68 research outputs found

    Hydrometeorological dataset of West Siberian boreal peatland: a 10-year record from the Mukhrino field station

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    Northern peatlands represent one of the largest carbon pools in the biosphere, but the carbon they store is increasingly vulnerable to perturbations from climate and land-use change. Meteorological observations taken directly at peatland areas in Siberia are unique and rare, while peatlands are characterized by a specific local climate. This paper presents a hydrological and meteorological dataset collected at the Mukhrino peatland, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Russia, over the period of 8 May 2010 to 31 December 2019. Hydrometeorological data were collected from stations located at a small pine–shrub–Sphagnum ridge and Scheuchzeria–Sphagnum hollow at ridge–hollow complexes of ombrotrophic peatland. The monitored meteorological variables include air temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, incoming and reflected photosynthetically active radiation, net radiation, soil heat flux, precipitation (rain), and snow depth. A gap-filling procedure based on the Gaussian process regression model with an exponential kernel was developed to obtain continuous time series. For the record from 2010 to 2019, the average mean annual air temperature at the site was −1.0 ∘C, with the mean monthly temperature of the warmest month (July) recorded as 17.4 ∘C and for the coldest month (January) −21.5 ∘C. The average net radiation was about 35.0 W m−2, and the soil heat flux was 2.4 and 1.2 W m−2 for the hollow and the ridge sites, respectively. The presented data are freely available through Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4323024, Dyukarev et al., 2020), last access: 15 December 2020) and can be used in coordination with other hydrological and meteorological datasets to examine the spatiotemporal effects of meteorological conditions on local hydrological responses across cold regions.</p

    Evaluation of satellite data on soil moisture in the South-West region of the Baikal

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    The present paper presents characteristics of correlation between soil moisture observations obtained from a satellite and direct observations during the warm period of 2011 and 2012 in the area of the Tunka Basin. The factors influencing the relationship are considered. It is shown that the updated satellite data on moisture of the upper soil layer and those of direct observations at a depth of 15 cm have a satisfactory relationship

    Influence of photon energy on the efficiency of photochemotherapy

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    It is found that when indotricarbocyanine dye in HeLa cells is exposed to photons with different energies the efficiency of cell damage is wavelength independent provided the photosensitizer absorbs the same number of photons per unit time. In vivo animal experiments with two strains of tumor show that when the wavelength of the irradiating light is increased (668, 740, and 780 nm) and the number of photons absorbed per unit time per unit volume of the tumors is held constant, the damage depth increases by a factor of 1.5 and 3, respectively. The observed changes are related both to differences in the in vivo tissue optical transmission with increasing wavelength and an increased local concentration of oxygen owing to photodissociation of oxy-hemoglobin

    Influence of photon energy on the efficiency of photochemotherapy

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    It is found that when indotricarbocyanine dye in HeLa cells is exposed to photons with different energies the efficiency of cell damage is wavelength independent provided the photosensitizer absorbs the same number of photons per unit time. In vivo animal experiments with two strains of tumor show that when the wavelength of the irradiating light is increased (668, 740, and 780 nm) and the number of photons absorbed per unit time per unit volume of the tumors is held constant, the damage depth increases by a factor of 1.5 and 3, respectively. The observed changes are related both to differences in the in vivo tissue optical transmission with increasing wavelength and an increased local concentration of oxygen owing to photodissociation of oxy-hemoglobin

    Fluorescence of a photosensitizer based on an indotricarbocyanine dye in photochemotherapy

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    We present the results for studies of the spectral luminescence properties of a symmetric indotricarbocyanine dye (PD1) in HeLa tumor cells and animal tissues in vivo during a photochemotherapy session and after the end of the session. We have established that when the dye is exposed to light in tumor tissues, changes occur in the position and half-width of the dye fluorescence spectra, while in a culture of HeLa cells its spectral characteristics are constant. Based on analysis of the effect of overlap between the absorption spectra of endogenous biomolecules and the fluorescence spectra of the dye plus comparison of the experimental data with numerical modeling results, we have concluded that the observed changes in the fluorescence spectra of PD1 in vivo are due to a change in the ratio of the different forms of hemoglobin in the tumor tissue. We have shown that the spectral characteristics of PD1, fluorescing in the near IR range, correlate with the depth of tumor tissue necrosis achieved on exposure to light. We have established that tumor tissue necrosis occurs down to a depth of 2 cm in the case of all strains studied: S-45, SM-1, and W-256, where as a result of exposure to light, we observe an increase in the half-width and a short-wavelength shift of the fluorescence spectrum of the dye PD1, and also the intensity of its fluorescence does not recover


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    The most effective use of highly-productive crop species in fodder production and obtaining of sustainable yields of agricultural products is only possible when following scientifically sound technological processes of land reclamation in combination with a set of agronomic measures for their cultivation. The aim of the research is to develop the main technological parameters of growing highly productive fodder crops (Japanese millet, amaranth and fodder beans) on the drained lands in the humid zone of Ukraine. The results of research on determining the main technological parameters of growing highly-productive fodder crops (Japanese millet, amaranth and fodder beans) on drained lands are highlighted. It was specified that when cultivating these crops it is necessary to adhere to the optimal sowing dates taking into account the purpose of their use (green mass, grain). When they are sown too early there is a decrease in field seed germination and increase of germination period, thinning of crop plantings, intensive spread of weeds and also the probability of crops damage by spring frosts increases. When they are sown too late, especially in case of small-seeded crops (amaranth), drying of the top layer of soil is possible, which is unacceptable in the period of germination and emergence of seedlings. The most favorable conditions for the formation of herbage when cultivating on drained peat soils are formed when the crops are sown on May 15 (by 8.1–16.7% more of herbage &nbsp;and by 2.1–9.6% of dry matter is formed). The main technological parameters of cultivating Japanese millet, amaranth and fodder beans are determined, incl. by phases of development and taking into account the critical periods of their optimal moisture supply, agronomic measures and optimal fertilizer rates. The admissible terms in which the reclamation system should provide drainage of excess waters and the recommended levels of ground waters and the &nbsp;humidity rates in a soil root layer in the vegetative period at the crop cultivation were determined. It was specified that during the growing season the needs of Japanese millet, amaranth and fodder beans in moisture in the soil root layer change depending on their biological needs and current meteorological conditions. Soil moisture rates were specified as following: on peat soils the optimal one is 65–75%, the lowest permissible one in the summer period is 55–60%; on mineral soils, respectively - 65-80% and 55-60% of FMHC. It was established that modern climate change in the Western Polissya of Ukraine (uneven distribution of precipitation during the growing season, abnormal average daily air temperature fluctuations and low night air temperatures (˂10oС in summer months) have a negative impact on the cultivation of heat-loving crops (Japanese millet). In the context of climate change, it is necessary to provide for the accumulation of sufficient water volumes in storage tanks or reservoirs to supply them for irrigation of cultivated crops during dry growing seasons and to ensure optimal water regulation parameters. On radioactively contaminated reclaimed lands of the Chemerne peat-bog array with a rate of 137Cs radionuclide contamination of up to 1 Ki/km2, the contamination rates in the vegetative mass of Japanese millet, amaranth and fodder beans during the research years was within acceptable limits, so it can be used freely for feeding animals.Висвітлено результати досліджень із визначення основних технологічних параметрів вирощування високопродуктивних кормових культур &nbsp;(пайзи, амаранту та кормових бобів) на осушуваних землях. Встановлено, що при їх вирощуванні необхідно дотримуватись оптимальних строків сівби з врахуванням напрямку використання (зелена маса, зерно): при занадто ранніх строках сівби відбувається зниження польової схожості насіння та збільшення тривалості періоду сходів, зрідження посівів та інтенсивне поширення бур’янів, збільшується ймовірність пошкодження посівів весняними заморозками; при пізніх строках сівби, особливо для дрібнонасінних культур (амарант), можливе пересихання верхнього шару ґрунту, що є недопустимим на період проростання і появи сходів. Найбільш сприятливі умови для формування наземної маси при вирощуванні на осушуваних торфових ґрунтах складаються при посіві 15 травня (формується на 8,1–16,7 % більше зеленої маси та на 2,1–9,6 % сухої речовини). Визначено основні технологічні параметри вирощування пайзи, амаранту та кормових бобів, в т.ч. за фазами розвитку та з врахуванням критичних періодів їх оптимального вологозабезпечення, агротехнічні заходи і оптимальні норми удобрення. Встановлено норми вологості ґрунту: на торфових ґрунтах оптимальна – 65–75 %, найменша допустима у літній період – 55–60 %; на мінеральних відповідно – 65–80 % та 55– 60 % від ПВ. Встановлено, що сучасні зміни клімату в Західному Поліссі України (нерівномірній розподіл опадів впродовж вегетаційного періоду, аномальні стрибки середньодобової температури повітря та низькі нічні температури повітря (˂10оС) в літні місяці) мають негативний вплив на вирощування &nbsp;теплолюбивих культур (пайза). В умовах змін клімату для проведення зволожувальних заходів на меліорованих землях необхідно передбачати накопичення достатніх об’ємів води в акумулюючих ємкостях або водосховищах для подачі її на зволоження вирощуваних культур у посушливі періоди вегетації та забезпечення оптимальних параметрів водорегулювання

    The effect of hypoxia on photocytotoxicity of tics tricaebocyanine dye in vitro

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    To evaluate the effect of cell oxygenation on photocytotoxicity of a novel tricarbocyanine indolenine dye covalently bound to glucose (TICS). Methods: HeLa cells were incubated with 5 µM TICS, 2 h later irradiated by laser at 740 nm with a light dose of 10 J/cm2, delivered at a power density of 10, 20, 25 or 30 mW/cm2, in air or in argon atmosphere, and then scored for viability. Results: The photocytotoxicity of TICS increased dramatically as the power density was reduced. Under hypoxia TICS-photosensitized cell death was determined but its value was lowered, compared to photoirradiation in the air. Conclusion: Photosensitizing effect of TICS is only partially dependent on the oxygenation of tumor cells

    Мониторинг температуры почв на многолетнемёрзлых породах в естественных и антропогенно нарушенных условиях Тункинской котловины

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    The territory of the study is the Tunkinsky intermountain basin (South-Western Baikal region, Republic of Buryatia) which belongs to the area of sporadic (island) distribution of permafrost. Soil temperature controls many biotic and abiotic processes in it, so it is important to monitor the freezing and thawing regimes in peat and mineral soils. The object of the study is coarse-humic cryogenic soils on sandy lacustrine-alluvial sediments. The first site was represented by natural coarse-humic cryogenic soils under spruce forest, while the second site was organized on the area where in 1960s the forest had been destroyed and the soils were ploughed. At the end of XX century, the arable lands were abandoned, and now they are covered with steppe grasses (the long fallow). Both sites are located on the permafrost. The atmospheric-soil measuring complex was used to study the state of both the perennial and seasonal permafrost at these two sites. The soil temperatures were measured in automatic mode with a time interval of 1 hour from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2017 along the soil profile from the surface down to a depth of 320 cm. Anthropogenic interference on one of the sites resulted in changes in vegetation cover, the soil moisture as well as the morphological structure and granulometric composition of the upper part of the soil layer. This caused changes in the temperature regime of the permafrost and its degradation with lowering of its upper limit. The soil on the long fallow is better warmed up and cools down faster than it takes place under the spruce forest. As a result of this, the maximum annual temperature on the surface here is higher by 10 °C, while at a depth of 320 cm – by 5 °C, and the minimum annual temperature on the surface is lower by 7 °C, while at a depth of 320 cm – by 1 °C. On the anthropogenically disturbed area, the warm period (at the soil temperature above 0 °C) on the surface is, on the average, by 22 days longer than on the natural lot. These differences are observed at all depths. As a result, the perennial permafrost is retained under the spruce forest below 130 cm throughout the year (soil temperature −0.2 ÷ −0.9 °C), while on the fallow the zero isotherm during seasonal thawing falls much deeper 320 cm, and the soil in the layer of 240–320 cm warms up to 2–5 °C.По данным автоматического мониторинга с 1  июля 2013  г. по 30  июня 2017  г. на территории Тункинской котловины изучена внутригодовая динамика температуры грубогумусовых криозёмов, оценены последствия сведения леса и агрогенной трансформации гумусового горизонта на режим промерзания и протаивания почв, приведшие к деградации многолетнемёрзлого слоя

    Highly Porous Carbon Materials Filled with Nickel Hydroxide Nanoparticles; Synthesis, Study, Application in Electrochemistry

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    Nickel hydroxide was deposited on the surface of the porous carbon to obtain a cathode material for  supercapacitors. This work is the first part of the study of Ni(OH)2/С composite, which considers the conditions of its synthesis using two types of porous carbon matrices with a highly developed specific surface area (1000–3000 m2/g) and two types of precursors (NiCl2*6H2O and Ni(N3)2). The morphology of the systems, in particular the shape and size characteristics of the hydroxide filler particles, was examined using the scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and nitrogen adsorption-desorption at 77 K. The measurements of capacity of the Ni(OH)2/С-electrodes were made in 6 M KOH using an asymmetric two-electrode cell (a porous carbon material with known electrode characteristics was employed as the counter electrode). The capacity was shown to decrease by 22–56% with increasing the scanning rate from 10 to 80 mV/s. A maximum capacity of the composite was obtained at a scanning rate of 10 mV/s was 346 F/g

    Влияние изменений климата на состояние мелиоративного фонда украинского Полессья на примере осушительной системы «Марьяновка»

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    Приведены результаты исследований по вопросам оценки современного состояния осушаемых земель Полесья Украины, в том числе технического состояния мелиоративных систем и анализа водообеспеченности почв в условиях изменений климата