298 research outputs found

    Bloeiende drachtplanten in april en mei

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    Het hangt van de temperatuur en de woonomgeving af welke planten in april, mei en juni een belangrijke voedsel- en nectarbron voor de bijen kunnen betekenen. Veel imkers hebben hun bijen in de stad of stedelijke omgeving staan en moeten het van de in de omgeving aanwezige beplanting hebben

    Bijen weten waar en wanneer er iets te halen is: drachtplanten

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    Door goed te kijken wat er op de vliegplank gebeurt, kun je erg veel over bijen te weten komen. Aan hun gedragingen is vaak te zien wat er zich in en buiten de kast afspeelt. Zo kun je aan de kleur van het verzamelde stuifmeel en met kennis van de bloei van de drachtplanten in de omgeving in veel gevallen zonder pollenanalyse al zeggen op welke bloemen ze vliegen

    De invloed van drachtplanten op de honingsamenstelling

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    Imkers houden vanouds bijen voor de honing. Dat daar later de bevordering van de bestuiving van een aantal cultuurgewassen is bijgekomen, is voor sommigen een interessante bijvangst en voor anderen een belangrijke bron van inkomsten

    Bloemproduktie bij Alstroemeria 'Walter Fleming'

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    Alstroemeria is a relatively new crop in floriculture and is rapidly increasing in popularity. The plant is a herbaceous perennial and produces flowers that are attractive and long lasting. Some authors refer this genus to the family Amaryllidaceae, other to the Liliaceae, and same prefer a separate family Alstroemeriaceae.The erect, unbranched shoots originate from a subterranean sympodial rhizome. Alstroemeria and some closely related genera are characterized by leaves which are twisted 180°, so that the morphological upper side is turned downwards. Under favourable conditions the shoots form terminal umbelliform clusters of flowers. During the growth period the roots thicken into tubers. The research described in this paper has been performed with the hybrid 'Walter Fleming', a cultivar of English origin, general grown in Holland under the name 'Orchid'.The aim of this research was to investigate the structure of the plant and its ecological reactions in order to realize optima production conditions and a better timing of the crop.SHOOT FORMATIONShoots are initiated on a subterranean rhizome and its branches. Under greenhouse conditions, the number of shoots increases rapidly after the winter period. At that tine many rhizomes are active and the shoots grow fast. During flowering and shortly after, however, there is a rest period following which shoot formation is resumed. Until the beginning of the flowering period there is no significant influence of temperature (minimum 9°C) on shoot formation.Comparing growth at 17, 21 and 25°C shoot formation was found to increase with. increasing temperature. At 13 and 9°C shoot formation stops in long photoperiod and the plants enter a rest stage, firstly at 13°C and afterwards at 9°C. In the early stage of plant development shoot formation in plants grown at high temperature was stimulated by lowering the temperature and vice versa. Lowering the temperature caused the rhizomes to branch more, while raising the temperature caused more lateral shoots to develop. Rest started in the lateral rhizomes. Dormancy is prevented or broken by high temperature.High temperature stimulated shoot formation; there was no evidence of a specific diurnal effect however. High soil temperature also promoted shoot formation. At a temperature of 25°C both flowering and growth were completely inhibited.Low light intensity decreased the number of shoots produced. It was difficult however to determine the precise effect of light intensity because of the interaction with temperature.Shoot formation was inversely proportional to daylength. LDs inhibited growth of young shoots as well as the branching of rhizomes and SDs reversed the effect.FLOWER INITIATIONLow temperature promoted flowering of Alstroemeria; it decreased the number of nodes below the inflorescence and shoots of more proximal origin flowered earlier. At 25°C and above no flowers were initiated. The number and percentage of generative shoots were not a useful-measure of induction as the number of shoots was also affected by temperature and daylength. The length of the temperature treatment during the 24 hour period had-more influence m flower initiation than either the day or night temperature. High soil temperature had a negative influence, this was more pronounced when the air temperature was high.The number and percentage of generative shoots was reduced by very low light intensity. Increasing daylength decreased the number of nodes under the inflorescence and the number of vegetative shoots per rhizome.The highest number of flowering shoots were produced at a daylength of 12 hours, which permitted both shoot formation and flower initiation to proceed.At a given daylength or temperature the further the shoots were from the proximal end of the rhizome, the earlier they flowered.FLOWERINGIn spring when daylength and temperature are favourable for flower initiation Alstroemeria flowers abundantly. The reduction in the number of nodes below the inflorescence is accompanied by a decrease in the number of days to flowering. The flowering period is markedly compressed by the fact that the youngest shoots i.e. those arising at the distal end of the rhizome, form less nodes below the inflorescence than proximal shoots. In addition, the increasing daylength induces earlier flowering. The influence of a given temperature on the flowering time is the result of its effect on flower initiation and rate of development. High temperature inhibits initiation but promotes development.The number of branches per umbel showed an unequal frequency distribution with a clear preference for 3, 5 and 8. This agrees with the phyllotaxis 3/8, which indicates that flower bud differentiation stops more frequently after initiation of a whole spiral than after a partial one. Numbers of branches per umbel are correlated with thickness of the main stem. The number of branches is influenced by daylength but not by temperature. Numbers of flowers per stalk increased with temperature to 21°C, but the differences were not statistically significant. In the greenhouse during winter most flower buds abort as a result of the poor light conditions.TUBER FORMATIONLow temperature and LDs promote both flowering and thickening of the roots. During and just after flowering there was a strong increase in tuber growth. This increase of tuber weight can be attributed to resorption of substrates from the old shoots and their storage in the tubers. The nearly simultaneous swelling of the young, short roots just behind the growing points of the rhizome and the retardation of the growth of the young shoots indicate a common factor controlling both effects.FLOWERING TIMEThe main flowering of 'Walter Fleming' grown in greenhouses in the Netherlands occurs in the months of April, May and June, independent of the planting date. Flowering can be advanced by means of artificial lighting, but this should not be continued longer than necessary as shoot formation is retarded. A 4 hour nightbreak of cyclic lighting at an intensity of 100-150 mW over two weeks is suitable. Another method is to extend the daylength to 12 hours, this has only a small adverse effect m shoot formation.The high greenhouse temperatures in summer are unfavourable for flowering. A good second crop in late summer may be realized using mobile greenhouses, leaving the plants temporarily outdoors where the temperature is lower. In the greenhouses flower initiation occurs by the natural lowering of temperature during late summer and autumn. The success of this late flush however depends on the time of initiation as decreasing light intensity results in flower bud blasting. For this reason it is not desirable to induce flowering in autumn by extending the daylength.RESTIn their native habitat many Alstroemeria species enter a stage of rest during summer, this also occurs in the Netherlands. In 'Walter Fleming' the symptom are highly dependent on temperature and daylength. Low temperature and LD not only promote flowering and tuber growth, but also rest. At high temperature LDs cause only a reduction of shoot growth which disappears in SDs. When plants grow at low temperatures (9 or 13°C) and LDs they enter a state of complete rest, with shoots dying off after flowering. This Test can be broken by a long period of high temperature.Removing flower buds or shoots and harvesting flowers diminishes the rest period. When old shoots are left on the plants they promote rest.In the discussion this pattern of reactions of 'Walter Fleming' is compared with that of other crops. The reactions are discussed in relation to the climate in the native habitat of the supposed parent species of this hybrid. Since Alstroemeria presents a wide variation of species growing under extremely different climatic conditions, it is to be expected that hybrids my be bred in which flower production and the flowering period can be controlled more easily.</p

    Where Is the Heart after Left-Sided Pneumonectomy?

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    Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Chronic Fibrosing Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias

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    Background Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a common finding in patients with chronic fibrosing idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP). Little is known about the response to pulmonary vasodilator therapy in this patient population. COMPERA is an international registry that prospectively captures data from patients with various forms of PH receiving pulmonary vasodilator therapies. Methods We retrieved data from COMPERA to compare patient characteristics, treatment patterns, response to therapy and survival in newly diagnosed patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) and PH associated with IIP (PH-IIP). Results Compared to patients with IPAH (n = 798), patients with PH-IIP (n = 151) were older and predominantly males. Patients with PH-IIP were treated predominantly with phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (88% at entry, 87% after 1 year). From baseline to the first follow-up visit, the median improvement in 6MWD was 30 m in patients with IPAH and 24.5 m in patients with PH-IIP (p = 0.457 for the difference between both groups). Improvements in NYHA functional class were observed in 22.4% and 29.5% of these patients, respectively (p = 0.179 for the difference between both groups). Survival rates were significantly worse in PH-IIP than in IPAH (3-year survival 34.0 versus 68.6%; p<0.001). Total lung capacity, NYHA class IV, and mixed-venous oxygen saturation were independent predictors of survival in patients with PH-IIP. Conclusions Patients with PH-IIP have a dismal prognosis. Our results suggest that pulmonary vasodilator therapy may be associated with short-term functional improvement in some of these patients but it is unclear whether this treatment affects survival

    Can prolonged sick leave after gynecologic surgery be predicted? An observational study in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: Sick leave frequently has been used as an outcome to evaluate minimal invasive surgery compared with conventional open surgery. However, sick leave is determined not only by the surgical approach. Recently, a postoperative recovery-specific quality-of-life questionnaire, the Recovery Index (RI-10), has been developed and validated. This study investigated the relation of the Recovery Index 10, the RI-6 (a subset of 6 questions), and the type of surgery to sick leave. METHODS: The study enrolled 46 patients with a paid job scheduled for elective gynecologic surgery, who filled out the RI-10. After 8 weeks, the patients were approached by telephone to give information on their return to work. RESULTS: Of the 46 patients, 23 (50%) returned to work completely after 8 weeks, 14 (30%) resumed work partly, and 9 (20%) did not resume work at all. In the analysis, the patients who completely returned to work were compared with those who did not return or partially returned. Recovery as expressed in the RI-6 improved with time after surgery. It appeared that the measurement 2 weeks after surgery showed the best discriminative capacity to predict sick leave after 8 weeks, with an area under the curve of 0.88 (confidence interval, 0.74-1.03). The subjective postoperative recovery as expressed by the RI-6 is more closely related to the type of surgery (p = 0.001) sick leave is (p = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: The subjective recovery scored by the patient on a questionnaire of six questions is a better outcome than sick leave for evaluating surgical approaches. If administered 2 weeks after surgery, it may predict prolonged sick leav
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