1,729 research outputs found

    How to Build Prevention for the Elderly and Disabled before Natural Disasters? The Added Social Value of Voluntary Organizations in Europe

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    In disaster situations, such as floods or earthquakes, the elderly and people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable and require additional attention. However, they are often neglected in existing municipal disaster emergency plans, particularly when such people live alone instead of in a care institution as their location is often undetermined in disaster situations or the information exists (e.g. if the people receive social services or if neighbours are aware of people in need in their vicinity) but is not structured in a way that is usable for civil protection emergencies. Up-to-date information for helpers and a community that is aware of this particular challenge for disaster relief can alleviate this problem. The paper presents the first results of the research action carried out by a joint partnership (universities/Italian, German and Danish voluntary organizations) highlighting: 1) which aspects are relevant for identifying the condition of vulnerability of the elderly and disabled; 2) how to develop a system for vulnerable people in integrated risk management mechanisms through local networks and volunteers; and 3) what is the added social value of volunteering in prevention and support for the elderly and disabled and the contribution to strengthening the resilience of local communities

    The digital inclusion of vulnerable people in the community development process. Action research in Reggio Calabria in southern Italy

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    This paper presents the first results of a research action in progress in the Pellarodistrict of Reggio Calabria (South Italy). This action research aimed to activate a process of community development within a city district with both a large vulnerable population and a high density of organised crime employing a theoretical approach thatrefers to urban and media practices and the mediated construction of social reality (Blokland, 2017; Couldry, 2004; 2012; Couldry & Hepp, 2017; Stephansen & Trerù, 2020).The activation of the community development process focused on the interweaving of deep mediatisation and the daily life of people in the district (Hepp,2015; 2020). In particular, actions have been developed that have allowed the growth of social skills and digital/social skills among the most vulnerable people. From anedu-communication perspective (Barbas,2020), these people have been facilitated to become protagonists of the process of territorial and digital relational development also thanks to the use of participation and community platforms both of a commercial nature (e.g., Google Maps with some tweaks) and co-constructed by citizens and made easily accessible also to those who had fewer basic digital skills. Despite a high density of organised crime (’ndrangheta), no obstacles were impairing the development of digital/social relations, at least in this first phase of the work.We will examine three aspects, with particular attention within the paper: a) the ability to develop dual relationships (social and digital) within a peripheral, marginal and vulnerable community context such as that of Southern Italy; b) the deep interweaving between traditional and mediated communities (Hepp,2020) even if these mainly consist of vulnerable people; c) the potential of the digital media to meet specific needs of the population (Couldry,2012) ensures its realisation with the most vulnerable part of the population only if the latter is made the protagonist of its actions through voice processes (Couldry,2010) and bottom-up empowerment and edu-communication (Freire,1970; Barbas,2020)

    Le piattaforme per la partecipazione digitale dei cittadini. Un'analisi basata sul modello di UE e Italia.

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    Il testo si propone di considerare e confrontare le esperienze europee e italiane di produzione, gestione, valutazione di piattaforme digitali per la partecipazione dei cittadini alle politiche pubbliche. Diversi obiettivi, modelli di costruzione, scelta delle finalitĂ  caratterizzano i due sistemi, europeo e italiano: il primo volto a sollecitare una partecipazione ideale verso il modello di Europa del futuro; il secondo Ăš concretamente orientato all'esperienza di partecipazione, con participatory budget e allocazione di risorse per politiche pubbliche localizzate e con obiettivi tangibili (es. riqualificazione delle cittĂ ). Dal confronto e dalla sintesi di queste due esperienze si possono trarre utili elementi teorici ed empirici per un ulteriore sviluppo delle piattaforme digitali per la partecipazione dei cittadini, in un contesto di crescente domanda partecipativa attraverso formati e strumenti non convenzionali.   The article proposes to consider and compare European and Italian experiences in the production, management and evaluation of digital platforms for citizens' participation in public policies. Different aims, models and goals characterize in different ways European and Italian systems. The first is aimed to promote an ideal participation coherently with the Europe vision for the future. On the contrary, the Italian one is concretely oriented towards the experience of direct participation, with specific budget and resources to support public policies with more tangible objectives (e.g. requalification of cities). From the comparison of these two experiences it is possible to derive some useful theoretical and empirical elements for the further development of digital platforms for citizen participation. This in a context of growing participatory demand through unconventional formats and tools.  Keywords: participatory platforms, EU, Italy, digital participation, citizens’ participatio

    Soccer pitches performances as affected by construction method, sand type and turfgrass mixture

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    During winter, soil compaction and slow turf recovery are the main causes for loss of soccer pitch quality. Sandy materials are commonly used to reduce compaction and improve drainage. Internally porous volcanic sand can provide better growing conditions than silica sand due to higher water holding capacity and nutrient retention. Festuca arundinacea is well adapted to Italian climatic conditions and its increased use could improve the quality of sports fields in the Mediterranean area. In a field trial six construction methods, two sandy materials and two coolseason turfgrass mixtures were compared under simulated winter usage. Results showed a progressive increase in ground cover and water infiltration rate according to the following ranking in the complexity of the design: undrained native soil - drainage systems - sand based profile. Soil amendment was not effective in improving drainage. Higher values of ground cover were observed for the mixture containing tall fescue. Good playing quality was recorded for each of the construction method, sand type and turfgrass mixture. Porous sand produced a lower bulk density in the top layer of the rootzone. Festuca arundinacea and porous sand appear as promising tools in sport fields constructio

    Physiological responses of C4 grasses to prolonged heat stress

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    C4 grasses are best adapted to the transition, warm-arid, and warm-humid climatic zones and have the ability to acquire thermotolerance by exposure to acute heat stress. Exposure to sub-lethal temperatures results in changes in physiological, biochemical, metabolic, and molecular processes. The response of two warm-season grasses to prolonged heat stress was investigated. Plants of hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon × C. transvaalensis ‘Tifway’) and Japanese lawn grass (Zoysia japonica Steud. ‘Meyer’) were exposed for 168 h to supraoptimal temperature conditions (47°C) in controlled-environment chamber. Compared with zoysiagrass, bermudagrass showed greater damage. Metabolite profi les were affected by prolonged heat exposure, with signifi cant differences between these species. Consistent differences were found in total soluble sugars accumulation over the study period and severity of plant organ senescence. Bermudagrass roots were more affected, as compared to leaves. Leaf proteins expression determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed an early degradation in zoysiagrass, as thermal exposure proceeded. A signifi - cant net decline in protein content was observed after 48 h of exposure, while in bermudagrass an analogous decline was not detected until 96 h of treatment. Although heat stress is not considered a detrimental factor to C4 grass species, the two species showed signifi cant differences in their physiological response to continuous high temperatures

    Communication, digital media and future: new scenarios and future changes

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    Proceedings of the MEDCOM 2020+1 International Conferenc

    Diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart disease. the role of ion channels

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    Diabetes mellitus is one the strongest risk factors for cardiovascular disease and, in particular, for ischemic heart disease (IHD). The pathophysiology of myocardial ischemia in diabetic patients is complex and not fully understood: some diabetic patients have mainly coronary stenosis obstructing blood flow to the myocardium; others present with coronary microvascular disease with an absence of plaques in the epicardial vessels. Ion channels acting in the cross-talk between the myocardial energy state and coronary blood flow may play a role in the pathophysiology of IHD in diabetic patients. In particular, some genetic variants for ATP-dependent potassium channels seem to be involved in the determinism of IH

    Social and digital vulnerabilities: The role of participatory processes in the reconfiguration of urban and digital space

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    In the Italian context, political and social participation in the urban dimension has experienced innovations to broaden the inclusion of citizens in public choices relating to citylife and to urban renovation. Participation found in the city a relevant space to experiment with innovation in the relationship between institutions and citizens, many initiatives advanced and developed over the years have had a powerful lever in technology: participatory budgets, consultations, public-private-non-profit partnerships. In other cases, specifically in peripheral realities, urban innovation has turned out to be detached from digital infrastructures and has benefited, rather, from the social infrastructures in the area. Civic committees, community foundations, collaboration agreements between citizens and authorities, and local community development experiences developed in peripheral contexts. Regenerating urban spaces is a political objective proposed with increasing emphasis by institutional bodies at the various levels of governance. Environmental, economic, social and urban planning intersect and overlap and often projects related to urban planning “on paper” prevail over issues related to urban communities “on territories”. Without adequate processes of participation and subjectivity of citizens living in urban contexts, no model of “urban renaissance” appears fully deployed, resulting in participatory processes that—at best—only allow for access logics in a neoliberal perspective. Through a qualitative methodology, the paper aims at presenting and investigating six case studies in major Italian cities (Rome, Naples, Milan, Turin, Florence, Reggio Calabria), in which democratic innovation and experimentation in civic engagement spread from the digital capital of citizens and the social organizations of the peripheral territory, with its specificities and its problems. In particular, the objective of the paper is to discuss and problematise the processes of participation involving and featuring vulnerable people within the reconfiguration of urban and digital spaces. Following Sutton and Kemp’s approach, we consider the relationship between urban spaces and marginal communities as central to a one-to-one relationship, fostering processes of urban inclusion. Combining participatory processes in liminal marginalized communities with an institutional push toward holistic urban regeneration may develop opportunities for active citizenship, overcoming the neoliberal paradigm of the city

    Carbohydrate content, characterization and localization in bermudagrass stolons during establishment

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    Abstract Turfgrasses are continuously exposed to a wide range of detrimental stresses, such as mowing, traffic, low or high temperatures, salinity, drought, UV, hypoxia etc. Plant responses to stimuli involve nearly every aspect of plant physiology and metabolism. Carbohydrates, primary sucrose and starch, as principal metabolic products of photosynthesis, are stored in bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) in stolons and rhizomes. Total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) levels have been used as indicators of health and physiological status in bermudagrass. TNC levels vary during the year and are weakly affected by N source. Establishment is a critical phase of bermudagrass management. The objectives of this research were to assess and characterize stolon carbohydrate content in nine bermudagrass cultivars during the full establishment phase in relation to establishment rates. Morphological and growth analyses showed distinct properties among the cultivars selected for this study. Significant differences in turf co..
