23 research outputs found
Technology of Creation Periodic Structure on Surface Crystal of Paratellurite
In this paper presents the artificial periodic structures, first obtained by method of anisotropic etching the surface of single-crystal of paratellurite. The technology of this method is in detail presented in relation to paratellurite. The geometry of the structures was analyzed with an optical interferometric profiler NanoMap 1000 WLI
Technology of Creation Periodic Structure on Surface Crystal of Paratellurite
In this paper presents the artificial periodic structures, first obtained by method of anisotropic etching the surface of single-crystal of paratellurite. The technology of this method is in detail presented in relation to paratellurite. The geometry of the structures was analyzed with an optical interferometric profiler NanoMap 1000 WLI
Elitology of education and challenges of the 21st century
The object of this research is the elitology of education which represents a new character and a new meaning of elite selection according to the principle of high-quality professional knowledge. The article analyzes the key categories, approaches and directions, as well as the problems of changing attitudes towards elites and the elite in the context of the upcoming information society. In turn, the subject of this work is the challenges that the education system will have to face in the conditions of early post industrial society.Объектом исследования является элитология образования, которая предполагает новый характер и новый смысл подготовки элит в соответствии с принципом качественных профессиональных знаний. В статье анализируются ключевые категории, подходы и направления, а также проблемы изменения отношения к элите в контексте формирующегося информационного общества. В свою очередь, предметом этой статьи являются проблемы, с которыми системе образования придется столкнуться в условиях раннего постиндустриального общества.Об'єктом дослідження є елітологія освіти, яка передбачає новий характер і новий зміст підготовки еліт відповідно до принципу якісних професійних знань. У статті аналізуються ключові категорії, підходи і напрямки, а також проблеми зміни ставлення до еліти в контексті інформаційного суспільства, що формується. У свою чергу, предметом цієї статті є проблеми, з якими системі освіти доведеться зіткнутися в умовах раннього постіндустріального суспільства
Elitology of education and challenges of the 21st century
The object of this research is the elitology of education which represents a new character and a new meaning of elite selection according to the principle of high-quality professional knowledge. The article analyzes the key categories, approaches and directions, as well as the problems of changing attitudes towards elites and the elite in the context of the upcoming information society. In turn, the subject of this work is the challenges that the education system will have to face in the conditions of early post industrial society.Объектом исследования является элитология образования, которая предполагает новый характер и новый смысл подготовки элит в соответствии с принципом качественных профессиональных знаний. В статье анализируются ключевые категории, подходы и направления, а также проблемы изменения отношения к элите в контексте формирующегося информационного общества. В свою очередь, предметом этой статьи являются проблемы, с которыми системе образования придется столкнуться в условиях раннего постиндустриального общества.Об'єктом дослідження є елітологія освіти, яка передбачає новий характер і новий зміст підготовки еліт відповідно до принципу якісних професійних знань. У статті аналізуються ключові категорії, підходи і напрямки, а також проблеми зміни ставлення до еліти в контексті інформаційного суспільства, що формується. У свою чергу, предметом цієї статті є проблеми, з якими системі освіти доведеться зіткнутися в умовах раннього постіндустріального суспільства
A Catalogue of M51 type Galaxy Associations
A catalog of 232 apparently interacting galaxy pairs of the M51 class is
presented. Catalog members were identified from visual inspection of mult-band
images in the IRSA archive. The major findings in the compilation of this
catalog are (1) A surprisingly low number of the main galaxies in M51 systems
are early type spirals and barred spirals. (2) Over 70% of the main galaxies in
M51 systems are 2-armed spirals. (3) Some systems that were classified as M51
types in previous studies are not M51 types as defined in this catalog. There
were a number of systems previously classified as M51 systems for which the
companion is identified as an HII region within the main galaxy or a foreground
star within the Milky Way. (4) It was found that only 18% of the M51 type
companions have redshift measurements in the literature. There is a significant
need for spectroscopic study of the companions in order to improve the value of
the catalog as a sample for studying the effects of M51 type interaction on
galaxy dynamics, morphology, and star formation. Further spectroscopy will also
help constrain the statistics of possible chance projections between foreground
and background galaxies in this catalog. The catalog also contains over 430
additional systems which are classified as "possible M51" systems. The reasons
for classifying certain systems as possible M51 systems are discussed.Comment: 19 pages including 6 figures and tables 3-8, Tables 1 and 2 are found
at http://www.jorcat.com, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space
Generation of two-lobe light fields with a rotating intensity distribution under propagation for single emitter spectroscopy
The paper outlines the results of studies on the generation of two-lobe light fields with the intensity distribution rotating during the field propagation. Such fields are needed to determine the depth of bedding of single emitters in spectral studies of substance properties. On the base of the spiral beam optics, the phase distributions were obtained for the synthesis of two-lobe fields with different speeds of rotation of the intensity distribution. The light fields have been formed by using a liquid-crystal spatial phase modulator HOLOEYE HEO-1080P. The influence of the illuminating beam parameters and the aberrations of the system on the quality of the formed light field was also studied
Generation of two-lobe light fields with a rotating intensity distribution under propagation for single emitter spectroscopy
The paper outlines the results of studies on the generation of two-lobe light fields with the intensity distribution rotating during the field propagation. Such fields are needed to determine the depth of bedding of single emitters in spectral studies of substance properties. On the base of the spiral beam optics, the phase distributions were obtained for the synthesis of two-lobe fields with different speeds of rotation of the intensity distribution. The light fields have been formed by using a liquid-crystal spatial phase modulator HOLOEYE HEO-1080P. The influence of the illuminating beam parameters and the aberrations of the system on the quality of the formed light field was also studied