated sedimentary in the different distance of the coastal are happened. The move of the coastal- marine drifts along isobathes of the coastline slope is found, which on the dry land physically cannot be in progress. More intensive comparatively with dry land migration of the soil solution is installed, which slows the formation of the soil coverage of the coastal zone. It is installed, that in the basic of the paradigm lies the material, the energetic and the informational exchange between the dry land and the sea. The number of the multidirectional material-energetic flows and the transpositions is disclosed in the coastal zone such as longitudinal and diametrical. The availability of the hydrogenous, the wind-circulation, and hemogeneous interactions were analyzed and reinforced with the examples. The result of such interaction is the diversified formation such as from the features of the relief to the increase of the concentrates and the complexes of the living organisms. The features of the energy paradigms in the coastal areas of the sea are revealed. The large number of the energy flows is directed from the dry land near the sea. Keywords: interaction of the dry land and sea, contrast environment, coastal zone, substance, para-dynamics, energetic interaction,the Sea of Azo

    Hydrological regime of Molochnyi liman under anthropogenic and natural drivers as a basis for management decision-making

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    Molochnyi Liman is the largest liman (22,000 ha) at the northern coast of the Sea of Azov. Contrary to estuaries, it is an ecotone without typical tides. It is a half-closed water body, with a connection to the Sea of Azov that has periodically renewed or ceased over the course of time. Molochnyi Liman is a wetland of international importance, a hydrological reserve of state significance and is part of the Pryazovskyi National Natural Park. The results of our research have established that termination of the liman/sea connection has led to significant hydrological changes. The most crucial is a reduction in the liman’s depth, accompanied with shrinkage in the water surface area, a dramatic increase in salinity to 95 g/l and the loss of several Ramsar criteria. Restoration of the Molochnyi Liman ecosystem requires a positive water balance. There is a need for ensuring the inflow of at least 100 mln m3 of marine water into the liman through a connecting channel. This will renew normal functioning of the liman and reduce the salinity to an optimal level. The methodical approach used in this work can also be applied to other closed and half-closed water bodies of the Azov-Black Sea Region. The development of a hydrological model can be effectively used as a supportive tool for the management of the Tylihulskyi, Khadzhibeiskyi and Kuyalnytskyi limans in the north-western part of the Black Sea

    Practical Application of Geographic Knowledges, Skills and Abilities in Designing of Objects and Territories of Natural Reserve Fund

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    Розглядаються знання фахівця-географа, які можуть бути застосовані у багатьох сферах діяльності суспільства – у районному плануванні, експертизі різноманітних проектів, обґрунтуваннях видів антропогенної діяльності, у природоохоронній сфері тощо. Показано, що однією зі сфер реалізації потенціалу вченого-географа є природоохоронна сфера і зокрема дослідження природно-заповідних територій.Considered the geographical special knowledges that can be applied in many areas of society - in regional planning, examination of various projects, justification kinds of human activities, environmental protection and so on. It is shown that one of the areas of potential scientist and geographer is a conservation area and in particular the study of protected areas

    Paradynamic Organization of the Maritimes Landscape Space

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    У статті на прикладі узбережжя Азовського моря розглядається одна з форм організації ландшафтного простору – парадинамічна ландшафтна система. На відміну від структурного принципу традиційного ландшафтознавства, вона виділена за динамічним принципом на основі взаємодіючих між собою контрастних середовищ. Тут вони представлені прилеглими до берегової лінії частинами суші і морського дна. Обґрунтовані межі Приазовської парадинамічної ландшафтної системи: на суші – лінія вододілу та кліматичного впливу моря, в акваторії – ізобата, до якої поширюється вплив хвиль на переробку і перевідкладання донних відкладів. Визначені структуроформуючі зв’язки, серед яких основними видами впливу суші на море є річковий стік, берегові процеси, антропогенна діяльність. Серед впливів моря на сушу виокремлені кліматичний вплив, бризова циркуляція, міграція живих організмів. Наводяться конкретні приклади різноманітних зв’язків у системі.In the article on the Azov Sea is considered one of the forms of landscape space - paradynamic landscape system. Unlike traditional structural principles of landscape, it is isolated on a dynamic basis based on interacting contrast media. Here they are adjacent to the shoreline of the land and seabed. Azov paradynamic grounded boundaries of landscape systems: land – a line of watershed and climatic influence of the sea, in the waters – isobath, which extends the impact of waves on the processing and redeposition sediments. Defined structure forming connections, including the impact of major types of land to sea is river runoff, coastal processes, human activ ities. Among the effects of the sea to the land singled out climate impacts breeze circulation, migration of living organisms. We give specific examples of the various links in the system

    World Experience of Coastal Zone Management

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    Прибережні території є важливими для розвитку традиційного природокористування і для збереження біорізноманіття. Берегові смуги морів урізноманітнюють ландшафти земної поверхні. Вони є місцями значної концентрації людей з особливою системою розселення. Промисловість, промислове рибальство, морський транспорт і торгівля, рекреація і туризм є суттєвими складовими економіки морських держав. Природні та антропогенні складові берегових смуг вступають у тісні взаємодії між собою з різними наслідками, часто непередбачуваними.Coastal areas are important for the development of traditional natural resources and for the conservation of biodiversity. The coastal strips of the seas diversify the landscapes of the earth's surface. They are places of considerable concentration of people with a special system of resettlement. Industry, industrial fishing, maritime transport and trade, recreation and tourism are essential components of the economy of the maritime states. The natural and anthropogenic components of the coastal strips come into close interaction with each other with various consequences, often unpredictable