9 research outputs found

    Dievo įvaizdis Franzo Werfelio darbuose

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    F. Werfel (1890-1945) – a representative of Austrian expressionism. A Jew by birth, he was interested in theology from an early age. One of the main themes of his work was the theme of man’s faith in God. The religious quest of Franz Werfel, depending on his life circumstances (military service, marriage to a Catholic, the death of his son) and world cataclysms (World War I, the breakup of Austria-Hungary) passed through periods of faith in God, his strength, and doubts about his justice (“The Creation of Music” 1913, “The Death of Moses” 1914, “Theology” 1914, “The Creation of Joke” 1918, “The Blasphemy of Madness” 1918) and the denial of the existence of God in general (“The Black Mass” 1919, “The Man from the Mirror” 1920). God appears in the novels and dramas of Werfel then as an evil and unjust judge and executioner, then as a mad beggar, and then as the creator of beauty. In this work, we want to explore in detail the causes of Werfel’s religious offerings, the stages in the evolution of his attitude towards God, and changes in the image of God in his novels and plays.Ekspresionizmo plėtra Austrijoje pirmiausia siejama su XX a. istoriniais įvykiais. Pirmasis pasaulinis karas, Austrijos-Vengrijos likvidavimas, monarchijos nunykimas – visa tai sudarė prielaidas formuotis dvasios ir sąmonės bei tikėjimo krizei. Egzistencinė krizė privertė ekspresionistų rašytojus ieškoti savo darbuose „naujo žmogaus“, mesijaus, galinčio pakeisti pasaulį. Darbai vienu metu atskleidžia Dievo ir religijos apskritai neigimą ir gilų tikėjimą Dievo galia. Ryškus Austrijos ekspresionizmo atstovas yra žydų kilmės F. Werfelis (1890–1945). Jis domėjosi teologija nuo ankstyvo amžiaus. Viena iš pagrindinių jo darbo temų – žmogaus tikėjimas Dievu. Religinės Franzo Werfelio paieškos lemtos jo gyvenimo aplinkybių (karinės tarnybos, katalikiškos santuokos, sūnaus mirties patirtys) ir pasaulio kataklizmų (Pirmasis pasaulinis karas, Austrijos-Vengrijos žlugimas). Pirmuose savo darbuose Werfelis bando interpretuoti Dievo netobulumo idėją. Kaip įrodymus jis cituoja Biblinį žmogaus trėmimo iš Rojaus epizodą. Teigiama, kad jei žmogus yra sukurtas pagal Dievo įvaizdį, kaip jis galėjo pažeisti Dievo tvarką ir trokšti draudžiamo vaisiaus? Ar tai reiškia, kad padaryta kūrėjo klaida? Werfelio romanuose ir dramose Dievas pasirodo ir kaip blogis, ir neteisingas teisėjas, ir budelis, kartais menko įžvalgumo, kaip grožio kūrėjas. Šiame darbe ketinama nagrinėti Werfelio religinių haliucinacijų priežastis, jo santykių su Dievu evoliuciją, Dievo įvaizdžio romanuose ir pjesėse pokyčius. Werfelis kreipia skaitytoją prie išvados, kad pats žmogus gali atpirkti savo nuodėmes ir būti išgelbėtas. Nepaisant to, Werfelis savo romanuose nuolat grįžta prie Dievo įvaizdžio. Paskutinis romanas religine tema buvo jo knyga „Bernadetų dainos“, parašytas 1941 metais. Autoriaus religines nuostatas galima įžvelgti visame jo kūrybiniame kelyje. Werfelis apibūdina galingą Dievą, sprendžiantį žmonių likimus, ir silpną Dievą, atgailaujantį dėl savo trūkumų ir silpnumo. Viešpats rodo demoniškas savybes, atskleidžiančias žmogaus nuodėmes. Galiausiai, Dievo įvaizdį pakeičia „naujojo žmogaus“ įvaizdis, kuris sugeba išsigelbėti per atgailą. Werfelis sugrįžta prie tikėjimo Dievu ir žmogumi, gebančiu išsaugoti savo sielos skaistumą pilname žiaurumo ir neteisybės pasaulyje

    Hardening of Bimetallic Wires from Secondary Materials Used in the Construction of Power Lines

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    Copper-sheathed steel wires combine the conductivity of copper and the traction resistance of steel, which makes a bimetallic wire an ideal material for the construction of power lines. Currently, there is a small number of studies devoted to the change in the microstructure of steel-copper wire during its strain. Since steel and copper have different mechanical properties, these metals at the interface can be deformed in different ways. Therefore, the present research is devoted to the study of ECAP-drawing process impacts on the properties of bimetallic steel-copper wire. During the conducted studies, the possibility and efficiency of using the combined strain technology for the formation of ultrafine grained structure and increased strength properties of steel-copper wire have been proved

    Preparation, Characterization, and Biological Evaluation of Poly(Glutamic Acid)-b-Polyphenylalanine Polymersomes

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    Different types of amphiphilic macromolecular structures have been developed within recent decades to prepare the polymer particles considered as drug delivery systems. In the present research the series of amphiphilic block-copolymers containing poly(glutamatic acid) as hydrophilic, and polyphenylalanine as hydrophobic blocks was synthesized and characterized. Molecular weights for homo- and copolymers were determined by gel-permeation chromatography (GPC) and amino acid analysis, respectively. The copolymers obtained were applied for preparation of polymer particles. The specific morphology of prepared polymerosomes was proved using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The influence on particle size of polymer concentration and pH used for self-assembly, as well as on the length of hydrophobic and hydrophilic blocks of applied copolymers, was studied by dynamic light scattering (DLS). Depending on different experimental conditions, the formation of nanoparticles with sizes from 60 to 350 nm was observed. The surface of polymersomes was modified with model protein (enzyme). No loss in biocatalytic activity was detected. Additionally, the process of encapsulation of model dyes was developed and the possibility of intracellular delivery of the dye-loaded nanoparticles was proved. Thus, the nanoparticles discussed can be considered for the creation of modern drug delivery systems

    Rocks and minerals from the Strakhov Fracture Zone, 4°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Geological-geophysical data obtained during Cruises 7, 11, and 12 of R/V Akademic Nikolay Strakhov (1989-1991) within the international project EQUARIDGE in the Strakhov Fracture Zone region (4°N) are presented. The trough of the fracture is interpreted as an open extension joint, a graben produced by stretching along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Bedrock studies showed that typical mid-ocean tholeiitic basalts occur within the narrow (60 nm wide) axial rift zone, whereas igneous rocks not typical for the ocean were found on the eastern and western flank plateaus. This allows to suppose that a reworked relict continental-type basement of pre-Upper Jurassic age possibly exists beneath the flank plateaus, within the segment under discussion. The above data correspond to the hypothesis of E. Bonatti about nonspreading nature of the basement of Mid-Atlantic Ridge within the equatorial segment and the Strakhov Fracture Zone