92 research outputs found
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of sunflower pollen (<i>Helianthus</i> L.) and it’s use in breeding work
Background. In breeding work, it is necessary to take into account such an important feature as male sterility of the hybrids obtained. If a plant has visually visible anthers and pollen, the quality of the pollen grains themselves may be low. It is necessary to carry out not only a visual analysis, but also a cytological study of pollen in order to properly assess the reproductive potential of plants.Materials and methods. Wild species, some cultivars, lines and hybrids of sunflower from the collection of the N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources were taken as objects of research. The plants were grown on the fields of Kuban Experiment Station. Pollen was collected from preinsulated inflorescences, fixed in FAA solution and stained with acetocarmine. The ratio of fertile pollen grains to the total number of pollen grains (in %) was calculated, the diameter of the pollen grains was measured, and variability curves were drawn.Results. Mature pollen grains in sunflower are rounded, tricolpate-poral, threecelled; the average pollen diameter in cultivated sunflower is 28–32 μm; in wild species, the range is from 20– 22 μm to 32–34 μm. All accessions were divided into three groups. Fertile: high level of fertility (75–99%) and low morphological heterogeneity of pollen; the variation curve for the average diameter was characterized by one distinct peak. Most of the studied accessions were included here: cultivars, most of the lines and some of the wild species. Semi-fertile: the number of well-stained pollen grains is below 75%; there are differences in the degree of staining and size of the pollen; the variation curve had additional peaks. This group included some of the lines, hybrids and wild species. The greatest morphological heterogeneity was observed in the group of perennial interspecific hybrids. Sterile: pollen grains were absent or were observed very sporadically.Conclusion. To assess the fertility of plants, it is important not only to determine the degree of staining in pollen grains, but also to rank them by diameter and construct variation curves to reveal morphological heterogeneity of pollen
Развитие макропруденциального регулирования банковского кредитования физических лиц в России
The article highlights the use of macroprudential instruments by the Bank of Russia that regulate the population Lending of the Russian banking sector. The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical background and practical results of using indicators of the total cost of credit and the debt load of the population to ensure stability of the banking sector. The authors used methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of scientific publications, regulatory sources, retrospective statistics. The study showed that initially, the regulator introduces new macroprudential instruments as recommended, and subsequently transfers them to mandatory. The regulatory mechanism is based on the ratio dependence of the bank capital adequacy on the actual values of the total loan cost and debt load of the borrower - individual. The mortgage debt to collateral value ratio supports the housing mortgage lending regulation process. The authors concluded that the banking sector’s reaction to the introduction of the total credit cost indicator is more prominent than the introduction of the debt burden indicator. When the Bank of Russia obliged to take into account the full cost of the loan when measuring capital adequacy, banks were not able to increase capital; they reduced high-risk lending. The practice of macroprudential regulation of credit risks in the banking sector is complemented by the introduction of credit holidays for borrowers - individuals, who are struggling because of the pandemic. The obtained theoretical and practical results can be used in the development of the financial stability regulation practice in Russia, at the micro-level - when designing and changing credit policy.Статья посвящена применению Банком России макропруденциальных инструментов, регулирующих кредитные операции российского банковского сектора с населением. Цель работы - исследовать теоретические предпосылки и практические результаты использования показателей полной стоимости кредита и долговой нагрузки населения для обеспечения стабильности банковского сектора. Использованы методы качественного и количественного анализа научных публикаций, нормативно-правовых источников, ретроспективных статистических данных. Исследование показало, что новые макропруденциальные инструменты регулятор первоначально вводит как рекомендуемые, а в дальнейшем переводит в обязательные. Механизм регулирования основан на зависимости показателей достаточности банковского капитала от фактических значений показателей полной стоимости кредита и долговой нагрузки заемщика - физического лица. Регулирование ипотечного жилищного кредитования дополнено использованием показателя, характеризующего соотношение между ипотечным долгом и стоимостью обеспечения. Сделан вывод, что реакция банковского сектора на введение показателя полной стоимости кредита более выраженная, чем на введение показателя долговой нагрузки. С введением механизма определения достаточности банковского капитала в зависимости от показателя полной стоимости кредита физическому лицу в условиях ограниченных возможностей банков увеличивать собственные средства пропорционально растущей величине рисков банки сократили выдачи высокорискованных кредитов. На фоне пандемии коронавируса практику макропруденциального регулирования кредитного риска банковского сектора дополняет административное введение кредитных каникул в связи с возможным снижением доходов заемщиков - физических лиц. Полученные теоретические и практические результаты могут быть использованы при развитии практики регулирования финансовой стабильности российского банковского сектора, на микроуровне - при формировании и корректировке кредитной политики
Comparative embryological study of some Jerusalem artichoke (<i>Helianthus tuberosus</i> L.) accessions with different seed-setting ability from the VIR collection
Background. Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a valuable agricultural plant, characterized by mostly vegetative propagation and depression of sexual process. This feature notably impedes breeding improvement of both Jerusalem artichoke and its hybrids with sunflower. That is why a detailed investigation of possible reasons for the failure of seed setting is very important for this crop. Materials and methods. Jerusalem artichoke accessions from the VIR collection: cvs. ‘Topianka’ (k-70), ‘М-24-29’ (k-90), ‘2М-22-29’ (k-119), Skatovsky (k-123), and ‘Kievsky krasny’ (k-170), grown at Maikop Experiment Station of VIR, were examined. The material for embryological analysis was fixed at the stage of anthesis, processed, and analyzed at the Embryology and Reproductive Biology Lab of the Komarov Botanical Institute. Results. A cytomorphological analysis of pollen grains and examination of anther walls and ovules with embryo sacs showed that from 51 to 95 % of the pollen grains and from 23.1 % to 66.6 % of the embryo sacs were formed normally. Abnormalities in female reproductive structures appeared more frequently but they did not determine the poor seed setting. Among the studied accessions, both cvs. ‘Kievsky krasny’, with the greatest number of abnormalities in male and female reproductive structures, and ‘Topianka’, with the smallest number, produced almost no seeds. The greatest number of seeds (from 207 to 1164) were set in ‘2M-22-29’, with the medium amount of normal generative structures, both male (pollen fertility was 81 %) and female ones (59,4 % of viable embryo sacs). Self-incompatibility observed in cv. ‘Topianka’ could cause the pollination failure, destruction of normal embryo sacs, and seed production decrease. Conclusion. Thus, a combination of several factors (absence of developmental abnormalities in generative structures, crosspollination, and a compatible pollinizer) is necessary for successful seed setting in Jerusalem artichoke
The changes of the tubular epithelium phenotype in the contralateral kidney nephrons while developing unilateral ureteral obstruction: an experimental study
Introduction. The high prevalence of renal diseases caused by urinary tract obstruction led to the need for experimental research of compensatory and pathological processes with kidney injury. It is also of relevance to study key mechanisms providing a compensatory function of the contralateral kidney for early diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of obstructive renal diseases.Purpose of the study. To examine epithelial nephron cells phenotype dynamics changes in contralateral kidney using unilateral ureteral obstruction experimental model.Materials and methods. Model of unilateral ureteral obstruction was established using adult rabbits. The studies were carried out on days 7, 14 and 21 of complete obstruction of the left ureter. Immunophenotyping was performed on contralateral kidney tissue samples using epithelial (cytokeratin 7, E-cadherin) and mesenchymal (vimentin, α-smooth muscle actin) markers.Results. The contralateral kidney under additional load can maintain the morphological and functional characteristics of the nephron for a long time. The first transmogrify signs in the nephron epithelium phenotype were detected by day 21 as the diffuse appearance of mesenchymal marker vimentin with unaltered visualization of epithelial phenotype markers.Conclusion. The results obtained allow us to assume that the compensatory reserve of the contralateral kidney is gradually decreasing when the duration of the obstruction increases. Thus, the likelihood of developing negative disorders increases
From the Experience of Organizing a System of Complex Socio-Psychological Support for Students with Disabilities and Disabilities at Samara University
The article discusses the organization and implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities, special attention is paid to describing the require-ments for staffing inclusive education, creating special conditions in an educational organization, including physical accessibility, technical and material equipment, software and methodological support and organization educational process for students with disabilities.В статье рассматриваются вопросы организации и реализации психолого-педагогического сопровождения студентов с инвалидностью, особое внимание уделяется описанию требований к кадровому обеспечению инклюзивного образования, созданию специальных условий в образовательной организации, включающих в себя физическую доступность, техническое и материальное оснащение, программно-методическое обеспечение и организацию учебного процесса для студентов с инвалидностью
Pathomorphism of buccal grafts used in surgery of extensive bulbar urethral strictures: immunohistochemical analysis
Introduction. The adverse effects of urine on unadapted tissues are known. This is also entirely relevant for buccal grafts used in augmentation urethroplasty, where these effects have not been thoroughly studied so far.Objective. To assess the ongoing pathomorphosis in buccal grafts used for urethral augmentation of extensive strictures in the bulbous region and to evaluate how much urine influences their histological transformation following surgery.Materials & methods. The study included 15 patients with extensive strictures of the bulbous urethra, who underwent a two-stage augmentation urethroplasty with buccal grafts. The grafts pathomorphosis was studied 6 months after the first surgery stage where urethrotomy had been performed with graft augmentation of the dorsal semicircle and the formation of distal and proximal neomeatuses. Natural urination through the latter was restored on days 14 – 20 following the surgery. During the second stage, six months later, urethral tubularisation was performed with two preliminary biopsies of the proximal and distal segments of the grafts implanted in the areas of the neomeatuses formed earlier. The distal area of the graft had no contact with urine, while this contact has occurred in the proximal segment since restoration of natural urination. In biopsy specimens, pathomorphosis of the grafts was studied using immunohistochemical markers: vimentin, clone SRL33; CD34, clone QBEnd/10; MSA HHF-35; СD3, clone LN10; Bcl-2, clone bcl-2\100\D5; CK-HMW 34BE-12.Results. It was found that inflammation was minimal in areas of grafts implanted that had no contact with urine, while in areas where such contact occurred it was verified to be pronounced even 6 months after the operation. On the submucosal level, this was manifested by an uneven arrangement of collagen fibers, a dysplastically developed vascular network, uneven proliferation of the endothelium with swelling and loss of cellular connectivity, in contrast to areas where there was no contact with urine. In such areas, the graft submucosa had a dense collagen framework with organized microvasculature and uniform epithelial surface.Conclusion. The impact of urine on buccal grafts used in augmentation urethroplasty is characterised by the disorganisation of its collagen framework, with a pronounced inflammatory component and the “reactivity” of the epithelial lining to the “toxic agent” that persists even 6 months after surgery. This may underlie the risk of a stenosis relapse in the proximal anastomosis area
Characterization of a novel dioxomolybdenum complex by cyclic voltammetry
Metalloenzymes that carry a pterin-based molybdenum cofactor in their center catalyze numerous reactions in the human body and play a crucial role in its metabolism. Specifically, these enzymes promote redox reactions and oxygen transport in the body. Their absence may cause many problems leading to disability or even death in early childhood. Therefore, model compounds need to be synthesized and analyzed to investigate the reactivity, redox potential, and geometry of these cofactors. This study focused on electrode processes and determined the redox potentials of the new bis-(4-mercapto-5-(p-tolyl)-3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione)-dioxomolybdenum complex by cyclic voltammetry. The 4-mercapto-5-(p-tolyl)-3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione ligand underwent irreversible oxidation and reduction at thiol and thione functional groups. The new dioxomolybdenum complex showed a quasi-reversible two-stage electrode process
Socio-pedagogical activity aimed at formation of self-attitude of senior pupils with hearing impairment
The article analyzes studies of psychological and personal development of children with hearing loss.В статье представлены эмпирические исследования психического и личностного развития глухих и слабослышащих учащихся старших классов
Comparative analysis of the legal status of testamentary foundations in Russia and foreign countries
Legal rules on a testamentary foundation are a novelty for Russian legislation. Since there were no analogues of this legal institution in Russia before, many law enforcement problems arise. Russian testamentary foundations have largely adopted the provisions on the foundations of the continental legal system. For a better understanding of the legal nature of this subject of law and solving law enforcement problems, it is necessary to analyze the legal status of testamentary foundations in the states where they have existed for a long time, and take into account the positive foreign experienc
Live Birth of a Healthy Child in a Couple with Identical mtDNA Carrying a Pathogenic c.471_477delTTTAAAAinsG Variant in the MOCS2 Gene.
Molybdenum cofactor deficiency type B (MOCODB; #252160) is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder that has only been described in 37 affected patients. In this report, we describe the presence of an in-frame homozygous variant (c.471_477delTTTAAAAinsG) in the MOCS2 gene in an affected child, diagnosed with Ohtahara syndrome according to the clinical manifestations. The analysis of the three-dimensional structure of the protein and the amino acid substitutions suggested the pathogenicity of this mutation. To prevent transmitting this mutation to the next generation, we used preimplantation genetic testing for the monogenic disorders (PGT-M) protocol to select MOCS2 gene mutant-free embryos for transfer in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) program. As a result, a healthy child was born. Interestingly, both parents of the proband shared an identical mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region, assuming their close relationship and thus suggesting that both copies of the nuclear rare variant c.471_477delTTTAAAAinsG may have been transmitted from the same female ancestor. Our estimation of the a priori probability of meeting individuals with the same mtDNA haplotype confirms the assumption of a possible distant maternal relationship among the proband's direct relatives
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