4,685 research outputs found

    The LAEX and NASA portals for CoRoT public data

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    * Aims. We describe here the main functionalities of the LAEX (Laboratorio de Astrofisica Estelar y Exoplanetas/Laboratory for Stellar Astrophysics and Exoplanets) and NASA portals for CoRoT Public Data. The CoRoT archive at LAEX was opened to the community in January 2009 and is managed in the framework of the Spanish Virtual Observatory. NStED (NASA Star and Exoplanet Database) serves as the CoRoT portal for the US astronomical community. NStED is a general purpose stellar and exoplanet archive with the aim of providing support for NASA planet finding and characterisation goals, and the planning and support of NASA and other space missions. CoRoT data at LAEX and NStED can be accessed at http://sdc.laeff.inta.es/corotfa/ and http://nsted.ipac.caltech.edu,respectively. * Methods. Based on considerable experience with astronomical archives, the aforementioned archives are designed with the aim of delivering science-quality data in a simple and efficient way. * Results. LAEX and NStED not only provide access to CoRoT Public Data but furthermore serve a variety of observed and calculated astrophysical data. In particular, NStED provides scientifically validated information on stellar and planetary data related to the search for and characterization of extrasolar planets, and LAEX makes any information from Virtual Observatory services available to the astronomical community.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Fixed-N Superconductivity: The Crossover from the Bulk to the Few-Electron Limit

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    We present a truly canonical theory of superconductivity in ultrasmall metallic grains by variationally optimizing fixed-N projected BCS wave-functions, which yields the first full description of the entire crossover from the bulk BCS regime (mean level spacing dd \ll bulk gap Δ~\tilde\Delta) to the ``fluctuation-dominated'' few-electron regime (dΔ~d\gg\tilde\Delta). A wave-function analysis shows in detail how the BCS limit is recovered for dΔ~d\ll \tilde \Delta, and how for dΔ~d \gg \tilde \Delta pairing correlations become delocalized in energy space. An earlier grand-canonical prediction for an observable parity effect in the spectral gaps is found to survive the fixed-N projection.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX, V2: minor charges to mach final printed versio

    The 55 Cancri Planetary System: Fully Self-Consistent N-body Constraints and a Dynamical Analysis

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    We present an updated study of the planets known to orbit 55 Cancri A using 1,418 high-precision radial velocity observations from four observatories (Lick, Keck, Hobby-Eberly Telescope, Harlan J. Smith Telescope) and transit time/durations for the inner-most planet, 55 Cancri "e" (Winn et al. 2011). We provide the first posterior sample for the masses and orbital parameters based on self-consistent n-body orbital solutions for the 55 Cancri planets, all of which are dynamically stable (for at least 10810^8 years). We apply a GPU version of Radial velocity Using N-body Differential evolution Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RUN DMC; B. Nelson et al. 2014) to perform a Bayesian analysis of the radial velocity and transit observations. Each of the planets in this remarkable system has unique characteristics. Our investigation of high-cadence radial velocities and priors based on space-based photometry yields an updated mass estimate for planet "e" (8.09±0.268.09\pm0.26 M_\oplus), which affects its density (5.51±1.001.325.51\pm^{1.32}_{1.00} g cm3^{-3}) and inferred bulk composition. Dynamical stability dictates that the orbital plane of planet "e" must be aligned to within 60o60^o of the orbital plane of the outer planets (which we assume to be coplanar). The mutual interactions between the planets "b" and "c" may develop an apsidal lock about 180o180^o. We find 36-45% of all our model systems librate about the anti-aligned configuration with an amplitude of 51o±10o6o51^o\pm^{6^o}_{10^o}. Other cases showed short-term perturbations in the libration of ϖbϖc\varpi_b-\varpi_c, circulation, and nodding, but we find the planets are not in a 3:1 mean-motion resonance. A revised orbital period and eccentricity for planet "d" pushes it further toward the closest known Jupiter analog in the exoplanet population.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted to MNRAS. Figure 2 (left) is updated from published version. Posterior samples available at http://www.personal.psu.edu/ben125/Downloads.htm

    M dwarf stars in the light of (future) exoplanet searches

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    We present a brief overview of a splinter session on M dwarf stars as planet hosts that was organized as part of the Cool Stars 17 conference. The session was devoted to reviewing our current knowledge of M dwarf stars and exoplanets in order to prepare for current and future exoplanet searches focusing in low mass stars. We review the observational and theoretical challenges to characterize M dwarf stars and the importance of accurate fundamental parameters for the proper characterization of their exoplanets and our understanding on planet formation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Summary of the splinter session "M dwarf stars in the light of (future) exoplanet searches" held at the 17th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, June 28th 2012, Barcelona, Spain. Submitted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichten - Astronomical Notes (AN) 334, Issue 1-2, Eds Klaus Strassmeier and Mercedes L\'opez-Morale

    Kepler Observations of the Three Pre-Launch Exoplanet Candidates: Discover of Two Eclipsing Binaries and a New Exoplanet

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    Three transiting exoplanet candidate stars were discovered in a ground-based photometric survey prior to the launch of NASA's Kepler mission. Kepler observations of them were obtained during Quarter 1 of the Kepler mission. All three stars are faint by radial velocity follow-up standards, so we have examined these candidates with regard to eliminating false positives and providing high confidence exoplanet selection. We present a first attempt to exclude false positives for this set of faint stars without high-resolution radial velocity analysis. This method of exoplanet confirmation will form a large part of the Kepler mission follow-up for Jupiter-sized exoplanet candidates orbiting faint stars. Using the Kepler light curves and pixel data, as well as medium-resolution reconnaissance spectroscopy and speckle imaging, we find that two of our candidates are binary stars. One consists of a late-F star with an early M companion, while the other is a K0 star plus a late M-dwarf/brown dwarf in a 19 day elliptical orbit. The third candidate (BOKS-1) is an r = 15 G8V star hosting a newly discovered exoplanet with a radius of 1.12 R_(Jupiter) in a 3.9 day orbit

    Thermodynamic properties of a small superconducting grain

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    The reduced BCS Hamiltonian for a metallic grain with a finite number of electrons is considered. The crossover between the ultrasmall regime, in which the level spacing, dd, is larger than the bulk superconducting gap, Δ\Delta, and the small regime, where Δd\Delta \gtrsim d, is investigated analytically and numerically. The condensation energy, spin magnetization and tunneling peak spectrum are calculated analytically in the ultrasmall regime, using an approximation controlled by 1/lnN1/\ln N as small parameter, where NN is the number of interacting electron pairs. The condensation energy in this regime is perturbative in the coupling constant λ\lambda, and is proportional to dNλ2=λ2ωDd N \lambda^2 = \lambda^2 \omega_D. We find that also in a large regime with Δ>d\Delta>d, in which pairing correlations are already rather well developed, the perturbative part of the condensation energy is larger than the singular, BCS, part. The condition for the condensation energy to be well approximated by the BCS result is found to be roughly Δ>dωD\Delta > \sqrt{d \omega_D}. We show how the condensation energy can, in principle, be extracted from a measurement of the spin magnetization curve, and find a re-entrant susceptibility at zero temperature as a function of magnetic field, which can serve as a sensitive probe for the existence of superconducting correlations in ultrasmall grains. Numerical results are presented which suggest that in the large NN limit the 1/N correction to the BCS result for the condensation energy is larger than Δ\Delta.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Distribution of level curvatures for the Anderson model at the localization-delocalization transition

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    We compute the distribution function of single-level curvatures, P(k)P(k), for a tight binding model with site disorder, on a cubic lattice. In metals P(k)P(k) is very close to the predictions of the random-matrix theory (RMT). In insulators P(k)P(k) has a logarithmically-normal form. At the Anderson localization-delocalization transition P(k)P(k) fits very well the proposed novel distribution P(k)(1+kμ)3/μP(k)\propto (1+k^{\mu})^{3/\mu} with μ1.58\mu \approx 1.58, which approaches the RMT result for large kk and is non-analytical at small kk. We ascribe such a non-analiticity to the spatial multifractality of the critical wave functions.Comment: 4 ReVTeX pages and 4(.epsi)figures included in one uuencoded packag

    Paramagnetic Breakdown of Superconductivity in Ultrasmall Metallic Grains

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    We study the magnetic-field-induced breakdown of superconductivity in nm-scale metal grains having a mean electron level spacing dΔ~d \simeq \tilde\Delta (bulk gap). Using a generalized variational BCS approach that yields good qualitative agreement with measured spectra, we argue that Pauli paramagnetism dominates orbital diamagnetism, as in the case of thin films in a parallel magnetic field. However, the first-order transition observed for the latter can be made continuous by finite size effects. The mean-field procedure of describing the system by a single pairing parameter Δ\Delta breaks down for dΔ~d \simeq \tilde\Delta.Comment: 4 pages of revtex, 3 postscript figures, uses psfrag.sty, epsfig.sty. Slightly revised and improved version, matching published versio

    Chirality tunneling in mesoscopic antiferromagnetic domain walls

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    We consider a domain wall in the mesoscopic quasi-one-dimensional sample (wire or stripe) of weakly anisotropic two-sublattice antiferromagnet, and estimate the probability of tunneling between two domain wall states with different chirality. Topological effects forbid tunneling for the systems with half-integer spin S of magnetic atoms which consist of odd number of chains N. External magnetic field yields an additional contribution to the Berry phase, resulting in the appearance of two different tunnel splittings in any experimental setup involving a mixture of odd and even N, and in oscillating field dependence of the tunneling rate with the period proportional to 1/N.Comment: 4 pages + 2 figures, references correcte