40 research outputs found

    Finite self-similar p-groups with abelian first level stabilizers

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    We determine all finite p-groups that admit a faithful, self-similar action on the p-ary rooted tree such that the first level stabilizer is abelian. A group is in this class if and only if it is a split extension of an elementary abelian p-group by a cyclic group of order p. The proof is based on use of virtual endomorphisms. In this context the result says that if G is a finite p-group with abelian subgroup H of index p, then there exists a virtual endomorphism of G with trivial core and domain H if and only if G is a split extension of H and H is an elementary abelian p-group.Comment: one direction of theorem 2 extended to regular p-group

    Sol-gel Synthesis, Photo- and Electrocatalytic Properties of Mesoporous TiO2 Modified with Transition Metal Ions

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    Abstract Mesoporous nanosized titania films modified with Co2+, Ni2+, Mn3+, and Cu2+ ions have been produced by templated sol-gel method and characterized by optical spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (BET) surface area measurement. Band gap energy and the position of flat band potentials were estimated by photoelectrochemical measurements. The films doped with transition metals possessed higher photocurrent quantum yield, as well as photo- and electrochemical activity compared to undoped samples. Mn+/TiO2 (M–Co, Ni, Mn, Cu) electrodes with low dopant content demonstrate high efficiency in electrocatalytic reduction of dissolved oxygen. Polarization curves of TiO2, TiO2/Ni2+, TiO2/Co2+/3+, and TiO2/Mn3+ electrodes contain only one current wave (oxygen reduction current). It means that reaction proceeds without the formation of an intermediate product H2O2

    Effect of hydrogen peroxide on Na+,K+-ATPase activity in spermatozoa of infertile men

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    Na+,K+-ATPase plays an essential role in sperm motility, hyperactivation, chemotaxis, acrosome reaction etc. Na+,K+-ATPase is sensitive to ROS insult. Apart from production of highly reactive molecules, H2O2 can exert a number of direct effects on cells, their metabolism and enzymes. In the present study, exposure to exogenous H2O2 was used to characterize the effects of H2O2 on Na+,K+-ATPase activity in spermatozoa of infertile men with different forms of pathospermia. It was shown that Na+,K+-ATPase activities in spermatozoa of infertile men with different forms of pathospermia were inhibited by exposure to H2O2 (50−500 μM). H2O2, one of the most toxic oxygen species, has the ability to depress Na+,K+-ATPase activity in a dose-dependent manner. Severe inhibition of the hydrolytic activity was observed when higher H2O2 were used. The time course of incubation with 100 μM H2O2 showed a sharp decrease in the enzyme activity during the first 5 min of incubation for both normozoospermic and pathozoospermic men. The enzymatic activity of Na+,K+-ATPase in the sperm was completely destroyed at 20 min for asthenozoospermic men and 30 min for normozoospermic men. We show that an administation of H2O2 inhibited Na+,K+-ATPase activity in normozoospermic samples with IC50 of 106.6 ± 7.9 μM. IC50 for patients with asthenozoospermia was two times less than for healthy men with preserved fertility. For other studied groups, the differences in IC50 were not significant. These observations suggest that Na+,K+-ATPase in pathozoospermic samples is more vulnerable to H2O2-induced damage than in normozoospermic men. The Hill coefficient was significantly increased only for patients with asthenozoospermia, indicating increased positively cooperative binding. The decreases in Na+,K+-ATPase hydrolase activity in H2O2-treated sperm cells in men with normozoospermia were largely attenuated by exogenous GSH at 5 mM. This suggests that GSH partially protects the Na+,K+-ATPase from inhibition under experimental oxidative stress. However, treatment of oligo-, astheno- and oligoasthenozoospermic samples with 100 μM H2O2 and 5 mM GSH did not result in protection of Na+,K+-ATPase against induced oxidation, suggesting that the impaired Na+,K+-ATPase in pathozoospermic samples appears to be an irreversible event. In contrast, presence of GSH only after H2O2 treatment does not reverse Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition. This study has provided a deeper insight into the role Na+,K+-ATPase plays in sperm cells,it also could offer clues to the clinical application of antioxidant therapy in male infertility therapy

    Peculiarities of physico-chemical condition of uterine vaginal mucus during estral cycle

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    The primary aim of the work was to study the peculiarities of the influence of endogenous factors (products of inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of female genitals) in the biological system of type “environment (uterine-vaginal mucus) – substance (water, organic and inorganic substances)” on the indicators of mass (g, mg) of its components. The results of the experiments indicate that their harmful effect changes the color and density of mucus released during estrus (UVM); reduces the parameters of the mass content of H2O and inorganic substances (IS), but increases – organic (OS). Under these circumstances, the distribution of the parameters of the mass of the components of the dry residue (DR, dried at 105 oC) of UVM of cows of the experimental group is presented in a row where the mass of ОS1 (burn at 520–530 oC) ˃IS ˃ОS2 (burn at 650 оС), but for control is another as well as mass of IS˃ОS1˃ОS2. This means that the harmful effects of inflammatory products on the genital tissues of females negatively affect the distribution of the mass of OS and IS in the system “environment-substance”