53 research outputs found

    Analysis of migration processes based on census data

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    The subject matter of research is the internal migration processes of the Russian population in the period from the 1960s to 2010. The research is based on the data about the territorial population flows published in the all-Union census materials of 1970, 1979, and 1989, and in the all-Russia census materials of 2002 and 2010. The basic migration flows and directions are considered. Methodologically, the analysis of migration is based on the use of end-to-end indicators enabling to assess the dynamics of migration processes over a long period. Special attention is paid to rural-urban internal migrations, the volumes, patterns and consequences of which have not been so far properly investigated or assessed. The authors offer and calculate relative indicators that have never been used to assess the processes in question. To make the census materials of the soviet and post-soviet periods comparable, the economic zoning adopted before 2000 is used, and the administrative-territorial network is unified. The authors confirm the hypothesis that from decade to decade the intensity of territorial mobility of both urban and rural population was reduced. Interregional migration flows are considered, and various tendencies and migration intensity for over four decades are de ned. The authors analyze the dynamics in the structure of migrants by the time they lived in the place of their permanent residence in various regions. The research shows that the tendencies developed at that time and persisting continue to adversely affect the territorial re-distribution of population and the regional social and economic development of the country. The research results can be used in adjusting the regional socio-economic and migration policy.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation Project № 14–02–00525

    Dynamics and Regional Features of Labour Market Recovery During COVID-19

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    Ифференциация российских региональных рынков труда по уровню дисбаланса между спросом и предложением рабочей силы как по видам экономической деятельности, так и по профессионально-квалификационным группам, вызывают застойную безработицу и обнищание населения. В статье рассматриваются процессы трансформации рынка труда, региональные особенности провалов рынка и его восстанавливаемости в условиях пандемии COVID-19. По данным выборочных обследований рабочей силы Росстата определена помесячная динамика безработицы, на основе чего выявлена уязвимость и неустойчивость региональных рынков труда. Выдвинута гипотеза: чем сильнее сжатие сферы занятости и рост безработицы в период пандемии, тем длительнее процесс восстановления рынка труда; при этом наблюдается разноскоростная динамика выхода регионов из кризиса. Предложены показатели интенсивности провалов рынка труда и его восстанавливаемости. Учитывая своеобразие феномена пандемии и ее влияния на экономику и общество, поведение человека на рынке труда, используется понятие избыточной безработицы, которая определяется как разность между фактической безработицей и ее уровнем до начала пандемии. Осуществлен корреляционный анализ взаимосвязей между провалами рынка труда и его способностью к восстановлению по четырем группам регионов c различной амплитудой колебаний рынка труда. Рассчитанные коэффициенты Спирмена показали положительную связь между рассматриваемыми показателями. Выявлены особенности глубины провалов рынка труда и степени его восстанавливаемости в регионах с высоким уровнем развития инфраструктуры, привлекающих значительные контингенты внешних трудовых мигрантов. Установлена положительная связь между динамикой уровня безработицы и темпами роста числа вакансий, заявляемых работодателями в службы занятости, увеличением среднемесячной заработной платы. Данная статья отражает результаты первого этапа работы. Авторы планируют продолжить исследование в направлении расширения динамических рядов занятости и безработицы для выявления устойчивых тенденций и построения модели прогнозирования рынка труда.The imbalance between labour supply and demand, both by types of economic activity and by professional groups, differs in Russian regional labour markets, causing long-term unemployment and impoverishment of the population. The article examines the transformation of the labour market, regional characteristics of market failures and its recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on sample surveys of the labour force conducted by the Federal State Statistics Service, we determined monthly unemployment dynamics and, subsequently, the vulnerability and instability of regional labour markets. It is hypothesised that the stronger the contraction of employment and the greater the unemployment, the longer the process of labour market recovery during the pandemic; regions recover from the crisis at different speeds. Indicators of the intensity of labour market failures and its recovery are proposed. Since the pandemic is a peculiar phenomenon that affected the economy and society, human behaviour in the labour market, the concept of excessive unemployment was used (the difference between actual unemployment and its pre-pandemic level). We performed a correlation analysis of the relations between labour market failures and its recovery in four groups of regions characterised by different labour market fluctuations. The calculated Spearman’s coefficients showed a positive relationship between the indicators. The depth of labour market failures and its recovery rate in regions with developed infrastructure, attracting labour migrants, are revealed. A positive relationship was established between the unemployment dynamics and the increase in vacancy rate reported by employers to employment agencies, increase in the average monthly salary. This article presents the results of the first research stage. Further studies will expand the time series of employment and unemployment in order to identify long-term trends and build a forecasting model

    Ecological features of species diversity and pollinator species on m. sativa seed crops

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    The condition and dynamics of the entomophilic fauna of Medicago sativa L. seeds in the cultivated lands of the Belgorod region were studied, using insecticides and without treatment. The species composition of pests, entomophages and pollinators on seed crops M. sativa is found. 17% of pollinator species have been found to belong to the family Megachilidae. The species density of the entomofauna of potential pollinators after treatment with insecticide decreased by a factor of 2. The Menhinick index is also down on 50%, indicating a decrease in species diversit

    Plasma cytokines in patients with COVID-19 during acute phase of the disease and following complete recovery

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    COVID-19, an infection caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is associated with a number of pathophysiological mechanisms, mobilizing a wide spectrum of biomolecules, mainly, cytokines.The purpose of this study was to evaluate levels of multiple cytokines in blood plasma from the patients with COVID-19 during acute phase of the disease, and upon complete recovery. Samples of peripheral blood plasma of 56 patients with COVID-19, 69 convalescents and 10 healthy individuals were examined. Concentrations of 46 molecules, such as IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-9, IL-12 (p40), IL-12 (p70), IL-13, IL-15, IL-17A/CTLA8, IL-17-E/IL-25, IL-17F, IL-18, IL-22, IL-27, IFNα2, IFNγ, TNFα, TNFβ/ Lymphotoxin-α (LTA), CCL2/MCP-1, CCL3/MIP-1α, CCL4/MIP-1β, CCL7/MCP-3, CCL11/Eotaxin, CCL22/MDC, CXCL1/GROα, CXCL8/IL-8, CXCL9/MIG, CXCL10/IP-10, CX3CL1/Fractalkine, IL-1ra, IL-10, EGF, FGF-2/FGF-basic, Flt3 Ligand, G-CSF, M-CSF, GM-CSF, PDGF-AA, PDGF-AB/ BB, TGF-α, VEGF-A were measured via xMAP multiplexing technology. Significantly increased levels of 18 cytokines were found in blood plasma from COVID-19 patients during acute phase of the disease (as compared to control group), i.e., IL-6, IL-7, IL-15, IL-27, TNFα, TNFβ/Lymphotoxin-α (LTA), CCL2/MCP-1, CCL7/MCP-3, CXCL1/GROα, CXCL8/IL-8, CXCL10/IP-10, CXCL9/MIG, IL-1rа, IL-10, M-CSF, GM-CSF, VEGF-A. We found a significant decrease of nearly all the mentioned cytokines in recovered patients, in comparison with those who had moderate, severe/extremely severe disease. Moreover, we revealed a significantly decreased level of 8 cytokines in plasma from convalescents, as compared with control group, i.e., IL-1α, IL-2, IL-9, IL-12 p40, IL-18, CCL22/MDC, Flt3 Ligand, TGF-α. Immune response caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection involves multiple cytokines, mostly, with pro-inflammatory effects. We have shown for the first time that the convalescence phase is characterized by significantly lower levels of cytokines which regulate cellular differentiation and hematopoiesis (in particular, lymphocytes, T-cells and NK-cells). Over acute phase of the disease, the levels of these cytokines did not change. We revealed a significant decrease of most plasma cytokines upon recovery as compared to acute phase. On the contrary, acute phase of the disease is accompanied by significant increase of both pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines in blood plasma

    Exobiology of the Venusian Clouds: New Insights into Habitability through Terrestrial Models and Methods of Detection

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    The search for life beyond Earth has focused on Mars and the icy moons Europa and Enceladus, all of which are considered a safe haven for life due to evidence of current or past water. The surface of Venus, on the other hand, has extreme conditions that make it a nonhabitable environment to life as we know it. This is in contrast, however, to its cloud layer, which, while still an extreme environment, may prove to be a safe haven for some extreme forms of life similar to extremophiles on Earth. We consider the venusian clouds a habitable environment based on the presence of (1) a solvent for biochemical reactions, (2) appropriate physicochemical conditions, (3) available energy, and (4) biologically relevant elements. The diversity of extreme microbial ecosystems on Earth has allowed us to identify terrestrial chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms that may be analogs to putative venusian organisms. Here, we hypothesize and describe biological processes that may be performed by such organisms in the venusian clouds. To detect putative venusian organisms, we describe potential biosignature detection methods, which include metal-microbial interactions and optical methods. Finally, we describe currently available technology that can potentially be used for modeling and simulation experiments. © Copyright 2021, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers 2021.NASA HQ Planetary ScienceSpace Research Institute of the Russian Academy of SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, UWAustrian Science Fund, FWF, (V333)The work presented here was motivated by fruitful dialogue at the 2019 Venus Cloud Layer Habitability and Landing Site Selection workshop organized by the Roscosmos-IKI/NASA Venera-D Joint Science Definition Team and supported by NASA HQ Planetary Science (A. Ocampo, Lead Venus Scientist) and Astrobiology programs (M. Voytek, Senior Scientist for Astrobiology) and the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI RAN). JAC acknowledges the support of the Genome Sciences Training Program at University of Wisconsin–Madison. TM is grateful to the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for providing support through the Elise-Richter Research fellowship (V333). We thank Sanjay Limaye for his support, including of this publication, and for resparking the conversation on Venus astrobiology

    Robust Phase Behavior of Model Transient networks

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    In order to study the viscoelastic properties of certain complex fluids which are described in terms of a multiconnected transient network we have developed a convenient model system composed of microemulsion droplets linked by telechelic polymers. The phase behavior of such systems has two characteristic features: a large monophasic region which consists of two sub-regions (a fluid sol phase and a viscoelastic gel phase) separated by a percolation line and a two phase region at low volume fraction with separation into a dilute sol phase and a concentrated gel phase. From the plausible origin of these features we expect them to be very similar in different systems. We describe here the phase behavior of four different systems we prepared in order to vary the time scale of the dynamical response of the transient network; they consist of the combination of two oil(decane) in water microemulsions differing by the stabilizing surfactant monolayer (Cetyl pyridinium chloride/octanol or TX100/TX35) and of two telechelic polymers which are end-grafted poly (ethylene oxide) chains, differing by the end-grafted hydrophobic aliphatic chains (C12H25 or C18H37).Comment: April 9 200

    Copolymer-induced stabilizing effect of highly swollen hexagonal mesophases

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    We show quantitatively that tiny amounts of copolymer that decorate a oil/water interfaces can greatly enhance the stability of swollen surfactant hexagonal phases, comprising oil tubes regularly arranged in a water matrix. Such soft composite materials, whose both radius of the tubes and water channel between the tubes can be controlled independently over large ranges, offer a potential interest for the synthesis of mesoporous materials

    Co(NO3)2 as an Inverted Umbrella-type Chiral Noncoplanar Ferrimagnet

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    The low-dimensional magnetic systems tend to reveal exotic spin-liquid ground states or form peculiar types of long-range order. Among systems of vivid interest are those characterized by the triangular motif in two dimensions. The realization of either ordered or disordered ground state in triangular, honeycomb, or kagome lattices is dictated by the competition of exchange interactions, also being sensitive to anisotropy and the spin value of magnetic ions. While the low-spin Heisenberg systems may arrive to a spin-liquid long-range entangled quantum state with emergent gauge structures, the high-spin Ising systems may establish the rigid noncollinear structures. Here, we present the case of chiral noncoplanar inverted umbrella-type ferrimagnet formed in cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)2 below TC=3K with the comparable spin and orbital contributions to the total magnetic moment. © 2020 American Physical Society.This work has been supported by Russian Scientific Foundation, Grant No. 19-42-02010 and by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) Grants No. 18-52-52005, No. 18-502-12022, No. 19-02-00015, and No. 19-03-01059. We acknowledge support by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Contracts No. 02.A03.21.0004, No. 02.A03.21.0006, and No. 02.A03.21.0011. O.V.M. and A.N.V. acknowledge support by NUST “MISiS,” Grant No. K2-2020-008. We acknowledge the support of Hochfeld Magnetlabor Dresden at Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, member of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL). B.L. acknowledges the support of DFG through Project No. B06 of SFB 1143 (ID No. 247310070). J.-Y.L. was supported by Taiwan MOST Grant No. 107-2923-M-009-001-MY3 and by the center for Emergent Functional Matter Science of NCTU from the Featured Areas Research Center program within the framework of the Higher education Sprout Project by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan. M.A.-H. acknowledges the support from the Swedish Research Council Grant No. (VR) 2018-05339. I.V.S. was supported by Program AAAA-A18-118020190095-4 (Quantum)