78 research outputs found

    On Distributional Changes of Financial Characteristics in Cyprus: What Does the Survey of Consumer Finances Say?

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    This work is based on the Cyprus Survey of Consumer Finances (CySCF) and focuses on one hand on the composition of household assets in Cyprus based on the 2002 Cyprus Survey of Consumer Finances (CySCF2002) and on the other on the distributional changes between the 1999 and the 2002 CySCFs. From 1999 to 2002 there has been a radical increase of household participation in direct stockholding. This is due to the fact that there was a boom of the stock market with a remarkable increase of 688% during 1999, which, however, deflated dramatically during 2000 by 65%. In the same period a 50% increase in the share of households with loans backed by real estate other than their primary residences was observed. Furthermore, real estate prices rose sharply in most areas and affected to a great extent the net wealth so that a more than 7.5% increase was observed in the mean value of the net wealth from 1999 to 2002. Finally, the work deals with the econometric analysis of debts, and results based on probit models are provided. The variables selected are age, family size, employment status and income. The typical 2002 individual was identified as a 45-year old self-employed, married person with 3 children with a annual income of 18000 Cyprus pounds (1CY pound = 1.7 Euros). For the 2002 typical individual the probability of being in debt is found to be 66.5%.income distribution, family finances, wealth distribution, Cyprusincome distribution, family finances, wealth distribution, Cyprus

    On Distributional Changes of Financial Characteristics in Cyprus: What Does the Survey of Consumer Finances Say?

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    This work is based on the Cyprus Survey of Consumer Finances (CySCF) and focuses on one hand on the composition of household assets in Cyprus based on the 2002 Cyprus Survey of Consumer Finances (CySCF2002) and on the other on the distributional changes between the 1999 and the 2002 CySCFs. From 1999 to 2002 there has been a radical increase of household participation in direct stockholding. This is due to the fact that there was a boom of the stock market with a remarkable increase of 688% during 1999, which, however, deflated dramatically during 2000 by 65%. In the same period a 50% increase in the share of households with loans backed by real estate other than their primary residences was observed. Furthermore, real estate prices rose sharply in most areas and affected to a great extent the net wealth so that a more than 7.5% increase was observed in the mean value of the net wealth from 1999 to 2002. Finally, the work deals with the econometric analysis of debts, and results based on probit models are provided. The variables selected are age, family size, employment status and income. The typical 2002 individual was identified as a 45-year old self-employed, married person with 3 children with a annual income of 18000 Cyprus pounds (1CY L = 1.7 Euros). For the 2002 typical individual the probability of being in debt is found to be 66.5%

    Java application framework for rapid development of applications with distributed data sources

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    With rapid development of information technology and a huge range of applications there is a need for software solutions that offers centralized data from different sources. The aim of the thesis was to make application framework in the Java programming language, which would enable the rapid creation of software solutions using one or more different data sources. With this kind of framework, software developers would need less time to develop their applications. They would be more focused on business rules, rather they would spent time on developing software code for data persistency. The framework is designed in such a way that offers two things; a simple way to define business logic of each entity and a unified API for accessing data regardless the type of data source. This kind of software development makes source code more understandable, readable and maintainable

    O promjenama distribucije financijskih obilježja na Cipru: što govori anketa o financijama potrošača?

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    Rad se temelji na ciparskoj anketi o financijama potrošača (Cyprus Survey of Consumer Finances, CySCF) te se usredotočuje na imovinsku strukturu ciparskih kućanstava zabilježenu u anketi iz 2002. godine (CySCF2002), ali i na promjene u distribuciji zabilježene u anketama iz 1999. i 2002. Od 1999. do 2002. radikalno se povećao broj kućanstava koja izravno posjeduju dionice. Razlog je činjenica da je tijekom 1999. procvalo tržište dionica, uz znatan porast vrijednosti od 688%, koja se ipak tijekom 2000. godine dramatično snizila za 65%. U istom je razdoblju zabilježen 50-postotni porast udjela kućanstava sa zajmovima na osnovi nekretnina koje ne služe kao primarna mjesta boravka. Nadalje, cijene nekretnina u većini su područja strmoglavo porasle i uvelike su utjecale na neto bogatstvo, te je od 1999. do 2002. zabilježen porast srednje vrijednosti neto bogatstva za više od 7,5%. Konačno, rad se bavi ekonometrijskom analizom dugova te nudi rezultate utemeljene na probit-modelima. Odabrane varijable su godine starosti, veličina obitelji, radni status i dohodak. Tipičan pojedinac u 2002. godini identificiran je kao 45- godišnjak, samozaposlen, oženjen, s troje djece i godišnjim dohotkom od 18.000 ciparskih funti. Vjerojatnost da će tipični pojedinac iz 2002. imati dug iznosi 66,5%

    Neutron-rich rare isotope production from projectile fission of heavy beams in the energy range of 20 MeV/nucleon

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    We investigate the possibilities of producing neutron-rich nuclides in projectile fission of heavy beams in the energy range of 20 MeV/nucleon expected from low-energy facilities. We report our efforts to theoretically describe the reaction mechanism of projectile fission following a multinucleon transfer collision at this energy range. Our calculations are mainly based on a two-step approach: the dynamical stage of the collision is described with either the phenomenological Deep-Inelastic Transfer model (DIT), or with the microscopic Constrained Molecular Dynamics model (CoMD). The deexcitation/fission of the hot heavy projectile fragments is performed with the Statistical Mul- tifragmentation Model (SMM). We compared our model calculations with our previous experimental projectile-fission data of 238U (20 MeV/nucleon)+208Pb and 197Au (20 MeV/nucleon)+197Au and found an overall reasonable agreement. Our study suggests that projectile fission following periph- eral heavy-ion collisions at this energy range offers an effective route to access very neutron-rich rare isotopes toward and beyond the astrophysical r-process path

    Elektronski medij kao pomoć u profesionalnom razvoju odgajatelja

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    Jedan od alata podrške profesionalnom razvoju odgajatelja svakako je i rad na izradi Mape profesionalnog razvoja. U članku naših slovenskih suradnica pročitajte kako pomoću Mape profesionalnog razvoja potaknuti ideju socijalnog konstruktivizma u profesionalnom razvoju odgajatelja

    Upoznavanje djece sa slikovnicama i knjigama

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    Citanje je jedna od najvažnijih cjeloživotnih aktivnosti. Djeca se povezuju s citanjem i slikovnicama znatno prije nego što doista nauce citati. To povezivanje pocinje kad dijete prvi put primi slikovnicu u ruke ili kad mu roditelji citaju. U clanku Tatjane Vonte i Fanike Balic procitajte kako pomocu razvojnih koraka ERR sustava približiti djeci pisanu rijec

    A correlative study of Quantitative EMG and biopsy findings in 31 patients with myopathies

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    A direct correlation of QEMG with muscle biopsy findings might help delineate the sensitivity of QEMG in identifying muscle pathology as well as provide information on electrophysiological- histological correlations. In a study of 31 patients with a variety of myopathies we found that the sensitivity of QEMG was between 24 to 69% depending of the specific method of signal analysis. The positive predictive value of abnormal QEMG was more than 90% while its negative predictive value was only about 20%. Amplitude outlier analysis was superior especially in minimally weak muscles (MRC > 4) and was particularly sensitive at detecting increased variability in fiber size and more subtle myopathic changes

    Veća sloboda pri učenju: put za stjecanje kompetencija

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    Jačanje profesionalne autonomije odgajatelja može pridonijeti ne samo razvoju vrtića, već i šire odgojno-obrazovne zajednice. Dawn Tankersley, Tatjana Vonta i Helena Burić, članice Međunarodne udruge Korak po korak, dijele s nama svoja iskustva