17 research outputs found

    Feasibility of charge exchange spectroscopy fast helium measurements on ITER

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    \u3cp\u3eThe feasibility to measure fast alpha particles using Active Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on ITER is investigated. Through modelling of the charge exchange spectral line for fast ions together with the expected background emission, the signal-to-noise ratio has been calculated as a function of the diagnostic design parameters. Combining the CXRS data from both the heating and the diagnostic neutral beams on ITER, information on the fast ion energy spectrum up to 1 MeV can be obtained for the parameters of the ITER core CXRS diagnostic design, provided that the signal is binned in 100 keV bins and a time resolution of Isec is used.\u3c/p\u3

    Bayesian estimation of Zeff in the TEXTOR tokamak from visible bremsstrahlung and CXRS measurements

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    The determination of Z(eff) in a fusion plasma is associated with many difficulties. Several diagnostic methods exist for this purpose, each with its specific weaknesses. Here we consider the derivation of Z(eff) from bremsstrahlung measurements in the visible and from a weighted summation of individual impurity densities, calculated from CXRS intensities. In a first approach towards an improved estimation of Z(eff), which is consistent with both measurement sets, we combine in a single model the measurement of visible bremsstrahlung emissivities and carbon densities obtained from CXRS. Together with Z(eff), the electron density ne is estimated using a hybrid Gibbs-Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm. Some first results are presented and some improvements in and extensions of the employed model are discussed

    Neutral beam stopping and emission in fusion plasmas I: deuterium beams

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    The charge transfer reaction of neutral deuterium beams with impurities enables one of the principle quantitative diagnostic measurements of the hot core fusion plasma; that is, charge exchange spectroscopy. The complementary measurement of beam emission spectroscopy has been fruitful in motional Stark wavelength shift and fluctuation studies. but less so in using absolute measured intensities. In the last two years we have achieved substantial improvement in the quantitative analysis and agreement between the observed and modelled beam emission at the JET Joint Undertaking. This has depended on improved spectral fitting of the overlayed D-alpha motional Stark multiplet, self-consistent beam emission and impurity charge exchange modelling and analysis, and revision of the data entering the modelling of the beam emission process. The paper outlines the present JET beam emission diagnostic system and the collisional radiative modelling of deuterium beam stopping and emission. The nature and organization of the effective derived data directly used in experimental interpretation at JET are described and some results of spectral analysis of deuterium beam emission given. The practical implementation of the methods described here is part of the ADAS Project

    Fast ion D-alpha measurements using a bandpass-filtered system on EAST.

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    Based on the charge exchange reaction between fast ions and a neutral beam, fast ion features can be inferred from the spectrum of Doppler-shifted Balmer-alpha light from energetic hydrogenic atoms. In order to study the interaction between instabilities and fast-ion transport, recently we extended the fast ion D-alpha (FIDA) measurements by using a combination of a bandpass filter and a photomultiplier tube (PMT) (f-FIDA). A bandpass filter selects the desired spectral band from 651 nm to 654 nm before detection by the PMT. Preliminary data from the EAST tokamak show that the active signals have been detected from reneutralized beam ions along the vertical and tangential viewing geometries. The details will be presented in this paper to primarily address the specifications and performance of f-FIDA hardware components and preliminary FIDA measurements

    Conceptual design of a fast-ion D-alpha diagnostic on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak.

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    To investigate the fast ion behavior, a fast ion D-alpha (FIDA) diagnostic system has been planned and is presently under development on Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak. The greatest challenges for the design of a FIDA diagnostic are its extremely low intensity levels, which are usually significantly below the continuum radiation level and several orders of magnitude below the bulk-ion thermal charge-exchange feature. Moreover, an overlaying Motional Stark Effect (MSE) feature in exactly the same wavelength range can interfere. The simulation of spectra code is used here to guide the design and evaluate the diagnostic performance. The details for the parameters of design and hardware are presented

    Fast-ion Dα spectrum diagnostic in the EAST.

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    In toroidal magnetic fusion devices, fast-ion D-alpha diagnostic (FIDA) is a powerful method to study the fast-ion feature. The fast-ion characteristics can be inferred from the Doppler shifted spectrum of Dα light according to charge exchange recombination process between fast ions and probe beam. Since conceptual design presented in the last HTPD conference, significant progress has been made to apply FIDA systems on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). Both co-current and counter-current neutral beam injectors are available, and each can deliver 2-4 MW beam power with 50-80 keV beam energy. Presently, two sets of high throughput spectrometer systems have been installed on EAST, allowing to capture passing and trapped fast-ion characteristics simultaneously, using Kaiser HoloSpec transmission grating spectrometer and Bunkoukeiki FLP-200 volume phase holographic spectrometer coupled with Princeton Instruments ProEM 1024B eXcelon and Andor DU-888 iXon3 1024 CCD camera, respectively. This paper will present the details of the hardware descriptions and experimental spectrum