199 research outputs found

    The role of the social vocabulary research in the Russian language teaching practice (on the example of zoomorphic nominations Homo Socialis)

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is stipulated by the necessity to solve a problem of multicultural humanitarian education and formation of tolerance of students to unfamiliar culture. The purpose of the article is to research educational potential of metaphorical vocabulary in different languages, such as zoomorphic naming units of a man in his social roles and functions. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a communicatively oriented approach to training highly qualified specialist, the future teacher of Russian as a foreign language or an interpreter. The study produced the following results: the possibility to use ethno-linguistic study of Russian language results is illustrated; a selection of lexical items and phraseologic- zoomorphism, which nominate people on the social roles and functions - tat teacher can use in the classroom, is presented; the technique of analysis of the vocabulary in which social seme is located in different zones of the word, is presented; the necessity of the use of research results in the practice of teaching in higher school in order to ensure the formation of socio-cultural and communicative competence of students is substantiated. The results can be applied in the organization of educational process in higher educational institutions. The article may be useful to researchers in the field of pedagogy, to teachers, to post-graduate students, to graduate students and students of the following specialties: Russian as a foreign language, Russian language in the practice of interpretation. © 2016 Leontyeva et al

    Особенности фенотипического и генотипического липидного статуса коренного этноса Арктики в условиях островного проживания

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    Introduction. Dyslipidemia and obesity are interdisciplinary and “multi-metabolic” diseases, pathogenetically associated with the development of atherothrombosis, which creates practical health problems. The development of both dyslipidemia and obesity is influenced by socio-demographic, environmental, genetic and many physiological and behavioral factors, while the contribution of genetic factors is 40-70%. The goal is to identify the genetic characteristics oflipid status and fat metabolism in the indigenous ethnic group of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation under conditions of permanent islandliving.Methods. A cross-sectional population study of an indigenous ethnic group (n = 44) living on Vaygach Island (70 ° 01 ' Nlat 59 ° 33 ' E). The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project №18-00-00814-(18-00-00478). Serum cholesterol and triglycerides were determined as markers oflipid metabolism in blood serum. To analyze the genetic profile, the polymorphism of the FTO A23525T gene and the LPL Ser447Ter gene was determined by polymerase chain reaction.Results. In the sample of the indigenous ethnic group, BMI was 26.0 [21.5; 29.75] kg/m2. BMI for men is 23.0 [18.0; 28.0] kg/m2, for women - 25.0 [18.0; 29.25] kg / m2. Carriers of the unfavorable allele A had a higher BMI than carriers of the T allele. Analysis of the effect of rs9939609 genetic polymorphism on thelevel of total cholesterol did not show statistically significant differences between the FTO gene genotypes. A minimal triglyceride concentration was observed in carriers of the protective genotype Ter/Ter.Conclusion. Understanding the similarities and differences in genetic susceptibility among different ethnic groups can ultimately contribute to a more focused primary prevention and patient-oriented approach of cardiovascular pathology. Введение. Дислипидемия и ожирение являются междисциплинарными и мультиметаболическими состояниями, патогенетически связаны с развитием атеротромбоза, являясь важной проблемой практического здравоохранения. На развитие как дислипидемии, так и ожирения влияют социально-демографические, экологические, генетические и многие физиологические и поведенческие факторы, при этом вклад генетических факторов составляет 40-70%.Цель - выявить генетические особенности липидного статуса и жирового обмена у коренного этноса арктического региона РФ в условиях постоянного островного проживания. Методы. Проведено поперечное популяционное исследование коренного этноса (п = 44), проживающего на острове Вайгач (70°01' с. ш. 59°33' в. д.) в период комплексной научной экспедиции, выполняемой в рамках финансирования РФФИ гранта №18-00-00814-КОМФИ (18-00-00478). В качестве маркеров липидного обмена в сыворотке крови определяли общий холестерин и триглицериды. Для анализа генетического профиля определяли полиморфизм гена FTO A23525T и гена LPL Ser447Ter методом полимеразной цепной реакции.Результаты. В выборке коренного этноса ИМТ составил 26,0 [21,5; 29,75] кг/м2. ИМТ для мужчин - 23,0 [18,0; 28,0] кг/м2, для женщин - 25,0 [18,0; 29,25] кг/м2. Носители неблагоприятного аллеля А имели более высокий ИМТ, чем носители аллеля Т. Анализ влияния генетического полиморфизма rs9939609 на уровень общего холестерина не показал статистически значимых отличий между генотипами гена FTO. Минимальная концентрация триглицеридов была отмечена у носителей протективного генотипа Ter/Ter.Заключение. Понимание сходства и различий в генетической восприимчивости среди разных этносов может в конечном итоге способствовать более целенаправленной первичной профилактике и пациентоориентированному подходу сердечно-сосудистой патологии

    New Online Ecology of Adversarial Aggregates: ISIS and beyond

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    Support for extremist entities - whether from the far right, or far left - often manages to survive globally online despite significant external pressure, and may ultimately inspire violent acts by individuals having no obvious prior history of extremism. Examining longitudinal records of extremist online activity, we uncovered an ecology evolving on a daily timescale that drives online support, and we provide a mathematical theory that describes it. The ecology features self-organized aggregates (online groups such as on Facebook or another social media analog) that proliferate preceding the onset of recent real-world campaigns, and adopt novel adaptive mechanisms to enhance their survival. One of the predictions is that development of large, potentially potent online groups can be thwarted by targeting smaller ones.Comment: Similar to version that appeared in Science (2016

    Mg2+ activation of Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatase

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    AbstractFurther refinement of X-ray data on Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatase [Oganessyan et al. (1994) FEBS Lett. 348, 301–304] to 2.2 Å reveals a system of noncovalent interactions involving Tyr55 and Tyr141 in the active site. The pKa for one of the eight Tyr residues in wild-type pyrophosphatase is as low as 9.1 and further decreases to 8.1 upon Mg2+ binding, generating characteristic changes in the absorption spectrum. These effects are lost in a Y55F but not in a Y141F variant. It is suggested that the lower-affinity site for Mg2+ in the enzyme is formed by Tyr55 and Asp70, which are in close proximity in the apo-enzyme structure

    Pedagogical Deficits in Secondary Vocational Education

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    В статье рассматривается проблема дефицита педагога среднего профессионального образования в области компьютерных и информационных технологий. Необходимость формирования цифровой компетентности педагога, которая актуализирует создание фундаментальной научной базы процесса подготовки педагогических кадров и повышения их квалификации для работы в условиях цифровизации.The article deals with the problem of the shortage of teachers of secondary vocational education in the field of computer and information technologies. The need for the formation of digital competence of the teacher, which actualizes the creation of a fundamental scientific basis for the process of training teachers and improving their skills to work in the conditions of digitalization

    Viability of causative pathogen in patients with drug-sensitive and drug-resistant forms of respiratory tuberculosis

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    To predict outcomes of tuberculosis we investigated the viability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in relation to drug resistance of strains and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis. During the study on solid Löwenstein - Jensen medium, we determined the speed, growth rate and drug resistance of MBT in 5945 cultures, isolated from the sputum of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis - residents of the Irkutsk region (2193 -from newly diagnosed patients, 3752 - from previously treated patients). The criterion of high viability of MBT was the growth rate of >100 colonies over 20 days; and low viability corresponded with the growth rate of 30 days. 2171 cultures (36.5 %) had high viability of MBT strains, 3021 (50.8 %) - low, and 753 (12.7 %) cultures had average degree of viability. A high degree of pathogen viability was more often determined in newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (all patients with HIV-infection without antiretroviral therapy), fibrotic-cavernous and infiltrative tuberculosis. Among previously treated patients with tuberculosis the high viability of MBT was often determined in patients with fibrous-cavernous and infiltrative tuberculosis, and caseous pneumonia. Cultures from previously treated patients with tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes had low degree of viability. The number of drug-sensitive strains was 1992, drug-resistant ones - 3953, including 1430 strains with multidrug resistance. We have found that 37.5 % drug-resistant strains associated with a high degree of viability (multidrug resistance - 38.5 %), it's was more often than the drug-sensitive (35.4 %; p < 0.01)


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    According to the data obtained the VKORC1 gene polymorphism prevalence in the native population of the Nenets autonomous region differed significantly from that in the Arkhangelsk population. The homozygous form of 1173T allele prevailed in the nenets. This may be protective against thrombosis but it increases the risk of artery calcification and of indirect overdosing of anticoagulants.По данным исследования, распространенность полиморфизмов гена VKORC1 в популяции коренных жителей Ненецкого автономного округа значительно отличается от таковой у жителей г. Архангельска. У ненцев преобладал аллель 1173Т в гомозиготной форме, что может оказывать протективный эффект по отношению к тромбозам, но повышает риск кальцификации стенок артерий и передозировки непрямыми антикоагулянтами

    Экологическое состояние животноводства и птицеводства в приграничных районах России и Юго-Восточной Финляндии

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    Intensifi cation of agricultural production increases the burden on the environment. Modern management and planning of agricultural activity requires a comprehensive assessment of the environmental status of the industry. (Research purpose) To develop recommendations for improving the environmental safety of agricultural production based on the implementation of the best available technologies, methods for monitoring and controlling technological processes for the disposal of organic animal waste. (Materials and methods) The authors studied agricultural enterprises, their specialization and production capacities, technologies for manure and litter utilization. The studies included an assessment of enterprises according to the criteria approved in the recommendations of Helsinki Commission for the Baltic Sea. The authors used standard methods for processing statistical, fi eld and personal data. (Results and discussion) The authors conducted a state analysis of the agro-industrial complex of Leningrad Region in terms of the organic waste formation from animal husbandry and poultry farming, and evaluated the potential for their use. They studied 142 large complexes, which produce more than 90 percent of livestock and poultry products. The average livestock density in Leningrad Region is 2.2 conventional heads per hectare of cultivated agricultural land. They showed that there are 22,200 households in southern Finland, 79 percent of which are plant growing enterprises that are engaged in small-scale production. They took into account the specifi c features of the studied territories in terms of nutrient load and proposed a system of environmental impact regulation. (Conclusions) The authors developed 4 main recommendation sections to reduce the risks of biogenic environmental pollution: the development of an industrial environmental control system based on technological regulations; mastering the system of regional monitoring and coordination of work with organic fertilizers; adoption and implementation of a program of livestock enterprises technological and technical modernization in terms of the organic waste disposal; creation of demonstration platforms for environmental specialists advanced training in the implementation of modern technological solutions.Интенсификация аграрного производства увеличивает нагрузку на окружающую среду. Современное управление и планирование сельскохозяйственной деятельности требует комплексной оценки экологического состояния отрасли. (Цель исследования) Разработать рекомендации для повышения экологической безопасности сельхозпроизводства на основе внедрения наилучших доступных технологий, методов мониторинга и управления технологическими процессами утилизации органических отходов животноводства. (Материалы и методы) Изучили сельскохозяйственные предприятия, их специализацию и производственные мощности, технологии утилизации навоза и помета. Включили в исследования оценку предприятий по критериям, утвержденным в рекомендациях Хельсинской комиссии по Балтийскому морю. Применили стандартные методы обработки статистических, натурных и анкетных данных. (Результаты и обсуждение) Провели анализ состояния агропромышленного комплекса Ленинградской области в части образования органических отходов животноводства и птицеводства, оценили потенциал их использования. Исследовали 142 крупных комплекса, на которых производится более 90 процентов продукции животноводства и птицеводства. Средняя плотность поголовья животных в Ленинградской области составляет 2,2 условной головы на один гектар обрабатываемых сельскохозяйственных земель. Показали, что в Южной Финляндии насчитывается 22200 хозяйств, из них 79 процентов – растениеводческие, которые занимаются мелкотоварным производством. Учли особенности исследуемых территорий по биогенной нагрузке и предложили систему регулирования воздействия на окружающую среду (Выводы) Разработали 4 основных раздела рекомендаций по снижению рисков биогенного загрязнения окружающей среды: освоение системы производственного экологического контроля на основе технологических регламентов; освоение системы регионального мониторинга и координации работы с органическими удобрениями; принятие и выполнение программы технологической и технической модернизации животноводческих предприятий в части утилизации органических отходов; создание демонстрационных площадок для повышения квалификации специалистов по экологическим вопросам внедрения современных технологических решений

    Pedagogical conditions of college students’ core competencies formation in the process of foreign languages learning

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the problems stated in the article is conditioned by the fact that with the expansion of international economic relations and the increasing number of joint ventures and companies, there is an urgent need for specialists capable of intercultural communication for the implementation of the business contacts and contracts, the conclusion of economic agreements with foreign partners, cooperating with enterprises of different countries. In this regard, this article is aimed at identifying and studying of the pedagogical conditions of college students’ core competencies formation in the process of foreign languages learning. The article clarifies the composition of core competencies in college students’ foreign languages learning; identifies a set of criteria for selection of the content of discipline “foreign language;” reveals the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies of college students’ core competencies formation in the foreign languages learning; provides quality monitoring technology of college students’ core competencies formation in the process of foreign languages learning