584 research outputs found

    Pharmacological management of immune and oxidative disturbances in patients with encephalopathy on the background of hypertension

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    Inclusion of a comprehensive drug treatment of patients with discirculatory encephalopathy cerebrolysin combination with meksidol normalizes the concentration of C3 and C4 components of the complement system, IgG, malondialdehyde, catalase activity, total antioxidant activity of blood serum, corrects, but not to the level of standards, the contents of cytokines (TNF, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-18, IFγ, IL-2, IL-17), complement component C5, IgA, acylhydrohyperoxide, neopterin and increases anti-inflammatory cytokine

    Migrants' rights: problems remain

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    The article considers the process of human rights regulatory development since the mid XXth century and adoption of social and legal responsibility by states in relation to migrants. The author analyses the legal status of migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation, European Union countries, the USA. The paper raises a wide range of issues related to granting socioeconomic rights and ensuring access to medicine to former compatriots, who returned to Russia and their children. The study notes that in recent years, Western countries have been reviewing approaches to state regulation of the social sphere, which in some cases discriminates towards refugees and displaced persons from other countries. The paper estimates the impact of the global epidemiological crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the socio-economic situation of migrants, the provision of medical and social assistance to the population of countries. The author concludes that in the context of COVID-19 pandemic states should provide migrants with free medical care and find effective social support mechanisms. The pandemic should not be used as a justification to undermine the guarantees of migrants’ rights

    Swiss Сonfedеration experience on reception of migrants

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    The experience of Swiss Confederation in the field of integration of immigrants – one of the most economically developed countries of the world, occupying the leading position in Europe on the rate of foreign population in general demographic structure, – has been examined in the article. Evolution of the notions of “integration”, “social assimilation”, “acculturation” and others has been considered and different scientific approaches of Western researches to these notions have been adduced. Swiss immigration policy for the past decades has been traced and the modern integration policy of the country in the field of integration of foreign citizens into receiving society has been analyzed. A detailed analysis of the Swiss normative and legal framework in the field of migration, asylum and integration has been made also, and active development of migration laws over the last decade has been noted. Swiss migration politics, like in other developed Western countries-recipients of foreign labor, contains both: immigration policy (control over entry and stay of foreigners in the country) and policy of integration towards foreigners subject to integration processes.The process of integration of a foreign citizen into a new socio-economic, political and cultural environment is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon. There is a developed and scientifically grounded system of reception, accommodation and integration of foreigners and asylum seekers in Switzerland, which is based on constitutional values, respect and mutual tolerance. At the core of this system is a general strategy of integration, which constitutes a country’s core policy of integration and covers various areas: law, politics, labour issues, housing, education, culture and religion. In order to implement the policy of integration, in Switzerland there are being developed and implemented federal and cantonal integration programs. Integration processes management is administered through the developed system of state authorities at federal, cantonal and other levels, with active participation of different public organizations, including migrant organizations. Federal Council publishes reports on development of integration policy in the country, Federal Migration Office issues annual reports, numerous scientific researches on the theme are being conducted. At present each canton has its own Integration program, designed in accordance with the Modal cantonal program, that allows to implement different integration models, depending on regional requirements and priorities

    Asymptotic analysis of MMPP/M/1 retrial queueing system with unreliable server

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    In this paper, we study a single-server retrial queueing system with arrival Markov Modulated Poisson Process and an exponential law of the service time on an unreliable server. If the server is idle, an arrival customer occupies it for the servicing. When the server is busy, a customer goes into the orbit and waits a random time distributed exponentially. It is assumed that the server is unreliable, so it may fail. The server’s repairing and working times are exponentially distributed. The method of asymptotic analysis is proposed to find the stationary distribution of the number of customers in the orbit. It is shown that the asymptotic probability distribution under the condition of a long delay has the Gaussian form with obtained parameters


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    The analysis of the results of empirical research of burnout level and preferable coping strategies among tax officers is presented. The features of burnout and its components manifestation, depending on the length of service of tax inspectors are considered. The distribution of the severity of the preferable coping strategies depending on professional activity duration is analyzed

    Peculiarities of sorption isotherm and sorption chemisms of caesium by mixed nickel-potassium ferrocyanide based on hydrated titanium dioxide

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    Sorption isotherm of caesium from tap water by mixed nickel-potassium ferrocyanide based on hydrated titanium dioxide is obtained for a wide range of concentrations of caesium. It is shown that there are three types of specificity to caesium sorption sites in this sorbent. Sorption chemisms of caesium are studied, factors conditioned high sorption capacity of the sorbent are revealed. It is shown that occupation of sorption sites I and II is well approximated by Langmuir equilibrium and this process can be described within the bounds of theory of ion exchange. The expected sorption chemism of caesium by sorption sites III at high concentrations of caesium (>50 mg L-1) is precipitation of mixed nickel-caesium ferrocyanide in pore space of the sorbent. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary

    Статика и кинетика сорбции цезия из водных сред ферроцианидами никеля-калия на основе гидратированных диоксидов титана и циркония

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    Optimization of the synthesis of the mixed nickel-potassium ferrocyanide based on hydrated titanium dioxide has been realized. The influence of the conditions of synthesis of the sorbents on the elemental composition, surface texture, statics and kinetics has been shown. The synthetic technique was used to prepare sorbents based on hydrated titanium dioxide carrier. The influence of the chemical properties of the carrier on sorption behaviour of the ferrocyanides was determined.Описана оптимизация синтеза смешанного ферроцианида никеля-калия на основе гидратированного диоксида титана. Показано влияние условий синтеза сорбентов на их элементный состав, текстуру поверхности, статику и кинетику сорбции. Методика синтеза была использована для получения сорбента на основе гидратированного диоксида титана. Определено влияние химических свойств носителя на сорбционное поведение ферроцианидов

    Magnetic Phase Separation and Magnetic Moment Alignment in Ordered Alloys FE 65

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    The structure and the magnetic state of ordered Fe65Al35-xMx (Mx = Ga, B; x = 0; 5 at.%) alloys are investigated using X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and magnetic measurements. The behavior of the magnetic characteristics and Mössbauer spectra of the binary alloy Fe65Al35 and the ternary alloy with gallium addition Fe65Al30Ga5 is explained in terms of the phase separation into two magnetic phases: a ferromagnetic one and a spin density wave. It is shown that the addition of boron to the initial binary alloy Fe65Al35 results in the ferromagnetic behavior of the ternary alloy

    Gender features of depressive disorders in women

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    The authors give the data available in the literature and the results of their investigations of the gender features of depressive disorders in women. They analyze the results of studies relating to gender differences in the neurohormonal system from the embryonic period, as well as those in the lateralization of neuromorphofunctional provision of emotions. Based on their clinical observations, the authors discuss the varying roles of menopause in the etiopathogenesis of climacteric, psychogenic, and endogenous depression; in these forms of depression, menopause may be a cause, ground, or trigger, respectively. The influence of endocrine and sociopsychological factors on the development of postpartum depression is considered. The authors unveil the diagnostic and predictive value of premenopausal syndrome with depressive disorders at different stages of a depressive episode: the prediction of depression when depressive symptoms appear in the premenopausal period, as well as the reduction of premenopausal depressive disorders as evidence of intermission. Based on the data available in the literature, the authors consider the clinical features of depression in women: earlier onset; more frequent depressive episodes; greater presentation of atypical symptoms (anxiety, fatigue, increased appetite, weight gain, hypersomnia, and signs of somatization), as well as rarer suicidal tendencies as comparedto men. It is concluded that the gender features of depression in women are due to the whole complex of gender factors, such as neurophysiological, neuroendocrine, and sociopsychological ones